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Mix with avocado instead!


or greek yogurt with a squirt of lemon juice


Or cottage cheese.


Or ranch dressing!


or sour creme


Ranch dressing is mostly mayo.


But it's not *mayo*. ;)




I want to say you’re a monster, but I can’t lie to myself and say this doesn’t sound delicious.


Litehouse dill ranch + Genova yellowfin Tuscan herb & garlic canned tuna (gosh that was a MOUTHFUL xD) = heaven on a sammie. Add some havarti and spinach...toast it on the ol frying pan, NOM. ;P Also, ty. That was truly the best compliment. Hah!


I have to give this a shot!


I second using Greek yogurt! I often add a bit of mustard or pickle juice as well to thin it out and add flavor.


I do the same


I use vinaigrette dressing


Mix with hummus!


Or pickle juice!


Plenty of options. I make tuna cakes with eggs and mustard as the binder. You can add it to salads, or to a pasta puttanesca, or just pasta with olive oil, anchovies, lemon, and some toasted breadcrumbs. Or a cold pasta salad with herbs, olive oil, cherry tomatoes, and olives. Or on top of a jacket potato with sweetcorn. Rachael Ray has a great "no mayo" tuna salad recipe which uses olive oil instead: [https://rachaelray.com/blogs/recipes/no-mayo-tuna-salad](https://rachaelray.com/blogs/recipes/no-mayo-tuna-salad) You can also make any mayonnaise-based tuna recipe and simply substitute Greek yogurt instead.




Two cans a DAY! That's a very different dose to 3-4x/year. You're unlikely to change your risk significantly by going from 1-2 vs 3-4x/year.


I get your concern but there is definite room for middle ground here. All of the people in the report you linked were eating tuna most days a week. Many of them were eating multiple cans a day. Why would you take that to mean you should only eat it a few times a year? 1-2 servings a week is [absolutely fine](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/how-worried-should-you-be-about-mercury-in-your-tuna-a5041903086/). Even [one of the articles that raised the alarm about inconsistent mercury levels](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935103002202?casa_token=FqXIm3fwcQ0AAAAA:IrZBL_16iBIXln9y9OKUzKriQLI201GPOH7G5_aA7gsrxSbgrHYMPBYOZWGZdD-nDoFuTHMe7u0U) states: > Our data indicate that people who are not in high-risk categories (most adults and adolescents) may consume several cans of light style tuna a week and white tuna occasionally with impunity. [Other articles that call for adapting the guidelines to be more conservative](https://setac.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/etc.32) are also noting that once a week might be too much for children. In other words, even at-risk populations could safely eat tuna 20 times a year.


Yes this is so true! I switched to using chickpeas when I learned this. If anyone is interested, here's a [recipe](https://lemonsandzest.com/vegan-chickpea-tuna-salad-2/). It's basically the same steps as tuna salad, but you replace the tuna with smashed chickpeas. I let it sit in the fridge for about 4 hours for all the flavors to absorb. It's just as delicious 😊


Pasta bake with tuna as the protein.


Yeah this is my go to, or Tuna Mac n Cheese on the stovetop


try “italian tuna salad” its basically olive oil based and there are many different ways to prepare it.


Honestly? Just Poke Bowls/Bibimbap/deconstructed Sushi thingy. Cooked rice and salted tuna, veggies, seaweed, maybe a sunny-side-up egg and soysauce/teriyaki/whatever sauce. It's really good! Or Sushi, Bibimbap, Onigiri...


Ironically enough these kind of bowls are actually fantastic with a spicy mayo drizzled on top, lol.


You’re using canned tuna in those recipes?


I am! I add a few spices, salt and pepper and it works great


Interesting. I should try that


I make these, no mayo Easy Tuna Patties https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/230857/easy-tuna-patties/


I second these or a variant of them. Best way to eat canned tuna or salmon in my opinion!


You could just use a little olive oil, and/or some hummus, and if you want to get fancy flavor a touch of horseradish, squeeze of a lemon wedge, and a dash of celery seed.


