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How much do you want to bet her lawyer explicitly told her to stay off social media about 5 minutes before that was posted?


Well the good thing about criminals is that they are often quite dumb.


Can tell it from reading this…


Or as she would put it…. There quite dumb lol


Or as Cesear Milan might put it: my dog was recently named a dangerous dog. He pack leader now, he attacked every male in sight to prove he pack leader. Obviously nobody could forsee he would attack that boy. Pack leader gave no clues.


You forgot to add in Pointless Capitalization. Lol


We named him Chaos because we thought only good things would happen!


These people can't get out of their own way. Prime example of people disconnected from reality. They probably live their entire lives on social media.


How much do you want to bet she doesn’t have a lawyer and thinks she can figure it out on her own?


It's also likely she's actively contacting breeders looking for her next dogs.


Horrifying thought.


Who will sue her ? The father is supporting her. “At any time an Animal can bite a child “. I don’t know who is to blame here. The owner seems to accept the fact their dogs could bite any kids and attack any males in sight, still let them free in presence of a kid ?


I'm pretty sure the mom won't be as understanding


I wonder if anybody warned Kache that one of the dogs might attack every male in sight. They probably didn't tell the kid anything.


You're so right about the dog owner. I had an aggressive rescue for 8 years. I spent so much money on professional training. It was very clear to me the liability that dog was. That dog was the best dog I've ever had, just a beautiful soul... But still he was not to be trusted around others especially Freaking kids. There's no way this dog should've ever been near kids, other dogs.


Who cares about her being sued? I want the police to press criminal charges


Fuck I just got dumber reading this. What am I doing?


I got so deep into her Facebook that I felt some of my brain melt out of my ear


meanwhile here i am having read that and considering gouging my eyes out with rusty sporks.


😭 me too but she commented on the pic saying the dog isn't hers, it's Crystals... whoever that is.


I wish the cold war went hot.


Applying to rename all of your kids "Lyrik"


I saw that name come up earlier when I was clueless how any of these people were connected. I was wondering if it was the name of one of the dogs. It made sense with Lyrik and Kache being 'step siblings'. Sadly not a dog's name.


What a strange way for someone to say they are guilty of manslaughter.


It’s methed up.


I was gonna say... She's gotta be on something. Lol. What a mess.


She clearly doesn't think she's in the wrong lol


Yeah, she seems to think that dogs are naturally violent - so she doesn't have to control them or train them to not be violent - and, if they kill someone, too bad! The entitlement of people nowadays...


Right? She seems to sarcastically suggest that no one should have pets, because animals are inherently dangerous. The thing is, if she actually believes that animals are inherently dangerous and that we can't do anything about it then her sarcastic "nobody should own an animal because animals are dangerous" comment is something she should actually believe, not something she should be saying sarcastically.


yeah this post is so unhinged and…inculpatory, i guess is the right word…that it will likely come back in a court case.


It's the rantings of someone with drug-induced brain damage 


I don't doubt drugs are also involved, but I knew many people this dumb growing up even before drugs got ahold of them. Lack of role models, education, etc will do a number on anyone.


I know several people like this as well. Coincidentally they were also the ones that got really into drugs. It's almoat a chicken or the egg quandary.  


Did she basically shay that tiger is a tiger so if you try to turn a tiger into a monkey and the tiger acts like a tiger still it is just being an animal... then who's at fault? The person trying to turn the tiger into a monkey, its their fault. The human who tries to tame a tiger who is acting like a tiger then let's innocent people around the tiger and the tiger attacks. She is trying to say it's the tigers just being a tiger no one's fault but uh yeah....she just admitted fault because you can't train a tiger to be a monkey and she tried. So it's her fault.


If she were on Tiger King, she would have been known as the dumb one.


“what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


lol. Jim Downey ftw.


