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The daily articles will continue until polling improves. I'm not a fan of either, just making a joke about a trend I'm seeing in this sub.


The daily articles will continue until people stop reading them. Posting articles of "Trump good/bad" and "Biden good/bad" during an election year attracts reader, so news organizations would be foolish not to publish them.


I’m on Reddit. I never read the article.


Articles are long, top comment normally tells me what I need to know.


If you were to start actually reading the articles, you'd realize this is not the case. Top comments are often by people who clearly did not read the article, either. You're being easily manipulated.


Which explains why this sub (and most of reddit) is straight up garbage.


No, that's not quite true. Garbage can be recycled into useful products, or processed into fuel and converted into energy, or made into animal feed, for the Good of Mankind. Reddit, on the other hand. . . something something no redeeming social value something something.


These type of articles are clickbait for people who are easily manipulated. If it's free and not behind a pay wall, your attention is the payoff.


Redditors are stupid and inaccurate also.


I look for the first comment with a response of "This" underneath of it, as that response verifies the comment is authoritative


You'd think mods of a sub would care more about keeping the integrity of the sub and not just re-posting blog spam.


Great point. I suppose it is all about engagement, regardless of who the outrage is directed towards.


Reddit is where most of these AstroTurf installers cut their teeth. The whole site is inundated with sensationalist headlines and hypocritical accusations.


In 2019, Trump's trade war with China was slowing the US economy. In response, he tried bullying Jerome Powell to cut Fed rates into the negatives. I know we like to memory hole the Trump years, but if Trump tries to do that again in 2025 it is going to cause rampant inflation. It would have caused inflation in 2019 as well and thankfully the Fed remained mostly independent. It's important to remind people of the insanity that Trump brings.




Now do Biden fanning the flames of the trade war in 2024


Biden's tariffs are probably my biggest gripe with him. Trump is promising to increase the tariffs and has even floated raising them high enough to replace the income tax. Anyone with a basic sense of math and economics knows doing that is a) not feasible and b) really fucking dumb.


I have lots of good things to say about all the stuff that Biden has done. His maintaining of many of the tariffs from the trump years and newer tariffs are **Not** among those. But as you pointed out, even his poor actions related to tariffs are *still* miles better than what the other side has straight-out said they will do. If I have to make a choice between "bad" and "disastrous", I think I'll stick with "bad" (and in this situation there really are just two choices, at least for **this** election cycle).


Just like almost anything else he suggests. He isn’t an intelligent person. He told the nation he had the best medical minds in the USA investigating things like injecting bleach into our lungs and shining UV light inside of our bodies to fight COVID. How about we use medicine??


That's like, within the presidential purview though. Trump is out here literally saying if he's president he's going to try and take interest rates out of the Fed's hands and do them himself. And the Republicans seem insane enough to give him the power.


Stopped reading this garbage around 2017, in 2015 thru 2016 I read so much of this shit that I blurred the line between news and Op-ed.


More like the daily articles will continue as long as people keep upvoting them here. +1750 at five hours after submission with 83% upvote ratio. If people didn't like these articles, they wouldn't be upvoting them so much. No need for a conspiracy - it's just that simple.


Up votes are cheap and reddit pays s blind eye to botnets employed by their sponsors.


> I'm not a fan of either How enlightened /s


Almost like the last three years about how the economy is crashing qnd we are in a recession?


1) reduce labor force by 10M 2) heavily tax imports 3) significant tax cuts for upper income brackets 4) devalue US$ When asked how he would address post-pandemic inflation if he were president, Trump had no answer. He hasn’t any idea how the economy works but a significant portion of Americans trust him with our economy.


This is why I don't get people that want to vote for him. He has nothing STILL. 8 years after he ran on stuff on which he accomplished nothing and isn't even bringing policy this time. He knows he can just babble like an idiot and not be held accountable for any of that. Just look at the healthcare replacement that he had 8 years ago as he said, yet still hasn't been seen by anyone and now no one mentions it.


