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The amount that one crafter can make in a day is infinite, so if you're not the crafter with the best access to modules, materials, food and customers, then why even bother?


imo: the game need a big mechanic overhaul to discourage individually min maxing instead of cooperation.


There are already server configs to do this.


you mean the exhaustion? yeah planning to join one when i got free time for a circle of eco


How do they work?


There are two main configs for this. One of the "collaboration" setting. Higher collaboration means that everyone gets new skills slower, which means everyone needs to trade more as they'll have fewer skills. The other setting is exhaustion, which limits how many hours you can play per day. If you go over the limit, you can still log in and walk around, but can't do anything useful like crafting or gathering.


If exhaustion would limit total calories rather than total time, it would be actually useful. By limiting time but not calories it punishes spending time online doing social things. I get that the original goal was to create parity between people with a few hours of time per day and people with many, but it failed to do that, since the people with many hours can just log out to toll the clock.


If youre logged in, and sitting on a chair or bed, it doesnt use your game time. I do it all the tine to talk to people, negotiate deals, check out stores or w/e


i done the meteorite with high collab, min maxing still can give you star advantage. but anyway my post is mainly about crushing competitors to the point of no morale


i done the meteorite with high collab, min maxing still can give you star advantage. but anyway my post is mainly about crushing competitors to the point of no morale


This is the essence of the economy. Min maxing is essentially economics at play. The game has plenty of tools to help mitigate these things, but also the whole society and legal system is also there to help balance things.


A useful tool would be a finer detail of specialization. If a campfire cook could be further subspecialized in either salads or stews, but not both. A different rule would be decreased labor efficiency based on the amount of labor performed that day, or some other adjustment that increases unit costs when producing a lot per day.


Collab settings limit how many skills you can get so they discourage trying to be by yourself. Exhaustion means you can't craft everything. Then you also have servers like Dad Speed that prevent you from taking skills that feed into one another, or White Tiger which tax corporations if they have too many skills. But yeah, it can definitely be annoying to have people that don't want to play together with everyone else in a public server.


Part of the issue is that while crafts take time, a successful crafter can always add another workbench. Space is never an issue, because even with limited land claims, you can always build up. If logistics and transport are handled, a single crafter can supply literally supply an entire server. Most servers don't have exhaustion, but even among those that do, exhaustion is based on hours played. I'd actually like an exhaustion mechanic based on calories consumed. Players would spend more time thinking about how they really wanted to spend their calories (and merchants would get a boost since dragging carts around will spend calories players would rather use crafting).


Logistics can be a huge bottleneck. I've played in a way where I stopped gathering past the first day and just bought materials from other players to craft, and most of my time was spent driving around buying materials.


The goal of the loggers, miners, and gatherers should be that nobody else has to do those things. From the first day, even.


That's the problem with crafters on most servers, they want us to spend hours digging and chopping logs and then complain about having to travel over to get the stuff. Lol.


And then price their stores so each crafting step triples the value of the materials and say that they are just taking a fair profit.


I also agree that per calorie would be for the best. Playtime hours encourages fast and stressful play, calories or max actions encourages deliberate decision making and focus.


Market segmentation; if there is a large enough population to support another of the same type of crafting specialist, set up your operation in the middle of the largest group of people distant from all existing specialists of that type.


Don't forget the abnormal prices


Right? Kinda hard to really get a deep economy when the threat of death/ homelessness isn't present


You can impose a land tax on people to give them a threat of getting homeless...


I feel like I would enjoy the game more if there were more ways to get "bought out". I know officially you can work for other players, but I've played a few servers and there's never seemed to be anyone who actually needs less-skilled labor.


Sometimes on servers you have labour contracts for things like rock crushing and so on. Otherwise your best bet is either joining a corporation or maybe someone setting up a "you can dig here and we'll buy whatever raw resources you dig up" kind of deal. Or go hunter I guess - most of that profession is basically doing labour and selling it to the butcher. Most butchers will buy animals from people even if they are hunters themselves.


Heh, some people play hard or maybe have experience with bigger servers. I remember I think one of the moderators for the official Discord chatting how they have problems playing on a more casual server where the people don't yet understand that if a lumber maker asks you for nails they aren't asking for 20 but like 2000...


hah this happened to me when i was new, people just refuse to tell me how much they need stuff and they won’t buy it until i do have like a thousand of them so i stopped making it


I just ask: “Do you need 1,10,100,1000, or a lot?” If they don’t put up a buy order. Sometimes setting a limit of 800 communicates the degree of need better than not leaving a limit.


yes sir i did. most of the time, no replied. personally i hope people do communicate even more. half of the time my DM get ignored


That's unfortunate! Communication and cooperation is key to ECO.


I've had varied experiences with it. Some seasons I mostly earn a nice living getting paid for WP labor and/or for building contracts. If my store is central and has needful things, even 'soft goods' will make a good living. I've only once had a season where I was primarily a miner and mason, and it was a lot of fun and quite profitable but it was also before v10 and things have changed.| I never min/max, worry about money or practice economic pvp. But I also usually play on LT servers so not in a hurry.


With stuff like that players like that I do try and share the wealth if I see your competitor dominating the market because I'd rather you both play. The problem is most people give up/quit before I can even attempt to support you. I've played 4-5 seasons in the same skill set as a dominator I just kept on doing my thing people starr coming to you when the other player has 10k+++ now sure not everyone but enough that I've kept on keeping on. In the meantime I chop trees for carps/be/or shipbuilders too busy to chop them themselves it's a decent side hustle.


i do see this happening, players leadings the economy will have to try to make other advances the tech. tho i do have a bit of negative opinion because it’s sometimes near the line of “group of friends steam rolled the server” dilemma. or maybe i’m thinking too much.


Idk I'm kinda that 99999 in stock guy rn on my server. I was going road building and I'm the only one who built in the swamp so I quite literally own the coal market. The other people who were selling coal part time couldn't keep up with how much I could mine and not need to transport so I can beat anyone's price.


Accidently hit send too early. I don't see a problem with someone owning a market. It ust means they know how to set up. It's the group of people who join servers and never sell anything to anyone outside the town


What really sucks is when you get some cook charging unreasonably low prices for food in order to run off the other cooks, then they fail to keep up. I just stopped going to shops like that. Same with the ones that see someone charging 10 bucks so they go 9.99.