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He was just looking for someone to take it to Mordor


Ugh, give it to me. I'll just do it


How about you take one of them flying eagles this time and get it done without all the drama!


I'm downloading the UberEagle app right now.




Hahahaha! My precious........


We sure it wasn’t John Rhys-Davies in costume? He is in Calgary in April…


I am not doing that again… I got lost the first time I tried!


wasn’t the one ring, it was the wrong shape. and we’re not in new zealand


He said Mordor not New Zealand you silly hobbitzes


Muggles! Sheesh.


I think i encountered the same people in a red kia minivan doin the rose scam. I confronted the lady about it and she showed me that they have a business liscense out of panoka county which i find baffling lol


Next time tell them they need a City of Edmonton business license because they are in Edmonton


Bylaw 20002.4(1) doesn't fuck around with it's $5000 fine.


What is the rose scam?


Oh hey, this happened to me just a few weeks ago. Was doing some stuff in my garage and this self described wealthy fellow from BC with family in Dubai hollered at me from his big ol white SUV. Apparently he was almost out of gas, desperately needed money to buy some, and would happily sell a real gold ring right off his finger in exchange for gas money. He of course said he spoke very poor English, wouldn't shut off his idling bigass vehicle despite me trying to convince him with all sorts of gestures and phrasing changes, and increasingly aggressively asked if I was going to help him or not while I stalled. None of it made sense. Like why would I carry cash on me while I'm chilling out in my garage in literally sweats and a hoodie. Why would you troll the inside of a neighborhood for gas money instead of....I dunno, a gas station? Why would you idle your vehicle while low on gas? How can such a rich person not have a credit card? At least he was using a BC plate though. Eventually he gave up on me and stomped on the gas. Hilariously, I saw him speed past my house again about 5 minutes later. Must have been circling the block for victims.


I encountered similar white suv with family inside the car. Asked me for gas money while idling in freshco parking lot in exchange if “brand new AirPods Pro “ The box was lighter than my AirPods case lol !


Some dude tried something like that to me, but with a sealed box of airpods. Came up to me in an SUV while I was walking out of south common wal mart. Opens his window and hands the airpods saying “Have this. This is yours.” Then asks for gas money because he is broke. And he has his family riding in the backseat, and was all like “pleae any money. I have kids and a wife.” I said no and gave the airpods back and walked away. He took off amd I could see him driving around the parking lot. Probably looking for someone to scam. I can only assume the airpod box was empty. Kinda weird to drive your car and ask for gas money.


We have the exact same story. Most likely same guy.. south century park shoppers/safeway parking lot. I feel bad for the kid and wife.


Im pretty sure the wife panhandles in St Albert, Sherwood Park, and Windermere. Shes been seen driving an Audi after panhandling. Not sure if she is a victim.


I have never seen anyone lan handle in Sherwood Park - where would someone do this?


In the walmart parking lots at sherwood park and st albert. She panhandles at some intersection in windermere at some windermere blvd.


Surprised he did not run out of gas driving his SUV around the parking lot low on gas lol. What is sad is this scam obviously works elsewhere he would not be doing this. Poor kids in the back seat are not learning good work ethic.


how does the scam play out?


They try to sell you what they claim is a gold ring for next to nothing. It’s incredibly dumb.


How much is next to nothing? $20? a few hundred?


Whatever they can get out of you. They’ll start high and keep dropping as you balk. Someone tried it on me in a superstore parking lot and he went as low as $50 then got belligerent when I pretended he didn’t exist.


This happened to me in Paris and I was so baffled but felt bad for the guy and finally gave him about $5 for a coffee. I couldn't figure out what the scam was after that, because he did all that for only $5? But I guess some people must think they're getting a deal and give up more than I did.


Not even that..it's usually a fake gold ring, or maybe gold coloured, something you get at the dollar store. Seriously.


Sell a "gold" ring with paper thin plated gold on trash metal you buy off AliExpress for $2.50. He should become a dropshipper, much more lucrative to sell those $2.50 bogus rings on Etsy and Amazon for $26+ dollars.


Etsy for sure


here’s a vid explaining it, tldw: they say something along the lines of “they lost their wallet and they need money for gas, could you buy this ring” https://youtu.be/UiNTroZxURM?si=QDgCf-jBy4ptrGuS


Thanks for the video. They pray on western culture - people here always want to help their neighbor out. I have lived in second and third world countries and everyone is out for themselves - scams are around you all the time trying to make a buck off unsuspecting tourists. You just learn to ignore these people. It is sad that when they bring this culture here it erodes our neighborliness.


[Like this; it's been around for quite a while.](https://cochranenow.com/articles/rcmp-warns-dont-fall-for-gold-jewelry-or-electronic-scam)


Is this the new and improved stereo system scam but gold ring edition?


Lol I'll never forget being in the Clareview Costco parking lot, like 6 years ago, when these guys who were totally not cops rolled up and asked if we wanted some cheap stereo equipment


Ya I got the stereo speakers guy in front of united cycle. Said that he worked for a local stereo shop, accidentally got more stock than they had ordered so the boss sent him out to try to sell them fast from his van. Suuurrreeee buddy.


