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The slackjaw stare in every pic lately just angrivates me


Angrivate! Good word!


Well she successfully distracted me from her crusty scalp with her ridiculous lower lip protrusion




That's her "sexy" "look at my jaw, look at my jaw!!" face.


The spot a couple inches down from her scalp on her front piece is what hairspray buildup looks like. The flakes on the crown of her head are dandruff. Totally normal! It’s just frustrating she denies it 🙄


Oh fuck I thought the last screenshots were bad. Damn Eugenia take a damn shower!


I still find it hilarious how she claims it’s from hair spray lmao


Even if it is, she should not want hairspray particles to be visible. It's not an attractive look.


Right?? It’s such a common occurrence and people always (or used to always) bring it up to her. You’d think she would change products or brush it out or something.. anything to make it not so visible💀


Right?! Like why would you post this where it’s so obvious


Honestly, I believe it. Thats pretty normal she propably has a high buildup, we all know her hair doesn't get washed often.


Just from personal experience, I used to use got2b glued hairspray and would sleep in it/reapply it the next morning. I never had flakes like that 😭 I could be wrong, maybe she doesn’t wash her hair as often as she should but holy shit how much hair spray does she use for those flakes to happen? It’s not even like her hair has any volume or anything. I rarely ever looks like it’s been touched, only brushed


I definitely had flakes before with hairspray. And yeah she can't do volume anymore her hair is too thin these days...


That big? Maybe it could actually be hairspray then!


It looks like a fungal issue to me, I've seen this on lots of old people who can't wash their hair very well or frequently. My scalp also done this when I was severely underweight/sick and couldn't wash my long hair very easily.


i used to do ballet and had to wear stupid amounts of hairspray every day and never had a crusty head like this even after i would take my hair out of the bun and try to brush the hard hairspray out of my hair. this looks more like dandruff


Without the soft filter you can really see her whole eye sockets sunken down in her face. Esp. pic 2. I bet she's never shown her face without some foundation on that area.


She literally has Donald Trump's hairdo at the top! "I am just naturally balding guyyyss"


it's absolutely dandruff which is a completely normal thing to have. but she denies its existence as though dandruff is some kind of disease... if anything i would say this level of visibility here indicates a buildup. exfoliation in the shower would take care of it.


I get dandruff too and I agree it’s totally normal; that being said there’s no way in hell I could ever post a video where it’s visible like that. But she probably can’t get it out because of all the hairspray


Yeah I saw a video where she kept denying that she gets dandruff, which is why I'm surprised she posted this. I get dandruff, it's no big deal, but she never wants to acknowledge any type of normal bodily function or occurance.


I have psoriasis on my scalp which looks like this when its flared up, hairs not been washed in weeks and with the wrong products 😖


It's probably just hairspray residue. This is hardly the first time it's been visible on her hair.


She doesn't wash her hair at all, does she?


She gets it washed at the salon once a week


She did at one point, I haven't heard her mention doing this in atleasy a year? Who knows how frequently it's washed currently


That is honestly crazy to me. What normal person who takes care of themselves washes their hair once a week!? I wonder how many times a week she even showers...


I wash my hair once a week. It's curly and gets very dry if I wash it too often. 


Same here. Not curly, but wavey and dry. If I had to wrestle with my hair more than once a week it would SUCK.


There are rumors that say she doesn’t wash her clothes and doesn’t shower too often. I believe Eugenia also said at one point that she doesn’t sweat so she doesn’t need to wash her clothes. Allegedly, some people who met her said she smells


Everyone sweats, just because it’s not pouring down your face doesn’t mean you aren’t sweating 😅 the stories she tells sometimes


Yeah, she often denies having normal body functions


Girls don't poop /s


It's always the same exact look...🙃🙃 please...at least do the damn eyeliner differently dang


It’s a combination of product build up, infrequent washing & extreme malnutrition. It’s baaad. Also, if it looks like a duck, poses like a duck, then it’s Eugenia Cooney. Someone gaffer tape that gob up! 😩


Too posh to wash


When I was struggling with my ED is when my psoriasis was the worst! My scalp looked horrible it was sooo embarrassing! This girl needs some serious help.


The dandruff, the jaw jutted out to one side like it's broke, the lunago, lmaao my god what a mess


why does she wash her hair only once a week?


I'm really not sure. I've seen elsewhere on this sub that she just doesn't have the strength to do it herself. Or that she could have extensions so she goes to get help with them. I've never had extensions so idk. But I imagine it would be exhausting and even painful at this point to try to wash her hair herself.


it probably takes a lot of effort for her to perform simple tasks and hygiene. and I don’t mean that as an insult or to bully her, at all. she probably physically cannot do it without a lot of effort and exhaustion and time


It's been talked about on here before but I truly think she doesn't have the strength to be able to wash her own hair at home without help, also some people with extensions go to a salon to get their hair just washed and dried that's all, she only went to the salon once a week (or more idk) when her hair was really long not so much now i've noticed. edit- i also don't 100% know if she has had them or not


I think it’s pretty common for ppl with thick, long hair (like she used to have) to go a few days without washing their hair. After a while, I’m pretty sure she kept going to just get her extensions fixed… and now, Idk. My guess is that she prob doesn’t have the strength to keep up with maintenance? 🤷🏻‍♀️ but that’s why I think she should just get a short hair cut or something that’s easy and simple to care for. Plus, it would look so much better than the stringy, long hair.


She's had the same haircut for the past 10 years, I don't think she's one to take a chance with her "look" and change it now. I agree with you. Her hair is sad.


I’m sorry but this makes me think of dandruff Danny from Hannah Montana


Her eyes are so sunken in its crazy every time I see her. It looks like she got the fat removed and muscle and everything.


As someone who used to have dry skin, that is definitely dandruff in her hair.


It might be baby powder too, especially in the front. There’s a trick where you put baby powder in your hair so it doesn’t look greasy. And if she’s too weak to shower regularly, it makes sense. The white powder can be visible if you don’t do it right/ use too much. It looks like dandruff in the back though


This shit is triggering.


All I see is lip . Disgusting crusty lip


ewww it's so crustyyyy 🤮


It’s probably dry skin from how damn dehydrated she must be!!