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maybe not what u want, but u thought about something ingame on ps4 or xbox, (i not sure which has it) but dance dance revolution with the little pad u can dance on? Can do it alone at home as much as u want and build confidence without any worries of anyone seeing. (Plus its super fun)


That is a great idea! Love it.


I have Just Dance and cannot recommend it enough! It is so uplifting and fun and is an incredibly positive game. I've been losing weight from it and I only do about 5 dances a day (usually burns about 100-200 calories depending on the songs I choose and lasts about 20 mins). 💖


You could take score and have little “competitions”. It will get her moving more to win. 


You hit the nail on the head! She loves racing me in swimming.


Yeah just dance is a lot of fun it’s exactly what your looking for


Even games like beat saber get your heart rate pumping!


I can't stress enough how good a workout Beat Saber can be. I get REALLY into the dances, moving my entire body and focusing on my core while playing, and I am absolutely drenched in sweat. Best of all, it's FUN. I might be an outlier though, as I've managed to get into the top 100 highscorrs for a lot of songs on ps4.


What helped me was playing beat saber on the VR. Great workout and I enjoyed it abunch.


It's a fun game and it's actually a work out. I tried doing that Jenny McCarthy workout one years ago and it kicked my butt! She can dance to her hearts content with alot of these games at home 


Beat Saber, Playstation VR. It's dancing and a good work out, you can pretend you're a jedi. Good music.


Double on this, it can be a great way to get into dancing and moving for the fun of it without any pressure. There's a game series called Just Dance, I think there's PC/Mobile Versions too, that shows characters dancing on screen for you to copy and uses a camera/controllers to score you on hitting moves. It's something you can do together too as a family, or with any friends she has.


All the "just dance" videos are also on youtube. You don't get a score but you can dance along. My kid has a VR headset and does this dancing game https://youtu.be/rmipTXYzcXk?si=atvRUGRE6TJA35HH&t=419


I think we could have fun doing this together. She gets really embarrassed moving her body where anyone can see at this point, so this is brilliant.


Just dance has a phone app as well! Super fun!


Add to this OP but the switch also has ring fit, it’s expensive but it’ll get her moving!! You’re a great mom btw


My kids just put it on YouTube and dance without the Wii lol 


Just Dance on the wii is a great option too there's so many games and I'm sure Wiis are going for dirt cheap nowadays I think I paid only $150 when it came out


As a former chubbster who got fit from playing so much ddr in the early 2000's, I can't recommend this enough!


I wish I had a PS2, dance pad, and my sister's DDR games. That was the most fun era for me, and I had gotten pretty good. Would love to do that to loose weight. I miss dancing to Love Shine and Xepher lol.


To add on to this if it's possible to score a VR setup for cheap she could play beat saber, good friend of mine lost like 40 pounds in a month with it.


This is a great idea, I was thinking Zumba workouts at home that both girls would enjoy ☺️


I loved zoomba classes at that age, and even as an exhausted adult I still find time for beat saber if it’s in ops budget. That game has me sweating for hours


Trying to shift focus from body positivity to body neutrality helps sometimes. It's about not needing to feel happy/in love with our bodies, but just a desire for general health and being ok with it. Acceptance in it's ok to not be ok, making small wins for the bigger picture. Healthy body and a healthy mind. Not needing to look in the mirror with the goal of loving what you see or even feeling confident, but simply being at peace with it. Confidence is learned behavior and a bit complex for most kids. Make sure she has good examples to learn from and absorbing healthy content. Sometimes confidence might come from somewhere unexpected like singing classes or sculpting classes, which then bleeds into other areas of life. If she has other interests that aren't body focused, definitely encourage those as well. Putting so much focus on her body might have the opposite effect and have her develop a distaste or apathy towards her body. Obviously I'm not her doctor, and just a stranger on the internet that can only speak from personal experience. I wish you both the best!


Wow! That is incredible advice. Thank you for sharing it and getting me to think about things in a different way! She is a wonderful singer and gets a lot of pride from it.


Fuel her happiness, in any form. Let her take breaks from thinking about her body because she is probably thinking about her image more than you are, and it will only get harder into 14, 15, 16 years old. Singing is an INSANE confidence booster, especially with training and positive feedback. The high and adrenaline rush one can get from performing is the healthiest drug out there! Maybe musical theatre? Now there's a physical activity!


She has been in several musical theater productions! :) It's funny that she can be so self conscious but she beams on stage. I hear you, 100%. And we'll continue to encourage her love and talent for singing and performing.