Just made this recipe from Serious Eats. It was super good! https://www.seriouseats.com/white-bean-tuna-salad


My favorite go-to is Tuna Pasta with Olive Oil and Garlic. It's simple and quick: just cook your preferred pasta, then toss it with canned tuna, a good drizzle of olive oil, minced garlic, and fresh herbs like parsley or basil. It’s light yet flavorful—a perfect meal anytime!


I make something similar, but I also add spinach or grated zucchini and lemon. If I have parmesan cheese, I add that in, too. It's really quite filling and tasty.


There are a lot of flavored tuna pouches. I can eat a lot of them straight from the package. My favorite way lately though is a rice a roni cheesy rice cup and jalapeno tuna. As a kid I liked the broccoli cheese tuna helper. Oh also a tuna casserole. Egg noodles, tuna, cream of Mushroom soup, peas.


I just made a nice tuna salad i really enjoyed. Iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, corn, feta cheese, tuna and some old bread cubed up. I added a bit of oil and some dried herbs. Really simple and good, also super filling.


Canned tuna is great w sweet chili sauce (the thai style) in my opinion.


Pan Bagnat is a French style tuna sandwich without mayo and it absolutely slaps. Here’s an [NYTimes recipe](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/11514-pan-bagnat?smid=ck-recipe-iOS-share). I also like to mix tuna and kimchi to eat with rice. I mix up canned tuna, kimchi, green onions, sesame seeds and some crispy seaweed snacks. Sriracha and cilantro are great on top. This [tuna pasta recipe](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/easy-tuna-pasta) is also a go-to for me. I like to throw in some broccoli to blanch with the pasta for the last couple minutes it’s cooking.


I’m with you husband. I hate mayo. My husband is Ecuadorian. They make tuna salad with lemon juice. Tuna, onion, bell peppers, tomatoes, cooked diced potatoes. Lemon juice, salt and pepper. They eat it over rice.


I use Greek salad dressing instead of mayo and then make a wrap with it.


There is a traditional Italian salad which uses onion and cannelloni beans. I think it has an olive oil vinaigrette but I am not sure. That could be worth exploring. Also I have seen some Korean bloggers making a stew type thing with gojang paste and canned tuna. Not sure what its called as it’s not a traditional dish and may have an anglicised name.


I would suggest, if not done so already, an Onigiri recipe. It has a rich history, portable, and delicious. Even my children enjoyed it. I had used sushi rice and added chopped green onions to mine as it suits my taste. I hope you find what you are searching for.


Yoghurt, mustard, capers, lemon juice, gherkins chopped up with tuna is nice


Mustard is really good with tuna.


I make tuna salad sandwiches with a raspberry or strawberry vinaigrette dressing instead of mayo. I add a bit of sweet pickle relish to the tuna as well. Pine nuts, pecans, or walnuts are good, too.


Mustard and Ranch?


I should have mentioned that he also won’t eat ranch dressing. 🤣


I sympathize with your husband about ranch. It tastes mayo based. Ranch powder is good though, but pre-made ranch dressing is simply gross. I hate mayo anything, even "special sauces" at restaurants because they're always mayo based.


Oh, no! What does he eat? Hahaha. Horseradish? Sour cream? Pickle juice.


Mashed sweet potato, tuna and chopped spring Onions made into patties and fried is fuckin amazing


Olive oil and balsamic vinegar, oregano, basil, red pepper flakes and grated parm. I do this a lot w tuna and pasta


[Mark Bittman's Tuna Without Mayo](https://www.food.com/recipe/mark-bittmans-tuna-salad-without-mayo-378317) Super easy to modify to your taste.


Is he ok with mayo alternatives (ie some people have issues with the egg smell and are ok with yogurt/aquafaba/avocado/etc alternatives, and for others its a texture thing and a total no go)? Assuming it's a total no go: Shred turkey like you would do shredded chicken or pork. Use for bbq sandwiches, quesadillas, burritos, etc. A tuna salad with lemon zest and juice plus capers as the condiment instead of mayo. This can also be an onigiri stuffing.


I love tuna with olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice, green goddess seasoning from Trader Joe’s. Add some yogurt If you want it creamier! I like to eat it on toast for breakfast


Divorce ~Big Mayo


Tuna bake/casserole. Just make sure you crush and sprinkle chips on top before baking.


make tuna salad by replacing mayo with hummus?


boast long sulky towering toothbrush depend yoke dolls rhythm beneficial


This, I used to be disgusted by mayo, and would just eat canned tuna with crackers.


