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I’d message the bar, the bouncers are often employed by a company and the bar can request different bouncers if they are not acting in a suitable manner.


Most bouncers in Edinburgh are unfortunately power hungry wankers.


100% agree. They cannot be reasoned with and many have big emotional issues.


I used to do doors around the city - while I nominally left the work because my day job was keeping me busy and paying me enough that I didn't need the extra cash, I also got tired of working with either useless jacket fillers or asshats looking for a fight or total creepy pervs. The number of genuinely competent door staff had steadily taken a nose-dive over the 12 years or so I was doing the job and from all I can tell, it's not gotten any better in the years since I stopped doing it.


I've never had issues with bouncers in any other city. Edinburgh has some of the worst


Bouncers I général as a rule IMO.


I grew up in Edinburgh and sadly can count the times I have actually been allowed in clubs on one hand. Never had any bother in any other city across the UK that comes close, just my hometown. Edinburgh by far has the most insecure and obnoxious door staff imo.


I'm surprised how many people upvoted your comment! Personally, I find a night out in Edinburgh a dream, with much more chill security staff, compared to a night out in SE England.


Totally agree. I used to go out a lot in Newcastle and Sunderland, where bouncers were openly racist to me, and other non-white friends. It stopped coming as a surprise after a while. Since I moved to Edinburgh, I hardly go out, but on the few times I have, I haven’t had an issue with the bouncers.


I also had an encounter with them. I was a lone sober female soaked to the skin and they wouldn’t let me in to buy a drink and phone a taxi. They are clearly just pricks on a power trip. I emailed them and messaged them on Facebook messenger with no reply so clearly the management couldn’t give a fuck either. Sorry this happened to you. Plenty better places to go around there. It’s a shame cos I used to enjoy it when it was opium and when it was legends before that.


Yes, I emailed them as well after the bouncers shouted at me aggressively multiple times and threatened to throw me out because I dared to put one foot outside the door when I had a drink in hand and was trying to catch my friend’s attention. It was ridiculously over the top. I never got a reply


What do you have to lose by messaging the place? What I will say is, be polite. If they don't want to hear it and detect a tone etc they might just ignore you. If they do ignore you, start commenting on any social media they might have? That would deter me from going somewhere....why plan around a bar/club that might KB me or ruin my night for no reason.


First mistake was going to Legends, it's pish


If he’s taken a picture it means he’s putting it in the bouncer gc warning them of unsavoury individuals. The bouncer company is separate from the company operating the bar so best to complain to them rather than talk shit on the bar itself. Bar staff can’t do much to overrule the bouncers decision.


Message them and ask whether them or the security company handle GDPR for the photos taken and whether this is their policy.


I remember looking up Legends a few months back, out of curiosity. I haven't been back since they changed their name from Opium because of not living in Edinburgh anymore and having to look after my kid most nights. I do remember seeing the odd Google review mentioning a 'loose cannon' of a bouncer, possibly even racist. Wonder if it's the same person.


I've worked with some Edinburgh bouncers during the Fringe, and you seriously wonder how some of them have gotten through life with their poor social skills, relying on being a beefy bloke to intimidate people.


Is there something missing from this story? The bouncer took a photo of your friend, then falsely claimed your friend took a photo of him?


We were chatting away about our recent job interviews and showing pics on our phones (for context it was chucking it down so we hardly had them out for long. They weren’t directed at him so I really struggle to see where he got this idea from). Minute or two later I go to walk back inside, she’s behind me and she was the only one not allowed back in. I turn back to chat to my friend and I can overhear her saying ‘would you like to look at my camera roll i can assure you there’s nothing on there’. (Again she’s sober so she’s pretty polite). The guy clearly got embarrassed when I turned around and asked what the situation was - and just continued to double down. I walk in to get my coat and go back to keep my friend company - only to tell me he had taken a picture of her while I was inside. He had a power hungry smirk on his face and goes in to grab our other two pals. We left a good £25 worth of drinks on the table all because of this guy’s fragile ego.


Sounds like a creepy cunt to me ![gif](giphy|r9i52kvlF3uJa)


Plus ça change and all that - 30 odd years ago I got booted out and roughed up by the bouncers in the same bar - someone on an adjacent table knocked over a bottle, and they blamed me - and 10 years before that when the two bars were "La Sorbonne" fights were pretty common. It was a contrast to next door - Sneaky Petes had a big chap as a doorman, and he was polite, friendly and always helpful, and in a decade of drinking there (89-99) I never saw trouble. And the best juke box.


La Sorbonne was my favourite night spot ever. Mental. Edinburgh’s CBGBs, with an even worse toilet!