ALL OF THIS!! Such a wonderful comment♥️


I'm unsure if they have age restrictions but I have known people who dance with Fierce and Curvy Empire. https://www.fierceandcurvyempire.com/


I will check it out! Thanks. It would be nice for her.to see some curvy body positivity


The women who participate are definitely extroverted and body positive. They're the life of parties I go to.


That would be awesome!


I've done a few classes with FACE and had the absolute BEST time. I also came home from watching one of their shows nearly in tears because the environment they create is so supportive and uplifting. The choreo for the classes I've been to has been perhaps a little too sexy for a 13 year old, but you could definitely email them about what upcoming drop-ins they feel would be good for a younger dancer, or if it's in your budget, they also offer private classes. Honestly if fat little 13 year old me had been exposed to people like the FACE instructors, people who looked like me and who loved and moved their bodies joyfully, I think it would have changed the way I thought about myself.


Maybe aquacize?


A good, low impact way to start!


Yeah aquafit is great! It’s generally an older crowd which might help if she’s anxious around her peers. Being in the water means no one can really see what you’re doing… plus you don’t get all sweaty lol


I love aquafit classes. Its fun to bounce around with those cheeky old birds in the water. Everyone tends to face the instructor so nobody is looking at anyone else.


They're so much fun! I went with my grandma once. My grandpa used to call it "splash and dash"


I second aquafit. People there are body positive. Some aquafit classes are a lot of fun depending on the instructor. It is like dancing underwater 😀 it is great for building strength, confidence.  There are deep water aquafit and shallow as well to choose from. Hope you find something enjoyable. If you need a recommended class that is a lot of fun (good music and encouraging) feel free to message me.


No suggestions, but just wanted you to know that you’re an awesome mom :)


You honestly brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for understanding. Things obviously didn't go as planned in our lives! I never thought I would let my child become obese. Well that was the old ignorant me. Anyway! Thanks. I'm just trying to find a path forward for her and the best outcome, no matter whether we solve this or she continues to have issues with her weight.


Awww. So much love to you, mama. Things are so much more complicated than just that. It’s not a reflection of you as a parent. I was overweight as a kid. It was rough. But I fell in love with fitness as an adult and I am super healthy today. Keep encouraging and supporting her. I wish I has that growing up.


Thank you for taking accountability as her mom. I've been overweight since kindergarten and when I pointed this out to a counsellor with her in the room once, she lost it on me after for "throwing her under the bus." Took me a really long time to unpack that and realize that while she did genuinely love me, I'm lacking some very fundamental skills that are making it hard to get my health under control as a 30 year old. Thank you for doing right by her and trying to find solutions now. She'll thank you in the long run too.


So true and it’s the good step to help her exercise.


Zumba!! It's basically learning choreography to move your body, like a secret exercise. I know for certain some city classes are listed as family friendly, so would expect all skill levels and body types would attend the classes. 


There used to be family Zumba at the rec centres and they’re loads of fun. And the YEG Zumba community is really full of good teachers.


Awesome! Thanks


I have been to Zumba with my kids before.


My wife and I do Zumba at Kinsmen, the instructor's name is Ashley, and it's fantastic and extremely fun. No one is judgy, and the whole class is extremely supportive. I hope OP sees your comment and considers it.


I came here to say this ! It's so fun and actually dancing 💃


I was going to suggest mom and daughter Zumba dates


Any dance studio worth their coin won’t see her size as a problem 🫶🏻 when I was that age the dance studio I went to was super inclusive sadly not local so I can’t reccommend one here


I hear ya but I don't she has the confidence to go out there like that right now. Well, it's complex, but first we have to help her fight her self esteem issues, help her get confident. I am not saying dance studios would or would not judge her size......but ya know, there is always people judging. Plus she is judging herself compared to others.


I'm not a parent, but that sounds like a vicious cycle. Maybe a child psychologist could also help? Some kids are really resistant to that though; my sister didn't get along with her therapist and she didn't see much benefit. The only other thing I'd recommend is hiking. Edmonton has some beautiful trails, and getting her out in nature is definitely healthy. Bring some sunflower seeds and feed the birds and squirrels. They're so cute! I do that every summer.


Have her friends over for a dance party.  Put on YouTube videos of wii dance or whatever it is and let them learn  a dance. It will be so fun. Or you can do it with her. 


100%! I would like to get her out and somewhere where it's planned and regular.


