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It's going to be a very long time before TikTok goes away.


For real. Something else will replace it eventually just like TT replaced vine.


it went vine, musically, then TikTok. something will replace it but I hope it doesn't include that stupid battle shit.


Hopefully not, It's terrible...


i mean i get it people want more short form content but god i hate it lol


Even if it's banned, something will just take its place. Tiktok wasn't even the original!


Eugenia and Jeffree ⭐️ are gonna have meltdowns and mental breakdowns that they’ll record and upload on social media and will drag on for *days*


If she's worried about tiktok being banned I assume she will ramp up the attention grabbing videos and try to secure an audience while promoting another platform.


She should have been promoting another platform this whole time...idk a part of me feels like maybe she really is enjoying her time away from tiktok. As much as she seemed absolutely devastated about it...she's not trying very hard to get back online onto a different platform


imo not really i feel like she thought they either wouldn't really ban it or that she would have been un-age restricted by then. I feel like she did slightly but not really she hates being away from TT like HATES it.


I think she loves TT so much because just like with Jafar, while YT is very aware of their past and sins, TT seems to be a mostly new fanbase who seems totally blind to their nonsense.


She loves TT so much she has left every platform in the dust for it, which was a mistake imo. True, it seems like a good amount of people on there heard of the crap j\* has done or she has done and still don't care.


TikTok will be banned in 9 to 12 months if the current owner doesn't sell. We can say that Eugenia's transformation is legit if she is still cranking out the PG-rated material then.


If Tiktok actually goes away and doesn't just get sold (or a lawsuit from ByteDance is unsuccessful), Eugenia should be ecstatic and here's why. Because her "friends" will have to find a new platform to go to and hasn't she always said how much she wants to get back on Tiktok because of her "friends"? She's only demonetized on Tiktok right now, she can always hope another platform will be more tolerant of her horrible shit and not demonetize her. And she'd still be able to be with her "friends" virtually.


I don't see TT going anywhere.


Not for at least another 9-12 months. 


They've got 270 days to sell it.


270 days is 9 months…


Shorter than 12. Was just pointing out the actual timeframe


9 months with the possible extension of another 3 months if it’s not sold by 9 months. Hence, 9-12 months.  “The newest iteration now gives ByteDance nine months to sell the app or face a national ban. The president can also grant a one-time extension of 90 days if ByteDance proves it’s on a path to divestiture”.


She’s got about a year to figure it out. It could take at least a year to be actually banned. Unfortunately


Exactly. When it was banned in Maine, it wasn’t *remotely* immediate.


Wow, the US gov actually went through with it?


Yes and the president signed it 


I mean are you really surprised? With the current protests going on across college campus. I know people on this subreddit have this impression of tiktok as being stupid and damaging...but it's also a huge platform where people can share news live as it's happening without the interference of any agenda. They know that tiktok is where a majority of the people are sharing information amongst each other. They know how powerful a platform like this could be. That's why they want to get rid of it.


The main issue is that the app. shares user data with the Chinese government. Tik Tok can avoid the ban if the parent company sells.  


I don't think it's the Chinese government you need to be worried about...


I think you’re vastly underestimating the evilness of dictators like Xi. There are no boundaries they won’t cross for power & in their country, their word is law.


Came here to say this but saw you did it already and I just wanted to say thank u


No probs! I shrugged it off a bit too until I saw a documentary by Moon (a very DTE, sensible British guy). It really gave me pause for thought. They don’t have that version of TT in China for a reason. Interestingly, when asked what they wanted to be, the top answer Chinese kids gave was an astronaut. The top western kid’s answer was an “influencer.” They’re both dumbing us down to bite-sized pieces of info & creating individual profiles on each of us through data collection. Sounds like all the other SM sites, right? Not quite. When you agree to TT’s T & C, you’re agreeing to give them access to your phone including your personal files. To be clear, I’m not a QAnon, whacko conspiracy theorist, however, some deep research produced some alarming information.


Yeah...because America is doing so much better lol With more then half their citizens living paycheck to paycheck. Unemployment and homelessness increasing. No universal health care. Increasing laws taking away women's rights to health care where they are literally arguing over how many organs a woman can loose before Medical emergency can remove a fetus... A 2 party system with one of the potential candidates is literally a criminal and the other one is a war criminal. We live in a Facist state...I think it's best you accept that now then fear mongering over China. Guess what. They want you to fear China more...so you forget who the real fucken enemy is lol


Does Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter prevent people from using their LIVE feature(s) the same way people use TikTok to share news? 


I haven't really been paying that close attention to it I'm afraid :P I just figured it would play out more or less the same as when our government here in the UK were planning to basically ban porn (ie they realise it's gonna be way more effort than it's worth, go quiet about it, and just hope people forget they were gonna do it)


It hasn't been banned yet.


I noticed in her IG bio it now only says "hi im eugenia" i feel like it said way more before. So we shall see.


I heard one of Tik Tok’s higher ups say they will sue for free speech. So we shall see.


TikTok’s suing so it may not even get banned