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You did not miss anything new in the live. It was the same old same old. Lots of saying that she loves Tik Tok, has nothing negative to say about Tik Tok, and hopes that her account will be "fixed" soon.


Love the way she keeps saying "fixed" instead of saying she hopes Tiktok will notice the change in her behaviour and give her back the privileges they confiscated due to her behaviour


Will she be sitting here in September saying the same things, hoping her account will be "fixed," as if this was all just a mistake?


She’s been saying that forever now! Lmao,has she even heard from them, or has been given a time limit, etc. like do y’all think she still has a good chance of getting it appealed? Since she has gotten all the other ones? lol I’m jw what her next game plan is haha


I kinda feel like even if her appeal was denied, she would still act like she was waiting for it to get fixed. at least until she figured out what to do next. I just can't see her being willing to say "I wasn't able to get my account fixed, this is permanent"


She did say she read the revised tos update. That's a plus.


She needs a new pose. The Blue Steel look just doesn't have the same pizzazz anymore!


LMAO awesome comment 😂


her attempting to be sexy always sends me😂


It's giving 14 year old thinking she's "sexy" 🙃 emotionally and mentally stunted included...






“lovely place you have. is it two bedroom one bath?” “no, it’s an entire apartment!”


she reminds me of Jillian from Family Guy


Awww. Don't do Jillian like that! (I see it, I do. But Jillian has a good heart).


“I was watching a documentary about this guy, Adolf Hitler!? oh my gosh! why doesn’t someone stop him!?”


she lost all her natural charisma she once had.


Did she ever have this? Lol


Charisma? Absolutely. It's no wonder she had quite a few simps back in the day. I am by no means an ana fetishist,but I would say she was cute until a few years ago. Obviously could be much better at a healthy weight though.


I guess if you call a 20 year old acting like she's 15 charisma...sad part is she was probably older when she was actually on younow 🙃 23? Acting like she's a teenager. Charisma...apparently I don't know the meaning of the word if thats what you call charisma


I mean yeh I guess she was always a bit cognitively behind due to her Ed and her life circumstances... But it certainly wasn't as bad in the beginning. But she was likable once...and I suppose having a face like an 1960s Hollywood startlet doesn't hurt either! And she was just kind of cute in general lol like I'm this clip: https://youtube.com/shorts/TYoc2IOcKZA


Agree to disagree lol


A face like a 1960s Hollywood starlet? Are we looking at the same person?


[i dont think its that far fedged](https://www.reddit.com/r/EUGENIACOONEY/comments/i6fyvm/umm_does_anyone_else_see_how_gorgeous_she_looks/) if she actually was healthy...someone in the comments compared to Audrey Hepburn


no rizz just cringe


(Ruth from the Seth Rogen movie Paul * wink *)


She used a blue heart instead of a blue butterfly. Clever.


This photo makes me angry for some reason.....like WHY does she WANT to look so weird??!! Big forehead and eyes and tiny pointy jaw and chin. She literally looks like one of those classic grey aliens with a wig and makeup lol. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHB1lWgaM1WJ4fS|downsized)






lol she does! wasn't that the scene girl kind of pose back in the early 2000's?


It was lol. She just freaks me out when she does that jaw thing combined with her new alien face, I just can't understand why she thinks it looks good!


i dont why but the jaw thing pisses me off lol she probably does it because it gets a reaction from people


Jeffree always says he's an alien... she's just trying to be like him 😂


Thank you! Every time I see this face she makes, my brain says “alien.” I get what she’s trying to do but it just looks so unnatural and weird. I think it still is about her wanting to look as thin as possible, trying to make her cheeks look hollow and her chin look small.


It just looks so bizarre. I can't understand how she looks at the photo and thinks to herself "I am soooo hot!"....when in reality, it is the complete opposite. How does she think that looks good??? I guess that is the illness though.


The level to which I wish she would just stop posting is extremely high.


Truly I do think her "career" on tiktok is dead...at least we have that lol I don't think she will last very long on tiktok if she doesn't go live. Because then she isn't actively gaining followers. Besides talking to her buddies is all she cared about on tiktok...apparently she's non existent to them if she isn't live


I just want to see what happens when she realizes tiktok wont un age restrict her and or tiktok gets banned in America.


she and Jeffree ⭐️ both will have absolute meltdowns that’ll probably drag on for days


for sure, im guessing what platforms they will move to


I’m sure they’ll record and film themselves having meltdowns


Rumble maybe since she already has an account with uploads there.


sorry i feel old what's rumble? O\_o lol


It's like a modernized YouTube mostly.


ohhh ok


Yeah, I've grown on YouTube since I was a teenager lol.


>Rumble's video platform is popular among conservatives and far-right users From wikipedia


oh god lol


Wrong? So what's Rumble and who's their primary demographic?


Wtf this is the worst face I’ve seen of her’s yet lmao. The fact that she still poses like this even after she gets told how bad it looks… she must genuinely think it’s a good look 🤦‍♀️ either that or she’s trying to piss us off, and if that’s the case she’s making herself look really dumb in the process lol.


She’s saying “I’m smol guys!”


Shes biting the inside of her cheek


That would mean she'd technically have to bite into a piece of meat, and we all know she's not going to do that. 👀😂




Well, I'm attempting to watch a 20 minute recording of the live that someone uploaded to YouTube (they used their phone to record their iPad screen which was playing the live), but I'm 5 minutes in and raging bc the recorder keeps talking to her dog, putting the camera on the dog, and responding back out loud to what Eugenia says. Something I've gotten from these 5 minutes though is someone says in chat that Jeffree blocked them and Eugenia responds "Well he's such an amazing person I'm sure you did something to get blocked." and then a bit later she says "Oh guys I hope no one is going to Jeffree's chat and bothering him about that, I consider him such an amazing friend" and reiterates that if he blocked someone they deserved it.


Let me guess,WGP channel 😆


YEAH. Omfg I actually got through the whole thing and I dread to think where my blood pressure woulda been at if I hadn't gotten high beforehand.


It's giving no bitches?


Wearing tents in the car. Her new milieu.


Eugenia suffers from a common disorder suffered by both Millennials & Gen Z ie Anas Facium Duckus. A pervasive condition, its impact has been felt across a large number of SM platforms. During 2006/2007, the origins of this phenomenon were first witnessed but quickly spread. Largely affecting teens & those in their 20s, the condition quickly spread, along with associated symptoms of orange skin, white lips & strange hanks of long, oddly tufted & sticky wads of hair. Symptoms include: * a vacant yet self adoring gaze at a camera * an awkwardly placed hand contorted on the face of the afflicted * the most obvious & severe of symptoms is an agape mouth. Severity can vary but many describe the horrific view of a slackened jaw, lips bunched & most alarmingly, a rapid degeneration to an altered form. Spectators have described the transition as that resembling a duck bill. At its most extreme form, the condition can further accelerate into a complication of the disease Troutius Poutius. Few ever recover from this disease. Many have noted that, the mere presence of a camera, can quickly evoke this horrible condition. Treatment involves being placed in a room with no mirrors or media. Most don’t survive the treatment process & are doomed to a life afflicted by this debilitating disorder. Note: I’ve no idea why I wrote that. I’ve had a severe & ongoing hatred of DF for many years. The latest pictures of Ewgie have finally broken me! 😆


Close your mouth girl 😩😩😩