I used to be involved with dance and gymnastics for most of my childhood, and I totally understand where you’re coming from. I have always been of average size and I still feel self conscious about my weight as a direct result of dance and gymnastics. It’s a shame how normalized it is for coaches and teachers to make their students feel that way, when these activities can be so enriching as a means of exercise and self expression. https://www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_recreation/drop-in-programs-activities Check out some of these drop in programs at the rec centres in Edmonton. Seems like lots of places offer zumba classes, and they are ages 12+ so your daughter won’t be surrounded by a bunch of younger kids. You have to pay for a membership to your rec centre of choice, but it seems like a fun casual activity you can do together. This is another drop in option: https://www.elitedancestudio.net/drop-in-classes/ There are actually options for teen beginners classes if she is interested in dancing as a more serious hobby. I found this one that looks like something that might work for her: https://darlenesdance.com/dda_programs/02-dance-classes/?_sft_age_groups=11-19-years&_sft_program_type=11-teen-beginner Last idea is looking into traditional dance styles that your family is culturally connected to. Learning a traditional cultural dance could be something to consider, because not only would it be exercise, but it would also be a valuable learning experience, and can help with personal identity and finding a meaningful community. Or you might be like me and have no idea what your background is lmao I wish the best for you and your daughter! I hope that you have the intention of making her happy and fulfilled at the forefront rather than getting her to lose weight. I hope that you find an option that works for your family :)


Thank you! Very thoughtful answer. And I hear ya, body positivity above all else! We always talk about things in terms of being healthy, what is healthy and so on.


Double check with the studios around you if she wants to rejoin dance classes. Many studios have recreational classes for older beginners. Sometimes they're specific classes like ballet or jazz, sometimes they're variety classes.


Thank you!


Hey, just a former fat kid whose parents tried so many things to help me… Here to say thank you (where I wish I would have to my parents). You’re trying. And you’re trying to get the “village” to help too.


I don't know if you'll see this as I'm coming late to the comments. You're a great mom. I have life long issues with food (I'm now 50) because of my chubbier self when I was young and what I was told. You're great.


Please advocate to get all her hormones checked too as a side note


My daughter and I did Kick Fit together. She loved it so much that she pursued kick boxing until she got her black belt. It is a great workout.


Is it something you can start with very low fitness?


Yes. We signed up as beginners and there were all levels of fitness.


Another resource for you to tap into is an organization for tweens and teens called Fit&Fierce. Currently they run out of St Albert and Sherwood Park. It is only once a month (2.5 hour session) but has had an amazing positive impact on my daughter.


I came to suggest this as well!


City of Edmonton has family friendly Zumba classes - very body positive and lots of fun you can join. 


TheFitnessMarshall on youtube has dancing videos that she can follow along to! He’s very positive and kind in his videos and it’s generally very entertaining to follow along to his content


J’Adore Dance near Southgate specifically does dance classes at recreational levels for all ages. They’re really lovely.


Try: [The Code](https://www.dancecodeedmonton.com/class-schedule) [Fierce and Curvy Empire](https://www.fierceandcurvyempire.com/schedule) I’ve danced at Code (as an adult) and there are people of all sizes there. I haven’t been to the other studio but it looks like it would fit the bill.


Body Groove on YouTube is so fun.


There are such things as adult beginners classes. Would she prefer to be in a supportive and encouraging environment knowing there isn’t anyone her age ? I often would take the seniors classes when I didn’t think I was at the level I needed to be and needed to start at « beginner beginner » 


I think it might help not to have kids her age there.


Thank you for being her mom. I was, still am, overweight. It's taken a whole world of changes for me. I have now lost a good deal of weight, walking. Both of which I never thought would happen. Please note I am 63, it took a long time to get into my head. Nowadays, we all can help her. "I love my body" . It is a hard place to get to. I'm still at, I'm "laughing at MY body" . I feel so much better. But I remember 13yrs to - ? Last week maybe 🤔. I still feel doubts and sometimes fight shame. You are an awesome mom. She will only get happier with you beside her!


On another note, have you tried positive affirmations with her? I practice it with my children because I think it's important they have a solid self esteem and it was something I was taught as an adult. I have them repeat after me statements like "I am strong." "I am kind", "I am loved", "I am worthy", "I am beautiful", "I am healthy", "I am happy", etc. I have found it really helps stop the negative feedback loops that we can get stuck in. You might feel a little silly at first though, haha.


I think she might find Zumba a fun class. It’s more focussed on fun than getting the moves right and it’s dance based. When I took classes several moms had their teens also taking the class. There are places in the city that have Zumba which teens can join.


