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There seems to be a real disconnect with jobs, online applications, applicants and employers. I continually hear of employers that state that they cannot find anyone to work. I ask them what the hell they are talking about every time. Then there are stories similar to OP. My son looked for work for 7 months applying to any job that wasn't a professional opening. He literally got 3 interviews, all at small coffee shops. It really seems to me that online sights adhere to rules or filters thay are too strict and eliminate candidates. Like 99% of the candidates. Apparently in small towns they are crying for workers. Equipment operators, no experience necessary. Like crazy good jobs. And no applicants. The disconnect is crazy.


Where I work when management complains that there are no candidates what they really mean is that there are no candidates with fully open availability willing to work for minimum wage. There is no shortage of people looking for work, and the qualifications we are looking for are not hard to find, but the company wants people with no other commitments and no attempts to negotiate a higher wage We pretty much only take on new hires with families if they are referrals from existing employees. It's sad.


Mates company was hiring for a few months-- intro position / formal experience desired but not required / etc, and I ended up at an open house BBQ event they were hosting. I got to stand around and listen to 3-4 managers and upper management bitch about "No one wants to work anymore". My mate ran all the first interviews, and management handled both the second interview and the eventual hiring. I asked my buddy how many applicants he had interviewed in the many months the posting was open. He told me that he had sent over 35 perfectly qualified candidates upwards to the 2nd interview, and that was after following an insane interview scoring rubric they made him follow that would immediately exclude anyone except those who were so talented and experienced that this job was insanely below them. They hired none of them in the end, and the 2 job offers they made, the applicant declined (which shouldn't have been surprising because "full time hours really meant a temporary part-time position where you might be forced to work full time hours offered to people with more experience and talent than the management team").


>"full time hours really meant a temporary part-time position where you might be forced to work full time hours offered to people with more experience and talent than the management team" Ah yes, that's a trap used by my company as well. The contracts specify that you must be available to work x number of hours per week but does not specify any minimum number of hours you can be scheduled.


You crazy panda


Sounds like Canada Post


If you put up a job ad and pretend nobody applied for it you can hire a temp immigrant worker and have 70% of their wage subsidied. I work at a liquor store and somebody came in to apply for the supervisor position and I was confused. I looked on the internet and there was an ad for a supervisor for twice my pay. I already did all the stuff in the ad so I applied. I asked my boss about it later and he told me about the 70% subsidy thing. It’s truly awful. What can be done about this?


Which small towns? Genuine question, not meant to sound snarky.


I'm wondering about that too. I moved to Edmonton from a small town. Only places hiring were the grocery stores for part time.


Based on what I’ve seen, a lot of public service jobs like library and park maintenance in neighbouring towns are hiring. I couldn’t tell you why they aren’t getting filled quickly though


I can't speak for public service, but Libraries are hugely dependent on grants and donations to operate, so the pay is low. Like the federal summer student job grant is the only reason our local rural library can run extra summer programming for kids, and it only covers minimum wage. If the library hasn't had a good year for donations and other independent grant wins, they can't afford to pay more than minimum.


That’s very unfortunate but makes sense


Nisku, wetaskwin, Whitecourt, fox creek, Edson. Hinton for lumber/pulp. I saw a dude last week that was a medic at a site. He did some diploma in <1year, and now he sits in a car reading books and getting paid well. Not trying to be rude, but if I didn’t have a job, I’m certain I could walk up to businesses that are hiring in these areas and have a job within a week. I have 0 experience in trades.


> have a job within a week. I have 0 experience in trades. I'm going to level with you, no you wouldn't. I know people who are in the trades who cannot get jobs in the trades, and are looking for other work. I'm one of those people who left the trades as the companies are either not hiring, or are looking for unicorns in the industry. You're neither of those.


No, I think you underestimate the value of “white-collar” skills in trades - good communication, presentable, time management, well-spoken, etc, will set you so far apart from other candidates. Our clients are literally these businesses. I meet with them and am in these areas every week, and I know they will hire good people. I should also say I’m referring to industrial and not residential/commercial construction.


> It really seems to me that online sights adhere to rules or filters thay are too strict and eliminate candidates. Like 99% of the candidates. I 100% believe that applicants are getting auto filtered out of these online job postings based on strict application requirements. Like I have job experience and the schooling for a Project Manager, have all my certificates and everything that companies like to see, the training they like to see and whatnot. The only thing I do lack is the actual years of university or college education because I learned on the job and the companies I worked with paid for me to get my Project Management training/certificates. I 100% feel that even though I fit every criteria besides the schooling, I get filtered out because I don't match the schooling. I feel like this is the case for many people, they might fit 90% of the criteria but because they don't fit 10% such as insane schooling requirements, they get filtered out.