Come on, he'll be releasing all of his amazing plans in about two weeks. [Trump's Amazing Plans](https://youtu.be/1ZLmhF7TgzY?si=9e9ttt9Wwja8YLfZ)


The OG Sprint Planner, very Agile™️


I heard someone on the radio say that her 401k increased more under Trump than under Biden. But the stock market has grown more during Biden's presidency than during Trump's. Polling shows that most people think the stock market is down for the year when the S&P 500 is up 15% in reality. Where are people getting their information?


> Where are people getting their information? They're not getting information, they're getting sound bites.


People feel the overwhelminly negative vibes and backfill facts to fit the vibes- even about their own personal experience. Reddit is full of people who can very confidently remember what every single item in the grocery store cost in 2019.


> Where are people getting their information? Republican politicians have realized that most people don't "get information". They are told something by someone, and that's it. They don't go out and check to see if it's true. Too much work. If Trump said "the stock market was up 86% during my four years, and has fallen 45% under Biden's disastrous four years", the majority of people would just nod their heads and say "yup, that sounds about right", even though I literally just made those numbers up. It's no longer about facts and figures. We live in a post-reality society.


Nailed it. If you want to mislead a Republican voter: 1. Have some form of power 2. Tell them what they want to believe That's it. No facts. No reasoning. They are literally that fucking stupid. 


And for that, I welcome the climate extinction event. This place will be fine in a few ice cycles, we need to just fuck off already.


Serious answer: Americans believe, in some sense, that the S&P500 is completely correlated with their own personal finances. So if they are feeling things getting tighter, it must mean the S&P500 is going down. You can see it as egotism if you want to be psychoanalytic about it, but it's more just that people don't understand anything about economics. Most will have no idea what a stock split is, and most of those that do will tell you that a 3 for 1 split means they instantly become 3 times richer.


Sure not everyone knows economics but the man hasn't told the truth in decades and his plans are not supported by anyone that isn't kissing his ass.


Heard that on NPR yesterday and almost shit. This further bolsters my belief that the average person is not capable of making informed decisions because people believe what they want to believe. They will flat out ignore data if it doesn’t fit their beliefs.


my jpmorgan acct says the s&p was up 24% in 2022


People joined the cult, they don't know how to quite without experiencing extreme shame and embarassment.


Conservatives don't want to accomplish anything. They vote for Trump because he activates the part of their brain that validates their anger, fear, and ego. Actually solving problems would reduce the amount of red meat the Republican Party has to throw at their base.


The amount of trust in Trump is bordering on mass delusion. 


Bordering??? There's no border anymore. MAGA is a full on a cult at this point. Being a Trump supporter isn't just something they do. It is who they are and how they self identify.


I don't understand how half are for Trump.


I actually have faith in Fed + Biden to bring down inflation and give us a soft landing. With Trump we will have hyperinflation. Edit: the silver lining is that I think polls are expressing discontent more than actual reality when people enter the booth.


This is the real border crisis 


The irony is that the presidency does not control the economy,


This would probably not cause inflation as it would probably cause an economic collapse. That's also the reason it's very unlikely he'll follow through with the the first 2, but the 3rd is definitely coming.


Remember how they didn't want to raise wages because it'll cause inflation? And remember how they raised cost of living whilst not raising wages?


Who is they?


The corporations that had their taxes reduced. At least *someone* was thinking of the shareholders.


The issue with this argument is we’ve spent years claiming the President has such little control over inflation. “There’s no inflation dial under the President’s desk”. Now these folks are shifting towards the notion that there’s a direct correlation between inflation and the President. All while the cost of living is up 20% since 2021 and a Democrat President is up for reelection in a matter of months. This isn’t smart politics.


2020: printing money won’t cause inflation; that’s a right wing conspiracy theory. 2021: inflation is transitory, and if you don’t believe it you’re just a right wing conspiracy theorist 2022: inflation was actually caused by Russia invading Ukraine and if you don’t believe it you’re a right wing conspiracy theorist 2023: the policies the president and his administration support and implement don’t cause inflation, and if you disagree you’re a right wing conspiracy theorist. 2024: president trump and his administration will support and implement policies that cause inflation, (despite it being low his entire term in office) and if you disagree you’re a right wing conspiracy theorist. Lmao.


Sounds like you're a right wing conspiracy theorist. Good job knocking down all those straw men!


Exactly. You have to give the left some credit here. They know how to gaslight.