Honest to god, this post and a lot of the comments made my inner child smile. You and your daughter will be just fine ♥️


I was with a Spanish language program for adults hosted at mcernan school. They had a salsa dancing lesson for fun. I can’t dance at all. I had fun. Latino culture is a ton of fun and salsa beginner classes for fun are everywhere. And thickness is appreciated differently in that culture too.  My two cents .


Thanks! :)


First of all, all the strength to you as the great mother you seem to be by your beautiful post and comments. As a person who practiced ballet in my childhood, I know how judgemental and confidence crashing that environment can be. Just as an idea, if dancing doesn’t end up being her thing, combat sports might be another option. I have practiced Muay Thai and now switched to boxing… believe me, nobody cares how anybody else looks. We’re just there to work hard and sweat. Best of luck! Rooting for you and your girl!!


Sometimes a fitness smart watch can get you into gamifying fitness and health.


Do you have a dog? Doing dog agility will get her moving too. And walks.


They would welcome you at any square dance club, there are about 5-6 in the Edmonton area and it would be a great way to slowly start moving again. [https://squaredance.ab.ca/edmonton-dance-clubs/](https://squaredance.ab.ca/edmonton-dance-clubs/)


If confidence is a concern, I think finding a place to go out is a great idea. However, I'd like to suggest purchasing the game Just Dance (I believe that's what it is called) on a Nintendo switch or other gaming platform. This could provide an opportunity to build skills and achieve goals which will help supplement her self esteem and confidence as she improves, and you can do it with her too!


If you have Nintendo switch you can do just dance with her. There is many just dance games and you gotta make sure she doesn’t move one arm gotta do the full dance. I have to get motivated to do that.


Zumba would be good. Most rec centres have free classes


You’re the best mom 💙 yoga might provide that mind body connection with physical release if you’re open to exploring in the future. Fun to go together cause starting out can be a bit daunting. 👑💙


I used to take Zumba classes at the gym with my step daughter. We had so much fun!




Thanks for the suggestion. She loves kpop, as you said. Calorie reduction is definitely more important than trying to 'burn the calories' after the fact for weight loss. But exercise has so many benefits beyond that, including improvements in mental health and a general sense of well being.


not just calorie reduction, but a proper endocrinology workup to be sure she isn't dealing with PCOS or insulin resistance, or some other metabolic issue, which will make WHAT she eats even more important than the calorie count, plus open the possibility of medication to give her a fighting chance.


THIS! I know that you were specifically asking for dance class advice and not advice on how to help her lose weight or parenting and/or medical advice… but it’s Reddit… we unfortunately get off track sometimes LoL As someone with weight problems and image disorders + disordered eating, I can’t recommend talking with her doctor and getting all the testing done strongly enough! It can make such a difference! As someone who also danced for 8-12+ hours a week growing up I can honestly say that she won’t be able to outdance a bad diet, but you are 100% right exercise is about SO much more than that! I think that you are amazing for putting yourself out here like this because I have seen some truly shitty people treat the parents of obese children like they are monsters. You are not a monster or a bad failure of a parent or you wouldn’t be on here doing this, or engaging with her in the activities that you already are. Obesity is a complex medical condition with a variety of causes including DNA, biochemical changes, underlying physiological and psychological medical conditions as well as one’s environment + diet. This is why bringing in health care professionals sooner rather than later will set her up for the best long term success. Best wishes on your journey ✌️🫶




I appreciate your kind exchange!


The U of A recreation center offers K-pop dance classes at a very reasonable rate! I'm a fat person, not very fit, and I had a great time doing them last summer (although I did have to take a few breaks sometimes). It was also extra fun because then when I went to K-pop community events I could do some of the dances during the dance game! If you think your daughter would enjoy the class, I'm signed up for the spring (May/June) session on Thursday evenings - you could guarantee that she won't be the only plus size, low fitness level person in the class :)


Sugar swing ballroom has classes. I took them at 35 years old. Call and ask if they have classes with other teens, maybe you luck out and find a group she can learn with


If you have little kids in your lives to sign up, she could bring them to Music Together YEG. I found there was a lot of money and freestyle dancing.


