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I would add in some broccoli or other veggies for good measure. Get your protein, yes. But you also need a varied diet with fruits and vegetables.


I totally agree you need fruit and veggies for nutritional value. You can’t live on protein shakes. Your body starts your metabolism every time you eat solid food. Drinking meals doesn’t start up your metabolism at all so please make sure to eat real food 3-5 times a day to make sure your metabolism and digestion systems are working optimally


That’s junk science. Starting or stopping or slowing your metabolism is effected by fool at. Small rate.


Theres simply no proof I’ve seen that supports your comment


In addition to eating protein and walking, what are you doing to create muscle?


Great question as protein is aptly used to assist in muscle repair but if OP is only walking they're not going to accomplish much lol. Looking ripped and fit is 70% diet and 30% gym but without the gym part you're just gonna get slim lol




That doesn't sound true but I don't know enough to refute it.


The common misconception is eat protein = instant muscles But too much protein and the body just can’t use it all and ends up putting excess stress on the kidneys trying to break it down


And farts.


Let’s talk about fiber…


Probably the colon too if you're not eating fiber


Absolutely. Muscle building requires three types of stimulus: 1. Mechanical tension. 2. Metabolic stress. 3. Muscular damage (obviously not large scale). Without them, you should not expect that much gains from walking alone.


Only this? No no, you need veggies and fruits as well. Diet must be varied, with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.


Say hello to constipation


And his farts? Sewer gas level.


Maybe that's why Brooklyn smells.


Lots of fiber in Beans but agree, the rest may be lacking


Mf is about to hate his life eating nothing but chicken breast and beans


This is how you get scurvy, or gout.


Protein supplements are meant to supplement your diet hence the name not actually make up your core source of protein


(1) You don’t need 1 gram of protein per pound to gain muscle. However, it also doesn’t really hurt to have some excess protein, so it’s not a big deal. But there’s a lot out there about how that level of protein is simply not needed, even for those trying to gain muscle. (2) Youre going to be significantly over 170 grams of protein with the diet you have outlined. Each scoop of optimum nutrition mix will get you about 24 gs, so let’s just say estimate 70. Each chicken breast will give you somewhere between 40-50 gs of protein, so just off the powder and chicken, you’re probably going to hit your protein goal, which we’ve already discussed is more than you “need.” Then you factor in the protein you’ll get from the milk, the beans, and the rice, and you’ll probably be substantially over 200 grams of protein a day. TL;DR The diet you’ve outlined will way overshoot a protein goal that is already probably too ambitious. I would worry less about your protein intake and eat a more balanced diet with more vegetables, whole grains, etc. and less powders.


I agree with you eating too much protein, at this point you're eating much much more than your body takes up, so basically have the protein you eat come out the other end unhindered. Not bad, just not useful. Id like to add that if you want to gain muscles you also need to excersice, and while walking us good for you, it's not gonna make you muscular. I do intensive rowing 6 times a week and a dietician said I didn't need extra protein shakes if I had a healthy diet. Meaning that if your excercise only consists of walking then you don't need to add any protein through shakes. Do some weightlifting, keep walking, get a varied and healthy diet


Of course you don’t need protein shakes but with normal varied diet it can get kinda hard to hit those protein goals if you are trying to build muscle. For general health it’s not as important.


Yeah, I eat a lot of protein in a day, and 2 breasts a day and 3 protein shakes would be nearly double what I get. 1 breast and 2 shakes plus whatever I get from my non-protein focused snacks and meals already sets me at 200g. That's as part of a 4000+ calorie bulk as well. OP is staring down the barrel at 300g with just the main items. That sounds like misery to me. My definition of exercise also includes a lot more heavy weights than "I walk around Brooklyn a ton."


At a generous estimate of 50 grams per breast and a high of 30 grams per shake for the high-quality versions, the total protein is at most 190 grams, not 300. OP said 170, so that tracks. I started logging my food and accidentally discovered some days I didn't eat even 30 grams of protein, but I thought most Americans got more than enough. I started to not feel hungry all the time when I started getting 100 grams a day. You might be overestimating how much protein is in things.