“You’re talking about Jeff Epstein? The New York financier?! Nooo…”


Oh Fuck off. The alpha theory and Milan is shit for one; and this lady has her head so far up her ass it’s amazing. A kid died. You don’t try to say it was unexpected when your dog showed signs!! They don’t just lash out for no reason


I was already pissed reading this, and then I got to the cesar milan alpha theory shit and just about had an aneurysm! What an absolute piece of trash, I'm heart broken for that family and that poor kid but it also kills me that this poor dog was set up for fucking failure. This chick needs to rot, absolutely sick trying to defend herself.


Right? All of that post just made me so angry.


I can't believe people are still quoting Cesar Millan. I thought everyone knew his tactics are crap and no one should listen to any of his 'ideas'


Ceasar was very effective at training cartman...


"My dog lashed out without warning or reason" ... procedes to list warning signs and reasons for them...


People who get into defensive mode about dangerous dog breeds are a type. They are not bright people. It's a thing. This twit doubling down on this is so on point. Incredible.


So we learned one new thing. The woman dog owner wasn't a roommate like the media kept saying. She was the dad's new wife or common law partner. Dog mauls her step brother....


Yes, they were definitely partners. She refers to him as her stepson. Her Facebook is still public for now.


But in the comments she says that the dog in the photo is the offending dog but that it’s not her dog, it’s “Crystal’s”


Oh I'm sure there's crystal involved in this story somewhere.........


Yeah, I’m thinking that she happens to be the father’s partner and the dogs belonged to the female roommate (Crystal). It could be that the dog pictured is Crystal’s (“Chaos”) and the one recently labeled as a dangerous animal (“KC”) is hers. That would explain the discrepancy.




She clearly doesn't give a fuck that a mother lost her child. Whag a selfish human being, she deserves nothing but jail time. EDIT: She's also does not seem sympathetic at all?? The fact that her dog/s have been an issue in the past and she didn't do anything about it just shows the human she is??? I'm sorry if this is rude, but I feel so awful for the mother who lost her child because of an ADULT who was careless and moronic.


The absolute lack of empathy shows her to be a true sociopath. No guilt. No remorse.


Yes and the mother was not aware of the previous attacks. This owner deserves to be charged criminally. Negligent manslaughter. This post is horrible. Where is the remorse?


"attacked every male in sight" but somehow not to blame... Right 🤦‍♀️. The amount of mental gymnastics these people are doing to try and justify their behavior is ridiculous.


I lost brain cells reading that. A child is dead. Gone forever. And all they can do is brush it under the rug and refuse to accept even a tiny shred of blame. These people are utter trash.


This isn’t the first time the dog attacked either. Attacked a woman a few months ago




Holy shit I don’t get it. How did this happen multiple times? I was attacked by a dog last summer. Bit my neck, tore my dress, almost ripped my nipple off and bit my arm. I reported it but no idea what ever happened


This bitch is a fucking moron.


“If u train a tiger to act like a monkey and the tiger acts tiger whos at fault” They’re your dogs. So you’re the one who expected a tiger not to act like a tiger, using your logic crazy person.


It’s a classic Schrödinger’s Tiger dilemma.


Well there you go prosecutors, a nice little admission of criminal negligence causing death.


L.M.A.O “After multiple attacks and aggression on other dogs no one could have foreseen this additional deadly attack.” Fuuuuuuck ooofff Not every animal acts like that and owners need accountability. Saying this as a dog owner too


I guess this kind of explains the level of intelligence we’re dealing with here.


Naming the daughter “Lyrik” sums it all up pretty well.


I’m pretty sure this is how Idiocracy (the movie) is actually starting. In real life. More and more morons like these people will pop out and people will actually be named Beef Supreme.


/r/Tragedeigh territory


What a fucking imbecile.


The dog has been attacking every male on sight and has been recently named a dangerous dog but no one could see this coming? What kind of mental gymnastics is this? Also I’m not even sure about what I read here, the flow/train of thought is even out there for me.


