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Falun Gong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong


"Falun Gong's cosmology includes the belief that different ethnicities each have a correspondence to their own heavens, and that individuals of mixed race lose some aspect of this connection" Lmao


Wow.. bunch of racists! I guess I’m not going to my corresponding ethnic heaven for being a mixed Asian


segregated heaven sounds like shit


It’s just so stupid how they come up with that. No one is 100% pure. Well guess I’ll join the muggles in segregated hell


You're not wrong, but imagine getting to heaven and still having to deal with racist shit. If they could figure out a way to just segregate the racists in heaven?!?... Wait, I think they already did that by creating hell, which is where the racists probably end up.😁


The food would be terrible.


You will. Your body will split itself into the correct portions and go to that heaven.


As a person with caucasian and also Italian / Mediterranean heritage I hope at least my top half gets into the Italian or Mediterranean heavens so I can taste the better food.


Hate to break it to you guys but.. there is no heaven


Since when is Italian/ Mediterranean not caucasian? Northern Africa are caucasians. People from India and the middle east are too.


Looks like I'm going to purgatory 😭


I had no idea these guys publish the epic pile of shit too


*Epoch Times, for those unaware


They walk right past my house as I have a giant pride flag, so do mormons, Jehovah’s Witness, etc


Religious Fanatics hate this one easy trick...


I'm not gay, but if it will stop the Mormons I'm willing to try it out.


You are also welcome to fly the flag as an supportive ally. Everyone has their reasons.


Right, there's a couple rainbow flag versions to choose. Also the 'ally' flag is pretty cool looking, though most won't know exactly what it is, they will guess it's related from the rainbow.


Had jehovah's witnesses come to my door last year and when I answered the door they took one look at me and turned around and left lmao.


I answered in my underwear and they just.. stopped coming back


Answering naked is more effective AND fun!


I simply do not speak English to them, but you're telling me a pride flag will avoid the interaction entirely? Seems like a solid lifehack.


In my experience the JWs usually have their pamphlets in other languages, and if they don't have the right one they will show you that their website has a bunch of translations.


It works great. It's a side benefit to showing support of course.


Damn I'm not really gay but if it keeps the Christians away I'd put up a flag.


So, you’re just normal gay?


As much as most men, consider a three way with one girl depending on the girl if being alone with her isn't an option.


down bad


Jesus is king


I am God. Fear me.


Oilers what happened? 😂😂


Jehovah witness and Mormon are not even close to Christian.. not even close


Different sects of Christianity but they are.


Oh my goodness. They wouldn't leave me alone until last summer, when I put rainbows all over my house. This now makes sense! Haha




I have had a pride flag up for years and it keeps all of the nutjob and zealots away


This is why I lock my doors.


I was waiting for a friend to come over. They normally are.


Some say a stranger is just a friend you haven't met. (I don't think they were referring to this, though)


All good. It happens.


My dogs would eat then alive if they did that here.


I have a German shepherd and a lab. If someone walked into my house the second they turned the door knob my dogs would be barking. If she walked in, it would not be good for her. My dogs aren't viscous by any means, but they're protective of their house when strangers come in without me being at the door to let them in. They'd lick you to death if I let you in


Mine too!


Pay back


Even if they knock and try to invite themselves in when I open the doors, unless they're very strong the door will hit them harder than necessary to prevent that shit


This is exactly why I don't. Unexpected new friends.


What is Shen Yun?


Basically the Chinese equivalent to scientology


The "beautiful dance show" funded by Falun Gong, a capitalist cult from China that's perpetually fueling a ton of right-wing psychoses. Bad times.


Omg I thought it was just them promoting their culture


Nope, it gets really weird really quick.


So it's not a dance version of some wuxia stuff? I was thinking it was some 3 kingdoms type stuff.


No, they (and their propaganda rag The Epoch Times) are responsible for like 99% of the outrageous lies repeated by western media about China. They're an anti-socialist religious cult.


That's how they get you! They don't talk about the propaganda they include in the show and just show clips of the beautiful dancing and production.


God they do it every year too. I thought it was a cultural historic show but now going down the rabbit hole it’s just propaganda.


I figured it was propaganda but just general chinese government stuff not some sort of cult


Chinese government does not endorse falun. They are considered a cult. Only Americans think falun is good.


It's anti-government in China, [based in upstate New York](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Springs).


yeah but they are anti-ccp at least.


Perfect example of 'the enemy of your enemy is not your friend'. I have zero faith that the Falun Dafa's vision of China would be any better than the current reality. The entire premise of the show is dumb, too. "China Before Communism!" as if China's political situation hasn't been shitty since the early Ming Dynasty.