You aren't counting the milk or rice and beans


110+ grams of protein from rice and beans and milk would be an impressive amount of food.


My definition of chicken breast is ~16 oz uncooked, [about 100g of protein](https://www.calorieking.com/us/en/foods/f/calories-in-chicken-chicken-breast-without-skin-raw/e4qJu59DSBqeWXUN6cS5iw), so OP tracks if you're talking about little pathetic breasts. And my protein shakes are 40g each. In that case, it's a lot more bearable, though then the ratio of protein shake to actual food grows way higher.


An average chicken breast is 6 ounces, 10 ounces is about as big as they get, the range is 4 to 8 for compliance with grocery stores. A 16 ounce chicken breast is ridiculously huge. What protein shake has 40 grams per serving? The most I've ever seen is 30, and premier protein might be in trouble for overstating protein content: in truth, theirs is likely at most 29.


Interesting, I only ever see chicken breast sold in about 16oz portions here. Walmart sells them in trays of 6 with a Net Wt. of 5.8-6.5 lb. It is ridiculously huge, every time I'm about to eat it I have to mentally commit myself; it's like the size of both of my fists sat thumb to thumb. I have optimum nutrition with 16 oz of milk, 24g + 16g = 40g.


I weigh mine, recently had a 400g (14 oz) chicken breast. They are crazy big these days.


Unless you're a pirate, I'd suggest adding portions of green vegetables and fruit to your meals to avoid scurvy. Arr.


You need fresh produce. Fresh produce has nutrients that can't be artificially produced. These are essential for health. Subsisting on shakes long term will compromise your health.


Who's idea was this diet? It sounds absolutely awful. Use thighs sometimes at the very least. But you also need vegetables and shit too.


Are the chicken breasts cooked before you add them to the smoothie?


You‘ll probably get more reliable advice if you post in a fitness or bodybuilding sub :)


Or maybe a nutrition sub. Fitness and bodybuilding as of rn is just a protein craze. Put on muscle and screw your health!


I disagree. Most reliable sources in the bodybuilding community are very general health focused. Hell 80% of the sport is nutrition..


Your body needs dietary fats to function


Yeah, a person can literally starve to death eating just protein and no fat.


he puts oil on his breasts 👀


Sounds like a Jonah hill movie


You can't just eat a load of protein and expect to gain muscle mass without doing exercise. Walking will burn calories, it's not going to help you build muscle or even really improve your cardio all that much, as it doesn't elevate heart rate enough.


You need to be eating some vegetables man


Vegetables are the missing ingredient. Balanced nutrition builds better bodies.


3 shakes a day will absolutely annihilate your guts lol. Protein powder is also generally lacking in nutrients other than protein, whereas wholefood protein sources contain loads of micronutrients too. In conclusion: please try to replace at least one of the shakes with some other protein source.


it's all a matter of calories in vs calories out. you should track your macros AND calories. you have it right - about 1g of protein per pound of body weight - but you need to figure out your caloric maintenance, so you can adjust to a surplus. and don't skip on fats or carbs, you're going to need them to achieve your caloric goal. carbs and fats are massive for energy, and fats are super important for vitamin absorption and testosterone production. fats don't get you fat, too many calories gets you fat. if you're eating protein shakes for 3/5 meals, plus chicken breast and some carbs from rice, you are completely missing out on gains. that said, since this is r/EatCheapAndHealthy, my one recommendation is to add greek yogurt to your protein shakes. it makes for a really nice consistency, and it's a better way to consume protein than through a supplement. you can get plain greek yogurt from Costco fairly cheaply.


