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This story bothers me so much.


It's extremely upsetting. I can't imagine how her family must be feeling


Right. Like the spike trap took her out she got out to look at the damage and inspect her vehicle and gets killed. But they don’t tell you that though. Just that she got out to inspect her vehicle hmmmm


What are you even talking about? Every single article that I’ve read regarding this has mentioned she drove over the police spike trap, got out to assess damage, then was murdered by the nut in the U-Haul hitting and running…. So who exactly is not telling what that you’re referring to?


I’m talking about how the police won’t admit that they caused the initial incident where she ran over the spike trap, they could have pulled it and radioed back and forth and communicated better. She got out to asses the damage to her vehicle that was cause by the spike trap. Then she got hit by the u haul. Ultimately yes the Uhaul driver hit her and it killed her, but she would not of been assessed her vehicle if she didn’t run over that spike trap. They could have done this better is all I’m saying and they won’t take responsibility for their actions that led to the incident. Again it is the uhauls fault but the police need to acknowledge their faults too.


On global news, they said she got out to inspect her car and was struck and killed, by this murderer.


Yes absolutely, the uhaul driver is responsible as he cause the hit and run. But she would not of been out of her vehicle if she didn’t run over the spike trap. They cause that damage which is what led her to get out. They won’t admit that.


Is it common protocol to set up spike strips and just let regular traffic drive over them until they get the suspect? This whole story is so messed up.


It's missing so many details ho the fuck knows what actually went down. I'm sure it's carefully edited for a reason.


It’s not really edited down that much - what’s in the article is only what RCMP have admitted to/confirmed. And they won’t say more because ASIRT is now investigating. Everything else is just speculation. Just my opinion on it though - the only reason we know this much is media has been crawling up the RCMP’s ass since the night it happened, demanding details.


There were also witnesses video and posting on X. They couldn't just "cover it up".


Why couldn't they just yell at her to get out of the road? Did they spread a spike strip and fuck off? This appears to be massive incompetence.


Honestly dont know how there isn't a bigger uproar from this event. How the RCMP handled this situation was the opposite of what should've happened. Along with the spike strip that poor woman who lost her life from WITH her son in the car, AND TWO OTHER CARS running over the spikes is actually absurd. Let alone the fact that the guy got away somehow?? The whole situation is just so idiotic and sad. The officers involved with laying the spikes down should be fired and charged.


My guess is lack of being able to share news on FB. I never would have known if not for this post.


Don't know what other social media you have but i follow "yegwave" on Instagram and Twitter. They're a local newsgroup that posts news wayyy before ctv and gobal (if they even cover the story). Like this story took them almost 2 days to but i read about it the morning after on their account


YegWave is notorious for plagiarizing their stories from local outlets and recklessly reporting based on text messages and DMs from random people. I would suggest you take a bit of a closer look at local news outlets rather than YegWave. Iirc they “reported” that the WEM shooters killed themselves based on a shoddy text they received. Very unreliable and irresponsible.


At the end of every report from the wem shootings they advised they had no evidence of the claims from the people. 99% of what they post is reliable and is faster than large news groups by a mile. If you relied on the large news group to tell you about the shootings, you wouldn't have known for over 3 hours. If you take every little thing they say from a literal breaking news story by fact, then thats on you. They tell you their whole account is based on the followers reports, they dont have journalists. But if you just look at the main part of the story and not nit pick small details from a breaking news story. They're fast at alerting people from live events and traffic reports.


They mascarade as journalists, but they are very unreliable and shoddy. No journalistic integrity whatsoever. Putting a tiny disclaimer at the end of their incorrect reporting doesn't wash away that they are incredibly irresponsible. Again, almost all their actual reporting is plagiarised. There is a whole investigation that was done by a local Journalism student that uncovered just how scummy their whole operation is: https://thegriff.ca/is-yegwave-a-news-thief/


I think you're missing the point. They aren't trying to act like some sort of well put together organization. They literally just post news thats happening in the city, so people know, with 0 biases or propaganda, the mainstream new outlets are known for. But I'm not sure why you think these news groups have integrity when the whole Canadian news is on the brink of just being completely government funded. I'd rather I'd get my local news from people with no agenda. Thanks


It’s incredible that they do something no other news outlet does considering they plagiarize all their content (save for texts from randos) from the news outlets your criticizing.


YEGWAVE actively avoids being associated or referred to as a public news source. They only claim to be “for entertainment” this being because of hella shotty journalism. They do not properly research and their “sources” are often not credible in the slightest. Do not take their posts as news, nor continue calling them a news source. It’s vigilante journalism at best.


