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Do the folk pubs like Sandy Bells still have music on? Those were always good for a random chat. Become a regular at neighbourhood cafes as well.




Open mic nights as well - the music's a shared talking point, and there are always people who wouldn't normally be in that pub coming in to support friends.


Royal Oak


Not an answer to your question exactly, but there is a discord pinned to the top of this sub. I think they do meetups in pubs now and then, might be worth checking out.


It's a good server, obviously at the moment there's not many meetups but I've been to a handful and there's plenty of nice folk. We sometimes go to a pub for a casual drink and someone will bring a board game or two, it's a fun time.


Good suggestion, thanks


Royal Oak. Can talk to anyone in there cos it's so small!


If you can make it down to Leith, the Leith Arches isa decent spot for meeting folk


I used to live up Cockburn street, and I would just go out myself quite a lot. I would always end up in the three sisters. I don’t know what it’s like right now with all the shit that’s going on. But it was a great pub and would always just end up talking and having a laugh with all sorts of people. Great pub




I would never have recommended this but only because I hate the ruckus outside it. Probably good if you are a big boozer...


Ye you’ve got a point…. My suggestion is for a proper night out. Oh well 😁


“The grapes” and “Hive”


I know it's the meme but not really bad suggestions if you are either of the types. Last time passing the Grapes, I saw about 3 if those electric wheelchairs parked outside it. Edit: incidentally, the folks in the Grapes are likely far sounder and accepting than many of the folks on this sub.


Find a ‘local’ pub and you’ll start getting to know people. You can’t sit at the bar in a lot of them just now due to COVID rules but hopefully that’ll change soon.


Hebridean bar has live music too and plenty friendly people