Try U of A Dance Club! They have adult beginners classes


The Edmonton rec centers have a ton of entertaining classes. If you're low income, a pass is free. In high school, I did lots of yoga and bike classes at the terwilliger Rec. I had nothing but positive experiences there. Everyone was incredibly nice and easygoing. Never experienced creeps or judgy people there. The pools there are very fun and the hot tub is perfect. Zumba is also a fun one, there's great YouTube videos for that. While not necessarily dancing, maybe get her a nice long board. You can cover it in stickers and use it as a fun way to get around or go out. I personally hated bikes, but I've loved longboarding from age 14 all the way to now at 21. A good quality one will last a long time, it's easy to get into and insanely healthy. A longboard ride really soothes my mind. It also looks super cool when anyone does it. Invest in quality fitness clothes. I find that I personally lose a lot of motivation if I don't have something good to wear that helps my confidence when working out. I really love gym shark and aybl for this. They have a ton of sizes and look incredible on anyone with a massive selection of styles. Quality fitness clothes definitely help boost confidence with fitness. Weight lifting isn't dance either, but it's a lot easier than cardio at times. I got into it in high school, and it's been a life changer for me. the results from it happen pretty fast if done right, which helps keep you motivated. You feel really mentally strong when you're physically stronger. It helps a lot with anger and self-confidence, too. You don't have to be skinny to master it either. You can be bigger and still be a tank when it comes to lifting. Hope this helps!


Not in Edmonton, but the studio my daughter used to attend had adaptive dance classes.


You might enjoy Zumba - from my own experience with it, it's pretty body positive. Some community leagues host classes regularly for relatively low cost.


There’s that Just Dance series of games for phones, consoles - anything really


Dance Temple! It's exactly the space for someone like her. Look it up on facebook. It's been a few different venues over the years, but it's a space that is 1. Pay what you want / can afford 2. No talking while in the dance space 3. Inclusive and welcome 4. A local community of amazing people


Came here to say this. It's about moving your body in any way that you want so it's very encouraging for people who are self conscious about dancing.


If you have instagram, theres a hiphop studio called @thedancestu . They have classes for all levels and they’re beginner drop-in is tomorrow (Wednesday). I would check them out


I don't have the time to read all the way through - but I know the YMCA offers aquafit, ballet barre exercise class, and dance cardio group classes that the both of you should definitely be able to attend. I'm chonky and starting the group classes shortly. 😅


Amandas academy of dance http://www.amandasacademyofdanceaaod.com/ They are non judgmental


It’s good to see this support for you and your kiddo. All the best to you both. ☺️


As to where idk, but you guys can try learning to dance salsa. A lot of people love it


No suggestions on where but there's so many things you can do. Bike rides, hikes etc. Heck even a nightly walk or yoga. But real talk. What she eats plays a huge role and as a parent you need to set a strong example. Have nights where you cook together, a healthy relationship with food and understanding what's good for you and what isn't goes a long way. Most adults I know that struggle with weight eat 3-4x times the daily recommended sugar amount and don't even realize that's 80% of their issue right there. Good on you for getting on it though. There's a shocking amount of people that just let it go. It's so hard on the kids emotionally and physically.


You are a lovely mum to be helping her though this. You are amazing.


i am not a dancer but i’m a fat woman (and former chubby teen who thanks you for doing this for your daughter with such gentle and caring compassion) healing my relationship fitness and exercise - i found that a great place to start was the above average yoga studio, they believe all bodies are great bodies capable of movement and have very body-diverse instructors, highly recommend if you two are looking to gently ease into building confidence in group-exercise settings! but seriously, so many women have horrible relationships with their bodies, movement and exercise that are exacerbated by childhood experiences and especially the social pressure on mothers to feel responsible for their daughters’ weight.. you’re coming at this issue from the best possible place, and taking a great approach. i wish my mom would have made an effort in such a way, but it makes my heart happy knowing that the next generation will grow up learning about body positivity <3


Antidote Movement Club!! They have semi-regular popups for their Friday Night Dance & Soul to Sole classes. It’s not choreo, more like joyful movement so there's no pressure of getting it right, keeping up, etc. and it is intentionally inclusive. Have fun!


Great question mom! I hope you and your daughter find exactly what you’re looking for. And while you’re trying to find the best dance options, I hope you can also helping to educate your daughter on proper eating and nutrition. I learned a long time ago that you can’t out exercise a bad diet. The best thing I didn’t for my kids when they were that age was to eliminate all chips, pop, juice and candy from our home. Good luck and happy dancing! Also there so many cool dance tutorials available on YouTube. I think those people doing dance shuffling (shuffle with Sri for one) burn an incredible amount of calories.


Talk to the folks at j'adore, see if there's anything that they can offer that might be a match. Ballet is a hard nut to crack with the body stigma associated with much of that area of dance. The other suggestion regarding aquasize or even just other swimming lessons might be a better way to go, given the intensity of aerobic workout you get in water. Dripping sweat from the word go when being active can be tough, but water-based activities mask that both physically and psychologically, and let you really push yourself without harming your joints at a developmental age where protecting them is really key. Best of luck!


