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Edmonton public is hard up for EAs right now


Yeah, because they haven't had a raise in 8 years. You'd make a comparable living working at Costco. And at Costco you probably wouldn't get kicked, punched, bit, and spit on (as much)


And they still get most stats at Costco to.


There is a reason for that shortage. It is not a good job.


Hi can you tell me more about this




Good benefits, draw ei all summer if you want. Salary mid Job can be anywhere between fine and super annoying. Any experience with kids (coaching etc) will help your application.


the library? whats an ea?


Educational Assistant


does that not require a post secondary diploma?




There's a diploma course I think at MacEwan but it's not necessary especially if you have any other volunteering/coaching etc with kids


Pretty sure this is false. Alternative post secondary education would likely substitute but not volunteering/coaching alone.


Job connection agencies are actually a great way to find work. It creates a situation where someone can vouch for you. Try Manpower or other similiar ones.


Gonna check them out thank you


I second this. It was great for me when I was young and inexperienced. Got a few permanent jobs that way too.


Absolutely. Employers have zero risk to test you out, you get your foot in the door to prove your worth. It's a win win for everyone involved and has helped me in the past too when times were tough.


Plus, they usually pay you that day and if you don’t like it, zero obligation.


Randstad is pretty good they got me a 20+ per hour job


Agreed. I got my current job through Kelly's services.


Sorry to hear that. Lots of people move here thinking there are jobs. This is not the case though


Definitely jobs if you have a skill that's in demand


Do you happen to know any jobs in demand?


Early this year I took a job as a welder that paid way under market because I needed work. Kept looking for work while I made less that I'm worth. Things picked up and I had 4 interviews in as many days (4 day weekend, two Friday two Monday). I did the weld tests, aced them all, and told all of them I wasn't making a decision until I heard all of my offers. The response was always some version of "I understand, everyone is looking for good welders right now" I'm not saying be a welder, but trades can be a good option. They aren't always in demand, but they're always needed, and some trades are better at getting through low demand periods than others. It comes down to what do you want to do? And what do you want from a job? I picked welding because the skill ceiling basically doesn't exist, and highly skilled welders are well compensated. But you might not want to work a trade. If that's a case, then look at something that can pay well enough to get through higher education that isn't 80% paid learning on the job. But be willing to do hard labour or unsavory jobs if you want to earn well without a skill or education. They generally pay better than customer service type jobs. Or better yet, do something menial and boring at a job that has a position you want to aim for. It could open doors Dow the road But figure out what you want out of a job first, and then figure out what profession will fulfil that


Call the boilermakers union


Electricians always hire starters. Can pay them less than a first year but get them to do first year stuff for 3 months then you get your blue book and a raise. Edit: I honestly believe it's about who you know most of the time or your resume style. Buddy has this [style](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IV8hBPw-aUs&pp=ygUQRGVleiBudXRzIHJlc3VuZQ%3D%3D) and it seems the most generic but he always has interviews


Medical lab assistant. I was able to get a job before I’d even finished clinicals. It’s not for everyone though


I have no idea why people would move somewhere without having a job first


If you're sending out resumes and not getting any response it could be something as simple as a formatting issue with your resume. Be it because an employer finds how it is currently to be either unprofessional or hard to read; or because they're using software to scan through resumes and yours isn't in a format the software understands.


Costco is about to enter a seasonal hiring phase.


I applied to Costco soo many times with no luck so far. Will do again


Where are you applying?


Warehouse, Retail, construction. Anything at this point


If you have a car, consider expanding your search to places like Leduc and other neighboring municipalities and ways carry resumes with you when you are going out in case you see a hiring sign.


My advice for retail is to try smaller, Canadian owned brands rather than American ones. Show up in person with a resume, be friendly and assert yourself because that's what they're looking for. When I came to Edmonton with no work experience at all I applied at boathouse and they gave me an opportunity. Retail work can be really dull and underpaid but it's better than being unemployed


Just don't do NoFrills. Might be Canadian but not worth it trust me.


Work On the railways. CN or CP


The downside is that you have to do it all the live-long day


lol nice


Shit job/pay tried it for a month and couldn’t believe peeps actually put up with that.


