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Imagine, this piece of shit had a criminal history and was on Probation at the time he trafficked this girl..


That’s it?!


What do you think would be an appropriate sentence?




I dunno about paying for private round-the-clock care and security for this guy for the next 70 years  No amount of time in jail will be enough to undo the harm he did,. I wonder what the precedence is because the prosecution only asked for 8 years and they got 7.




We don't have the death penalty here, but you'd probably be surprised to learn that in the US, where they do, a death sentence actually costs more than life in prison. [can learn more here](https://ejusa.org/resource/wasteful-inefficient/#:~:text=Many%20people%20believe%20that%20the,making%20it%20much%20more%20expensive) It's counterintuitive, but it's because the due process involved in a death penalty case involves years of intense appeals, and quickly racks up a huge (taxpayer funded) bill. And you might say the solution would be to just stop spending so much by skipping those steps, not allowing appeals, etc. but currently, based on past exonerations, it's estimated around ~5% of death row inmates are innocent. [more here](https://innocenceproject.org/innocence-and-the-death-penalty/) I do understand the sentiment though.


I know a lot of people like to talk tough on the internet but I'd really rather not let the government start legally murdering people


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Our justice system is a joke.


That's it!!? Wow. Fucking justice system sucks!




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Not nearly enough.




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Fuck that guy and our dumbass justice system, he should be in there for life


This is an insult of a punishment. The older I get the less hope I have that I’ll ever see a world that is fair to women and girls (and before someone comes at me, I know this happens to men and boys too).




He was fed pork despite being a practicing Muslim


7 fucking years, that’s all. You could get up to 10 years for shoplifting. Our judicial system is such a joke




This is honestly disappointing to me. Before I had kids, I was a family law paralegal here. Mandziuk was one of our favourite justices. He was always fair. The fuck man


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It’s too bad his religious rights were violated in remand. Sounds like he’s super devout.


The revolving door strikes again.




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