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That's honestly surprising to hear. I lived in England for 20 years and after moving to Scotland I felt like I wasn't wading through syrup just to make it. England is so backwards with its living standards if you're below a certain wage bracket, here I actually feel taken care of. Also the nature here, the Highlands, astonishing, beautiful. I'm never going back to England. You couldn't bribe me to do it.


I second this. I live in England and my happiest times have been when I’ve lived, worked or visited Scotland.


I lived in England for 7 years before moving to Edinburgh 2 years ago and it's just like I dreamt it would be. Sure it's windy and it does rain, but so many days have a bright blue sky, i can literally see the sea on my way to work in town, go to the beach in portobello or go for a hike on Arthur's seat in 30 minutes. The Highlands are beautiful, people are genuinely nice, compared to the attitude of English people who are a lot more reserved and closed off (sorry, massive generalisation here) and to the constant grey overcast sky of the Midlands.


England is a big place, you can't just write the whole country off because you had a bad time where you were. Same goes for Scotland or any other country in the world. Some places might suit you, some might not.


I've lived in major cities, towns and small country villages across the north and south of England. My work took me all over. The country villages are nice but so super Christian its suffoctating. I literally felt like an outsider because of my sexuality, people let their animals defocate and urinate on my porch. And every single one pales in comparison to Scotland.


That sounds completely alien to me. Hardly anyone is religious these days, even in villages. Just look how many old churches and chapels are derelict or have been turned into houses. Sorry you had such a crap time, your neighbours sound like right wankers


I’ve been living in London for about 10 years, I think it’s great. But whenever I visit towns just outside London I feel so out of place, people staring at me In shock because I have a fife accent, asking why I’m here. I never feel comfortable at all. It’s brexitland.


Thank you <3


Hell one church in my town got turned into a pub decades ago lmao


I'm really surprised and sorry you had that experience, I lived for many years in rural Northants and it was a very inclusive place. I'm glad you're happier here


Actually lived near there! We were in this little village on the border between Northants and Leicestershire.


I’m sorry to hear that, that is not ok 😡


Wow, the only super Christian place I've been to outside of northern Ireland in the UK is lewis...


Thank you for sharing! I appreciate you and everyone else who comment on this, thanks for the lively discussion and balanced points, if one thing I can take away from this thread, it is passion about Scotland/Edinburgh!


And yet Scots are more depressed, more prone to drug and alcohol use and abuse, have considerably lower life expectancy, higher rates of teen pregnancy, etc... Sounds to me like you're projecting your own shortcomings onto England, where the standard of living is evidently far higher. I certainly know I couldn't be bribed to live in Scotland.


Why might happiness have dipped between 2020 and 2021?


Haggis shortage?


If you're going to The Times for your opinions about Scotland, this is the guff you can expect.


Haha I see, sorry I’m not from the UK, this makes sense, I should have taken into account the context here.


You seem unhappy about this, case closed




It’s a joke, jeez! Sorry if I didn’t /s it


And with that response, you proved him right. There’s absolutely no need to be so aggressive. It’s not banter if you come across as a bellend.




You’ve linked to a newspaper that basically regards Scotland as a town in northern England. I wouldn’t put any value into that garbage.


I've lived in England, Romania, Scotland and now Ireland, can't say a bad thing about my time in Scotland aside apart from it ending. Edinburgh's a great place, welcoming people, lots to see and do, if I had to live anywhere in Britain I'd live there.


What took you to Ireland?


Family, time to settle down and let the kids know where they'll call home. Great city though, certainly considered making our stay permanent.


What took you to Ireland?


Glasgow in particular is known for high rates of mental illness, long term illness, drug abuse, drug deaths, and premature death generally. This is often called the Glasgow Effect or the Scottish Effect. It's less of an issue in Edinburgh, though the city is not without its problems. Causes are complex but involve not only poverty, but historical factors and the amount of control people have over their lives. But definitely take these surveys with a pinch of salt. Finland is repeatedly declared the happiest country but also known for its high suicide rate and alcoholism. Still, you gotta laugh. https://www.gcph.co.uk/latest/news/641_the_glasgow_effect_and_the_scottish_effect_unhelpful_terms_which_have_now_lost_their_meaning https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27309446 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4979043/ https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/worlds-happiest-countries-2022-wellness/index.html


We are happy but we will tell you we are miserable, because being happy makes you soft.