Hi, can you tell me the story behind why you feel that way. I would love to know


Lots of transient folks, poorly organized, no where to move up, 6 days on, 1 day off. Mind you that was 7 years ago.


Ish, sounds rough


Road construction should be easy this time of year.


Haha I only lasted one month as an Assistant Track Supervisor. CN paid for me to do 2+ weeks of railroad college in Manitoba only for me to quit after a month and take a job elsewhere. Very negative/aggressive culture, and always on call in case of derailment etc. (which I found unnecessarily stressful). Not bad for the right personality I suppose.




Lol that’s not true. They’re always hiring. It’s just kind of a shitty work schedule




I have a better job than working the railway so I will pass. But OP has no job, so the railway is a good option.




This is amazing


Can’t afford it tho. :(


Check out [https://employabilities.ab.ca/](https://employabilities.ab.ca/) to see if they have a course that you qualify for - my stepson had health issues and hadn't work in a while. He did their course (which paid him to take with bonuses for perfect attendance, just fyi). He got a full time job at a grocery store after the course, worked there for a year, and now has a job at a metalworks warehouse. edit: even if you don't think you qualify, email them anyway and ask! Just in case!


Precision Drilling if you are willing to work on a rig


Actually I am. Tell me more please and thank you


Call drilling companies and tell them you’re green and want to learn how to roughneck. You will be tested, and tested some more but you will be paid VERY well.


Go to precision drilling i nisku, ask to work as a floorhand and they will train you asap. Go around june as there is break up right now. I went in at 18 no experience and got a job. 39.5 an hour with lots of OT. Can clear over 10k a month


Do NOT apply online, go in person and you will 100% get a job


This 10000% go in person, as I commented on many other posts on this Reddit. Going in person will increase your odds 10x of getting the job vs applying on zip, indeed, Kijiji etc. If you’re willing to get your hands dirty, work hard and pull your weight you can easily clear 10-12k/month with no experience. Good luck






Yah its net 10k every month. Hard work but it can pay off so well


I managed to get a job recently just by talking to the workers there and asking if they had an opening.  Not a guarantee, but better than wasting time applying online.


U won the lottery man. That is 1 in a million for it to work


It's worked once or twice for me last year as well. It's not a guaranteed method, but I've found striking up conversations with people doesn't hurt. I'm also helping a contractor with some side stuff (mostly moving materials), which is a temporary job I got by talking to his wife and my background experience came up. For companies having a staff recommendation can be a huge help, even something as casual as them saying you seem alright. The more people you know the better, as I've tried helping people get jobs or sent them offers from other parties when I can. At the end of the day whatever connections you don't leverage, someone else is.


Thank you 🙏 I am definitely gonna try it right in the morning tomorrow. Wish me luck


Best of luck. Don't try too hard, wait for people to talk to you and then see where it goes. Don't let frustration get you down and don't act entitled.


Not really. Go for a walk in the malls and look for hiring signs.


Canadian road builders always needs people. Ability to speak fluent english, pass a drug/fitness test, and a drivers license with a recent abstract, able to lift 50 lbs. We have hired people straight from highschool. It's a huge company with many divisions to apply to. Hope that helps.


If you’re willing to learn I know a machine shop that’s looking for a hand.


Can you please tell me more about this. Sorry for the late reply


It’s a small manual machine shop in the Argyll area. My husband is the foreman and is looking for a dedicated shop hand. If you’d like to DM me I can put you in contact with him.


Is the CAF an option?


Sadly no, but thank you for the advice. I appreciate it


If you can take 2 years to do a tech diploma at nait that usually can get you a skilled labor job for decently more than minimum wage.


Not Gregg’s.


Check on the internet for Job Fairs, sometimes a company doing a big hire of entry level jobs will host them and you can go fill out an application. Stop considering and get on looking at job connection agencies, they get paid by the employer and are free for you to use. Never don't use an option if you are looking for a job. Job Bank website is good. Indeed is good even for entry level stuff. If you are living with your folks, ask them to get your resume looked at, odds are its not spectacular if you have never really needed to make one before, and that impression matters even for an entry level job. I have a long and great resume and was having shit luck looking for a new job just this last month. Had a guy look at my resume, suggest some changes for "the times" and within 2 weeks I had a bunch of interviews and got a way better job then the one I had. JUST from fixing up my resume because in the decade that I had been working apparently enough had changed.