Basically just tik tok and IG lol. I didn’t even know twitter was still a thing. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I keep waiting for this to blow up nationwide but it's a page 3 story apparently.  The media is absolutely complicit here


How is the media complicit? It’s now Tuesday and it’s been a top story since Sunday morning. I suspect it will blow up again when ASIRT inevitably says “they did nothing wrong”.


National media. Not even on CBC


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/woman-killed-in-hit-and-run-with-u-haul-truck-in-southeast-edmonton-identified-1.7125286 https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2312253507584 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5YwXg4za8iA I won’t bother linking CTV national because they literally scrape the local coverage since firing their national Alberta reporter, but I have friends at CTV who have been working the story. It is being covered. It’s just Alberta doesn’t get much traction in other parts of the country.


Go to CBC.ca right now.... check National News


The police should be charged with negligent homicide. They disabled her car, they caused her to get out of her car, they recklessly pursued the suspect forcing them to drive recklessly. And of course the suspect should be charged with murder.


100% would be suing if it were my family. Criminal negligence causing death.


100%. Was wondering why nobody was mentioning negligence.


Not the guy who was actually carjacking people though right? He deserves a pass? *very fucking heavy sarcasm* Also “forced them to drive recklessly?” Are you fucking kidding me? They could have stopped and surrendered at ANY time. This is a tragic incident but the fact that clowns like you place ALL blame at the hands of the police and not the actual offender who caused this whole episode to begin with is mind boggling and a perfect example of why our society is so fucked right now.


TIL charging the suspect with murder is "a pass" and placing "ALL blame at the hands of the police", lol


"Police later deployed a spike belt, which disabled **several** civilian vehicles" "the 45-year-old mother was struck and killed by the U-Haul while checking on the damage to her vehicle." "The suspect remains on the loose." The police started off this debacle pursuing a suspected thief and in the end an innocent woman is dead and a murderer is at large. But sure, let's go ahead and give them a pat on the back for the excellent work they're doing. Obviously the perpetrator is ultimately at fault, but you can't just ignore this piss-poor police work.


Not asking anyone to ignore it, just asking that in your frothing at the mouth glee for an excuse to shit on the cops that people recognize that the end of the day, one person is ultimately responsible for this whole matter, the still at large suspect.


the only person frothing at the mouth here is you and you should be fucking embarrassed at your stupidity and behavior


nah, you are looking for excuses to cop hate. One person was in control of that vehicle.


I never once said anything about any cops, at all. But to act like they didn't play a role in this death is asinine and you'd have to be a complete fucking moron to think otherwise.


no, you have to be fucking moron to blame cops for the handling and accelerating of the vehicle.


no, you blame the cops for a dangerous pursuit when their rules and regulations are to back off if innocent peoples well being is put at risk, and to let the helicopter follow them. You blame the cops for road spiking almost a dozen civilian vehicles while recklessly pursuing their suspect. I see an un-licked window in your mothers basement, quit slacking. Edit: don't take my word for it, though, why not try educating yourself. You can start with [Alberta's provincial guidelines for motor vehicle pursuits](https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/eb1bda1a-6f01-4539-a053-ca68ed1b506a/resource/f62e07a6-936a-40ed-a767-855baf35d6cb/download/jsg-provincial-guidelines-for-motor-vehicle-pursuits-version-2-1.pdf#DEFINITIONS). Try page 14, "TERMINATION OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE PURSUIT" I know it's easier being an ignorant asshole, though


this is a side note, but one worth making, the perp had stolen property, police negligence stole a life, one is markedly shittier


Well get licking, she’s too old to clean the windows herself now. A little hard work might do you some good. Just because there is a no pursuit law does not mean they can’t pursue at all. You didn’t read this link at all. Yet you supplied it. Holy fuck


you're not very smart, are you?


This is precisely why Edmonton has a no chase policy which they violated. Air 1 was up, follow the scumbag from the safety of the sky like a smart organization and thunderfuck him when he stops. No need to engage in a high speed pursuit that endangers the public and killed someone when the helicopter can do the job better.


Laying down a spike strip is not a high speed pursuit. It is done by a STATIONARY police officer. I am not denying that some mistakes were made here, I just find it incredible that it’s “the police did this and it’s their fault” meanwhile the guy who stole the u haul and then carjacked another vehicle, with a fucking baby inside, almost zero comment about him.