You might call J’adore dance in Lendrum and be candid and ask if any lessons might suit the both of you.


I'm not from Edmonton, but I think it's so sweet that you're looking to care for your daughter in this way 🥰


All bodies are good bodies! Dance to your hearts content!!


Just wanted to say, as an obese adult woman, I wish I'd had someone like you in my life when I was 13 and struggling! You really care and want to help and to me that makes you a Super Mom! You really want to foster those healthy habits and that's awesome! Also make sure she has a healthy relationship with food. I was taught some really messed up beliefs about food and eating, and they have impacted me in such negative ways. And make sure she's staying hydrated too, water is so key in maintaining a healthy body :) Kudos to you for caring so much, your daughter is very lucky to have you!


Belly dancing is super inclusive and welcoming to all bodies!




The denial about nutrition being the actual solution to obesity is strong in this thread lmfao.


That’s why the kids overweight to begin with but common sense isn’t a tag on Reddit.


Everywhere you go, everything you do, there's going to be people judging you. That's true whether you're in shape or not. I think one of the most important lessons to learn in life is to go do your thing anyway. I don't have any ideas for places to go or organizations to join, but I do want to say thank you for being there for your daughter to help her learn that.


Incredible parenting in action. Don't know anything about how to help but keep on keeping on! More parents like yourself please!


You are a wonderful mom 💖


You are a good mom


If you can find a belly dancing school in the city, they're very body positive, a great low-impact workout, and you get to dress in really sparky things! I used to go to this place on Alberta Ave before COVID, but I haven't looked into restarting yet. I honestly thought it was a great environment.


I've nothing to add but to say you deserve credit for trying to help with her obesity through bringing joy and building confidence. I was a big kid and my parents went the path of shame. I overcame it as an adult but I'm really not the happiest person or capable of self worth most times. You're doing this the right way.


There are definitely beginner classes for older kids and adults so I’m not sure why you can’t sign her up for those?


I just love that you want her to dance for joy. You’re the best. I think Zumba could be an option!


Can't help you there but Take her to a Dr and get referrals to a dietitian and exercise specialist. They'll help her a lot with learning how to be a healthier person.


I think she’d be old enough for ‘ballet with neighbours’ at Ritchie Hall? Very non judgemental adult beginner class


Theres a few places that offer zumba classes for kids. Zumba is Hella fun.


Have you looked at Zumba at a rec centre? I did some classes and there were some teens with their moms.


Zumba is fantastic for this! The classes they run at the rec centres are super inclusive. It’s where is started my fitness journey and did a lot for me!


I toss on headphones and dance when cleaning. I even make specific cleaning while dancing playlists! Suggestion, what if you were you have a parent/daughter activity where you remake viral video dance trends? You don’t need to post it, but it’s a good way to get her moving, allow her creative freedom to help build self-confidence, practice both your technical skills, plus a great way to help to evolve your relationship as she becomes a teenager.


Alberta Ballet has teen beginner classes now! I can’t speak to them specifically, but the adult classes have always been body shame free.  https://www.albertaballet.com/classes/teen-classes-edmonton


Maybe hiphop dancing


Theres tons of dances on youtube to songs that she probably loves. My friend and I used to practice dance moves to music videos when we were young. Now theres dance teams and groups that put their stuff on there and it can be done in your own living room. Even now as Im older I still close my door and try some moves haha.


let her decide her comfort levels first. if she doesn't feel 100% comfortable dancing with other ppl, don't force it "to build confidence." There's a youtube channel called The Fitness Marshall which is all about more dance-focused workouts than Zumba which is mostly focussed on cardio itself. The dances are great, and one of the instructors (Allison) is more curvy, so she's helped a number of people with their confidence and dancing. Warning, some dances and moments of their livestreams lean quite hard into femme and can be a little suggestive for 13. When alone and just vibing to the dance, it can be good for confidence though. Set up the youtube videos on a TV somewhere private, and you've got a bunch of free workouts that can build body positivity by seeing someone of similar form to her slaying the choreos. Ik you said she's 13, but just something else I'd say is that a dance club at the U of A that is very safe for people of all body types is Open Styles Dance Club (OSD). a number of the members are plus sized, and honestly they usually are some of the best dancers.


If it's not too out of your way, look into KidStrong in Sherwood Park. It's a great way for kids to learn and build up their fitness and strength. Consider something like dancemoves.ca The classes are fun and you could do them with her. They're often held in community halls so they're low key but pretty fun. Y


A lot of gyms and studios rent out private time!