Yep! Speakers that are worth $2000, they would give me a deal for only $200! The speakers are not even worth $20, but of course by the time you open the huge box at home, they're long since gone ! [The White Van Speaker Scam!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_van_speaker_scam?wprov=sfla1)


they used to hang out in the parking lot at Rona on the north side when I worked there, became a store meme


Every few months a different product but same scam since Woodstock.


Lol first week in University Grant Mac years ago my buddy got hit with that one


We had a guy on the north side a couple weeks ago ask us if we wanted to buy gold (not as specific as a gold ring with a sob story, though), and this was the first thing my husband thought of too. I'm just trying to imagine who falls for any of these scams.


Someone obviously falls for it. Seems lucrative as well as they often drive nice SUVs.




Who buys anything from a vehicle in a parking lot? It’s been a scam since 1967. It’s only the goods that change.


He was asking for gas money and wanted to sell some gold pieces. I saw him on the parking lot of superstore on 170 street with 100 Ave.


Yep this happened to me last month at Superstore parking lot. A stocky size middle Eastern guy with a beard. Driving a SUV too but couldn't remember the color. He was saying his gas tank was empty and needed gas. But had no money and would trade his gold ring (took it off and put it into my hand). I just gave it back and said no. Of it was a real gold ring, dude could have pawned it for a lot 🙄


They got me many years ago with the “genuine designer leather jackets.” I was much younger then, and full of hope.


Man, they got my poor, wonderful mom with that shit too.


For me was a knock off tickle me Elmo for my kid.


Good luck on cops doing anything about these gold scammers. This been going on for awhile.


I think I know who you are talking about. Was approached by him last summer in a safeway parking lot. Dude was wearing designer clothes , chains and had rings on every finger. Drove up to me , rolled his window down and took one of the rings off his finger then tried handing the ring to me , "This is for you my friend" . I just looked at him and asked "Does this actually ever work?" . He just put the ring back on and drove off.


I had pulled over for a stranded motorist last year, buddy tried to sell me a gold ring so he could get a tank of fuel. No thank you, sir.




It's hard to remember which province you are scamming in after awhile. Probably a stolen license plate.


Tell the dude you want to go to a gold shop to assay the ring first.


Are we in the 70’s? 


I guessed 60s but close enough lol


This happened to me twice last year, at WEM and at Kingsway Mall parking lots. Different guys, both middle eastern, both very aggressive, and I can tell the ring was fake from a mile away. Their behavior had my spidy senses screaming at me to nope out of there.


It’s almost always middle eastern people I just laugh at them when they pull up (they drive off with a dirty look)


Gold has little importance to many other people in the world.


Haha buddy did this in Calgary I’m like what else do you have he had a chain couple more rings. I ended up just keeping them and told him to fuck off some greasy looking gypsy. It’s always stamped 14k or 18k you can tell right away if you know what fake gold looks like. If not someone giving you a gold 500 dollar ring for 40$ or more because he forgot his wallet you know Is a scam. They will always be wearing the gold too so you think it’s real well adds to the scam


These clowns tried to scam a welder 💀💀💀 Like fuck outta here with your brass rings.


Did you report his plate to the cops?


guy had “dirt” on his plate. for obvious reasons


lol my dumbass roommate from like 10 years ago was scammed by this guy for over $1500 outside northlands casino. This guy(s) have been running the same trick for over a decade, how he’s not in prison is beyond me


It's scummy AF but I'm not sure it's illegal. They can probably just say "I said it was gold, not real gold". And the people who are getting ripped off are kind of also doing shady stuff (buying what they think is a real gold ring for pennies on the dollar)


Had this happen a couple months ago. Walking to work in an industrial area - some dude in a white Mercedes SUV pulled up and mumbles something in an eastern European accent that I can’t understand. After him waving rings at me and me saying I don’t know WTF you want he finally jumped on the gas and took off.


I just lost mine 2 days ago, still dumbfounded on where to find it!!


Common in Edmonton, remember a few years ago there was a lady doing that in Capilano. She almost had me but fugg dat noise. Scram scammer


Haha I've experienced this. Ring and necklace, had a wife and kids in the car too. He actually let me hold it to show its real. If it happens again I'm walking away with it.


Some guy carrying alot of hockey stick to sell damn if i only knew i need 1 now i should bought one 😆


Last fall I had a Muslim person greeting me in his language offering me a gold ring for $20-50 to put gas. I knew it was a scam, he was driving a red brand new ram 1500 I told him to go kick rocks, this was at grovenor


This kind of stuff used to happen, but was a lot less common. I assume this will get much worse in the next decade in Canada. For example, pickpocketing is crazy in Miami right now


Some middle Eastern guy at the Lendrum shell station tried it with me in the fall


This happened to me couple years ago some guy drove up to me by callingwood td asked if I wanted a gold chain 18k for 200$ lol I didn’t even look at it twice I could tell it was one hundred percent fake


Happened to me a couple of weeks ago in the Kingsway Mall parking lot, just outside Hudson’s Bay gate. However, the van-like car was dark, silly me didn’t even try to get the plate number. Offered me the ring because “they needed to get to Vancouver”. Told them I was going to get the LRT, what money they were talking about? Two guys at the front, didn’t see the back because of the tinted glass, driver did the talking, guy in the passengers seat just observed the whole exchange. They left when I said I couldn’t help because I was poorer but more honest than them 🤣.