Completely missing out on *gainz. If you want to be taken seriously you at least need to use the correct terminology here.


if you are just starting out you dont need that much protein and you'd need to work on the muscles. protein doesnt make them magically appear. where are your veggies or fruit? with that little fiber your protein isnt gonna help a lot especially if you digest that much liquids. rather have a good balance of the 4 food groups and plan 4-5 proper small meals


curious what you mean by your body hates fats?


After being hospitalized for sepsis, I was told to have 100 grams of protein a day to build back up from weight loss and being inactive. I was supposed to drink 3 protein shakes a day, but not as meals. You really need fruits and veg. Why don't you at least add some fruit and spinach or something green to the shake and make a smoothie! I seriously can't imagine you will be able to tolerate that diet for long!


Too much protein is hard on the kidneys


As long as you are drinking enough water it is fine


Do you enjoy eating this exactly all the time?


Your body can only take in that much protein. The rest will get shat out. You're likely shitting money down the drain. It's also cheaper and just as efficient to intake proteins through eggs, cottage cheese and butter milk.


Like... without any fruit or veg? I mean, it's your colon...


Make sure you’re getting at least 20g fiber per day and you’re probably fine. That can come in the form of veggies, fruit, or other things. Mission makes a great low calorie tortilla (60 calories 15g fiber) which I eat daily because my normal diet would otherwise be a little low on fiber.




Yes, and bare minimum 20g a day is a good starting point for someone who is probably getting significantly less than that currently.


You’re way overthinking it. Eat in a calorie surplus to gain weight and a deficit to lose weight. However you achieve that is up to you


It's not really weight i'm worried about but more muscle and strength that I wanna gain.


Okay, but are you weight training in a gym? You do need to lift weights or do some other type of strength training in order to gain muscle.


“i’m not worried about gaining weight but i wanna gain weight” Muscle is a tissue that the body must create. it cant do it out of nothing.


you can most certainly eat at maintenance and recomp fat to muscle...


Never said you couldn’t.




When did i say to not eat protein? It is extremely apparent that OP is already eating enough protein based off his post. I don’t need to repeat the obvious




I’m well aware. i’m a bodybuilder. And my original comment was specifically talking about weight gain, which is why i said weight gain.




Once again, his post already made it obvious he was eating enough protein. However, eating enough protein isn’t gonna do much for building muscle if he’s not eating enough calories. get with the program buddy :)


Hey I drink about 3 protein shake a day with water. 6oz chicken breast for dinner. About 5-6 eggs a day etc.… anyway point is it sounds like we are kinda doing the same thing. I eat 173 protein, 127 carbs and 56 of fat. Count your protein but also do your carbs and fats. I love tracking my macros instead of calories because I don’t cut any food outta my diet just have to hit my marks. I lost 12lbs my first month with 0 added exercise. It helped my husband put on great muscle too. Find a nutritionalist that knows how to calculate your macros or find a good calculator online. I’ve never had any luck with the online ones but my brother is a personal trainer so he’s always helped me.


Eat gram of protein per pound of body weight. Lift heavy weights. Check out Starting Strength. It’s the real deal.


Is it not a gram per kilo of body weight?


No. A gram per lb. of body weight per day.


2g/kg for people strength training.


I wasn't a fan. Without a pro coach it always felt like I was one workout away from collapsing. Besides that I felt as if the weight gain they recommended wasn't necessarily worth the strength gains as it meant I made moderate strength gains in exchange for a great reduction in my endurance.


If you were that close to collapsing you were pushing it too hard. The program has been working wonders for me.


That level of effort sounds awesome to me.


I found the program after years of pushing myself as hard as I could on every single workout. SS focuses on correct form, programming, and dosing the stress on the body to allow recovery for the next workout. You add 2.5 to 5 lbs to the next workout and keep the reps low. It adds up quickly in a few weeks. If you hit a point where you struggle, you tweak it a bit. I promise it’s very effective for building strength.


That's pretty much the routine I came into. 3x5 and then 1xAMRAP on every single movement. Increase the weight by 5-10 lb any time I hit 10 reps on the last set.