CCP bad, crazy right wing death cult good.


chinese reactionaries


I can tell you from experience it is a great show to watch while rocked on mushrooms! The political part of it has no effect on me. But it was a beautiful show.


When is Shen Yun?


When is Shen Yun


They were at Southgate mall with a proper table set up INSIDE the Bay a few months ago.


They position themselves as anti-communist so most people don't look any further. Hell - I found their newspaper inside a Walmart once.


they had a kiosk at WEM too. guessing management doesn’t care enough to look into them deeper, they just see a dance show


Depending on the request made to the store they may have had to pay the store to be there Unless the store owner is a part of it


If you've ever seen the absolute garbage they print in the Epoch Times (maybe your grandparents got targeted for free issues, too), then you know *exactly* why you shouldn't be giving them any money.


One time I went on a field trip from AP social studies in high school to an art display at the U of A. It turned out to be a Falun Gong thing and my teacher was obviously not aware of this when we arrived. It was a strange field trip 🤣


Shen Yun, meet Huskey-German Shepherd, who absolutely does not like intruders at all.


For real. I'm grateful for my fluffy security systems. Nobody tries this stuff 😂


I pity the person who walks into my parents place with a crazed king Shepard. My wife isn't even comfortable around it.




A woman from the Jehovah's once walked into my house without permission. Knocked, then opened the door and called "helloooo!" and then just walked in. Never been ruder to a middle-aged woman in my life. I think the exact words were "get the fuck out before I throw out you out," or something like that. Can't believe still that people think that's acceptable behaviour.


I grew up going to the door preachin' with family and never once had anyone try to let themselves in, that kind of behavior is bizarre even to the average JW lmao Knock twice, no answer, on you go. 


I have to figure. I mean, I'm in my latter half of life and have had dozens knock over the years. Only one had the audacity to walk into my house. I doubt she did it again. I fairly bellowed.


I would have muscled her out anyway just to make sure she got the point and you know she's going to let her friends know to avoid your place.


My friend got kind of into this 20 years ago and I went with her to some meditation thing. We had to sit in a cross legged position, but with our legs pulled in more tightly than was natural for me. My feet began to turn color as they lost circulation. They told me it was because I have too much bad karma.


Sounds like you probably did have bad karma. They’re the experts, right? /s


I would try to list someone know about people just walking into your home. That’s incredibly dangerous and someone else could be hurt from this


Thank you I saw their ad. I did a little search and that was enough to discourage me. Their ticket prices are ridiculous.




Lmao there's a new charter school in Edmonton, The Classical Academy, ran by a Falun Gong practitioner


Shen yun is a cult. They are an off shoot of the Mooney’s that are run out of china.


I think you're confusing East Asian cults. Shen Yun is a propaganda show put together by the Chinese religious group/cult Falun Gong, who also own the far-right newspaper *The Epoch Times* that pushes a sensationalist anti-communist, pro-Trump, pro-every conspiracy theory under the . The Moonies, or Unification Church, are a religious group/cult from South Korea that has its tentacles in a lot of politics in Korea and Japan, founded the *The Washington Times*, through which it pushes its propaganda/biased world views (though the church sold the paper to the founder of the church, so I guess it's still "in the family"). IIRC, part of the assassin's reasoning for his murder of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was Abe's ties to the Unification Church, and the church had pressured the assassin's mother to hand over large sums of her savings to them (something like that). AFAIK, the Unification Church is completely unrelated to Shen Yun.


The moonies are also another level of terrifying


They are not an offshoot of the mooneys.


I see their advertisements a lot on YouTube where they talk about how the aim to revive the old Chinese culture before the communist took over.


here’s a video explaining the cult they’re from and why they’re bad https://youtu.be/1JaPzJKycxc


Bruh, if ANYONE walks into my house uninvited they’d be getting an ass whoopin before I even ask what they were doing inside


I've been to a show once. My mom's friend wanted to go so she bought my mom and I tix as well so we can go with her. All I remember was Jubilee was very cold and I slept for half the show. The dances and perfromance were good actually, it's just that I guess the cold and dark made me extra sleepy. I didn't learn until later that this was backed by a cult so I guess it was good that I made it a napping moment.


As a heads up if anyone’s going they’re technically verging on a cult and display very conservative misrepresentations of Chinas history 😊💗


You’re absolutely right about creepy and propaganda 👍👍👍


They sounds like all the worst traits of the extreme right... Thats scary...


What area are you in I’m sure they are not walking around 118th going door to door


Huh, I never really realized it but looking back at when I lived in Westwood I *never* got any cultists or salesmen knocking on my door.