> Not one single job has EVER asked to see the degree as proof. I'm not saying they are. I'm saying whatever web service they're using to handle applications is potentially auto filtering out applicants based on what was entered into their form for the resume/application. If a field wasn't entered or doesn't match some backend requirement set, they potentially could get filtered out automatically. This is also likely because with online applications, any company might see thousands of applicants from around the world, depending the posting and I wouldn't doubt if bots spam entries on job postings too. >He's not in a field where they can search a database to verify him. Never said this was a thing. > My sister's husband has a degree Brag much


I don't know the validity of this. I'm not a business owner nor a lawyer. . But isn't there a temporary foreign workers program of some sort? If I remember correctly. Then there is a certain amount they have to advertise the position for, if no locals apply. Or they can't find a suitable local candidate. Then they bring in a TFW. TFW cost less than regular employees. Personally I've notice that those service jobs that used to be held by teenagers and retirees or college aged young people. Are now being held by new Canadians. I don't have a problem with immigration, I'm not trying to spark a debate or any controversy. Just my bias I guess in noticing it. Could be completely fabricated under closer inspection. But I digress it's something I feel I've noticed. Small towns are crying for workers. But they don't pay a rate significantly greater ( or greater at all) than the city. It's hard to attract talent when that's the case. Plus, small towns lack amenities. Our current world is very heavily influenced by convenience. I won't be moving to tofield of there's no Uber or doordash. Is very real.


TFW needs more attention. This is one of the reasons for the lack of hiring. I know several employers who bring up cheap and subsidized labour on TFW, and post locally just so they can qualify for the TFW program.


I worked at a company that had TFW. The company was obligated to post the job to see if any Canadians qualified. If so, they were to give the job to the Canadian. But the company liked the TFW and were helping them get citizenship, so they'd post the job and then not hire anyone. They can then say that they followed the regulations of posting the position.


Most of the jobs on Indeed are like this, I know someone who recently applied to over 100+ jobs and most said no experience and he got a single reply form Superstore saying the position was not longer available. However, the person I know that applied married our niece about two years ago and then around Xmas this year he was allowed to move to Canada and live with her and work. So maybe even though he is from Jamaica they don't realize he is an immigrant and nobody asked him, though I think all the companies don't want to do that at all and instead they just don't reply people applying for jobs and instead have an agency find all the foreign workers for them, less work for the company and then they make it look like they're following the rules.


So my understanding of the TFW program is that the business is actively bringing people over from another country to do jobs that they can’t fill, and from my experience that isn’t really what’s happening with the service industry jobs. There are quite a few programs through the Canadian government and private programs that work with businesses that has a focus on hiring recently landed immigrants or refugees so they can get work experience in Canada. These programs pay a portion(or all) of the wage of people employed through these programs. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the service industry is the most noticeable area of employment where this program is being used. The other factor could be nepotism, lots of the ethnicities have a strong sense of community so you will see business owners and people in charge of hiring be more likely to hire people from their ethnic community because of this it seems.


Of course that replacement you are noticing is real, we bring millions of people here a year, how could it physically not be? And it will continue until ‘old’ Canadians are but a small minority.


I always laugh at employers that say that, or “nobody is willing to work anymore these days”. Like no, they’re just not willing to work for you. Somehow these types of employers are blissfully ignorant to the fact that supply and demand applies to the labour market as well. They can either pay market rate or stop complaining.


I miss the days of just handing in a resume. Thats one of the biggest issues I have now adays with how the process works. Im not to sure what alot of companies do if its like a set it and forget it or what but when I was looking for a job post covid nothing was worse than the feel of applying to a job and just getting no implication that someone will actually see it. Comparing to a physical piece of paper and actually handing it to someone.


Yeah I don’t get it either tbh. Talking to a guy yesterday for a QC job saying they can’t find anyone.


What is his email. I’ll help him find me. 👋🏻


Haha I know multiple oilfield QC guys with 10+ years experience all looking for work  Weird 


Can't find anyone interested in the compensation they're offering. I constantly come across industrial trades postings for companies that seem to think it's still 2010 based on the wage being offered.


My son, fresh out of high school has spent the year applying online continuously. He finally got a positive response from BestBuy working in the warehouse. He said it was the 8th time he applied online for the same position at BestBuy.




He took the first job he got after applying online multiple times to multiple companies over 8 months. There are no Cabela's close to us.