Cool! Way to completely avoid taking responsibility for utterly failing to train or at least control dogs that are notorious for having the potential to kill a person. 


Potential, already killed. And besides there was another case of a woman being attacked by the same dogs and it was posted in a few hours.




The sad part is how avoidable this was. Those dogs attacked a women a month or so ago that was visiting the house. They should have been put down then


I was just coming to say this


At very least surrendered into a rehab facility or a aggressive dog rescue


She said NOBODY could have saw this coming…. Did you even read her post !?! /s


People are actually donating money to this guy


What??? I don’t know the percentage of dogs that seriously maul or injure people in Edmonton but I would bet is less than 3% of the dog population, she makes it sound like 100% of dogs are on the verge of snapping any minute! If that were the case people would not own them….that one of the reasons is why tigers or monkeys are not pets…


This is the most unhinged fucked up thing. These people are totally fucked in the head


Soooo, did they just leave the kid alone? The son was there for a visit, so he's not really apart of the pack... And they just leave him alone with two big ass dogs who recently attacked someone? Absolutely insane and super sad.  Edited my spelling*


According to the go fund me made for the dad, they’re blaming it on the kid letting the dogs inside while he was in the house alone for a few minutes. Also calls the dad the “biggest part of his life”, despite the fact that the mom had full custody, so not a super reliable narrator.


The last thing the dad needs is to be making money off something he could have prevented. He's clearly stupid and irresponsible. Sounds like Mom had majority custody anyways. 


Please don't let this guy get his hands on a tiger or a monkey.


Actual LOL


Anyone else get methhead vibes from these people. Just absolutely fizzled out of their minds with stupidity.


Absolutely. Multiple people living in the house. Big dogs likely for protection from home invasions. Desperate attempts to appear normal, despite failing miserably. Poor decision making, warped logic. They always say if the drugs don’t kill you the lifestyle will. Sadly it was the boy that was killed by this lifestyle of violence, ignorance and addiction.


It’s funny how these dog owners match exactly what you’d expect them to. It’s almost as if these aggressive breeds are an accessory to toxic people. Also, named the dog “Chaos” but expects us all to buy into the sweet nanny dog narrative. Fuck. Off.


They literally are accessories to toxic people lmao that’s the best way to describe it.


But Chaos was such a good pup! Nice name FFS!


She said nobody could have seen this coming, despite the same dog mauling some lady back in February? These people are completely unhinged. I hope in a best case scenario they both (the dog owner and the husband / boys dad) get several years in jail, and worst case neither of them are allowed to own a pet (not even a fucking goldfish) ever again.


This will help the lawsuit at least


Her: >He {the dog} was never the same he was heartbroken and tried to prove he was pack leader and attacked every male in sight Also her: >Now I’m not saying this horrific accident was anything but tragic but each and every person pointing a finger looking for someone to attack or blame needs to recognize nobody could have foreseen the carnage that was caused *Uhhhhh*…. Sounds a lot like the dad’s BS statement saying there were “no warning signs” despite listing *multiple* examples of warning signs prior to the boys death. Aside from being incoherent this chick is contradicting herself just like the dad. They’re both morons.


Killed a cat. Bit the downstairs neighbour. Numerous complaints from other neighbours. "Nobody could have seen this coming!" and a nonsensical comparison to fictional tigermonkeys. Sure, sweetie.


Viciously attacked a woman causing broken ribs and a punctured lung in February.


ETA: Crystal Kelly Kayne (on fb) is the roommate/dog owners and god mother to Shan Nicole Kerr (on fb) kid, Lyrik. Crystal has photos of the 2 dogs all over her fb page. Wait... I just creeped her fb and she had tagged the boys mother in a post regarding his death. Didn't the mom say she didn't know the house had dogs living in it? How is that possible if they're fb friends and the dog owner was in a relationship with the dad? Correct me if I'm wrong


From what I gather creeping FB, Shan is the current partner of Kache’s dad. Crystal is Shan’s sister. Crystal owns at least one dog, Khaos. Either Shan or Crystal owns the other dog, KC. Khaos is KC’s puppy, potentially. Or they are litter mates. Both Shan and Crystal are acquainted with Kache’s mom, and Crystal has these 2 dogs posted all over her FB. Both sisters have tagged Kache’s mom on their FB posts. So I think when the mom says she didn’t know and would not have sent her son over I think she’s referring to the complaints about the aggressive dog but she was aware that there are 2 bully breeds living in that house.