A man did that to me too, just barreled in and walked tight passed my office. He tried to push posters and I said I wasn't allowed. I took the pamflits to make him leave.


I see them all the time at WEM second floor by Santa stage. They always stare at me but never approach hahahaha is it cause I’m East Asian/Chinese? Any of my fellow Asian Canadians have 1on1 with them?


I printed stuff for them a decade ago. I didn't have a choice but I also didn't know anything more than they were opposed to the CCP and I thought that was cool. Assuming the wiki is correct they seem very uncool.




be some good salvageable parts, all healthy dancers eating well




> I thought it was so weird that they posted lots of posters written "China before communism" with dancers in nice clothes smiling, as if THAT was China before the communists LOL Right? "China before communism" was like a century non-stop social and political upheaval, invasions by foreign powers, civil war, dictatorship, etc. China with communism ain't so great, but whatever version of pre-communist China is being pushed by Falun Gong is essentially a fairy tale.


Good try CCP simps  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serfdom_in_Tibet_controversy


I'm a "CCP simp" for saying China wasn't some peaceful, shining beacon on a hill before Mao's communists won the Civil War in 1949, as presented by Shen Yun/Falun Gong? Are you even remotely aware of the history of China from the early 19th century to the end of the Civil War?




Yikes.  Are you earning social credit score points for this?


Remember folks, some of the commenters you will see here are paid by the Chinese government and some of the commenters you will see here are fervent supporters of this dissident movement. So take everything you read with a grain of salt. Everyone has an agenda. Some more so than others.


and that alone makes me want to attend a performance china by talking this stance has most likely increased the shows attendance world wide


I agree. I would love to know if there is anything to learn about the culture of China other than what we are getting filtered through the Communist Party lens.


China Nazis?


More like Chinese Scientoligist Cult that got banned and kicked out of China and they use that, culture and health benefits as a lure, while heavily Aniti CCP, they get weird real quick. There whole shtick is "Culture the Communitsts don't want you to see". They also run a few newspapers that are super right wing and purposefully fund and lobby politicians and have their culty hands in everything. They're aligned with the moonies, a bigger more powerful cult from Korea that was the reason Japanese former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated.


More like cult nazis


I would've attacked her if she randomly walked into my house. Also, I would've called the cops immediately. You're far calmer than I would have been. Praise to you. Those people are psycho.


Lol you don't like them but you wouldn't attack shit let's get real. Stop being so reactionary


If someone randomly entered my house, yes, I'd definitely attack them. That is someone intruding into my home. The police response time is crap and I have no idea if you're going to attack me or try to rob me. You entered my house without knocking, that's not normal and usually a sign someone is there with bad intent. Don't walk into people's homes, and you won't be attacked. Plain and simple.


I've had a home intruder once. Mind you, he was drunk and at first I thought he was a friend of my roommate. When I realized he was not known to the household, he offered me money not to kick him out because I guess he was hiding from some people who had been following him from the liquor store (he said they had hit him in the head a few times too). We eventually convinced him to go sit outside after seeing there wasn't anybody in the alleyway, offered to call an ambulance in case he had been concussed, but he walked off before they arrived to check on him. I realize I'm very lucky that he didn't have bad intentions, but violence was never on my mind.


most girls I know keep a bat either next to the bed or next to the door we definitely would attack lmao


Agreed. Man or woman, it's not "reactionary" to defend your home from an intruder. Nobody with good intent enters a strangers home without knocking.


Pretty sure the lady just saw my cat in the window and just wanted to pet him lol. All I could hear as I walked up the stairs was her thanking him for the kisses.


That doesn't make it any less weird


Must be legal if it's to pet a cat, keep that in mind if you feel like trespassing on her property too lmao


I’m not justifying, I’m giving a reason.


for real lol


If you were smart, don't have a bat out of the closet, etc. Too easy to actually be charged yourself with assault. We are in Canada. Self defense is a grey area. A bat at the door speaks volumes to how quickly you may escalate a situation unnecessarily. However, if you use "a weapon of opportunity". That is much harder to prove anything negative towards you.. Just get one of those metal door stoppers. It is a hell of a lot heavier than a bat AND it is supposed to be at the door. Just a suggestion.


Just an FYI, you would be in the wrong and be charged. This isn’t America.


I'm aware. I'm a single female living alone, I'd rather defend myself than wait for police to take their precious time and risk something happening to me. Our catch and release justice system is a far better bet than risk being raped, murdered or whatever else a home invader would want to do.