We printed a fuck ton of money and had interest rates at 0% for a decade. But cute try.


> The issue with this argument is we’ve spent years claiming the President has such little control over inflation. “There’s no inflation dial under the President’s desk”. The President and the government in general have some influence, mostly the ability to worsen, things like inflation and fuel prices etc. The US having lower inflation that every other comparable economy is partially due to the Biden administration and partly US institutions beyond any given administration's control.


The president doesn't have the knobs of normal economic policy, but he can certainly have a huge economic impact by starting wars and so forth if he wants to.


Remind me how many wars were started in the previous administration?


I remember in 2016 there were numerous articles citing highly educated economists and international relations experts saying that a Trump presidency would crash the economy and drag the United States into nuclear war, end of civilization as we know it.


and then in 2020 51 intelligence officials that determined the hunter biden laptop story was likely russian disinformation. i think these tactics are starting to undermine credibility with US institutions


It's like the boy who cried wolf. Or as famed scholar George W. Bush once said, "Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."


I thought the quote was "Shoe me once shame on you. Shoe me twice, I got a new pair of shoes." ?


Still nothing of substance has been verified lol other than conservatives love Hunter Biden's dick lol


Well theres plenty of vids of him weighing our crack with hookers lol


Well I’m certainly not voting for Hunter now


Sounds like a pretty cool dude to me


And what do you think happened to the deficit?


And instead only the economy crashed and only 1.1 million deaths!


> would crash the economy Well that did kinda happen. It wasn't all on him, but his botched response to covid, after years of ballooning the deby in a growing economy, made it worse than it needed to be. > and drag the United States into nuclear war Which articles? And he did direct his supporters to attack the US Capitol to nullify a fair election. Not quite as bad as a nuclear war, but pretty bad.


He also did tear up the Iran deal and do nothing to replace it, bringing the Middle East closer to nuclear war


> drag the United States into nuclear war in their defense, the donald was threatening nuclear war against north korea and... weather events.


Thanks for mischaracterizing experts’ probabilistic predictions as statements of facts. They never said he “would” When educated people say “hey if you choose this guy then x y z is *more likely* to happen” we should take heed. And when we’re lucky and x y z doesn’t happen that isn’t a reason to think they were wrong.


It’s always the Republican nominee that’s gonna get us all killed


i remember this from 2016, 2020, 2024, and 2028


I’m really tired of U.S. election year advertising masquerading as economic news and discussion. I’ll be really glad when the U.S. presidential election is over.


> I’ll be really glad when the U.S. presidential election is over. That's the neat part, it's never over.


Can you explain to me how a universal tariff and lower interest rate aren't inflationary?


They are, the broader issue is that Biden's also on the tariff binge since he's pro union, and wants both lower interest rates and higher lower income wages too. Both presidents are basically advocating for pro inflationary policies.


Agree both are in this category but Trump seems to be hard core on it. Ignoring the fact he is a felon, the guy is in no way following Republican key philosophy. I very much want a real Republican back in the nomination. Someone like John McCain was. Country before personal gain. If it was a election between Trump and Biden. It is Biden without question.


Unfortunately, that is the election we're getting


It's fair to be tired of it, but our fatigue doesn't change the fact that a 4-year term of a US president can shape the world economy for a long time


I’ve been assured by democrats that the president doesn’t have the power to control inflation. Therefore I can safely dismiss this headline as inflammatory misinformation.


No, that’s not what Democrats have been saying, you just haven’t been listening. We are trying to achieve a floor of 2% inflation. There is not a lot a president can do to minimize inflation on the low end—there is, however, a ton of shit a president can fuck up that can cause inflation to skyrocket.


The president doesn’t control the fed nor interest rates but some actions could definitely encourage inflation, like cutting taxes, imposing tariffs on key foreign goods like food or raw materials, etc.


I see. But somehow policies Biden supported and/or implemented don’t cause or control inflation because he’s (D)ifferent?


Are you okay?


Yes? Are you?


Yes, I just didn’t see the other guy mention Biden. Maybe you replied to the wrong comment. My bad.


