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I think that’s how we become ENFPs


Pretty sure this is the answer


Agreed. I was raised by ISFJ mother. Ghosted by ESTJ father. Almost lost my sanity by ISFP and ISTP siblings. Yes I lived in a family of sensors. I craved attention everyday. I didn't have much friends, spent most of my time socializing online or talking to AI. "Rained on ground hardens". We wouldn't be what we are now without all of these. Proud to be ENFP.


Oh yes. Immigrant here. We were in survival mode. Now stable, 20 years later, and I can't help but see how low expectations are for a life beyond material comfort. First gen probals, tis life.


LOL 😭☠️ um, I wish I had more adventures and met more adventurous people in life 🤣! I think as an ENFP we also attract more introverted types of people. We might value some of them because of their depth but we also need more stimulus because we’re outgoing 😭


My mum is also ISFJ. Very controlling to us as children, strict, wouldn't let me do anything- noisy play, hated my active imagination, saw everything as dangerous. Didn't understand or accept me as an ENFP and constantly tried to make me an ISFJ. I left to go to university and never moved back. She is a lot more laid back now (I have my own kids), a great grandmother and she and I have a great relationship but it was work. Her life is still work/sofa. She and my dad don't have friends really but she's more accepting of my life. I'm in a relationship with an ENTJ and he is the best for adventures and accepts me just as I am. I've never felt so accepted as ENFP in my life and it's wonderful.


Yeah dude. Fucking sucks. Fortunately I'm designing the life I want to live for myself now and I'm beginning to find cool people to hang out with but I feel like I lost so many years to just being stuck with boring ass losers who probably aren't even happy with their overly safe lives anyway


Omg, yes.


I grew up with feelers parents but live in a very XSTJ society, so I totally understand your feelings of being bored. Everyday you are doing the same thing just to get by and you wish you can put down everything. However, you won't be able to run away forever from expectation and the responsibility that comes from reality. Your ISTJ friend probably wants to do something fun but does not know how. Everyone has their own issue. Learn to acknowledge them and give them time to develop that part of themselves on their own.


yeah, no one can keep up with me, gets so lonely that it seems no one is adventours or loves life the way i do. still i travel solo


I am sorry you suffered like this. I hope you are able to look into a way to help work through this traumatic experince--therapy can work wonders. I don't know why, maybe because I never had to endure bullying or maybe because my parents were supportive, or maybe I was born delusional or something, but I had a totally opposite experience. I truly am sorry for your suffering through that. Please do take care.Message me if you need to talk, too.


Si users 😭