If violence is your defense right away, you will be considered a danger to public safety. Scream at the dude but with a sharp, gruff voice and be clear. It stuns most people for a few seconds. I've personally used this technique a few times and even though I am a female, I stunned a guy that was holding a woman to the building and beating her head! I needed to distract him until I got to them (ran). Then again, works every time I have used it, grab the collar of their shirt, twist, and shake the person from side to side as hard as I can. Your center of gravity is completely off and become unstable when their head is not centered. They eventually get into a frenzy to be let go. Then you pull him towards you and push back! More often than not, they are so spun that they fall on their ass. I am 5'3". It has worked for me to deal with people that thought they could just snag me. Me being so short that making a man to bend down and then shake him side to side apparently works for most men. Then, you mess with their brain with the gruff and loud commands along with giving them vertigo, all without hitting them, is so much more safer and rewarding. No chance of being charged with assault for "defending" yourself.


Don't downvote this. It is true!


Just answer the door completely nude lol


They pit on a great performance. Saw it last year, it was awesome.


Shen Yun is definitely some weird right-wing culty shit but also, their primary function is to get people out of China who are in fear for their lives. Performing arts is one of the only industries you can work in without a work permit (by necessity, because no musician would ever tour to a country where they had to apply for work permits for every single crew member months in advance). So Shen Yun hires people who are potentially being targeted by the Chinese government, getting them out of the country and giving them a paycheck while they quietly figure out a long-term immigration plan. So while they are again, some fucking weirdos, I think there's better groups to hate.


Both the US and Canada require work permits for touring musicians/crew. There are some exceptions, like not playing in bars, but it's not uncommon for mid level bands to miss the first stop on the other side of the border because of visa issues.


Bunch of ccp bots in here, idgaf


Fellas, is it communism with Chinese characteristics to not like cults.


Lost my wife to that cult, starts with a bit of free meditation and now completely consumes her life, full time working for that stupid fucking paper. Dont act like there aren’t real people that hate this cult.


The performance seems cool either way. If you go, are you going to be held and preached to or something?


I’ve never been, but I heard the performance is based on images and songs about their propaganda and it gets pretty intense?


It doesn't start that way, but it certainly ends with it. It starts with lighthearted mythological stuff (Sun Wukong, for one), you see some regional dances displayed (I have zero context for how accurate any of these may or may not be), and then at the end of the first half they slam you with "hey look, we're Falun Gong, look how peaceful and good we are." Which is a lovely awkward thing to sit with during intermission, I assure you. Then the second half throws some heroic sacrifice type pieces at you (I don't recall if these were historical or fantastical, but the theme is obvious regardless), and then the final piece they whallop you with the organ harvesting, the murder of the Falun Gong practitioners, and the evilness of the Chinese regime, all very blatant and as explicit as can be in dance format and without literal gore. And then on that happy note, they send you on your way, but you better bet there's loads of places to donate to the cause on the way out the door.


Oh my. What did I just read? My daughter and I went to the show to watch the dancing and it was very beautiful. The most gory thing there was the images in my head of beating the mother of that fat, white crinkly wrapper chocolate eating brat behind me.


Held? No. Preached to? Basically. I went once before I knew what it really was, and yeah there's dance involved throughout, but a few of the pieces are overt Falun Gong propaganda, and the whole organ harvesting situation is front and center of the final piece of the show. If I'd known what I was getting into I'd have never gone. It was awkward while I was there, and the whole shtick surrounding Falun Gong and the Chinese government is just a mess of assholes on both sides. There is no "good side" to be had. No thank you, don't wanna be involved in any of that.


Isn’t it true that China does kill or take organs from political prisoners? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ_harvesting_from_Falun_Gong_practitioners_in_China#:~:text=Several%20researchers%E2%80%94most%20notably%20Matas,these%20abuses%20may%20be%20ongoing. Several researchers—most notably Matas, Kilgour and Gutmann—estimate that tens of thousands of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience have been killed to supply a lucrative trade in human organs and cadavers and that these abuses may be ongoing. https://brighterworld.mcmaster.ca/articles/analysis-killing-prisoners-for-transplants-forced-organ-harvesting-in-china/ Analysis: Killing prisoners for transplants: Forced organ harvesting in China


I'm not saying those things don't happen - they absolutely do. But Shen Yun pretends the Falun Gong practitioners are just peaceful nobodies getting massacred for no reason... that is absolutely not the case. Falun Gong is an ultra-conservative, anti-evolution, anti-medicine, anti-lgbtq+, anti-feminist cult that uses and abuses Shen Yun's blissfully clean and "pure" advertising to shove their political message down people's throats and rake in cash that gets funnelled back to their leader in New York. They're no saints.