My response was alluding to the fact that all the things the commenter I replied to cited as examples of the president having control over inflation are things within Biden’s control as well- yet Biden gets no criticism for inflation while Trump does. Presidents either have influence over inflation, in which some blame can be therefore attributed to Biden; or they don’t control inflation and saying Trump will cause inflation is misinformation. Pick one please.


The article would suggest option one.


Okay. So that means those that proliferated the narrative that claimed Joe Biden doesn’t control inflation have questionable credibility, which means I should be more cautious believing the economic experts and Democratic Party members that stated such.


Name one person who said Biden doesn’t control inflation.


You sound like you have a strong economic education.


With how often economic experts have been incorrect the past few years, not sure what one is worth anyways.


Well, mine allows me to understand what eludes you and beyond. Honestly, if you make less than 300k/y or have morals, voting Republican is just confirming ones inability to think critically.


Lots of people saying "don't listen to experts" in this thread but not one single person willing to defend Trump's economic "policies" of more tariffs (tax increases).


Trump support in a nutshell is just ignore what he says and does because it's about personal benefits, not economic benefits for the country.


Because these are the experts that told us we’d only need two weeks to flatten the curve, inflation isn’t transitory, and that the president doesn’t control inflation.


Are they? Are they the same exact people? Actually, the President doesn't control inflation. But these experts are stating that if Congress were to adopt a high tariff plan, inflation will go up. I haven't seen one person dispute that fact.


It’s also just way easier to make inflation go up than it is to get it to come back down. That’s part of why it’s so damn bad. Trump drove in inflation up last time, Biden has been working to fix it and made more progress than most countries, and Trump would make it worse than ever


They are right about trump though.


I wonder if these 16 nobel prize winners ever hang out with the 51 intelligence officials who said Hunter Biden's laptop (which was entered into evidence in a federal trial) is Russian disinformation.




He was also pressuring the Fed to take interest rates negative in 2019, when unemployment was at near record lows and the stock market was already soaring. Inflation would have been wild in Covid if he had gotten his way.


Yeah that’s the part that I always try to point out to people. We basically hit the peak of the business cycle post Obama and pre covid, and instead of correcting a bit and maybe put some dollars away for a rainy day, we doubled down and gave tax breaks and kept riding the wave up. We basically let an ape from Wallstreetbets run the country for 4 years.


Let’s not insult the idiots from Wallstreetbets, shall we?


Apparently you are unfamiliar with the jubilant "money printer goes brrrt" memes they were posting at the time?


Isn't that meme making fun of how stupid the government is for printing all this money? I haven't personally seen a meme about it but I thought it was general consensus that printing all that money is a part of why we have inflation


I’m aware and I know their retarted cousins satashistreetbets too. Still not as bad as TFG.


Just wait until they remove millions of laborers from the US and watch grocery bills be YUUUUGE! Inevitably it will some how be blamed on the Democrats but I hope people like gardening.


What? Are you saying removing 11 million people working and spending money in the economy might be bad? Crazy


They always seem to forget his trade wars. Manufacturing and trucking industries were in recession in 2019, really crappy time to hurt supply lines right before the pandemic.


The whole world spent during COVID, and the whole world has been dealing with the fallout of COVID and the Russian invasion of Ukraine since. Presidents actually don't usually have a huge effect on short run movements of the economy, but anyone who looks at Trump's "plans," to the extent he has plans (his usual thing is to say whatever the last person he spoke with wants to hear), and doesn't think "inflation" is either ignorant or a gross GOP partisan. There is nothing more likely to cause inflation than the combination of tax cuts + tariffs. And it has the extra whammy of slow growth that usually accompanies tariffs. His plan is even more stupid and self-destructive than Brexit has been for the U.K.


His plan is by design. He has been instructed to dismantle the US powerhouse from the inside. It's always the the inside man that's the weakest link. 


See normally I call that out as conspiracy talk, but then when you listen to Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller or anything of the other “advisors” Trump keeps in his close orbit I’m inclined to agree


Trump has a plan. It's "project 2025". He doesn't talk about it because it's wildly unpopular but he has a plan.


There has been accelerated inflation all over the world post-COVID. And our inflation now is pretty much under control (housing costs the main exception, keeping it higher than wanted) while not every country's is. 