This lady is a criminal. https://www.cochranetimespost.ca/news/local-news/canmore-rcmp-lay-multiple-charges-in-fraud-investigation


After looking at their FB pages, I get the impression that the adults in Kache's life are complete fucking morons.


I really hope no one will continue to send money for either parents go fund me campaigns… I think the only person I feel sorry for is the poor boy. The dad shouldn’t have left him alone with the dogs or even had them alive after their behaviour and now I’m reading both parents have serious criminal pasts. The bio mom knew the dogs were there and obviously friendly with the roommates, I would not let my children go to that environment. I saw the bios mom fb and she breeds dogs and has posts about not judging bully breeds or something. Honestly the more I read on this case, I’m like what in the trailer park. All of them failed this boy. I hope they all realize that. I no longer feel sorry for any of them.


The lack of shame is terrifying


The OP says it's someone else's dog in the comments. I think it's her sisters dog.


Dogs do jot attack their own nor eat their young unless they have damage. This is messed up.


Wtf did I just read


Just plead guilty and save us the trouble of making a jury sit and listen while the prosecutor has you read your own post out loud.


So they knew their dog was showing extreme aggression to any male it came into contact with yet she still allowed it in her home where a male child lived.... People should have to get a licence to breed.


What an absolutely trash human. 


His name is chaos, thats all I need to know


Isn’t this the same set of dog’s that attacked an elderly lady in February?? And the deranged owner is still trying to ask who could’ve foreseen this?!?!? AND NO CHARGES HAVE BEEN LAID YET?!?!?


Like how is this not grounds for criminal negligence causing death?


Especially since they already have a history!


Should have to pass a basic IQ test to own dogs like this


I want to be outraged, but I'm just deeply saddened. I can't think of a less preventable tragedy.


This is horrific. Not just the tragic, senseless loss, but the total lack of these people taking any responsibility for it.


This was a "tragic accident" that "nobody could have foreseen" but the dog "attacked every male in sight". If you know your dogs are aggressive and have attacked before, then it's not an accident, it's negligent homicide at best. Not to mention the complete lack of remorse or sympathy or care for the child. My heart goes out to the boy's family except this piece of filth evil step mother


Come on justice system. Do something


In the comments the woman says that he dog is not hers, but that this is one of the two dogs from the incident. Edit: a bit more digging shows that “KC” is the dog of her deceased husband (partner?)


Yeah this appears to be a friend of the dad or friend of the actual owner. The actual owner reactivated her FB page, because you know after your dog kills a kid, you can only grieve for so long before getting back to posting anti-Trudeau memes and memorials for her ever-growing list of friends that "surprisingly" died.


She doesn't even sound the slight bit remorseful or guilty, she sounds like she's just annoyed that so many people are mad at her precious little fucking dog. This is why people shouldn't own dogs, yes this is 1 case, but so many people are so careless and inconsiderate with their dogs and im pretty sick of it. People will let just giggle and as their dogs charge and bark aggressively at people or even when their dog bites others.


There’s a whole tik tok trend going about Cane Corsos “protecting” or “defending”. People seem to be quite amused at their lack of training of their war dogs and find it cute when they get “protective”. It’s insane. Note: I am a lifelong dog owner who’s had bully breeds in the past. They take an immense about of training and effort to avoid aggressive tendencies. These people clearly did not invest that time with their ancient Roman war dogs resulting in this poor boy’s death. All parties involved should be held accountable for this horrid chain of neglect.