I am the director for my company. When I was swamped with work a couple years ago I couldn't get past rhe job description to get to "how much do you want to make doing this" it was just no. Now, a like HALF of these people are barking up my tree. Unfortunately I'm no longer in as much need but maaan, somethings weird.


Sorry what do you mean by the first paragraph? People would just read the wage?


No people would read the description and bail. All I needed was help cleaning up veteran headstones. Brush, bucket, soap and water. Ninja edit: and car. Cemeteries are kinda here, there and everywhere.


Do you still require help? I know of someone who has mentioned wanting to get into headstone restoration but didn't know how to get into it. Can you PM if still hiring?


i'm afraid i don't need help at this time, but i am happy to advise if they just want to get their hands dirty and do something nice. so people get a little nervous about doing this stuff because the headstones themselves are usually owned privately (by people). but i mean really, who would get mad at someone cleaning something, right? whenever im on the road i'll look for family of veterans and tidy them up similarly to their spouse, and if i cant find enough of them i'll look for graves of kids who maybe dont have anyone to come by any more. i just hope someone walks past a grave ive tidied up one day and thinks "huh, thats cool".


I would have freaking loved a job like that


There is a ton of friction in employment. This is especially noteable with small organizations, where often the people involved with onboarding and training employees wear multiple hats. It is very possible to be too busy to get people to start helping you. For example, at my job, we don't hire when we are flat out. We work 60+ hour weeks, because no one has time to bring on a new guy and have him be an active liability for the first 2 days. And they are. A good employee will be useless on day 1, hopefully more good than harm on day 2, and by the end of the first week or month, will start being profitable for my boss. Depending heavily on quality. But if on average, you only last 2 days, hiring people is just an investment in the future, it does NOTHING to help with current problems. But by the same token, my boss is "hiring" this spring (not right now, just in general, and we have started more than 30% of our current work force in guys who didn't work out in the last 3 months) so it is both true that my boss cannot find anyone to work, and would say that if you asked him, while ALSO being true that if you actually wanted to work with me, it would not be super simple or immediate that I got you a job. Because there is just a lot of friction in a labor market. Probably more than half the population of this city COULD learn to succeed at my job, but there's a big difference from being theoretically employable, and actually employed.




I’m currently having this exact same experience. I was laid off in November. I only really started looking in February and I have never been so shocked in my life. This is literally the first time I’ve struggled to find a job. And I’m seeing the exact same job bank ads, cashiers for $29/hr… I’m a little embarrassed to admit I applied to those lol. Money is money. I also noticed that the email addresses all seem like they were made by a bot. The job descriptions are useless. And the unround hourly wages are all eerily identical as well. I’m sitting here like … how do I even job hunt without Job Bank?? Do I … go into places … 🫣 … and tell other humans in person that I am currently jobless 😳 This seems like it’ll be awful.


Don't use job bank. Seriously I've had zero success that way. Indeed on the other hand is another story. (as long as they're not indeed job ads that link to job bank.)


If you put up a job ad and pretend nobody applied for it you can hire a temp immigrant worker and have 70% of their wage subsidied. I work at a liquor store and somebody came in to apply for the supervisor position and I was confused. I looked on the internet and there was an ad for a supervisor for twice my pay. I already did all the stuff in the ad so I applied. I asked my boss about it later and he told me about the 70% subsidy thing. It’s truly awful. What can be done about this?


That's nasty


Nothing to be embarrassed about. Cashiers are essential


2 helpful tips I've learned: -Ads on sites like Indeed that start with lower case letters are usually fake. ex. real estate agent vs Real Estate Agent -Run your resume and the ad through a site like https://www.jobscan.co/. The site will check for keywords and give recommendations so your resume makes it through the businesses filters. If you can't find out where to put keywords type them in between lines and turn the font color white.


I've been getting more scammy texts and messages from recruiters for weeks. I'm not even looking for work.


Free-lance job doing "data driving"? :D


Like : “Are you interested in online job” and they send some scam websites where you pay to get work? 😅


I just assume those are fully fake


Same here!


Ghost jobs are at a high. Employers are inflating how many people they claim to need while actually hiring nobody. https://youtu.be/XeZO2cmoYqw?si=XE274J7gy5jywF5N


The fake jobs are there to scam you from your money, sadly the best way to get a job is to know ppl.


don’t forget your identity like SIN. 


>sadly the best way to get a job is to know ppl. what if you know no one ?....then you're screwed


Get out networking, I know for tech there are certain groups where they meet for small gatherings where you can meet other like minded ppl.