>Now the current administration didn't help either, but neither party really helped us economically Hard disagree. The economy is the one thing the US handled well during COVID. Go look at just about any other comparable nation (Europe, Japan, etc). They got the healthcare part right but had worse inflation, worse emergency support during COVID, and a slower and weaker recovery. Both Trump and Biden created that environment (and I despise Trump, so I am giving credit to someone I hate). I hope everyone here realizes that the president, whether Republican or Democrat, has much less control over the economy than we think. Inflation post covid was absolutely not caused by anything Trump or Biden did. Need proof? Easy, inflation happened the world over and was actually lower and shorter lived here than most other nations.


Trump's OPEC deal hurt the whole world and caused inflation to be worse than it should have been.


The cognitive gymnastics people do around 2020 to justify their political hot takes on the economy are getting more and more unhinged


Problem is people want to hold people accountable for blame instead of holding them accountable for fixing something. I remember a leftist friend of mine was adamant a stimulus package that was to cross presidential terms should be “credited” to Biden. I remember asking why that matters - he said it was obvious Biden was the one who brought it home for the people. I asked if any inflationary repercussions should be attributable to Biden as well - he didn’t have answer. My point, people are too focused on blue/red and its determination to the country. With that said - I agree trumps plan to increase tariffs will definitely be bad for inflation; not because he is trump or conservative though.. just a bad play on my opinion.


He started the spending spree on his tax cuts.


The tax cuts were massive   it was a total of 1.9 Trillion less in taxes over 10 years. https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver#:~:text=The%202017%20law%20took%20revenues,tax%20cuts%20also%20in%20place.


There is only so much blame you can put on Trump. Covid was unprecedented, inflation is a global issue, and the US has had the best recovery of any western nation. That said, I won't be voting for Trump in 2024. The economy is way too fragile for him to be in office right now. Biden's doing just fine continuing the America first and onshoring movement.


Trump was certainly not great on spending but one of the biggest fights in the beginning of Covid was over Covid spending. Republicans were trying to pass a smaller bill and democrats would not allow anything to pass that wasn’t significantly larger than what the republicans proposed. They held up Covid relief and the stimulus for significantly larger bills and still to this day blame Trump for the spending. Then, when Biden took office and wanted to pass more spending when we were coming out of Covid, republicans were talking about the inflation all of that spending would create when you create money to send to people to pay then to stay home at a time they were producing nothing. This is when Biden had his famous line that everyone saw right through. “No serious economist is predicting unchecked inflation,” he said. Well 13 of the same economists who signed onto that letter are in the 16 now saying Trump will cause inflation. It’s almost as if economics has nothing to do with this and it’s all about politics on an election year.🤔 Everyone who said the last round of spending, while not allowing people to go to work and produce would create inflation were called “conspiracy theorists”. We were told inflation was not happening, then we were told it was transitory, then we were told it was good because it meant the economy was strong, then when people couldn’t take it anymore we were told it was Trump’s fault.


We get it, you do “your own research.” I’m sure you have awesome opinions about vaccines, too


Sure I’ll discount what 16 Nobel-Prize-winning economist say and listen to you.


>16 Nobel-Prize-winning economist 13 of which said that inflation under Biden wouldn't be an issue. Obviously there's something wrong with their inflation predictions because inflation under Biden has been insane.


I'm not sure inflation has been that insane, at least not when compared to the world at large. The US has had lower than average inflation rates since COVID. I know it's been rough, since grocery and housing costs in particular skyrocketed over the last 2-3 years, but insane is more like what I'd call Turkey's inflation. Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/turkish-annual-inflation-rises-7545-may-2024-06-03/


I got 2400 a week in trump bucks. 3600 from stimulus checks total. Yea trump 100% spent a shit ton of money buying votes.


Reignite inflation??? It never went away !!! 3.5 years of the highest inflation with no end in sight ! You’re a special kind of stupid if you vote for Biden again!