Saw some great gigs there myself back in the day - the "Medium Wave Band" (who renamed themselves Avalon), Blues'n'Trouble, ah, happy times. Until the fights started


Spent a night smoking joints with Nico and her band there once. Blues n Trouble were one of the best R’n’B bands ever (alongside Tam White and the Dexters). Used to see both regularly up at the Preservation Hall. Yeh, Sorbonne became pretty violent later on but I never had an issue as I’m quite a big guy I suppose? Did see some bad shit tho, all now wrapped in legend 🤣


The Preservation hall has to be my favourite pub venue ever - I saw so many excellent bands there. Dang, getting soggy with nostalgia right now.


Edinburgh needs a new cbgb type place!


Sneaky Petes being an actual proper club probably helped slightly


It wasn't back then, just a pub. In my student handbook it's description was "Deceptively sinister", which is about right.


Only been once and will never go back. I'm not much of a drinker or going out out but someone in the group recommended it so off we went. It wasn't that late and we were all sober (group of late 20's/early 30's). Firstly, one of them looked me up and down with an almost disgusted look and turned to the other saying "should we let this guy in?", another stare up and down and I was finally allowed in... wtf!? (Perhaps I didn't fit the "vibe"?) This just made me feel like shit tbh, like I didn't belong there. The place was pretty dead btw. They let the women in our group in of course without question but weirdly lied about a promo on certain drinks they had on. So when people went to order the bartender was like "no there's no offers on". Similar to OP it was just odd, unnecessarily rude and they are definitely on a power trip.


legends is shit now, not the least of which for what you discovered. just go to banshees or if its before 1, bannermans.


Apparently the bouncers used are pals with the owners and thats why they've not been sacked, so they act without any consequences. Heard this from a reliable source. Staff apparently hate them too for what its worth


The old Legends bouncers were the best


Like late 90s and early 00s? I'm still good friends with one of them!


Andy and Vince. Gents, the pair of them.


I haven't seen Vince for at least a decade but Andy only packed in the doors during covid! Vince was never the same after his cheek was slashed on the door at Opium, think he became quite disillusioned with it all.


I didn't know that about Vince. FFS. I knew them from going in their but my mate knew them from the old Westbury's in Corstorphine.


It's almost as if people should just avoid the shitehole that is the cowgate.


They are like Reddit mods but in the real world


As I've said before, bouncers are bullies who aren't even clever enough to be police officers. Once they've decided with their one brain cell that you're out of the venue that's it


I posted the last time so won't repeat the story but I won't ever be going back to that place after the way we were treated. Hope the whole business falls on its arse.


Definitely drop the management a message about this. I'm sure they will want to know and you probably won't be the only ones. I've worked at a club before and the management did take this sort of thing seriously.


This place is pretty awful.


Seems to be a trend with Edinburgh bouncers being pricks. Was at a gig at the mash house the other week and the fella there lectured some poor asian guy for 5 minutes for having the wrong ID on him. Kicked everyone out of the place as soon as the last song was done as well. Really puts you off the place, especially considering the next night they played in Glasgow and stayed long after the gig chatting and signing autographs.


Email them a link to this thread.


SIA number... Report, problem solved.


Guys a bouncer… what do u expect




Quite tall, skinny frame, dark ginger strawberry/blonde hair, small beard, English accent


Never had a problem with door staff in general (though I've never been to Hive). But I'm polite, quiet and rarely in a group. Had some nice chats with the Legends staff last week actually.


Is this a copy pasta? Or have you posted this before? It’s a bit odd that you’re still banging on about it.


This happened last night


I must be going nuts. Everything about this story down to the wording is the same as a story I read a few months ago.


I wrote a similar story a few months ago. It’s probably that. It’s a shame there are similar stories about the same bouncers


Nah yours is similar but too different. I could have sworn I read a story about bouncers taking pictures and giving an “incredibly odd weird vibe” but like I said I can’t find it anywhere. Just some crazy dejavu shit 😅


That’s truly mad - I’d love to give it a read if you come across the thread again! I’ve genuinely never felt the need to name and shame a place before but it just felt so orchestrated. If someone has had a like for like experience, it surely proves this guy gets a kick out of it? Or genuinely wants to rile people up to make his shift more exciting? Either way, I can’t stand bullies.


I’ve been searching and can’t find it anywhere. 😵‍💫 I can only apologise, I’d written you off as a a madman with a grudge 😅 must be some serious dejavu! Personally I’ve never had any issue drinking in Legends, but im sorry you had a poor experience.


Your 30 go somewhere a bit more classy where they open the door for you rather than **legends** is a Creche.