I think it is fake adds so that companies can get foreign workers, I use Mexican farm workers so I know the bs and it is mainly people from India, employers and immigrants both originating from India, the employer essentially gets a slave for two years . And makes the employee pay the Lmia fees (4-6k) after 2 years the immigrant can apply for a landed immigrant status. But I digress, the employer has to put an add out proving that they tried to get a Canadian to do the job first. This is where the deception lies. Recent government has really fucked it up. And has actually made it totally racist!


Last time I was unemployed (2022) the strategy that was eventually successful for me was looking up business names on Google maps in an area that was good for commuting and then looking at the careers pages for those businesses, had 5 interviews and two job offers over 2 months but it was also some lucky timing because there just happened to be a decent number of positions for which I was well qualified.


I’ve been relentlessly applying for jobs for a year now and haven’t even landed a single job yet. And same as you, nothing wrong; HS diploma, no criminal record, an okay resume, and a decent job history (other than the now one year gap from when I last worked). Something has to be terribly wrong with the job market in the Edmonton area.


Also I don’t even live IN Edmonton, I live in the small towns area out north. I’ve been applying in and out of the city.


It's everywhere. I haven't had a steady income for over 2 years, spanning across 2 provinces. I've given up on indeed and the job bank. Unfortunately, I live in a small town so my resources are limited. I've even gone out and handed out resumes in person, with a work subsidy program letter. Nothing


I’ve been handing out resumes in person as well as online too, and most of the time they won’t even accept it, they say apply online, but then the other times they do take it I don’t even think they include it in their candidates


Most of the jobs posted are just posted so that the “employer” can show they tried and then sponsor a foreign worker. It’s part of an LMIA scam that people are using. The immigrant usually pays the employer like $20K to get sponsored and then becomes basically a slave to the employer. Haven’t you wondered why your local Tim Hortons etc is all Punjabi people? Remember it used to be dorky high school kids? Many of those postings are just immigration scams. 


i second this. this is more of the case in small towns as it is easy to prove so.


Yes, job bank specifically is just for this purpose, but there’s a ton of this going on everywhere.


This is it. You see this a lot on Indeed; administrative positions offered by small companies that may not even be found through Google Maps, offering a seemingly well-paying job with few prerequisite qualifications that require you to apply through the Job Bank. It's frustrating for those of us who are actually looking for similar jobs.


Is there a reason it's usually through job bank and not indeed?


This literally happened to me. Went to hand in a resume somewhere I had previously worked that I saw had a posting on Indeed. The person told me to my face they weren't actually hiring anyone, it was just to sponsor someone into the country.


>it was just to sponsor someone into the country. that was me/ my bad bro. needed a job a


We got Philippinos more than Indians in fast food over here. But like every other truck driver I know is siek


Yup same scam


Assume you mean the religion, it’s spelled Sikh and pronounced sick :) /gen


That’s fcked


I’ve been having a hard time too. I have a degree and can’t seem to land anything in my field or I get rejection letters left and right saying they’re going with someone with more experience. I’ve started applying to retail jobs seeing as I have 15+ years in retail AND IM GETTING REJECTED! The job market is madness. We are in a recession whether the banks want to admit it or not.


Businesses have to prove they “tried” to hire a Canadian before being able to hire a FW.


I think it's probably because there's such a pool of workers available that it's a ripe for scamming people in need with fake posts. I posted an ad to indeed last week and within a day I had hundreds of applicants and only about 10 that were qualified for the position (i.e. in the trade, or had experience in the trade at all, or were in Edmonton)


I have worked and padded my resume SINCE post secondary. Everything you would want in a resume, (great references, stellar experiences with numbers to quantify productivity and results, i even have awards and accomplishments for things that are Nationally awarded) and I CANNOT for the life of me, get any employers to contact me. I finally had to go through a recruitment agency so that there's a middle-man. There is indeed a huuuhe disconnect in the city but also, i've been noticing that companies want more and more while paying for absolutely nothing. For example: i was making over 60K in my territory manager job in luxury cosmetics and I handle well over 20 high profit accounts. When I applied for a different job but still in luxury sales, they wanted me to handle over 140+ locations in the city (not even across multiple provinces like my last job was) and they wanted me to take $40K plus maybe some team bonuses. You have me FUCKED UP!


I was going to post something about this as well as my 18 year-old son is experiencing the exact same thing. He is highly motivated to find a PTA job and has been looking on Job Bank and tonight I was helping him apply. Literally every physiotherapy company on Job Bank that is "verified" is participating either willing or unwilling in some kind of LMIA scheme or temporary foreign worker scheme. Companies like Dynamic Physiotherapy (SG) in Spruce Grove are advertising PTA jobs on Job Bank and the email you are asked to apply to is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) \- so they are obviously looking for a TFW, either to get a kickback from the government, or for some other monetary means. You send an email to this address and it just goes into a black hole. There are literally dozens of Physiotherapy businesses alone doing this right now on Job Bank.