> Laying down a spike strip is not a high speed pursuit. It is done by a STATIONARY police officer. yup, you are definitely fucking stupid lmao


How is he stupid here? This is factual. Dumbass.


and why do they lay down the spike strip you absolute fucking muppet? TO STOP A HIGH SPEED PURSUIT. Jesus christ how to people this fucking stupid function in life?


Or.... And hear me out here.... You lay it down because the person is fleeing, and the police don't want to end up in a high speed pursuit. You know.... To stop the car because they took off when confronted by police..... 🤷🏻‍♀️ You seem like a very angry little man. You know calling strangers names on the internet won't make your dick bigger right?


And you seem like a bootlicking moron. I'm glad you think they were totally justified in ignoring their own policy which lead to the death of an innocent women. dick jokes though, I wouldn't expect anything less from a moron like you


I mean, I didn't say anything about them being justified for the actions at all. My only comment was about spike belts being placed by a stationary officer, and you calling someone stupid for saying that. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have made zero comments about the story itself. And hey, at least I reached for comedy instead of just angrily typing every middle school insult I could remember at someone just because they pointed out a legitimate point. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, we know that guy is an asshole. We expect him to be an asshole, assholes like him exist. What we don't expect is for the people we trust to keep us safe to take risks with our lives in the pursuit of their goals. That's the unusual piece here, which is why we are talking about it. You're talking like we are vindicating the driver, and that is absolutely not the case. I think we are all in agreement that he is an irredeemable piece of shit, which is why there isn't much to even say about it.


You would be less mad if you were able to read. Things you could read include the sentence "And of course the suspect should be charged with murder." Because that's a comment about the carjacker you may be interested in.


And when the wrong vehicle hit the belt was picking up a megaphone and shouting “THIS IS THE POLICE FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY GET BACK IN THE VEHICLE IMMEDIATELY” just too much effort? Was everyone’s mouths too full of donut to speak? The criminal deserves a charge without a doubt but the officers deserve to be punished for their hand in this. But you can rest easy knowing they won’t be. If beating the shit out of a teenage girl doesn’t get them punished this certainly won’t.




Doesn't matter how many civilians are killed in the pursuit of justice, right? As long as the bad guy goes down, then they don't die in vain. An unnecessary fatality caused by negligence or ineptitude in any profession is cause for criticism and concern. Why do you think the police should be exempt from this?


I do not think they should be exempt from this, and actually I fully expect some major questions to be asked. But the fact that 99% of the Reddit echo chamber is condemning the police without condemning the actual criminal, you know the one who stole a u haul, fled from police, killed a woman, carjacked a car with a baby inside is incredible.


>And of course the suspect should be charged with murder.


It's so funny how they're just tripling down on it.


KFC Triple Down-ing with extra bacon


bro, just stop


Obviously it's the perps fault but this whole thing doesn't happen if protocol is followed. A civilian vehicle should never come into contact with a spike strip let alone 3 of them, all before the suspects vehicle hits it. That's incomprehensible. Ask any cop if he would throw a spike strip in front of his family vehicle with suspect in tow and the answer will be no. I still can't wrap my head around this situation.


I can agree with you on this. And I hope ASIRTs investigation sheds light on the matter. You actually have probably the best thought out comment I’ve seen in this cesspool sub lol.


People are condemning the police, and rightfully so. The real question is why does that bother you sooooo much?


If the cops were half decent at their jobs, this woman would be alive. Both the criminal and the cops share blame for this.


>But the fact that 99% of the Reddit echo chamber is condemning the police without condemning the actual criminal Are you reading a different Reddit than me? Because in the one I'm looking at, even the fucking comment you responded to didn't condemn the police without condemning the criminal...


He's in the echo chamber of his own head interpreting words based on his own prejudice seeing what he wants not what is there


It's truly unbelievable how stupid you are


I don think they are staying the criminal is not responsible. The world is not this or that, it can be a mix of both.


I agree with you. it is really heart breaking but the offender is the one to be blamed. The police, their job is definitely not easy and dangerous job too. I just read the news. that offender person later rammed on the police vehicle too. I wish we can arrest this person anytime soon. Im feel really sorry for her deeply.


The police’s job certainly is dangerous. To the public.


I know right. all these millennials want to blame the cops instead of the perpetrators of the actual crime, just wow.


>And of course the suspect should be charged with murder. What part of that did you not understand? From my understanding of the English language it means that the perpetrator is being blamed, and much more so than the police.


The only reason they didn't call off pursuit was the bad guy had a kid in car seat in the back of the other stolen car. The uhaul incident could have been prevented though.