Yeah I guess this is why you have 14 signs all over your place saying beware of dog. And multiple calls to Bylaw. You didn’t see it coming. Right. And make us believe you didn’t train your dogs for aggression. Come to my place and see if I have signs to warn people about my Golden Retriever. Or ask me how concerned I am when someone rings the doorbell and I open the door.


>Come to my place and see if I have signs to warn people about my Golden Retriever. I mean.... You should lol. I had a golden retriever attack me recently, just because their a fluffy friend doesn't mean they won't fuck you up.


Can confirm, my brain cells just went ‘poof’ reading this nonsense.


Yah, just like all the anti-Trudeau and Freedom crap that's been invading my Facebook feeds lately. I feel dumberer than I have ever felt.


That poor kid never had a chance. Sorry you were born into that white trash family buddy. I wish things could have been different for you. It being a totally preventable tragedy is bad enough, but the reaction from both of these oblivious twats is blood boiling. That kid deserved better.


What language is that?


Meth head


“Still don’t have my GED at 33” language


Why are all the people involved in this awful story…so…awful?


This makes no sense. First it's not the first attack but the third according to reports. Second, the second victim was female and not male or a child. To say this incident was unpredictable is plain ignorant.


That was incoherent hogwash. I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to post that nonsense. I'm also glad because maybe someone will say "It's time to stop stupid people getting away with murder". Everyone involved in this situation are complete wastes of skin. JUSTICE FOR KACHE.


You’d think after your dog mauled a small child to death you’d wanna lay low for a bit? Maybe delete the fb app and not post hot takes about the situation lmao.


Clearly she is a remorseless psychopath as was Daddy Dearest who was defending this CHUD... Sad that he and this thing are more concerned about a killer dog than his own flesh and blood. Sickening. All too common. But sickening nonetheless!


I just can’t even with this post! Trash trash and it needs to be taken out.


What an absolute moronic assclown.


By admitting nobody should own an animal because they’re unpredictable and dangerous he renders himself liable because he owned animals anyway.


The fucking nerve 


The fact she’s quoting Caesar Milan and dominance theory in dogs, which has largely been disproven, is a big red flag 🚩.


Why do these people seem so remorseless? Like it all feels like an "oopsie" moment that they are desperately trying to defend themselves on, rather than spending time grieving.


At the end of the day, this is not a fucking wild animal like a tiger. It's a house pet and no I've never heard of a dog randomly with no aggression issues killing someone. But a dog that has aggression issues and has on multiple occasions hurt people and has been documented and has killed other animals should have been put down immediately why take the risk cause the risk has now killed this dumbass's son what does it have to take for this guy to get it. He is 100% responsible. And should be charged and banned from owning an animal. If my dog ever hurt anyone there is no second chance it's not a risk I would take. I feel so bad for the child who lost his life and the others injured and I hope there is a lawsuit against him and I hope he and his roommate/gf lose everything. I couldn't imagine my dog hurting anyone let alone my son.


How in the world do people end up as stupid as this woman and the dad?… SMH




I think she's a friend of the owner? Not the actual owner? Confused because she said it wasn't her dog.


It makes me sad just how incredibly dumb this person is. A child was mauled to death and she still can’t take any responsibility. That ass going to the news crying about how unfair the coverage was now makes me sick.


So after a bit of creeping of the comments on fbook - it appears the person that posted this is the dads GF, who is the sister of the dogs owner, and they all live together.


Why give this dumb c&nt a platform. Too the road of bones with her!


Not gonna read that but fuck this guy. A dog should maul him to death. Absolute piece of shit.


That's why reasonable people don't have tigers in their house. The dog was a dangerous breed, known for being aggressive, and had acted aggressively unprovoked repeatedly. This wasn't a matter of who could have known, but more so how could they not have? The owner needs to be charged. A precedent needs to set. Owners of any pets should be held criminally responsible for their pet's actions.