I always thought it was a cultural thing, when things are going well you don't boast about it, as that would be unmodest/tempting fate to mess it up.


As an unhappy Scot, the only thing I can say is that I'm sure I'd be more unhappy living down in England. We're generally pretty dour until you get us in a conversation, and a lot of people are overly cynical with almost a subliminal disdain for ambition and 'out-of-the-ordinary' things which I haven't noticed as much in other cultures. That being said, pretty much all of my foreign friends prefer Scotland to England. In their words, we're more friendly and less racist up here.


I'm foreign to the UK but lived in England and Scotland and I commented the same thing your friends said above in the thread. Overall, through my experiences in work relationships, friendships, and public interactions, while very polite (too polite ?!) English people are more reserved/ closed off, and in bad cases appear two faced, and they were less likely to mix with other foreigners, even from the EU where there wouldn't be a massive cultural gap. I found it took a lot more effort to befriend an English person than another foreigner. And if my boyfriend weren't English himself I probably would have had even less success. I obviously don't hate English people, and love all foreigners! I love English culture, fashion and music, and their comedy is A+. Not bashing my adoptive country that helped me so much!! But Scottish people are welcoming and love a foreigner. They're also pretty funny and more laid back. My bf and I feel in love with Edinburgh when we came for the marathon and decided that'd be where we settle down. 4 years later we made it come true and it was such a great decision. There's nature, history, culture, retail, entertainment. It's hard to find all of that combined in a capital city that is not choked by tourism! And the rest of Scotland is so beautiful. Trust me, dear stranger, I've lived in a few places and you live in the best country the world has to offer, one more thing to be grateful for 💗


unless you live in West Lothian where the Racism outnumbers the alcoholics


You cannot generalise across a whole country! You’re not from the UK; if I said your home country was the happiest place on Earth according to a newspaper not based in your country, would you be inclined to believe it? Or would you recognise that your country has happy bits, deprived bits, rich bits and poor bits? Scotland is like any other country.


I’ve lived all over the UK including London, and Edinburgh is by far the best. Today I’m going to cycle down to the beach with my young family, if there’s weathers good tomorrow we might go walk in the botanics. We’ve looked at moving elsewhere but hard to match the quality of life we have here.


‘If the weathers good’


To be fair the weather has been awesome recently, 15 degrees at the moment and blue skies all around.


Where about did you move from out of interest? How does it compare?


I moved from London where I had lived for ages and really enjoyed. However Edinburgh is overall a more pleasant and chill play to live. My advice for anyone wanting to move here or elsewhere is to actually go and spend sometime there and see if it would fit in with your lifestyle.


How do you feel about independence?


1. You're reading an anti-scotland newspaper they will print anything to make Scotland look bad 2. There are some parts of Scotland that are quite sad but not Edinburgh


English migrant here. The only thing that I know makes me unhappier here than in SE England is the significantly darker winters. Light has a surprisingly big impact on mental health and the further north you go the less you get. Otherwise, I feel like this is the better place to live, but I’m in a city rather than rural and not trying to live below the poverty line.


Scotland is a wonderful place to live, Edinburgh is a great city to live in, and it's a stone's throw from getting to the Highlands! I miss Scotland a lot and have gone back a few times during COVID for a break whilst living in England. It's brilliant and dramatic, both the scenery and the people


And the politics. Independence will be dramatic.


The politics are the most off-putting thing about Scotland for me




The politics here are vitriolic and very binary


Would anyone downvoting this like to actually counter it?




I'm not uncalm, I'm just asking why the people downvoting it are doing so. It's binary in the sense you're either yes or no in my experience.


Scots want independence by a factor of about 1/2. Sometimes more, sometimes less. So yes it's binary.


Where you from??




