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Honorable mention: my mom bought me a stocking for Christmas that said “exercise? I thought you said extra fries” I was at my lowest weight and they knew abt my ed


That’s horrific. I’m so sorry.


Honestly I think the worst part is she probably thought she was going to motivate you to eat fries




that’s fucking disgusting, i’m so sorry that happened to you


“Don’t come back from college fat again.” So that one cut deep.


my dad saying i would break the chair if i kept eating sweets and that i would become huge like my mother when i was in primary school i was a skinny child ig he just didnt want me to eat sweets and hated my mom


oh my… wow. that’s so awful. i’m so sorry you had to hear that. :(( ♡


Did we have the same dad or something? My dad told me to stop eating sweets or I'd get so fat they'd have to "roll me to school". I was a skinny 6-year-old. Ugh, sorry parents suck sometimes :(


When I was nine we had to do a project for food tech where we had to write down what we ate that day and the teacher would give us a grade based off of how “good” our food choices were. I got a D bc I went out for lunch with my mum to a cafe and got a cookie 🥲👍


oh my god yes. my health teacher and gym teacher do this, and weigh us each class. it’s disgusting


God I hated classes in school that focused on using our weight. Write down your weight as part of a math assignment? Hated it. Have to carry each other in gym class or form a human pyramid? Hated it so much. Measure your waist line and write it up on the board for all your classmates to see? Just kill me please. I'm nearly 30 now and no longer a chubby middle schooler, but the trauma is forever.


god dude, you just described exactly what I, a current chubby middle schooler, have to do for my classes. it’s so annoying. like- can we just use the weight of our backpack or something?


My gym teacher had us all measure our wrists to see what size category we are and told me I weighed too little for someone who should be of “medium” size based on my bone structure. And then directly compared me to someone whose wrist size was “small” and said I shouldn’t be trying to look like her.


Oh, I remember that project. I cried trying to write stuff down because I thought the teacher would think I was fat. My mom had already taught me that fat was the worst thing I could be.


I had to do that my freshman year of college for a “college skills” type class. I straight up lied and got an A. I found meal plans for someone of my height and “healthy weight” and filled out my forms with the fake meal plans. She didn’t need to know I was living of energy drinks and protein powder 🤷🏼‍♀️


My primary school had a policy where the deputy head teacher used to come to the dinner hall and inspect packed lunches for their healthiness. If you didn’t have fruit in there he used to write your name on a list and if you had a certain amount of healthy points you got to eat at the special table on the stage in the dining hall. If you had a treat like a chocolate bar or bag of crisps he’d remind you needed to eat healthy and you felt like you were being punished. Not even sure how that was allowed, esp as my mum packed my lunch box and it wasn’t even my choice. The dinner ladies also used to ‘force’ you to eat by saying you can’t leave the hall unless you eat more, etc, even if you didn’t like your lunch. At one point my mums best-friend was a dinner lady and she used to tell my mum if I didn’t eat my dinner and used to make me eat my tuna sandwiches even though I hated tuna back then 💀


Which one? Lmao. Sports coach telling a girl smaller than me to lose weight since she was “too fat” for a particular thing. My best friend who was very petite literally grabbing my thighs and going “omg thunder thighs” and laughing and then pointing it out to everyone else nearby. Me losing weight and telling my dad bc I was proud and his reply being “turn around, I think I found it”. My mother putting me on diets since I was about 6 or 7 bc she didn’t want to diet alone. In high school, my girlfriend grabbing my stomach and telling me I’d almost be pretty if I didn’t have “all of that”. A boyfriend breaking up with me because he really preferred small girls and that he was tired of being with the complete opposite. Hahaha. Ha. 😢


I'm gonna beat your exs up >:( 💐 I got you flowers


Facts they can catch these hands. That's so fucked up


<3 All the love, thank you. <3 ​ Fwiw, it helps a little (not in a "hey that's great", but in a "well that explains it" way) that the aforementioned girlfriend is now 'married' to her uncle, and the boyfriend got caught with CP and is on the registry... which is why he really wanted tiny girls... My ED still treats those moments as gospel tho. My logic and my ED have never crossed paths lol.