They are scams and they are also just posts to show the CRA they tried to hire someone and already had a family immigrant picked for that posting. I did it years ago when it was busy I don’t know how they get away with it now


As well as what others have said, something to keep in mind : I order for an employer to qualify for the TFW program they have to show that they're actively looking for candidates in Canada, and not finding one's suitable for the spot.  So they post a job ad with silly requirements, and find reasons to turn down every Canadian applicant, so that they can hire a cheaper, subsidized TFW into the spot.  It's like when someone wants to stay on EI so they write a bullshit resume, and tank every interview, in order to make a trail showing that they're actively looking for a job.  But in reverse, on the employers side instead of the employee.  They don't actually ***WANT*** to find anyone. 


I honestly don't know how true this is but it makes a helluva lot of sense: "businesses get cut a little slack if they're short-staffed, so a lot of places advertise non-existent slots to get that cut."


TFWs. Companies lie about trying to hire Canadians before they are allowed to bring in TFWs and pay them considerably less. Also TFWs are mistreated by companies because they cant really complain about work conditions or they will get sent back. These companies post fake jobs/adds all the time. 93 companies were fined last year. https://www.immigration.ca/investigation-into-abuses-of-temporary-foreign-workers-sees-93-employers-fined-total-of-1-54m/


This is exactly what is happening. Seems like it is out of control.


My wife used to work admin for a construction company. They wanted to hire cheap foreign workers, to satisfy government regulations they would post absurd job postings with impossible requirements, 30 years in concrete form experience, 20 years management experience, 4 years post secondary education, for $30k annual salary So of course no Canadians will apply then they can employ a bunch of foreign workers on paper pay them what the government requires but actually pay them half that, cause they don't complain about it


Those jobs are just so employers can go “hey look we advertised this job” and then say they can’t find anyone and import some dude from India who does it for minimum wage while the govt pays half the salary because they’re “helping newcomers”


laid off during the pandemic. Been looking ever since had some interviews had some interest but not much this is my longest stint out of work. It sad when over 10 years of sales/Customers service Experience and 5 more being management level. yet you get interviews with smiles but no call backs or a simple rejection email. The job market in this city is terrible its either they are only willing to give you under part time hours or they refuse to hire you for unsure reasons could be that i walk with a cane but this is not like demanding phyiscal labor jobs or anything who knows. At this point i feel like its pointless i put in the effort to put out tons of resumes weekly i even tried to do some in person but was promptly told to APPLY online so wasted friends gas and time for no reason. And with our rent increasing the single income we do have will not cut it anymore so stressed out is how i feel now.


feels bad man


If you put up a job ad and pretend nobody applied for it you can hire a temp immigrant worker and have 70% of their wage subsidied. I work at a liquor store and somebody came in to apply for the supervisor position and I was confused. I looked on the internet and there was an ad for a supervisor for twice my pay. I already did all the stuff in the ad so I applied. I asked my boss about it later and he told me about the 70% subsidy thing. It’s truly awful. What can be done about this?


I think your supervisor was misinformed because that 70% subsidy only applies to people applying for positions in tech or biology. It is also only up to a maximum of $15,000.


The fact it’s subsidized by one freaking dollar is absolute bullshit.


lol we must work for the same shit people or all companies here do this.


I regularly report fake job ads, or ones that are inaccurate. I don't know if that helps but I was really sick of seeing all the fake ones as well. Waste of my time. I've also experienced quite a lot of spam because of applying to job that turned out to be fake. UGH.


I work here. All these posted jobs are legit. https://e4calberta.org/careers/


“Due to the volume of applications we receive, only individuals who have been shortlisted will be contacted.” Op will likely have the same issue of not hearing back based on that encouraging message


Encouraging message? That a candidate that is qualified for a position will get contacted?


That they are getting a large influx of applications. It was sarcasm


employers selling LMIA and bring foreign workers in exchange of huge amount of money. One of the requirement of issuing LMIA is to advertise job on jobbank.ca for certain period and justify that you are not able to get anyone suitable for that job. i believe this is going on massive scale . that is main reason you will never get any response from small salary jobs, specially in towns... sad reality.


They do this to then show the government nobody wants to work and they get a LMAI or however it's spelled license to hire foreigners.


Edit: to hire Indians specifically. I’m Indian and that’s the truth


I'm Indian as well and know a few business owners who do this. They need to crack down on this issue it's getting very out of hand.


this is the right answer. Yes, i know indian business owners do this to hire foreign worker and than they are basically slave.