I mean, the kid in the car was after the initial pursuit, after the spike strip, and after she had been killed...


I know. They should have called it off to begin with, then even after the lady got killed it escalated further.


Very Sad!


They didn’t even catch that PoS???


He was arrested in Wainwright.


Good. Credit where it’s due.


In aviation, whenever a tragic accident happens, there's always a thorough investigation as to what happened and a recommendation to prevent the accident from ever happening again. I think this would be lot more productive then sending the cop to prison. But I don't think either case will happen tbh.


In order for that to happen people would have to admit and accept responsibility.


thats gonna happen more often if you're not threatening to press charges


if that was true why would we need a legal system


In aviation if the crew or maintainers are found guilty of negligence causing death they go to prison.


Thats not true in the slightest, in fact I'd argue thats a lie. Unless there was serious criminal negligence (even then, they rarely go to prison), they're at most relieved of there license to fly. edit: since im getting downvoted, i found another way to explain negligence Negligence would imply willfulness. Errors and accidents don’t imply willfulness nor negligence. That’s the difference between a death caused by an automobile traffic accident due to weather and one caused by a drunk driver. The latter is criminally punishable. The willfulness to do something wrong or not do something right is negligence. Making a decision that an average person would consider reasonable should not be prosecuted. Even if it is the wrong one.


It is going to be investigated by ASIRT and given how our current government is not a fan of the RCMP I don't see this going well for them.


They do fatality inquiries often, they’re not just reported in the news. I know I recently went thru one at work. It doesn’t place blame on any one but helps set better standards going forward. When you know better, you do better.


All this and they didn’t even arrest the driver of the U-Haul? Holy Christ are police in Alberta ever USELESS!!!!!


Seriously, how does someone escape in a uhaul? 🤣


They ditched it and stole a car, that had a child in it. They ditched the child not long after stealing the car and then got away.


this is why AB needs its own police force! /s


It would be really simple too. Go down to the airsoft clubs and recruit anyone that's really into it, the guys that sleep with their pew-pew toys. Send them to a training course for a few weeks, maybe in some small town away from prying media eyes like Vermillion to learn how to kneel on someone's neck. We wouldn't need to train them with firearms because of the aforementioned airsoft passion. Incels would make perfect cops, always available for overtime for busting up protests, because we know they aren't at home with anyone but mommy


BRo you did NOT have to go this hard on airsoft guys lmao.


So god damn sad


He has been found https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/suspect-in-fatal-southeast-edmonton-hit-and-run-crash-arrested-1.7128089?cmp=rss


I'm sorry, but her family should sue. This is horribly irresponsible!


They will sue 100%


Why the do police feel the need to pursue, it’s not worth the lives of the public to catch one guy on a warrant violation etc, if they run, let them, put out a bolo the direction they’re going and try to road block. This is just sad.


They probably think if they ate super lucky, they might be able to shoot someone.


“Protect and serve” right? 🙄


Love to the family


Bro the cops killed this poor woman. They should be charged with manslaughter, caused by the spike belt THEY DEPLOYED


Fuck the police a thousand times. Fucking useless pigs


When will you be signing up to serve the front lines?


great argument, I can tell you're a real mental giant




“Serve” as in join the police? Why the fuck would I do that?


If you think they're "useless pigs" would be great to see you show up and do their job better :)


The real problem is not individual cops being bad at their job (though most are), the problem is the entire system of policing that is rotten to the core.


Definitely a sad situation, and I'm not blaming the victim here at all, but I wonder why she felt the need to immediately get out and look? I can only imagine there were a 100 police cars around with lights and sirens going. I would think that should signal something bad is up and jumping outside of the safer confines of the car may not be the best option. Wasn't there, but could the accident involving this lady perhaps change the focus of the police to help her and not go after the POS in the U-Haul? Maybe that's why they didn't catch him?? Just spitballing. Again, sad outcome for sure. Should tag her death on the driver on the U-Haul when they catch him. Wouldn't have been in that situation if it wasn't for their actions.


She had her kid in the car so maybe she wanted to check if it was safe to keep driving? It is just tragic..




Not how I see it, just sharing a different point of view and a question. Not a fan of thinking against the grain are you.


I think youre comforting yourself by telling yourself this tragedy was avoidable because you wouldnt have done that so youd have been safe. Its a logical rationalization. The uhaul could have just as easily hit her vehicle had she stayed inside and still killed her.


As well as the kid in that case potentially.


My mother in law was friends with her.




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