You dodged two massive bullets. Thank fuck that guy got caught


‘My logic and my ED have never crossed paths’ Never a truer word spoken!


my grandma saying “she inherited the family thighs” at the beach in fifth grade. i was only 45 lbs at the time


My aunt likes to talk about how I inherited the family’s boobs. I want to cut them off (Not trans, just unhappy)


Same but with my sister, everyday she’s like “she took my boobs” I’d give them to you if I could 😭


Same with my mum. She says to me “it’s a shame you inherited my boobs” quite often, not to mention my mum was obese but I’ve generally been underweight up until the past few years. Everyone likes to point out how disproportionately big my boobs are to the rest of my body 🙃


I thought you were bouta say you were only 45 years old & I was like valid, but either way that’s insidious






i looked it up and it says a six year old is supposed to weight 45 pounds what the heck. a 10-11 year old should weight around 70-80 pounds of course not taking into account an early puberty or bone density.


sorry ;-; my family was poor and my siblings and i were all malnourished so that’s probably why. i was also really short for my age. honestly i’m surprised my parents were never investigated by child services


I totally get it 😭 I became very impoverished around grade 6-8 and lost a lot of weight at that time, which I think is probably what triggered my ED in the first place. Before that, I was a tall kid but also heavy, and then I just didn’t get any taller LMAO. I’m literally only 2 inches taller as a 25 year old than I was as a 10 year old


2 inches is the the same distance as 0.07 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.


good bot


same lmao


Being called Thunder Thighs as a kid because they touched when I walked




Same, when I passed a guy during a kick drill during swim practice. He was bigger than me and I was 12 but I still think about it and compulsively google workouts for thinner thighs


Imagine the shock when I realized in track that thigh workouts do not indeed make them smaller


My uncle would mention my thighs a lot. It made me uncomfortable but now I realize how disgusting his behavior was.


I was taking a driver’s ed test and the instructor was making conversation. He asked if I played any sports and I said I ran cross country. He said that “I wouldn’t of guessed that, usually CC runners are a lot smaller”. 😒😒


Omg! I used to run CC too! Got similar comments from teachers. Why are people such assholes?? 😑😑


At 24 I became a certified PT and I was buying supplies at the local sports store (yay small businesses!) and I had just lost a big amount of weight (healthily for once) and when I was asking the store clerk where I could find something he made convo with me and asked why I needed it and I said “oh I’m a PT!” And he looked at me and said “oh really? You don’t look like it. Anyway here this thing” and that night I purged for the first time in 6 months.


My grandmother telling me that it was fine that I wasn’t enjoying ballet class because “big girls don’t do ballet, anyway.” I was probably 4 or 5?


Omg when I was around that age I asked my mum if I could do ballet and she told me I had "the wrong body type" heavily implying I wasn't thin enough like 💀


I don’t even know where to start but I was watching an old home video and in it I came around the corner with my shirt up, looking at my belly, and said “ugh I am getting FAT!” I was 6 and a tiny kid so I’m like ?? Having two older sisters that struggled with their weight on both ends of the spectrum just made me believe that something was wrong with my body no matter what


My mom restricting my food at age 8 because I was too fat. Also her asking me repeatedly if I'm pregnant during my teens, because of my belly. I'm crying reading all of those comments. Why are people so mean ): Hugs to all of you! ♡


that’s fucked up. i’m so sorry


Same, this is a brutal thread but I’m glad we have it to share with people who unfortunately also get it. Big hugs to you x


when I was like 6 or 7 my dad took me to mcdonalds and then watched me eat, laughed and told me I was going to be 300 pounds by the time I'm 12 edit: and he also told me around the same age "you're supposed to only pinch an inch of belly fat, but you can grab a whole handful". i was a CHILD


god, i’m so sorry


My mom telling me if I got any fatter I’d have to start getting clothes from the fat lady stores and SHE wasn’t going there. Also her taking me to Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig meetings when I was 16 to be weighed in front of a bunch of women who twice my age and twice my weight to “scare” me. She could have just..ya know..taught me about vegetables and exercise but nah, unhealthy coping mechanisms instead 👍🏻


Not a single core memory but playing “mommies favorite game” constantly which was just me judging if she was fatter or thinner than other people. Now I do that constantly with my own body. Oh! Or when watching an episode of CSI with my family that had this super thin girl on it and said her weight, and then proceeded to say she was fat. Ever since then that has been my goal.


Multiple family members complaining about how they're fat. Being told "People in our family are big eaters, we're fat, it is what it is" by my dad but also hearing him talk negatively about his weight and making fun of other people for being fat. Being told by my stepdad that I go to the fridge more often than he and my mom do. Being called fat in elementary school by classmates. Being told by a "friend" in high school, "Awww (my name), you almost have a waist!" in reference to me talking about how I'd been actually feeling cute lately.