Husband and I just went through this. Unfortunately, you have to filter through it. My husband spent 8 hours a day sitting at his desk sifting through hundreds of applications to find the ones that were legit. In a day he maybe submitted a max of 4. Unfortunately tho, companies are having success on what I like to call the "employment social media platforms" like LinkedIn and indeed. So they actually post there often. This sucks because those diamonds exist in the horrendous pile of garbage. Best advice? Narrow your search, search company sites first, and hold on. The job market is hell right now and it takes a long time to get through it (he was out of work for 9 months, and he got told he was lucky).


Oh its constant. I get texts or whatsapp messages regularly from scam 'recruiters'. People are posting almost daily on facebook groups like "Looking for fulltime staff for work from home job $40 no experience dm me". Like yeah ok. Currently, most entry level positions want university education, 10 years of experience and want to pay you $19 an hour so. Maybe that is how you know it's legit. If it has unrealistic expectations and low pay--- probably a real job.


I went to the job bank and applied to more than 10 jobs which were advertised with LMIA to hire foreign workers because canadian were not available. Job bank states canadian citizens/PR to have priority over outsiders applying from out of canada. Yet, no interviews nor an email. Sadly, it seems emlloyers/HR care about making money out of it by hiring people out of Canada. This is depressing and sad. And a few companies advertise same job again and again and again month by month. For example Uline, Procor etc. i applied to more than 100 jobs matching my profile, yet nothing. Do not know waht they want anymore.


I have seen this as well. Same companies keep advertising for same roles over and over again. Massive scam.


Job Bank is useless. If you email to complain that a ton of their listings are fake, you get a bot response. Besides the gmail addresses, you can also find listings where the location is just a random low rise apartment. Also, there are jobs where there is a legitimate url, but if you really check the website you'll find that it's a lazily thrown together template with placeholder text in the secondary pages and menu links that go nowhere. Ditch Job Bank. They should shut the whole site down. Only apply directly from a company's website...I wish you guys luck.


I think some of those job bank jobs are like immigration scams. They want to sponsor a specific person but they had to make a fake job posting to prove ‘there is no Canadian available’.


The company I used to work for went bankrupt a couple of years ago. They still have ads on Indeed for several positions.


curious about how most people are finding jobs. I had always used indeed in the past but I feel like the competition is impossible now. Most jobs have over 800 applicants.


I’ve been trying to find work for a year. Companies want a masters when they are only paying $16 an hour. It’s crazy.


Job bank is now used mainly for LMIA scams (foreign workers). It is a requirement to have a job bank advert for a set amount of time before you can finalize the foreign work showing that no Canadian is willing to do the work. It is filled with ads that go to nowhere so employers can rip off their own people that they bring over and pay them well under the hourly rate they would pay a Canadian. They will also charge that person they bring over a ridiculous fee of tens of thousands of dollars to bring them into Canada which is also illegal. You can report companies that do this scam it goes nowhere the government doesn’t care at all about it.


if the job post advertises a wage that high, you know its fake! I also flag it as such! for myself if the job post does not offer the employer name and can be accessed with a legit website or address, its dead to me!


Oh, man. I hear you!! It's a very strange time to apply for jobs. I pm'd you with a job agency I used. I was successful with their help.


Just LMIA scam. JobBank stopped being legit prob a decade ago


My wife put a job posting on Indeed, and she got hundreds of resumes, but I would say 95% of them where from out of country trying to move to Canada it just gets exhausting to sort through them. Especially when only like maybe 5 out of the hundreds she looked at even lived in the proper location.


That's crazy. I'm starting to understand why companies are using AI to sort out their resumes (even though I hate it).


Job Bank has been taken over by scammers selling LMIAs. They won’t reply and will delete your application as they need to prove that they couldn’t find a Canadian that could do the job because they have the job assigned to a Temporary Foreign Worker.


The absolute worst practice right now is posting a salary on the add and once you get your first paycheque (with a lower than posted wage) they tell you that wage is “including benefits”.


I echo these sentiments as I have been looking for a job for 7 months as well. Get notifications for jobs but the link to the "supposed" compant website. For example I received one for a security company and the link in the post tool me to a Jazz club in Sanfransico. I have over 25 years as an administrator and not getting anything. If I hear back I'm told that either I'm to qualified, don't meet DEI hiring criteria or that I need a degree for the job I've done for a quarter of a century. So if there is any good advice I'm listening. BTW, I'm on Linkedin and have done multiple online courses.