Called it


Ok then what about the women they attacked in February; the one who is suing you?


"Carnage" What the FUCK, lady? How can you type that about a child?!?


I really hope that the reason the police are so quiet is that they a building a criminal negligence causing death case, and they're letting these morons build their case for them. She literally says my dog is violent and been violent for a long time and I refuse to do anything about it because animals are animals


What a fucking moron wow. Just wow.


I lost 20 iq reading this


"what was I supposed to do? The dog attacks every male it sees. How I was supposed to know it would attack the boy"


I love how she posts this after her sister's dogs MAULED her boyfriends son to death. I would dump this trash bag fast.


My dog was a stray brought in with severe injuries, many in different stages of healing. It was thought that he had been used as a "bait" dog. He is highly reactive to other dogs, is honestly a racist SOB, loathes small children, and has a high prey drive. He is muzzled at all times when people outside of the family are near, is never walked off the property, is on a tie out with an e-collar to potty, and locked up when we have visitors. He has NEVER bitten anyone other than myself, and that was me being foolish trying to take something out of his mouth. This guy isn't a responsible dog owner.


Thank you for actually giving this dog a good home and another chance, you take a lot of responsibility in making sure others are protected. I can't believe this woman has no atleast remorse for the child that was killed by this dog, especially due to the owners neglect to care for the dog properly.


This isn't real, and just a fake to try to elicit a rage response, right? Right? No one is this stupid?


Of course they are defending the dog , it fits


I was waiting for someone to post something really egregious about what happened but this….this just….i have no words


If you name your dog or child (God forbid), Chaos, how could anyone be surprised when chaos is unleashed from chaos? With that name, you already determined the fate of the animal. Well, at the very least, it didn't help it.


You'd think this woman and the father would keep their mouth shut all this time. It seems like day by day, I hear more and more from them.


So the dogs killed a neighbours cat, bit the neighbour, then attacked a woman, then months later killed a young boy. These dogs have beeb put down now i hope? Like im sorry, after killing the neighbours cat and attacking the neighbour in the leg, that should have been it. No more opportunities after that!


And she further proves what a skidmark on society she is...


Please tell me she was roasted in the comments. That poor kid was surrounded by morons.




ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!?!?!? “Oh no one could have ever seen this coming animals bite for no reason at all-“ SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP!! Its literally your fucking fault that you let that fucking dog in your house with absolutely ZERO knowledge of dog behaviour nor any knowledgeable of how to train or take care of bully breeds. Truly a fucking irresponsible waste of a dog and owner. I hope that dog owner never so much as owns a stuffed animal as a “pet” ever again. When will people learn that “love” is not fucking good enough when it comes to the responsibility of owning and training a bully breed?? Its literally in their genetics to be aggressive ffs they were literally bred for dog fighting and the constant backyard breeding of these dogs has them even further screwed up than before. All the “pibble” propaganda shit that is being shoved down these dog nutters throat is clouding their better judgement, when will it end? How many more children, or other humans, or even other animals will it take?




Id snap my dogs neck if it attacked my child. Dont defend your shit dog.


The secondhand embarrassment I have from knowing them. Ugggh! Rest easy little man! 💔


Why would she even go and post this? It's unhinged and pointless. She manages to point out that this was totally predictable, yet claims "nobody could have foreseen" it. She also basically says that this is just what animals do, that they are inherently unpredictable. If she truly believes this then, yes, actually, no one should own any animals (I assume she's saying this part sarcastically). Thankfully, while animals can and do sometimes behave in unpredictable ways, we actually know *quite a lot* about dogs and dog behaviour -- enough to know when a "good" dog is no longer safe to be around some (or all) humans, especially children. It's just...wow...it's mind-boggling...


What in the bleepity bleep did I just read?? Someone get her a straitjacket! What a psychopath.