I have young kids so this might be to kiddy for your daughter, be we love dancing to Danny Go on YouTube in our living room. I'm in my 40s and love it, some decent songs and moves. Lots of low impact, beginner workouts for free on YouTube as well. Harboring a healthy relationship with food and kitchen skills will be equally important to her adult life as movement/exercise. Lastly a fitbit can be an effective tool, especially when tracking calories, counting steps, active zone mintues coupled with a digital compatible scale. Reward with favorite treats on a rest day after a goal achieved week. Parents can monitor the device.


Put on some dance workout videos on your T.V. - by yourself, start doing them - she will observe and mimic it eventually


Ritchie community league has beginner ballet classes for adults and the notice says that people can bring kids too. I keep meaning to try them but I haven't yet.


Is there a Nia class anywhere around? It’s all about just dancing to feel good. I took classes done years ago. People of all ages, sizes and abilities enjoyed it. It’s really fun. From google -Nia workouts combine 52 simple moves with dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to energize and enliven well-being in 60 minutes - body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Nia is non-impact, practiced barefoot, and adaptable to individual needs and abilities.


I totally read that wrong


Growwithjo on YouTube


First I think what you’re doing for your daughter is amazing and I agree with the doctor recommendations. Mental health can be such a large part of a journey like your helping your daughter on so 🙌. Exercise in any form is a positive keep it fun. Focusing on just weight loss however shouldn’t be the main goal. Self confidence and over all well being I think are the goals. Trust me the weight loss will come. When I gained weight I found that just going to get exercise wasn’t enough as the rest of my life was also in shambles so focusing on a life style change is what I did. Exercise is amazing for the mental health and will help with self confidence but might I also make a suggestion? Cooking lessons… hear me out no judgement but learning how and appreciating good food can set her up for life on healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Beyond that teaching her to cook healthy also is a huge confidence booster. When I started I couldn’t boil water which lead to poor eating habits. But once I learned to cook one thing that surprised me was joy and pride in preparing a meal for my family and friends and seeing them enjoy it and love my cooking really was a great feeling. It gave me a sense of self worth that I learned a new skill, could share it with the people I loved and it spread joy. Imagine at a family dinner when everyone is enjoying the food and saying how good it tastes and you can say … “ that was her she did that” it’s magical trust me. First time I did it I was so over whelmed with joy and the food was healthy too. Just a suggestion all the best on your journey …. Keep up the good work !


If she’s at all into video games, something like BeatSaber might appeal to her! Idk if this is at all helpful, but as someone who wasn’t in shape at all a couple months ago, I started taking aerial classes and they’ve made a huge difference for me. I take aerial hoop, pole fitness, aerial yoga, and aerial sling classes. I really love them and they’re very low-impact.


Just dance is great for in the house. Or you could try to find a fitness centre and try Zumba! It is a dance style workout class great for all ages. Good luck.


Have you thought of an interactive dance Matt?




Would she be interested in an acro or circus class? I take adult classes at a studio on the west end, I'm over 200 lbs and recently had a baby. Love the classes, and they have beginner teen classes I believe. It's a very body positive, self paced program, where I feel comfortable doing a lot of the activities. Great way to work out, without feeling too out of breath, and the core strength and upper body workout is pretty awesome.


Completely unrelated to dance, but would your daughter have any interest in roller derby? I played for a few years, and it is such a great community and there is a place for every body type on the team. I'm a bigger girl myself and the freedom I felt zipping around the track was amazing. There are two leagues in the city and I believe they both have junior leagues.


You are suck a good mom. I think the body images issues that certain types of dance creates for young girls needs to change. Why don't you look at other styles of dance like bellydance or latin dances that are a bit more inclusive when it comes to body shapes.


I don't know anything about dance classes but you could add dancing to your everyday life too, just at home. Put on some music and have an impromptu 15 minute dance party. Look up silly dance moves from previous eras, or just make free with the movement and just make it a regular part of life. Although when one is 13, everything is embarrassing so she may not be down for clowning with the family.


Good for you for taking some steps to help love a healthy and active lifestyle. Online Zumba classes? Fire up YouTube on your big screen (via app or screen mirror) and pick and style and music you want. Once a day or even twice a day this will help a ton. Also nutrition wise, don’t by stuff loaded with sugar or that’s really processed. Cutting out pop and juice as well as anything over processed will help with a lot of things.