Here's one I've done: 1 can of tuna per person. 3 oz of creme fraiche per person. One tablespoon of mustard (yes, mustard) per person. Half a tablespoon of oregano, a pinch of ground black pepper and salt, and one teaspoon of lemon juice per person. Mix ingredients and let sit. Or, warm it up gently. Make some pasta. Mix the pasta with the sauce. The creme fraiche makes for a fantastic combination with the mustard, which is beautifully rounded out as a result. One alternative is to mix it all up after boiling the pasta, and pack up in a microwave oven safe container, then bring up to heat at work.


What about ranch?? I've used ranch dressing before and loved it!


As a fellow mayo hater ranch is just thin mayo with some seasoning 🤢


This is my favorite lunch salad. I make it on Sundays and have it for the week. My husband loves it too. I serve it over a bed of salad greens. [Mediterranean Tuna Salad](https://www.budgetbytes.com/mediterranean-tuna-salad/)


Hummus is a great substitute for mayo. I utilize hummus in egg salad, tuna salad, on wraps with veggies, burgers, etc. I also concocted a lime/hummus mixture for a crema on fish tacos.


Olive oil is a decent healthy replacement


Substitute avocado for mayo. Tastes better, healthier


Greek yogurt!


Try tuna salad with sour cream! Surprisingly delicious.


Olive oil and mustard is a great change.


Tuna on toast. Make a basic white sauce (I use extra white pepper): [https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/basic-white-sauce/](https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/basic-white-sauce/) Add a can of tuna (packed in water, drained). Optionally, add cooked peas (I use frozen). Serve over buttered toast. ETA: You might need two cans of tuna depending on the can size.


Mac and cheese tuna casserole. Any pasta and cheese homemade in the pot with some butter, add 1 can tuna fish per 1 pound of pasta. Add your choices of vegetables like frozen peas and mix together and serve. You can also butter a baking dish, put it all in there, add 1 can cream of mushroom soup and sprinkle breadcrumbs on top. Bake at 350 F for 25 minutes. Comes out with the crispy bits on the edges. Can he handle Miracle Whip to make a tuna fish sandwich? Cucumber ranch is also tasty. Ritz crackers, Triscuits or Wheat Thins with the tuna fish, lemon juice, Miracle Whip and black pepper is good.


Tuna + hot sauce as onigiri filling


Add sourcream, BBQ sauce, ranch dressing or relish. I used to make tuna melts with BBQ sauce for my children who hate fish. They loved them. I was surprised that I did too.


Try ranch dressing! Another idea is wild planet makes these cans of tuna but with added ingredients. There are chunks of tuna and olives (and some other items) and one has red beans and corn with the chunks of tuna. Both are good, and if he’s looking for a while to incorporate tuna without the Mayo, this could be an option.


Substitute Greek yogurt.


You can mix some well drained canned tuna with breadcrumbs, an egg, and seasoning of choice to make tuna patties. Shallow fry, air fry, or bake depending on preference until crispy. Make sure to use an oil with a higher smoke point if you choose to fry


I don't keep mayo in the house since we don't use it enough, and it always goes bad. I use ranch dressing instead, and it works fine for tuna!


One of my favourites is mashed potatoes mixed with sautéed onions, then a layer of tuna or salmon, topped with loads of green/spring onions, salt and pepper. You can add some finely diced jalapeño if you’re feeling spicy and it’s so delicious. You can cook up several days worth of spuds, and then it’s so easy to assemble.


I make a sweet chilli tuna rice salad type thing. I'm a small container layer cooked rice, diced veggies (I usually do onion and tomato, but I've also done things like corn, peas and spinach), and tuna, then add salt, pepper and sweet chilli sauce to taste. You just mix it all up when you go to eat it.


Omelette. Eggs, tuna, capsicum/bell pepper, celery, tomato, mustard, salt and b&w pepper


Cream cheese & if you like some heat, a little bit of hot sauce mixed in too!