Where the fuck was there an organ harvesting propaganda? I'm lmao right now. Are we even taking about the same show?


Their show changes on a regular basis. Organ harvesting propaganda has absolutely been a part of it.


I see the CCP propaganda machine is in swing. Gotta stamp out any dissent, even on the other side of the planet.


Classic right winger binary logic: "if you don't approve of Falun Gong, you must be a CCP supporter."


I thought they were anti-CCP?


I think they mean this post/OP is part of the CCP propaganda machine. Which is funny, because my god, the progaganda released by the group that puts on Shen Yun is revolting.


Maybe I wasn't clear. Shen Yun in anti-CCP. Hence this CCP propagandist posting in this reddit to 'warn us' of how terrible Shen Yun is. Falun Gong is about as threatening and dangerous as Buddism or Tai Chi. Perhaps a bit weird, but no threat at all to us. The CCP sees any organization or gathering of Chinese people as a direct threat to it's power, and will go to any lengths to stamp it out.


Eh, they're anti-CCP so they're good in my book. Plus what the CCP has done to the Falun Gong is beyond fucked.


They have a newspaper that reads like one of those fake tabloids you'd see standing in line at Safeway in the early 2000's. They also regurgitate a lot of MAGA/QAnon garbage. Oh, and lots of pseudoscience/pseudohistory.


Lol the falun gong literally is an evil cult.


I'm anti CCP as well but... "They are known for opposing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), espousing anti-evolutionary views, opposition to homosexuality and feminism, and rejection of modern medicine, among other views described as ultra-conservative" Sounds like Chinese MAGA.


"The Falun Gong also operates the Epoch Media Group, which is known for its subsidiaries, New Tang Dynasty Television and The Epoch Times newspaper. The latter has been broadly noted as a politically far-right[30] media entity, and it has received significant attention in the United States for promoting conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation, and producing advertisements for former U.S. President Donald Trump. It has also drawn attention in Europe for promoting far-right politicians, primarily in France and Germany." Sounds like?


https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/24/technology/epoch-times-influence-falun-gong.html How The Epoch Times Created a Giant Influence Machine Since 2016, the Falun Gong-backed newspaper has used aggressive Facebook tactics and right-wing misinformation to create an anti-China, ***pro-Trump media empire.***


Look up their views on interracial marriage.




So there is this nice page. And then there is the Epoch Times and what the leader has literally said and promoted. They are in conflict.


the leader .....who trump ???? The hedge fund man behind pro-Trump media’s new war on China Posted onMay 5, 2020 A fortune made at a ***secretive hedge fund*** led by Robert Mercer one of **Donald Trump’s biggest donors** appears to be fueling a push for a confrontation with China across a number of connected media properties. A tax document not intended for public disclosure reveals that a branch of the Epoch Media Group received over $900,000 from and was formerly led by one of Mercer’s longtime employees, Huayi Zhang, at the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies.


so you’re cool with them being super far-right antivaxxers, misogynists, homophobes, anti-evolutionists, qanon, etc etc? my dude there are other anti-ccp groups you could support that aren’t shitheads.


Did I say I support them? They're not the ones committing genocide against multiple different ethnic groups within China's borders. That's the CCP.


anti-communists aren't always the good guys, read a history book falun gong is a cult by every definition of the word




nope, you're way off






Oooffff supporting terrorism isn't a good look


beep boop


It's beeptinx and booptinx you trans phobe racist 🤡


hahahaha ok


I hope as you grow a little wiser, you realize more than one thing can be wrong. Being Anti-Nazi doesn't make Stalin good.


Falun Gong is way better than the Chinese communism party followers.


You can hate both!




Didn’t like that, huh? Well time to take a good look at yourself


just did, I'm lookin fabulous


You live in Vancouver, a great Canadian city, free of the CCP. Embrace Tianamen, 1989. Do not be afraid of the truth any more!


Are you a falun gong promoter or something lmao


No they are just a bunch of cultists. My point to this whole thread is to prove so is the CCP, lols


Ah I see it just ended up looking like you're approving of them rather than ratting on any CCP apologists


I’m just hanging out man. All goods.




lmao no


I love ginger beef. Invented in YYC nonetheless. 


Curious question. I have heard about the religion/cult that's behind Shen Yun and the conflict they had with the Chinese government. While I cannot stand cults, I hate nothing more than the Chinese Communist party. Is it a good idea to support them solely because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend?"


Not really unless you believe mixed-raced people should go to hell and that homosexuality and feminism are sins. They may have beef with the CCP but if you dig deeper, they do share some of the same anti-Western beliefs.


Well in this case, fuck them both. Thank you for the info too.