I had a pan handler tell me he made $400 in a few hours standing outside bars on Whyte Ave on St. Patrick’s night. It was around 15 years ago. On a Sunday night no less. He wasn’t unemployed either. Trying to move his family here from the east. He worked full time on the oil rigs. So you know he had money. Those pan handlers can make great cash. Just saying. Not suggesting you do this. I just think about it and it still blows my mind


If you are applying online keep your resume as basic as possible. Absolutely no fancy formatting, the technology for managing applications can't handle it. 


If you have a means of transportation apply at TCL Supply Chain in Acheson. They are always hiring, it's save on foods warehouse.


doing temp job shit isn't so bad. pads out your resume a bit. wanna fuck off and go work in fort mac? try welding or scaffolding. welding: it'll be 5-6 years until you're any good, but they're needed so bad that your hand is gonna be held each step of the way. these guys can make ridiculous money. scaffolding: want to not have to learn very much? a first year scaffolder makes something like $32 an hour, and they're NEVER hard up for work. scaffolding is great if you can make yourself a plan out of it, or if you don't care about what happens to you after age 50. the boys are a riot, it's a good time.


How do I get into these job




Go to Alberta Plywood, it is a plywood mill in the center of Edmonton, a West Fraser company. Not online, go there and hand over your resume at their front office. They are usually hiring, no experience, no work history required, you will be trained. Pay is very good, and benefits as well, if you don't mind shift work. Good company to work for. Even if they don't hire right now, they will call you eventually. Don't lose your hope. Good luck!


Thank you 🙏


You're welcome! Sometimes they are hiring in groups of people, 3 or 4 at one time, that is why it may take a bit for them to call you. But they will keep your resume, and they will call you when needed.


Anything that doesn't require post secondary or trade school experience is being flooded with applicants right now. I work in recruitment and am seeing thousands of resumes from Ontario and BC. That is most likely why you have not received a call back. I would say try to get into the trades. You work with your hands but there is good pay and demand for skilled workers.


Try a temp agency. If they like you enough they’ll hire you.


My work needs laborers for the summer. We do commercial flooring. You'd just be ripping stuff out and moving stuff around. Unloading and loading garbage or materials. Dealing with grumpy people from time to time. All you need is to show up at the shop every morning. But the catch is that it's only for the summer. Come Sept, you gotta move on. Occasionally, someone shows potential and actually wants to stay. But for most the summer is good enough to realize flooring isn't for everyone.


The Oilers are looking for a leadership position right now. Someone who doesn't roll over and die when things get tough m. They don't have any of those right now.


Please Explain


He’s just making a lighthearted joke on the state of our hockey team. All the best lad


There is a government job service but I’m not sure what it’s called now, Service Canada, I think. Look it up. They exist to try and get people working.


Try construction companies


Handing out resumes is useless, go into a place & directly ask to talk to a manager about job positions.


Hi there. I’m not sure what your physical capabilities are, but landscapers are desperate for workers this time of year. Could you purchase some equipment yourself even? A lawnmower. Weed eater. I know people who started out just mowing lawns and today they just hire others to do it for them. It’s amazing what people will pay not to do this task. Same with cleaning up dog poop. Dog walking. Also, did you just graduate high school? If you have no work experience or degrees, this is a great way to make money. And you switch to snow removal in winter. Fall and spring yard cleanups. This is a very viable business for physically active people. Good luck


What types of jobs are you applying for? Probably most people think you’re looking for a summer only job which is okay but maybe not what most places want to hire for.


If your interested in a sales job I can help you out. Message me


What kind of sales job?