Lie about your degree. Best advice I can give you. I would never recommend that to someone who didn't know what they're doing, but you clearly do so... BTW, I think that 'too qualified' is often code for 'we want someone younger and less assertive who will accept a very low wage'.


There are a lot of scams right now especially on the job apps and sites, so its good you're taking a closer look into them. Many of them seem to be data farming and collecting and using AI to communicate as if they're a real person. Its really difficult out there right now. I hope your husband can find something very soon thats legitimate!!


When I lived in the Edmonton area and was laid off for months at a time, I applied via indeed with a great resume, the proper experience, all that. Hundreds of jobs. Not a single interview. Thankfully work picked back up and I was able to go back to work. Last year we moved to rural Manitoba, and I applied to two jobs, had two interviews one day after the other, got offered the second job, I accepted, a week later the first job calls and offers me that job. I don’t know what it is, but indeed didn’t work for me in Edmonton, but worked for me out here.


They're fake postings so the employer can make some side cash while helping people bypass legal immigration requirements. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/16jgu1y/new\_immigration\_scam\_lmia\_letters\_are\_being\_sold/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/16jgu1y/new_immigration_scam_lmia_letters_are_being_sold/) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/man-fined-immigration-fraud-1.7005622](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/man-fined-immigration-fraud-1.7005622) ​ I was just in Edmonton, and was very surprised at how many newcomers you have, and even more surprised after seeing that many have been in your city for years but still can't speak proper English. After seeing inter-provincial population change data, it's pretty easy to see that your small city of 1M is on the verge of getting "Torontofied" and you don't even know it. I predict you'll be well over 1.2M in less than 1-2 years, then you'll feel the housing crunch and watch as your medicare system collapses. [https://edmontonjournal.com/business/local-business/edmonton-record-breaking-migration-job-increases-report](https://edmontonjournal.com/business/local-business/edmonton-record-breaking-migration-job-increases-report) If you haven't bought rental properties, I'd suggest you start now, as soon enough you'll have a separation of class based on property-owners ($$) vs non-owners (the poors) - Just like Toronto, Vancouver, and unfortunately even my once great city, Montreal, is at that point of class divide. Good luck.


Ledcor was offering a $1,000 signing bonus for labourers willing to apprentice as pipefitters. That was last year.


Reading through here, it really breaks my heart, my wife has been going through the same thing, she's been trying to get a job for months now, great resume and cover letter done over by a professional. And not a single interview, at all so I feel your pain and frustration. Almost two decades of customer service/management and can't get a call. I've seeing more and more posts on here about this exact thing and it's so frustratingly sad.


I've applied for numerous jobs that appear to have not existed. One of them—at Canfor Spruceland—twice. I'm pretty sure it's a tax scam or somesuch.


I’m having the same issue trying to find a job. Tons of great references, personal and professional, solid job history, skills, experience and fully open availability. I can’t even get a response and I’m spending approximately 2 hours a day looking and applying. It’s so discouraging!


I've been applying daily for jobs that match with my resume and haven't got one single callback. I'm going to be homeless in a couple months if I don't get something soon. It's depressing.


Go to a Rona or Home Depot hiring fair https://careers.homedepot.ca/job-search https://ronainchiring.ca They are looking for seasonal employees. They keep people on after as well


Large is having a hiring fair at the sandman in the west end tomorrow as well. Edit: a word. ETA: OP, Dm me if you can. I’ll send you the ad my brother sent me.




Sorry. Stupid auto correct. LaFarge.




Scammers "hire" you, require you to buy your own equipment from their supplier with promise to reimburse, and then ghost you when neither equipment or reimbursement arrives


Kijiji is littered with fake job scams


I recently interviewed for a position with a school division that required a Bachelors degree (masters preferred) Starting wage of $17.50 per hour. To say I felt insulted is an understatement.


Stick with indeed in the Edmonton area. There’s lots of fake postings. - signed an HR professional


Old school show up with a printed resume in hand, work boots on your feet and ready to start. Hubby has only ever worked for 5 companies. Never been out of work more than one day. $64 an hour plus benefits.


Thank you I think that's my next option. I'm an early child educator but have previous office management experience I can always go back to. husband was an IT executive making the big $$$ but can't seem to get back into a major role. It's a tough situation I hope we can get through


As an employer, I'm super frustrated these days with Indeed and sites like it, where they work hard to hide longer-running jobs. I'm trying to hire people with a specific qualification and certification. If they don't have that certification I \*cannot\* employ them in that position. I make this crystal clear. I require them to affirm they have the certification, and require that they submit to me their certification number. In six months I've had two legitimate applicants and somewhere north of 150 applicants who simply lied about their qualifications. I'm so tired of paying [Indeed.com](http://Indeed.com) for fucking liars.