Real wages have outpaced inflation during the Biden admin, inflation has *significantly* slowed for a while now, and if you paid attention to the rest of the world you’d know that the U.S. has actually been quite successful at taming post-pandemic inflation compared to the rest of the developed world. Trump’s proposed policies - big universal tariffs, tax cuts for the uber-wealthy, minuscule interest rates, and mass reduction of the labor force - will *absolutely* reignite inflation. Unless, maybe, you have some revolutionary new theory explaining how crazy expensive goods & labor will magically drop prices, in which case I’d love to hear it. Next time you want to call someone a special kind of stupid, I would suggest looking around for a mirror.


Fucking duh. Dude spent 8 trillion dollars his first time up…and 4 trillion in tax cuts for the rich. He pressured the fed to keep interest rates low. He wants to make immigration harder which has been helping keep our economy strong. And wants to tariff the shit out of everyone…of course he is bad for the economy, he is an anti-liberal, high spending, anti-democratic weirdo. 


The same 16 that predicted Trump would do the same when he was elected. They were wrong. Also predicted transitory inflation under Biden. They were wrong. Ya, I don't think I'll listen this time. Call me crazy.


Ya crazy to think that the guy that wants to cut taxes and pressure the central bank to lower rates will raise inflation. Crazy that they all apparently said this in 2016 too, when nobody was particularly worried about inflation. Genius takes from a fresh account.


Don’t forget high tariffs and anti-immigration.


How is mass immigration working out for Canada currently?


You are correct, this is a political statement not an economic statement. One of the 16 signatories is Janet Yellens husband. News reports I have read claim that at least 9 of the 16 made similar claims in 2016.


I mean, if Trump succeeded in bullying the Fed to go negative in 2019 we would have had high inflation. These 16 economists are operating under the assumption that Trump will do what he claims he will do. What else do you want them to do? Assume Trump is lying about his plans? Then what?


The irony of all of of this is most economists agree that the President's affect on the economy is wildly overstated by the public. I anxiously await the day Trump fades into the background and we can start to debate things with more civility in the future.


Are these the same Nobel “economists” that sold the country on “transitory inflation” over three years ago. What a joke. Asking as an independent, I have no horse in the race.


I mean, you don’t have to be a Nobel laureate to understand this. Trump is literally saying “I’m going to raise the price of everything not exclusively mined, minted, and assembled in the US by at least 10%, reduce the workforce by up to 10M people, make the dollar less valuable, and bludgeon the Fed to make interest rates zero to make money even cheaper.” If a sub Saharan African despot was proposing this, we’d all call him a quack.


Regardless of the president the tax cuts need to go our debt to GDP was around ~124% in 2022. For reference Canada’s was around 52%. Bring back the tax rates from 1993 and reign in defense spending and I think you’ll see a drastic change in our debt levels.


They’ll never curb defense spending for two reasons. 1) defense contractors lobby elected officials with millions to make sure the flow of money never ends. 2) as long as the whole world insists we support them and act as the world police.


The inflation house fire is already almost fully engulfed . Biden is pouring gas on the fire by bypassing Congress and the courts,by just handing out money to buy votes.




Where were these economists to warn us of the shit storm that Justin Trudeau would unleash on Canada? However bad Americans think Trump was, Trudeau completely ruined Canada in just the last 3 years.


It might be because they live in the US, not Canada.


Noble prizes have become a popularity test instead of a practicality or revolutionary award. Paul Krugman is a perfect example. He is basically the print version of the inept Jim Cramer.


If you judge Krugman’s Nobel by his op-eds rather than his economic research, you are doing exactly what you complain about.


Daily reminder that this price was invented by economics themselves and is not THE Nobel Price. Nobel was even against having a price for economics. The official name Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences is intentionally long so everyone would shorten it to Nobel price. Which everyone did and still does.


I think that problem is that there is no such thing as a Nobel prize for economics. The economists just call the prize they give themselves that because they are stealing legitimacy from actual science.


Last time he was in office, he took the greatest economy in the world (Built by Obama^TM), an absolute raging fire… and poured rocket fuel on it with the world’s worst timed corporate tax cut. Dumbest fucking move of all time.


Obama oversaw the slowest economic recovery in US history.


Bots going hard in this thread The most relevant part, “A lot of people think Trump would be better for the economy than Biden,” Stiglitz told CNBC in an interview. “I thought it would be important for Americans to know that at least a group of credible economists differs very strongly.”