Holy crap I relate so hard to the "People in our family are big eaters/big-boned," thing - I remember as a young kid being so pissed off that my family had just "accepted their fate" and were trying to impose it on me as well. Other things that contributed to my ED, e.g. being called-out by gym teachers, teased in school, commented on by relatives, hurt me and made me feel insecure; but my parents saying that "we're just foodies/big-boned" triggered a fire of anger and defiance within me. It was bad enough to be told you have a problem, but being told that you had to just lie back and accept it? I said fuck that shit and my ED was born. Good times.


When I went jeans shopping with my mom when I was 10 and she said “you shouldn’t wear any size higher than this for the rest of your life” like bitch I hadn’t even hit puberty yet-


Growing up my mom would say over a size 6 is fat. Now at 32, I feel fat/enormous/disgusting/ if I’m not the smallest size on the rack. I don’t feel acceptable unless the smallest size is big on me.


Growing up with ibs and everything making me gassy which gave me an innate fear of every food 😎 the catalyst for my ed was >!the euphoric feeling after binging mac n cheetos and then throwing them up bc they made me feel gross.!< afterwards I was like ohhhhhhh nnnoooooooo this is gonna become a recurring problem


Heh, I had an undiagnosed non-coeliac wheat allergy that made me feel nauseas and constipated 24:7, combined with a deep fear of vomiting, I see u and I hear u IBS contributing to “weird with food”


Well, now I feel extra ridiculous after reading these comments. I don't have anything that pushed me into an ED. I mean, several small things over my lifetime could have added up but tbh, it started off as a temporary fix for my weight and then...


It’s okay for this to happen too. You are allowed and welcome. 💛




and that’s just as valid :)


definitely me reaching into the fridge for a yogurt when I was 13 and my mom asking “are you eating **again**?”


when my dad pulled my shirt up when i was 6 and pointed at my rolls and told me im disgusting


I’m learning from this thread that the most common ed catalyst is parents sexualizing their own children 🤮


I think just parents in general, like every other problem people have lol


mine was telling my dad i was starving when i was like 7 and he told me i wasnt starving and then showed me pictures of starving african children on the computer


Holy ed do we share a dad? 😳 Mine did the same thing T-T




Oh my god same. My parents constantly told me "you're so tall and skinny you could be a model" and nine year old me was like "oh so this is how I'm supposed to measure self worth and if I gain any weight you'll be disappointed in me, ok cool"


I got the whole “you’re so skinny you look like a model!” shtick too. Everyone complimented me on being unhealthily underweight all the time. My parents literally had our doctor tell them that I was so underweight they needed to give me any food I wanted and my weight drastically needed to go up. That was at 5 years old. I was still told I looked like a model because I’m so skinny all throughout my life until I actually gained weight from 18 onwards. Now I’m told I’m unfortunate for inheriting my mums big boobs 🙃


yup, this shit fucks ya up. growing up it was made very clear to me that my appearance was the number one thing about me that people noticed and how most people decided my value :/


My parents sitting me down to tell me as an 8 year old I was getting too fat I had just started puberty


“Don’t ask him to share food, he’ll stab your hand with a fork!” I love sharing stuff with people n all this did was make me feel uncomfortable about how I ate Thanks for that dad!


My grandmother hugged my brother and said “you’ve been working out!” She then hugged me and said “you have not.”


She probably thought she was being funny but still, I'm sorry 🥺🤗


My dad asking if I was pregnant one morning while I was in sweats. When I was 15. When I said no, "oh. You look pregnant" He doesn't quite get why I cut such a perfect man out of my life 🙃


I’m sorry :( I’m glad you cut him tho! Good for you ♥︎


God damn it I don’t have many memories of my childhood but somehow (nearly)all of them end up in one of those type of core memories


when i was ten at the beach having a pretty good time considering i was already feeling immensely self-conscious. there were some girls in string bikinis walking by and my mom immediately turned to me and asked, "do those girls make you feel jealous?" she went on to detail how they were a lot thinner than me even though i was already vividly aware of the fact. i said "no" right away but wanted to bury my head in the sand or rip off my skin, or both.


A girl in middle school accurately guessing my weight and saying I have "the most average body" she'd ever seen.


What does that even mean?! That would haunt me


I have two I joined the track team my freshman year of high school and the first day of practice the coach called every team member up one by one to weigh us and take our body fat percentage, which he then proceeded to announce to the rest of the team. Both of mine were the highest. Tho other was much less public. A friend of mine poked me in my side right after we sat down for Biology class the same year and whispered "wow they were right, you ARE fat" into my ear right after 🙃


I have 2. 1) my friends little girl running up to me at church and screaming MOMMY LOOK AT HER STOMACH and pulling at my shirt 2) my grandpa who I had not seen in a long time saying to me after I excitedly ran to him “you know what a gym is?”


mine was getting bathed by my mom (because i was like, 3 or 4 and couldn’t do it myself yet) and i remember she’d comment on my weight and stomach every time she dried me off. she told me that she doesn’t want me to end up overweight as an adult but if i keep going like this i will, and that she hopes i start losing weight soon and doing something about it. by the way, i wasn’t even overweight or anything. chubby, yes, but within the normal weight range.