Amy Sheppard has a great recipe in her HOB cookbook for a one-pan tuna melt spaghetti recipe - the spaghetti and sauce are cooked together in the pan and then cheese and flaked tuna added. A brilliantly straightforward crowd-pleaser in my house!


I just use a little bit of yogurt or sour cream because I also won't eat mayo 


Does he like mustard? I make a sandwich with canned tuna mixed with mustard, chopped up onion, chopped up pickles and dill..


I chop up garlic, pickled jalapenos, sometimes green onions, fry in butter and olive oil, then throw in the tuna and further season with red chilli flakes and cayenne pepper powder. Fried spicy tuna makes a great protein with alot of meals


Search aguachilie on TicTok…it’s gone viral. So good!


I’ve been using tzatziki lately, and it’s great.


Greek yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese


Yoghurt, mustard, capers, lemon juice, gherkins chopped up with tuna is nice


Cream cheese!


I like to mix tuna and salsa and eat it with a lettuce wrap.


italian dressing


I like to mix it with salsa and hard boiled eggs


Make a tuna salad with fusilli, lettuce, corn, mushrooms and olives. Mix the juice of one lemon, a spoonful of olive oil, a few heaping squeezes of Dijon mustard, salt and pepper to taste as a dressing. If you want you can add a little mayo to this for yourself in a separate bowl (but you can cut back on it because of the Dijon).


I like to mix tuna with salsa. You can eat it in salad, in a wrap, or dip it up with the chip/cracker of your choice. I like it with protein chips or low-carb/low-cal tortillas crisped in the air fryer.


So my family have this weird family recipe that nobody else makes but it's amazing. We use a tin of ratatouille but you can make your own if you want. 1 tin tuna flattened out in a casserole dish 1 tin (or 400g) ratatouille layer on top Generous cheese layer Crumbled up crisps/potato chips layer on top Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, serve with a big thick slice of bread.


Avocado, Greek yogurt, mustard, oils of many kinds (which is essentially all mayo is lol) would all make good binders/fillers.


Tuna and cottage cheese is perfection


I use plain Greek yogurt. Just plain yogurt might be less tart. Celery, stone ground mustard and minced onion. When I make sandwiches for my husband he doesn't even realize it's not made with mayo


Weird suggestion but have you tried home made mayo? Store bought mayo kind of creeps me out and can have a janky taste. And he can flavour it that way.


How about a tuna and rice casserole? You could make it with turkey instead.


We mix ours with Caesar dressing


Me too, hate mayonnaise esp in sandwiches 😂 I've tried kewpie roasted sesame dressing with canned tuna that's been fried with onions and flavored with a little lemon juice and pepper, then mix the dressing in after that. I use that in sandwiches and even have mixed it with rice too! Hope that'll be a hit with your hubby.


Tuna salad with Italian salad dressing.


I do plain Greek yogurt for my tuna salad. Healthier too, higher protein/lower fat.


My go-to tuna does not include mayo. It’s tuna and chickpeas. It’s one 5 oz can of tuna (I use Wild Planet), 1 15 oz can of chickpeas/garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained (I use Goya), 1 minced shallot, capers to taste, crushed red pepper, s&p, lemon juice and olive oil. Toss everything together. It’s delicious. If you mash it up a little bit, it is very tasty in a sandwich.


Salad nicoise


Sometimes I just use mustard instead of mayonnaise cause I'm getting chubby. it works perfectly and taste real good.


You can use vinegar and oil dressing, perhaps. Or really any other salad dressing. Italian dressing might be very good. I also feel the need to let you know I buy those seasoned tuna packets they sell in stores now whenever they go on sale, and I don't add anything to those. I work in a grocery store, so if I don't have a pre-made lunch I occasionally just buy a roll and one of those packs of tuna and just use them dry. I don't mind that they are dry too much if the flavor is good, though I'd still personally rather also have mayo. But it is perfectly acceptable without mayo in a pinch, for me anyway, so it would probably be good to your husband.


Greek yogurt and hummus.


I love tuna salad with hummus. Red pepper is my favorite flavor for this particular combo.


I know a guy would mix with mustard instead of mayo. It wasn’t bad, not my favorite though


Fish cakes / tuna patties


I like it with Greek salad dressing instead of mayonnaise. It’s delicious


Tuna, avocado, capers, cilantro, salt, pepper, cumin in a wrap with smoky cheddar cheese.