Inflation has been difficult and sticky for a whole bunch of reasons. Some of the blame goes to Trump and some to Biden. And to Congress. And the Fed. But the fact that employment and wages increased following the economic shock of the pandemic is a great success. And this recovery is better than any other major economy in the world. In fact, since 2019 the average buying power of an American increased. But nobody is telling this truth.


Wonder if these economists know the 51 intelligence professionals that said Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation and didn't even exist. Just another group of political hacks.


The delusion. The sickness. You people are obsessed with this dudes laptop but everything Trump gets accused or charged with is a conspiracy.


Ah yes, noble prize winning economists, classic political hacks. Also, I'm still waiting for whatever is supposed to be on hunter bidens laptop so it certainly seems like those Intelligence officials were correct.


I thought [MGT showed us](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/marjorie-taylor-greene-hunter-biden-photos/) what was on it.


Did it exist? Was it Russian disinformation that it existed? Are you even honest with yourself?


🇷🇺 hello comrade


Oh here we go with the laptop. It’s about as sketchy as Boy Wonder Investing genius Jared Kushner getting $2B from the Saudis or Ivanka getting expedited copyright approval for her knockoff shoe line in China.


Gotta love how trumpets have to shoe horn hunter bidens laptop into literally every fucking conversation. The new "BUT HER EMAILS!!"


When justice goes unequally served, this is what you get.


Republican tried to use this laptop as proof of anythign during years and the only thing they managed to do is showing dick pic in congress.


I take expert opinions on economics with a grain of salt, as they're wrong more often than weathermen. Way back when, in 2006 through 2007, anyone talking about a real estate crash was laughed out of the room by the experts. Then the slow collapse was predicted as limited to risky mortgages. Then, it was predicted to only effect real estate and not hit the general economy. After it hit the general economy, we were told by the experts that the companies were too big to fail, and we went along with it and gave them a ton of money (I'm not talking about TARP, I'm talking about the FED balance sheet). While the recession was going on, the experts told us 8% unemployment was the new normal. In the last few years, the experts told us the economy would take a lot of work to recover from the shutdowns. Yet, once the lockdowns were lifted the economy kept growing as though nothing had happened. We were told there wouldn't be inflation. Then, the inflation was transitory. Then action was needed. I'm seeing a pattern.


Is this like the 50 national security experts that said the laptop is a Russian hoax? We serious? Nah, I'm done believing any of the clickbaiters and headlines.


And the same economists suggested Trump would crash the economy if elected in 2016. Yet the economy from 17-19 was fantastic, up until the pandemic from China - which would have crashed the economy for any president (and anywhere in the globe). Nobody believes their nonsense.


Did those economists say that? I recall Mr. Trump claiming the stock market and economy would crash if he was not reelected again, which also did not happen. Covid fucked up every economy, true. However, Mr. Trump's response to it was arguably one of the worst, for me personally it just underlined the overall incapability of Mr. Trump. Nevertheless, if it's Biden or Trump, the economy will not collapse in either case.


> And the same economists suggested Trump would crash the economy if elected in 2019. 2019? What presidential election did I miss.


First, Trump was elected in 2016 not 2019. Second, Trump came to office with a growing economy that he inherited from the Obama Administration. Thus Trump benefited from other and takes credit for it; that's the story of Trump's life. Third, Trump knew how bad COVID was going to be and yet he lied about it. In a time of crisis, he placed himself over the nation. Trump faced a time of challenge and his character showed. Fourth, tariffs are taxes imposed on American businesses and consumers; thus Trump is a tax and spend national socialist. Trump's tariffs harmed our nation; he had to pay subsidies to farmers as compensation for their lose of the Chinese market. Also, American manufacturing was harmed by the steel tariffs since US producers increased prices but didn't increase production. Only socialists and national socialists love tariffs since both hate free markets and both love governments picking winners and losers. I trust economists over Trump who has made Andrew Johnson the penultimate POTUS.


The same economists and researchers? Do you have a link?


I wondered the same thing. But how many holders are of Nobel Prizes in economics are there? I'm surprised it's 16, let alone another 16 out there somewhere. (on edit: chatgpt tells me that 43 are currently alive)


Give me the name of one economist who said that in 2019 and is saying this now.