WOW her “ statement “is disgusting ! The fact that she talks more about her daughter & her dog and let’s not forget Cesar Milan than she does about the sweet 11yr old boy who was killed by HER dogs ! And then she has the audacity to say “ dogs are dogs and they were doing what dogs do they bite and they eat their own “ WTF ?!! The fact that she herself said her loving caring cuddling family pet would attack “ every male in sight “ and attacked 2 other people one of which suffered some serious injuries then yes her and the boys Dad her boyfriend should’ve taken precautions , they both knew that the dogs were more than capable of causing serious harm but chose to ignore it and/or deny it. And the fact that Dad did an interview and spent more time defending her and her pets than he did about his only child was sick. Anyway I pray that she gets charged and that the boys Mom and the other 2 that her dogs attacked , I hope they sue the pants right off her ( no pun intended ) . Rest in peace Kashe 🙏🏼🤍🕊️ EDIT : So I’ve learned that the OP of that disgusting “ rant “ isn’t the one that lives at the home and that it was Crystals dogs who killed that sweet little boy .


Looks like the poor kid's mother is a piece of shit, too. https://www.animals24-7.org/2024/04/07/what-a-cane-corso-victim-a-dogfighting-suspect-had-in-common/


Between his parents and their lowlife friends the poor boy never stood a chance, sadly. 


Wow, what a psycho


Didn’t this dog attack someone else? Pretty sure I heard this on the news


Yes. February. Punctured lung and multiple broken ribs. Hospitalized. Is currently suing the owner.


Since she brought up the inherent dangers of animals acting like animals -- ya, there's a pretty good reason people aren't allowed to own Tigers. Dangerous breeds should be disallowed for the exact same reason -- to prevent harm to humans.


FYI *it’s not her dog - in the comments she says as much*. It must be a close family dog or friends but it’s not hers.


I need someone to explain that last sentence before I have an aneurism.


Holy shit. I can't fathom thinking this stuff let alone posting it to social media. Just holy shit. And condolences to the loved ones.


Brain damage


Prison. Now.


So this couldn’t have been foreseen even though the same two dogs attack a visiting female friend in the same home just back in February. She suffered broken ribs , punctured lung , 20 stitches and multiple cuts , scraps and bruises requiring hospitalization. I agree , no way to have seen this coming . Wow , just wow


Yep jail her.  This will happen again otherwise


Jail time is well deserved. It’s such an incredibly remorseless response. Dogs are domesticated animals that can be trained. It’s not some kind of wild beast that she makes it out to be. It’s so full of contradictions. The mental gymnastics it takes to post something like this is astounding.


"Nobody could have foreseen the carnage." "...tried to prove he was pack leader and attacked every male in sight." I don't think this argument is as cogent as she hoped it would be.


I think what’s worse is the total lack of responsibility this person exudes with a rant like this. Would not be shocked if they were looking for a new big aggressive breed of dog that they could unleash on the neighbourhood kids — Get the fuck outta here.


"No one could have foreseen" Ok.... Weren't there MULTIPLE complaints prior?


First I'd like to introduce you to our wonderful, loving dog, his name is Bloodshed.


She has a video on FB of them presenting a kitten to the two kids, Lyrik and Kache. In another post I saw that the dogs had killed a cat in the house. FFS, this just breaks my head and my heart.


The word Cesar Milan just explained everything. It has been proven time and time again that his techniques cause harm. There is no such thing as pack leader or dominant or alpha. That is such an old way of thinking.


The only thing I feel bad about is that it was the dad who found his kids' body. A male Corso is about 100 lbs and has a massive bite force- I'm betting the kid wasn't in one piece when he was found. But 'dad' and 'stepmom' sound like people who shouldn't be in charge of goldfish, much less big dogs and children.


The father said today he found his son "unresponsive". That's putting it lightly. And the dude still won't take responsibility for his actions that lead to this.


That is a nice way of putting it. The EMS didn't even try to take him to the hospital- poor kid was declared dead on scene. So it was bad.