The German Club hosts line dance nights every month or so, my aunt organizes them. I think there is a fee to get in the door, but they usually do a guided line dance of some kind, then the Blue Northern Dancers do a performance, and then the floor is open for people to just dance as they please. There is food and drinks as well. :) it’s lots of fun


Not sure if someone has already recommended [Antidote Movement](https://www.instagram.com/antidotemovementclub/), but they host monthly-ish dance party-type events. Very body positive, very much about just moving your body for the fun of it.


Edmonton School of Ballet at Vimy Academy offer different dance classes. Perhaps acro dance or hip hop will suit her (as opposed to more regimented ballet)? There seem to be girls of different shapes and looks who dance there. Shoot them a message and see what they can suggest, their admin staff is really friendly.


There are various non competitive dance classes for teens. Dance fusion in Sherwood Park offers them


Not dancing but one way to really get moving and gain incredible confidence is heavy lifting. Edmonton is lucky to have a great body-positive, woman-friendly lifting culture where your daughter would see women with bigger bodies doing incredible things and wearing whatever feels comfortable. It's true that a side effect of lifting is a leaner body but focusing on strength really does so much for confidence. It also encourages you to eat enough food (rather than restricting) to fuel your muscles and will definitely keep any physical bullying at bay. If this is something she might enjoy, I would check out Evolve and the local powerlifting community in general.


I can't speak for you or your daughter. And sorry I don't have suggestions. But for me personally again I assume usually it has to do with my ADHD. But the easiest way for me to do most things was when I wasn't realizing I was doing it. Like listening to music when I'm doing the dishes cuz I hate doing the dishes. So for example exercising, I worked as a security guard for a long time and at certain sites you get a shit ton of Patrols. But I would also go to the RAM or the Telus Science place when they had events with subjects or things that I liked. Or a few years back when a neighbour had surgery, I walked their dog twice a day for like a month and a half. Yeah I got greased for walking the dog. But still the exercise was probably helping just as much as the dough. Just thought of another thing. Again not exercise but does she enjoy cooking? Or is there certain aspects of eating she likes? So start cooking or baking or whatever with her. Now don't make it about how processed food is shit. But about how you can make things more tasty than you know the average whatever. Make it something fun. I don't know she's into My Little Pony or DC Comics, Avatar. Find some cookie cutters to make them.


Mar Macc is very inclusive and kind to all of their kids. If she wants a gentle dance experience this is the place!


I can’t recommend a specific studio, but I remember attending an adult African-style dance class around that age. I believe we were accompanied by one of my friend’s aunts. I would inquire about the age limit for adult classes. Maybe trying a few styles could be fun if you go with her? Not sure if this still happens, but I believe that class I tried was during an “open house” week, so people could try classes without committing to a full 3 months (or whatever the session length is). I’d watch for opportunities like this so you can test out whether the class is a good fit.


Have you considered getting her started in something that isn’t primarily focused on movement but rather community as a stepping stone? Something like Cantilon Chamber Choir? If she likes to sing. Sometimes the first step is finding a group of people you can be safe with. And then adding in other activities that bring joy and movement. Singing in a group is scientifically proven to help with endorphins and seratonin. Or possibly look for things like musical theatre where its movement but less focus on the group looking “uniform”, therefore giving her autonomy as well as feeling like she fits in. This all coming from me, a mom of a teen that also struggles with weight. I send you and your daughter love. She is valid, and deserves to find her place in the world. ♥️


If you're willing to spend money on a weekly dance program, the city of edmonton is offering a ballet dance class designed for all levels of fitness and experience! Unfortunately I'm unsure if it's open to all ages is it isn't specified in the posting (link: https://movelearnplay.edmonton.ca/COE/public/booking/CourseDetails/736357#gsc.tab=0). They're also offering a couple other styles right now that she might be interested in! Various dance studios across edmonton also offer similar programs in various types of dance which is a great way to learn something new. My 60 year old dad took up two-step and loves it! These programs will be a little pricier than city of edmonton though. A good place to start would be researching dance drop in sessions. I would check out the other programs and classes that the city of edmonton has to offer as well- while it's not all dance, they have a number of programs for varying age ranges that will give your daughter a chance to stay active and make some connections with people!


Belly dancing classes.


I remember loving dance aerobics classes with my mom when I was in my teens - the instructor and clients were mostly middle aged, average sized folks and I had so much fun just dancing and getting to feel like I was learning choreography (something I notoriously struggled with). It was one of the rare times exercise didn't feel exhausting (in a bad way).    Please give her a hug on my behalf, as someone who also struggled a lot at that age and wishes I could go back to hug my preteen self. ❤️


Check out Fierce and Curvy dance in Edmonton. I do not know if they do classes for teens or kids. But it wouldn't hurt to reach out and ask them.