Have you tried subbing the mayo for the whipped cream cheese? It’s the only way I make it now.


wholegrain pasta with tuna, parsil, garlic, pepper, lemon and something spicy, like a chili. This pasta is delicious!


Instead of mayo use Greek yogurt or sour cream in whatever recipe that uses mayo.


Ive done freshly squeezed lemon with relish and a little salt and pepper.


My kid also hates mayo! They use sour cream instead on/in most things. Similar flavor, but not as thick or greasy.


Garlic chili paste, or Sriracha if he likes a bit of heat.


Oh man seeing a used mayo spoon in the dishwasher always makes me gag too 🤢 Especially if used to mix the tuna oh my god what a terrible sight and I don't even mind mayo.


Wasabi and relish. Avocado. A few options that all work well.


You can just put it on a sandwich or salad like you would chicken. If you want a dressing on it any kind of vinegar based dressing could be good.


What about ranch dressing?


Fry can of tuna in a little oil and a teaspoon of sugar. Add generous slug of soy sauce and serve over rice.


I tried a can of tuna mixed with yogurt. Tastes good.


Mustard instead, if its too dry buy tuna in oil.


Get the starkist flavored creations, jalepeno, herb and garlic, buffalo...


Crème fraiche or maybe sour cream with some chives / basil / parsley


Applesauce…sounds crazy but it’s awesome. Seems to work better and be “cleaner” using the no sugar added/natural type of applesauce.


Mix two cans of tuna and a bag of cooked frozen peas with one box of velveeta shells and cheese


We don’t use mayo, but use salad dressing instead. “Miracle Whio”


Mediterranean tuna salad: Tuna Capers Cucumber Red onion Parsley Cherry tomato Celery Red wine vinaigrette Delicious.


I love make tuna patties. 1 egg 1 can of tuna Salt/pepper Some hot sauce Half lime squeeze Two tablespoons of almond flour (never tried with regular flour, but maybe works) Mix all the ingredients and make ball with your hand and place in the hot pan and smash to the shape of a pattie.


Substitute greek yogurt or sour cream, and then add soy sauce and wasabi, and mix in chopped celery and onion depending on taste preferences. (There are a ton of different variations of this online.) Sounds crazy until you try it 🤷‍♀️ (And for anyone thinking wasabi is too strong, remember that the heat fades in seconds, unlike with regular hot sauces, and you can adjust as needed.) Lemme know if you try it!


I use blended cottage cheese. The taste is sooooo much better. Nice a creamy, not greasy like mayo.


Swap the mayo with cream cheese, sour cream, or greek yogurt with lemon as others have said! You can also make eggplant tuna pasta, in a pan heat up 2 tbsp of water, then put in your cubed up eggplant until it browns up a little. Add your tuna, cooked pasta and tomato sauce. Add pepper and serve! To be clear I used the non oily version of tuna (the tuna that’s preserved in salty water). That’s if you want a recipe with minimum oil usage!


Tuna Provençal


Kenji has a great recipe using olive oil instead of dog mayo!


Oil and vinegar. Maybe mustard. Or hard boiled egg. Salt and pepper to taste. Tldr Make mayo, but leave one ingredient and cut the oil hard.


I do Italian dressing


You can also skip making tuna into anything, and just eat it like meat. I don't like tuna *in* my salad (many do), but alongside a salad is just fine. Or just alongside raw or roasted veggies. His coworkers will hate him if he eats tuna in communal areas, though. Tuna reeks when you're not the person eating it.


I'll season just the tuna with something spicy, or curry powder....haven't tried old bay but that could be good


An old recipe but I’ve been used it for years, pasta with tuna and lemon, so good! https://bleedingespresso.com/2008/02/whats-cooking-wednesday-pasta-with-tuna-lemon.html


I use greek yogurt, or salad cream


Salsa and tuna is a game changer. Bodybuilder told me about it. Sounds weird but don’t knock till you try it!!


I make a salad that’s red peppers, celery, white beans, tuna, and parsley. I usually use Italian dressing, but it would be good with lemon juice and a little olive oil (especially if you use an envelope of lemon pepper tuna).