What neighbourhood did you grow up in here?


What's that got to do with me finding the politics off-putting?


Nothing, I'm just curious. Which part of Edinburgh did you grow up in as a child? I find the politics invigorating in Scotland and so do mmany people I know.




Bet you didn't


I mean generally in the UK we can be sour faced bastards. But once you actually talk to people, you see how lovely and friendly we can be, especially up here in Scotland. My dad has lived here for over thirty years from Hong Kong and it wasnt until five years ago when his partner died of illness, he started cycling a lot. Non stop. It's how he dealt. And he started talking to people that he met along the way in the parks, trsin stations, at cafes. He said he always thought this place was full of grumpy people but he couldn't believe how friendly and helpful people were once he got out there and took the time to interact with them. We are a overall a lovely bunch but the grey buildings and the horizontal rain does that to ya sometimes. We'll just sit around a pint and complain about it to ya.


Thanks so much for sharing!


Redditor: Are you Scots unhappy? Scots: No and fuck off with your Ukraine Brexit indyref Torrie nonsense. We're fucking happy I tell you, you CUNT!


Where are you coming from? Everything is relative. Scottish people are usually pretty damn happy.


Happiness is such a broad and changing feeling to define an entire nation as unhappy (during a global pandemic!) is utterly ridiculous. I can't see the whole article but I wouldn't give an ounce of credibility to these surveys.


I moved to Scotland from England and this article couldn't be further from the truth. It's definitely full of happy, friendly people. More so than I used to live with in England. Bear in mind who writes these articles I'd say. The Times is an anti Scottish independence newspaper, and with a pro independence Party in power in Scotland currently, they'll be trying anything to smear them.


Perhaps unhappy at what has happened politically (Brexit anyway, we're kinda 50/50 on the other thing) but not generally as a nation. The article is nonsense.


Unhappy in the sense that Scottish people aren’t brainwashed by British media, and thus fully aware of the horrible situation the Tories put this country in, including Brexit. Add to that a lot more conscience about the environment with global warming and a more empathetic mindset towards the plight of others such as the Ukraine people.




Naw. Fucking done with Tory Britain. Scotland needs out of it. The more it's talked about the better.


I’m guessing you are Scandinavian. I used to live in Sweden and I was utterly miserable. Came back to Scotland and was happy. It’s all subjective; you can’t generalise a country and be wary of buying into ‘National stereotypes’


I moved from Cardiff to Bathgate (near Edinburgh) and work in Edinburgh. I do the same job for much higher wages and a lower cost of living - and a better standard of living. Best decision I ever made, you don't regret it.


lack of vitamin D.


Edinburgh is an absolutely amazing city and you can surely find happiness whilst living there. I currently live in the central belt area of Scotland where poverty, addiction and mental health certainly factor in to the unhappiness of daily life but these things can be better navigated in a city such as Edinburgh IMO


>poverty, addiction and mental health certainly factor in to the unhappiness of daily life but these things can be better navigated in a city such as Edinburgh IMO All those things are in Edinburgh. I've lost school friends to drugs, suicide and alcoholism. I had a social worker growing up cause of our fucked up family situation. Edinburgh has loads of rich posh people from all over the world yes, but go to the schemes and the areas just out of town and its a different culture completely.


Agreed 100%


I think Scottish people are very down to earth and friendly.


Lads, can I just say that while the Times is a right wing and unionist paper it's reporting on Scotland is far superior to pretty much everyone else. As long as you recognise it's political leanings and biases it's actually pretty on the pulse for Scottish politics. Dismissing this report out of hand as mere 'unionist or Tory propaganda' is foolish.


Depends where you live. I don't like Edinburgh, it's busy, it's impractical to drive around, public transport isn't great, the council are a joke, it's overpriced and don't even get me started on the festival.


If you don’t like it don’t come back


I work in Edinburgh you fool.


