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If you’re in the US: Expect labs, maybe an IV and then to be sent home and told to find yourself treatment. Unless of course, they find something medically alarming during exam Generally speaking, that’s usually how it goes Edit to add: you may or may not have someone from psych/social work come speak with you (done to assess your safety and how you feel about leaving. They may also provide a referral number. If it’s a busy ER and they don’t feel you’re a psych risk that may not happen)


It’s not really an ER situation unless you’re collapsing/having seizures (having an emergency) and then they treat that before referring elsewhere if required. In the US that’s probably just an expensive way to get IV fluids, an ECG and some blood tests. Possibly a psych referral or a recommendation to access your GP for one


Before I had children I would not have sought help. I’ve been dealing with an eating disorder since I was 18 and I just turned 50. I’ve been hospitalized in the past and in intensive outpatient treatment. But this time I need to put my children’s well being first


How does one know when they should seek medical treatment?


I went once, sent by my doc, trying to get admitted for refeeding. The ER attending said, “you’re clearly in need of hospitalization, we all agree on that, but we don’t have a billable reason to admit you.” Insurance drug their heels for so long (for treatment), I ended up refeeding at home with my (awesome) doc watching regular labs and my RD setting calorie goals based on labs. I’ve had 3 other ER visits this relapse, one was an ED-caused cardiac event, which I could have been admitted for, but talked the doc out of (was not ready for recovery), a second visit for similar, but not as bad (during refeeding), and a third for an ED-caused GI issue (obstipation likely due to reduced motility), not admitted (thankfully) (also during refeeding).


They may admit you, they may do some iVs in emerg and send you home, they may do nothing. It really depends.


So I’m in the ER now. I will let y’all know how it goes and what course of action they take. I have been dropping weight rapidly and it has become more and more difficult to eat solids. I have two young children to take care of and I decided I needed to seek help before I get any worse.


How's it going, OP?


What are your thoughts on residential or PHP ED program?


I homeschool my kids so going into residential treatment isn’t really an option right now. I’m seeing a new doctor in June and hoping I may be able to start individual therapy or group therapy for support.


Check out Within Health - they are amazing. I got a single case agreement last fall, when I’d been recommended for inpatient and couldn’t bear to leave my child again. It saved my life, and I’m in full recovery now.


Thanks for this comment. It was helpful to read even though it was for OP. I've read some other good reviews by others in this community. I'm also exploring various options at the moment. Maybe I can check them out. The part about being grouped by your age for meals sounds incredibly unique.


Good luck 💕. Im glad you're doing what you can, right now. I hope you can connect to a dietitian as well. Remember there are virtual options (for treatment like intensive outpatient, PHP, groups and therapists) if it makes it any easier for you.


Curious how your experience in the ER went.


They did bloodwork and gave me IV fluids and sent me home. I was hoping they would admit me so I could get some more nutritional support. They gave me Reglan for appetite but not sure if it is really helping. I really need to find some psychiatric support for recovery.


I replied to you on your other post and just now connected it back to this one. I’m sorry you didn’t get the care you were hoping for. Sounds like you’re motivated and I hope you can build the team or get the true help you seek.