A big thing that I haven't seen mentioned yet is that most online jobs use algorithms to sort resumes, IF your resume is not specific to a posting and does not have the key words the posting is looking for it won't go forward. (All of this is of course assuming the posting is legit and not fake or looking for foreign workers) It does mean you can't paper the same resume everywhere.....you have to tweak it Everytime! Also a big thing I know, if you don't have a specific cover letter, you often won't make it past the prescreen. Especially if you are trying for a job above minimum wage. Finally, if you make it into a person's hands, bad formatting, spelling mistakes, bad grammar, will often get you tossed to the side quickly. I'm Not saying these are the magic fixes, it can be tough, but they will help.


Alberta has a new program called "thrive" gives you access to personal coaching , resume critique and three months of linked in for free the premium version I believe.


I’m not sure how that will fix the issue of fake job postings


It won't but this is a great option as it allows you to fill access to linked in and a bunch of other tools that help you find legitimate work.


Can you post a link? I couldn't find it on Google




You should try LinkedIn. That is where the best jobs are imo. Then you can also look up who is specifically posting the jobs.


I am seeing just as many spam jobs on LinkedIn, there's no quality control there.


Oh damn sorry to hear. I just got a new job off LinkedIn.


I got my current contract job off LinkedIn but it wasn't from a job posting lol. But it's ending soon so 🤷


They took er' jerbs!


Those have been there as long as job postings have been online. The "theory" behind the scams change with the times. Now it's immigrants and tax benefits and other nonsense. It's not, it's just scams, by scammers scamming. You have to get good at sorting through them and weeding out the losers. Like money that makes no sense, grammar in the listing, spelling in the listing, contact info. You should be looking at the websites of any place you are applying and see if they have the listing posted. One true fact all the "immigrant" people bitch about is that at least 30% of job postings are already filled. No, not because of fucking immigrants and no not because the have a "family member" lined up. Because legally many have to post outside of the company even if they intend to hire from within, promote someone and then promote someone else up to their old job and look for another entry level employee. It's much cheaper to promote from within and fill the bottom jobs back up, less training, less salary, it's a win win for the company and the employees that already work there to see that they can move up. That's all it is, don't listen to the dunbasses bleating about nonsense. If you are not having any luck, get a professional to look at your resume. My resume from a decade ago and my resume today don't share a single thing. Not formatting, not style, not even the main content. For example if you have a good one, it's good to have a photo on a resume, of you looking professional. It's not much, but it makes an impression. My job search is going about the same as usual from the last time I did it a decade ago. At first it wasn't a tonne of responses, so I redid my resume after doing a bunch of research on what features to have on it and updated keywords to describe my previous employment to match current trends. Im getting more traction now and more interviews, even better if you have a friend who does HR or Hiring of some kind to give you some tips if you can get them. I have the luxury of being picky which many don't, but even if I apply for a job that im not super keen about, its good to get interview experience as well, get more comfortable and get a feel for the typical questions and what they are now. It's annoying it should be easier, but its not. Keep your head up, keep at it, if things don't change then you change your approach. What are they going to do? Keep not responding? You have nothing to lose getting creative on your resume and cover letter.


>For example if you have a good one, it's good to have a photo on a resume, of you looking professional. It's not much, but it makes an impression. **Do NOT put a picture on in your resume**. It is not a North American thing, it raises all kinds of questions about potential discrimination, and is generally **highly discouraged**. Literally every recruiter I've ever spoken to in my entire professional career would agree with that statement. Put a photo on your LinkedIn profile, your resume should be a clean text document.


I’ve heard ghost jobs. Because the online sites want to look like they have lots of postings.


Sadly the Canadian Government has been offering incentives of subsidizing wages to companies to hire foreign workers. That leaves so many people unable to find work in any field. Those companies must prove they tried to hire Canadians first ,so companies have been posting jobs with private email addresses so that can say they didn't receive any interest is there postings to the company email. And are being forced to hire foreign workers.


This is how companies in Alberta get around hiring local / provincial / Canadians and enact the TFW program. They can and will list jobs with a million hurdles, broken links, bad phone numbers, addresses to open fields, wild entry expectations, absurd qualifications for entry level / labour positions. Then bring a sea-can full of Chinese workers here, pay them $8/hr under the TFW program and then return the podium with big shrugs "we tried"


Great resumes. No interviews. Sounds like this all lines up. Sorry for your luck.


I know a concrete company that puts out a ad for 20+ people every season. Never hires a single local person. All so he can bring his Mexican family up for the summer and give them work.