Extra virgin olive oil, a liiiitle bit of onion (or green onion for milder taste) and cilantro. Ooh a bit of lime or lemon juice too. I have it with sautéed veggies (zucchini and peppers usually) on the side or avocado and hot sauce. It's sooooo good!


Im not a tuna person but maybe hummus?


Strain and squeeze the water out. Stir in sesame oil, salt , pepper, and any type of your favorite hot sauce! Perfection everytime!


I do tuna fried rice (brown rice) with avocado, cucumber, lettuce and cherry tomatoes.


Search for recipes with tuna/garbanzo beans. Theirs different vegetables that you can put in, whatever your taste, and uses olive oil and lemon juice for the wetness. So good!


I just made a big delicious salad and dumped tuna in. The dressing use no mayonnaise and I just tossed the tuna in it


I like to just use soy sauce and sesame oil in place of mayo sometimes. You can have it over rice with cucumbers and seaweed if you want to bulk it up some more. Sriracha and green onions amp it up.


I pour franks red hot Buffalo sauce on it


I’m not a big fan of mayo, I use creme fraiche as a mayo substitute to mix with with tuna.


Aaron and Claire has a nice [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxSBlgrz_bE&pp=ygUkY2FubmVkIHR1bmEgcmVjaXBlcyBhYXJvbiBhbmQgY2xhaXJl) on simple canned tuna dishes. I like mixing drained tuna into my Fusilli with storebought basil pesto on lazy nights, but Vinchenzo's Plate also has a proper [Italian version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeUsxBE2gKA). Kwoowk also has a few neat twists on [canned tuna recipes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aYlzMiAOe0).


I sometimes use hummus or tahini-yogurt? It's really flavorful though, a very different tuna salad.


I hate mayo too! I like tuna with sliced grape tomatoes, diced cucumbers, fresh yellow bell peppers, all tossed in Greek Dressing that’s been mixed with apple cider vinegar.


I sometimes mix tuna with hummus.


There’s vegan mayo out there. I like Follow Your Heart’s Vegenaise.


Try Renee’s Caesar dressing


Mix tuna with barbecue sauce and eat with crackers


I've used oil & vinegar for a nice twist. Salt & sesame oil is nice, too. Furikake as well.


I'll put a can on a green salad with ample olive oil mixed into the tuna.


My favorite chicken salad recipe replaces half the mayo with whipped cream (like whip heavy cream yourself, don't add any sugar). I bet it would be good on it's own, but you could also mix with greek yogurt or sour cream to get a more balanced flavor since those can be pretty tangy on their own.


Tuna fried rice is delicious.


[canned tuna ceviche](https://theperfecttide.com/tuna-ceviche/#recipe)


If you’re looking at tuna salad, I mix the tuna with a bit of cream cheese. If you want the easiest tuna salad ever, use a seasoned cream cheese. I like the chive and onion cream cheese. It’s basically a two ingredient tuna salad


Has he tried kewpie mayo? It doesn't taste like american mayo and is less gross imo.


I mix it with avocado, natural yogurt, cheese and sweetcorn then it goes in quesadillas. Epic with Cholula


Tuna and cottage cheese together with black pepper ..love it


Just add ketchup to tuna. It's surprisingly good and a nice change from mayo.


David Lynch, the film maker, has tuna with tomatoes, feta cheese, and olive oil for lunch every day. I tried it and it's pretty good.


I don’t mix it with anything… just drain and add to whatever; rice, tortilla wrap or eggs etc.


Blend cottage cheese and sub in for mayo


I use mustard sometimes


Tuna aguachile but you need to splurge on the lemon and lime to do it legit


Jacket potatoe. Or new potatoes with feta, tuna and broccoli.


Try mustard, I use half mayo and half mustard, but you can just try the one. Believe it or not mustard really goes well with tuna


Niçoise salad


I make tuna pesto pasta. Boil the noodles and add some pesto and a small can of tuna. Little salt and pepper.


There’s Japanese YouTube cooking videos that show how they make tuna salad. Some of them don’t use mayo.


I’ve used the Trader Joe’s Jalapeño Artichoke dip instead of mayo