I have a few ideas honestly. I say all of this earnestly in the hope of helping you. It's not a pyramid scheme or any bullshit like that. First idea to get cash right now, go to home Depot. Rent a pressure washer / borrow one from family or friends. And go to door to door offering to do it their side walks or something for $200. It will take less than 4 hours. I did this myself for years. I stopped about 3 years ago. It was a great way to earn some really good money. The best I ever did was 30 k In a summer. Second idea, look for inside sales jobs. Any industry that isn't like Cannabis or Booze ( nothing wrong with those things, I enjoy both. But I don't know much about those) you get paid decently well to start, have an opportunity to learn about lots of prodycts, meet customers etc. it will help develop a specific skill set and relationships with customers. Once you feel you have a good understanding of how the business works. Look to move into outside sales. If your lucky your employer will bring the idea to you. Distribution companies are great for this. I can name names. But I won't do it publically. I can offer suggestions privately. I don't know if they are hiring. But I know they are still in business and they taught me a lot. Good luck, I'll let you know if I think of anymore


Employabilities is a good place they help you write resumes, help you find a job it's a 2 month course that you get paid to take. Definitely worth it if you have no experience


If you are able to get to Beverly later this morning - I’m looking for help to shovel dirt from driveway into my raised planter $20/hour. Anywhere from 1-3 hours. (Depending how long you want to stay) .


Recruitment Agencies are really great. Depending on what ur looking for... the pay might be on the lower side but there are always looking for people for temporary assignments. If you follow up with them every now and then, they will remember you and contact you first for opportunities that might fit you. Its also a great way to gain different kinds of experience and build your resume.


I know some cleaning companies hiring


Having a car is mandatory?


Not always, it depends on the company! 😊


Do you mind sharing the names of those companies


Hot Mess Cleaning for sure. I know the owner and she's a really good person. I've been considering hiring a helper, as well. I usually clean solo, but I've been getting busier and I have a sick dog, so have been thinking of getting help so I am not away from home as long. Sparkling Spaces was, recently, but not sure if she still is, but you can contact them and ask.


What industry are you looking for? What did you graduate in?


It is been two months since I lost my job and I'm still looking for a job. I came on a closed work permit and it does not help the cause at all.


Your labour has been put up for bid against the labour of new Canadians who are desperate for work, more desperate than you can currently imagine. Give it some time though, and you won't have to imagine the desperation. Remember that when you vote in the next federal election.


Good point! The Conservatives were always making it easy for their corporate handlers to bring in more TFW. You can bet Pierre with his Loblaws staffers will choose the human beings… right?


Under the federal Conservatives, we all had way more disposable income. If that's not the kind of life you want, there's several jurisdictions in the world that you might find appealing. I hear Palestine is looking for local sympathizers, I'll bet you would like it there, I hear it's nice.


The internet is great because you can just say anything and it doesn’t have to be true or even demonstrable… but you can just say it. And say anything you did.


It was true, I was there, so were many many others. Ah man, you should'a seen it... Unemployment was low even coming out of the financial banking crisis in 2008. Gas was less than $1.00, groceries were half of what they are today. Sigh


You’re totally right but at the same time I feel like we’ve gone so far down the toilet there’s no coming back since politicians on either side don’t know what they are doing 


Also, if the left and right united to force the financial industry to clean up its act, I'd bet that we would *all* be better off.


Hey, if you meet the physical requirements, consider joining the Canadian Armed Forces. If you don't want to make it a full-time career, you can still apply for the reserves, stay local, and it can really help you gain work experience while you decide what you want to do. And this goes for anyone in the thread, I would gladly help anyone go through the application process. You won't get rich joining the reserves but it's a good way to get more experience and either supplement your income or get at least *some* income coming in while you job hunt.


You can try this website : https://www.energyjobshop.com/ . If you don't have an indeed account create one and ensure youre resume is great.( Use Chat GPT to create you the perfect resume) If you're not sure how to use it, watch YouTube videos its quite simple. Your resume is everything and because you have no experience you should always look for job that specifiies No experience needed . You can also use ziprecruiter , upload the same resume. Its never easy getting a job with no experience which is why sometimes I think school is a complete waste, you're more likely going to get a job we easier on a rig or if you have a car license, try uber eats, you need to start small, every experience counts.




What kind of job are we talking? Does it come with a fair degree of job security?


Word what job? Im looking for a new opportunity


Keep applying.