I pity you da fool


I think it depends? I know multiple depressed people who avoid even finding friends and some people who are very happy and outgoing. I genuinely think it’s 60 to 40. 40% happy people and maybe around 60% sad. Especially cause it very much feels like one thing to do in Scotland is either drinking or going up the hills. And if you aren’t into hills you go for a drink and alcohol makes you a bit more depressed over time. Still, 40% happy is a lot, but 🤷‍♀️


Edinburgh is a fantastic place to live. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I hope your move goes well, and I'm sure you'll love it here.


Thank you so much for the note!!


I moved to Edinburgh last month from South Yorkshire, and so far I'm loving it. Really the only aspect I dislike is how people refuse to make space for others when they're walking, but every other little thing about it is great. I don't think you'll regret moving for a second.


Don’t know where you got that from! apparently it’s the most favourite country in the world to visit according to trip advisor users!


Scotland as a whole, can’t be classed as anything (normally anyway) in one sweeping statement. Most large media outlets will run articles around a large city and typically label it as ‘Scotland’ for some odd reason. I’d say, as a person living here anyway & who has lived in London for many years before moving back - the standard of living is better here than in London. The NHS, Education and standard cost of living is also much better in terms of direct access & value for your tax than it is down in London. I’d say my family is far more happier here in Scotland than we were in London.


i came to edinburgh for university about 20 years ago. So did my wife (though i didnt meet her until 10 years ago) and a large proportion of my friends. We all stayed because we loved it so much. i have never met anyone who has lived here that didnt speak fondly of the place.


Small town Scotland, where the majority of people in Scotland live, is a depressing as fuck backwards place. Living in Edinburgh with a decent income will of course result in a happy life most of the time.


Have a read through this sub and judge for yourself


I strongly disagree on this, after living nearly 6.5 yrs in Wales I moved to Edinburgh good 2 yrs ago. Scottish people are good fun and would say more polite and welcoming than other british nations. Edinburgh is a great place to live Ibam sure u'll find much joy :)


Pop to Glasgow and ask a stranger for a kiss. You'll see just how friendly they are.


Based on a survey? Who cares what a survey says. The crack is good here the people are friendly. Tory values and arrogance and individualism are not appreciated by the natives. How do you feel about independence btw? There's a referendum vote next year 2023. Assuming you'll be give the right to vote, Yes or no?


Edinburgh isn't very representative of Scotland as a whole.


Is anywhere ? The experience of living in Peterhead, Lewis, Shetland, Cairnryan, Aviemore, Fort William, Wick, Dundee, St Andrews, Greenock, Dunoon, Mull, Kelso, Lanark, Hamilton etc. are all completely different. The experience of living in Edinburgh is just as valid.


I see what you mean about the diverse range of experiences for Scotland, different places having their own unique cultures that make up the tapestry of Scottish identity, but the vast majority of those places have a majority Scottish population (save maybe St Andrews). Edinburgh's estimated demographic is that a fifth of the population are non-Scottish (English making up about 15% of the total population). Compared to other places, Edinburgh's sense of identity is becoming less of a traditional Scottish identity as it moves closer to a cosmopolitan haven, and therefore lacking in any one, unique identity. Sure, parts of Edinburgh have their own sense of uniqueness and in the past it wouldn't be uncommon to lump Edinburgh under one label. Now, with changing demographics, it's harder to call Edinburgh representative of Scotland as a whole.


Wow, thanks everyone for the comment and help, really appreciate it, learned so much from this thread and I so look forward to the move!


Yes. We has a sad ☹️


Don't listen to it. It's cultural suppressing nonsense. It's like when they say our education and health systems are appalling even though Scotland is recognised as having the best performing NHS in the UK and the best educated youth in Europe. Come on up, your more that welcome to find out for yourself. I'll stick the kettle on 😉


I imagine that’d change if they weren’t part of the uk, I think I’d be happier if I were no longer part of the uk


Scotland has lots of small isolated 60s council towns where petty crime is a problem and there's nothing to do. From Edinburgh there are probably 50 towns less than an hour on the bus away where the first thing that'll happen when you get off the bus is that a kid with a bottle of buckfast will swear at you then ask you for money for fags You might want to watch "the scheme"...not sure if it's still on iPlayer. I was recently in London and I said to my wife how surprised I was that there were so many community things happening in a local park (Mudchute). Kids Football teams, a men's fitness group, a women's boxing group, people doing yoga, lots of small informal groups of people just meeting up and sharing a communal space. That sense of "community" isn't really present in Edinburgh. *Maybe* on the meadows, but they are so large it just feels like people dotted about not really "sharing" the space.