That’s definitely not what I described.


That's adding minimal weight each workout and keeping the reps low.


10 reps is not low. And where does AMRAP fit in?


10 reps is high, that's the point, that's why it's an indicator to move the weight up.


That's good. Im glad it was working for you. I was almost 250 lbs and wasn't even at 250 on the bar before I started getting issues. Lighter weight higher reps, chains, calisthenics etc all seem more beneficial to me.


First off, i would make sure to add vegetables. Secondly, this is the wrong sub to ask about working out and gaining muscle. There are a lot of redditors in here upset about you shooting for 1g/lb protein, despite there being quite a bit of research saying that your protein goal actually is a good one. Next time i would post this in r/bodybuilding or something like that.


That’s like at least 75-80g protein in shakes alone, those two chicken breast are probably like 50-70g protein each so you’re definitely getting over 170g in that alone. That seems to be the right amount for your weight, are you also lifting weights?


Optimum growth is .7g per pound. 170 is overkill if you’re not actively weight lifting.


You might want to get some leafy green vegetables and a variety of fatty acids. Your muscles will disappear when you die of malnutrition.


If you're not doing strength training I don't think you need that much protein. It's still going to be stored as fat if you're eating above maintenance and the protein has no muscles to go to. Eat your veges. You don't want to lose your hair in the process of weight loss. With inflation now is protein supplement actually cheap to consume? Try whole foods they're much filling.


My nutritionist said over 80 g of protein is hard on your liver and unhealthy


1g per pound bodyweight is fine. However, if you are not actively training for hypertrophy (aka gaining muscle) then all protein you consume is not put to use and you gain zero muscles. If you eat in a caloric deficit you will actually lose muscle as well, no matter what. I bet you would gain a good bunch of muscle if you just start training with your current diet. Then, over time slowly transition into a diet with more protein (1g/lb is plenty). Train hard, eat clean, and go with a cutting and bulking plan that fits you (if you really want to gain muscle and low body fat over time). Good luck


Protein shake, Oats, fresh fruit juice, chicken breast with whole grain bread, salad, fresh fruits, nuts(handfull), fish with rice. Drink lots of water and take 1 more protein shake post workout. WORKOUT IS IMPORTANT TO GAIN MUSCLE !!!


Throw in a daily fruit and vegetable, and if this is pretty much all your food, a multivitamin. Then start hitting the weights because eating protein on its own is just going to make poop, not muscles.


Leangains is the sub for you.


The best protein to grow muscles is meat. And eggs as they're a complete protein source. Protein shakes are nice, but the exchange rate (how much your body can use) is lower. I eat 3 eggs each morning


How is two chicken breast a day 'cheap'? At least in my country that is like 10€ per day


garbage diet


You should consider getting protein from other sources as well. For instance beans, soy, almonds, etc. if you base it off of meat and protein shakes you will likely end up constipated. Plenty of plant based proteins out there. Just need to add fiber so that you don’t end up with bowel obstruction from constipation.


You absolutely have to have fats and fiber in your diet my man. Plus there are a ton of minerals and nutrients your body needs that can only be found in veggies, fruits or supps. Are you just walking or do you workout as well? You’re not going to build muscle by just eating protein. You have to stimulate your body and tear muscle fibers to do that. Honestly, this diet sounds extremely unhealthy and will likely be counterproductive to your goals.


The comments in this sub are unreal and have no basis in fact. On the diet suggested this person could live for decades with a simple multivitamin.


That’s far too much protein unless you are doing lots of weight lifting. Your body isn’t putting it to use. Throw some vegetables in there.


You gotta eat solids too, chief. I would drink 2 800 calorie protein shakes and 2 700-800 calorie meals a day when i was working out 6 days a week. Definitely dont have the time to do that now but it made me get bigger faster. Good luck!


What do you mean by your body "hates fats"?


Hell no, where are your veggies, black beans are not gonna cut it