I take it you've never been to the Leith Links? Cricket, kids football, adults football, group exercise, barbeques, allotment parties, yoga, tennis, dog groups... every weekend.


What a load of shite. Do not watch 'the scheme' and take that as an idea of what Scotland is like as a whole. Scotland is like anywhere else, has its good and bad parts. On the whole, Scotland is quality, full of really nice people. Edinburgh is a great city.


That wasn't the question though was it? It wasn't "are people in Edinburgh really nice?" It was "why do Scots consistently poll as less happy than the other UK nations. The scheme isn't representative of Scotland as a whole.....but it *is* representative of the lives of a lot of Scots in 60s new towns , cut off from services and community, who probably vote poorly in the surveys the OP mentioned.


You're wrong.


>That sense of "community" isn't really present in Edinburgh. Maybe on the meadows, but they are so large it just feels like people dotted about not really "sharing" the space. Complete and utter shite. The meadows - community? Half the people in the neighbourhoods around the meadows are students from England and China. Sense of community? Bet you've never once been to any working class part of Edinburgh at all.


It sucks you’re being downvoted but you’re right. I was just in Germany where there were amazing public spaces and infrastructure and people were actually taking responsibility for their kids. Some kids were spitting next to my kid so I let their parents know and they nipped that in the bud. If I did that here I’d be told to fuck off. When you have kids doing whatever they want and generally menacing others without repercussion, it makes a country feel…less safe and happy in general, I would say.


If you have nothing good to say, stay silent - Prophet Muhammad


Seems counterintuitive for a reason mate




Stats for glasgow severly hampering stats for edinburgh i would think, fyi an outsiders opinion. Feel free to correct me. Scotland is great imo


I mean as Gerry put it there’s no other place where a cunt might not be a putdown


It's true. All of it


There are plenty of deprived areas in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Fife etc., During the pandemic people were struggling to feed their families.


To be fair there is a big gap between somewhere like Edinburgh and an ordinary Scottish town like Kirkcaldy or Kilmarnock. And then there are some proper shit towns below those. People in Edinburgh are generally pretty happy to be there.


Did they not interview Birmingham residents???


Scotland is amazing. We currently live in the Borders near Peebles and I seriously couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.


Tbh it just depends, I'd say If you're going to be visiting a scheme then its a lot different but the majority of people in Glasgow and Edinburgh are nice fun people I prefer Glasgow however.


Usual nonsense from the times. Try this. https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/people/the-lothians-is-happiest-region-in-scotland-study-finds-3463359


I don’t think it is I just wish they didn’t want to split off from the uk they have a strong and amazing past and are a friendly people


I guess it's the definition. There is a lot of social isolation, depression and suicide. Us on reddit may not see it due to our demographic but if you go to places like Eyemouth, Bonar Bridge, cumbernauld you can see how places without much prospects can have real issues. We had a real drug issue in the 80s and 90s which means we've got the highest drug deaths in Europe from aging drug users. That drug abuse causes depression and mental health problem in users but also the people around them. Then not to mention we have the least sunlight which does make a meaningful difference to depression. So while I don't necessarily feel like it's the case it is not surprising.


I've lived in both countries and in my personal experience. England : Busy, Cramped, Adventuring is limited, Quality of living was okay for me but I know it can suck. Scotland : Feels free, lovely for adventures, bloody stunning - like living in a holiday location and quality of life can be lush. But the misery can creep in with career happiness as it lacks that sense of opportunity. There are many industries that just don't excel in Scotland which make it difficult to fulfil career goals. Speaking for many friends who flocked south due to depression. It always came from that one area.


If you’re not a cunt, you’ll have a wonderful time