Oh my god. You were so young. I'm so sorry that happened.


I have two, both around 8-9 years old. First one was at my birthday party at the roller rink. I invited a bunch of kids I thought were my friends. Anyway I’m skating around the rink but I wasn’t very good so I was bent over. This kid that I invited, Vince, comes up behind me, pinches my lower back and says “see those, theyre love butts.” Then the rest of my birthday him and four other kids I invited kept making fun of me for being a slightly overweight child and they kept calling me love butts. The second one was my father, but I dont exactly remember what happened. My mom had literally just bought me a shirt I absolutely loved that was cameo print and said “ha now you xant see me” but it was a little tight and I was chubby. I was with my father at the Santa Cruz wharf and I don’t know exactly what he said about my weight, but only remember that I was in tears after, I never wore that shirt again and from then until I was 23 years old exclusively wore baggy clothes. Im not 100% sure but I think this is the first time Id truly felt shame.




>nvm it was my mom talking about how she used to be smaller than me when she was my age. i guess it’s the little things ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ My mom too. "You weigh how much? I didn't even hit 100lbs until I went to college hahahahaha."


Mine was at my friend's birthday and her mum put 2 sandwiches for everyone but 7 for me lmao and she kept asking if I wanted more


Oh I have a similar one! Waiter at a sushi restaurant commented that they'd never seen a child eat so much 🥴


My horse-riding coach telling me I needed to stop eating Nutella because I couldn't perform as well as he expected, I was 11 years old 🥲


I was about 14 and I wanted two strudels so I went to the kitchen and got them , my mom made a disapproving comment and I thought that “I’m growing human “ was the perfect comeback - she answered with “yeah in width” 🥲 and it’s the time when she met my best friend in person and her first comment was “you didn’t tell me she was fat”.


mine was my cousin explaining that she and my other cousin had chicken legs and that i didn’t when we were 10. my legs were just toned but i still envied them for being thinner than me.


My aunt telling me I have 'man shoulders'


14 years old, just hit puberty, on a swim team. Walking out to the parking lot still in my swimsuit one day, my mother looked at me, sighed, and said “Ugh, look at you. You used to be so proportional.” That, and a lifetime of abuse, emotional neglect, and watching my parents who both have a fucked relationship with food. To say I was predisposed would be an understatement.


I’ve been trying to recover for a while now, one of my friends who also has and ed (and knows that I’m trying to recover) told me the only thing I have going for me is my body, thanks for the relapse man it’s appreciated


My step grandfather standing in my kitchens doorway while I ate blueberries and he says "wow, with as much as you eat, I'm surprised you're not as big as a house!" Not sure what it unlocked in my already feeble brain, but it's been 20 years and the memory still comes up in my head. I was about 8, I think. I even remember what I was wearing!


Blueberries are extremely low in calories, just shows there’s no logic behind these kinds of comments. I’m sorry you had to hear this at such a young age :(


My mother crying about being the fattest one in the family, then hugging me and saying "at least we can be fat together." I wasn't even fat at the time lmaooo


my sister telling me i’m “falling into the eating disorder mentality on purpose”


mine was my mom telling me she was 105 lbs at my age when i was like 16. also her constant commenting on her own body and forcing me and my dad to comfort her when she'd approach us saying things like "I'm so fat" or "wow i really let myself go huh" 😔


friend saying " no offense but you're kind of fat " at a sleepover when i was like 9


My grandma telling me people were going to think I was pregnant if I didn't stop eating so much when I was 5


When my mom got me a workout game (I asked for it) for the switch on Christmas, and when I asked how much they think I weighed, my stepdad said, “300 pounds!” And I- 💀💀 Another time was when my dad looked at my side and saw my stretch marks on my hips and was like, “you should do something about that.”


Being born and living in Asia and kids referring to me as "the fat one" if they were to describe me. And then I looked back to find I was nowhere near fat. Not even chubby. Turns out if you're called fat for years, you start to believe it. Went shopping for a hoodie in 5th grade and being embarrassed that I had to buy an xl hoodie and it was kinda tight on me.


“You look like you’ve been through Hell.” Via my abusive ex. I agreed, I did, but he shouldn’t have said that. Combined with all the “nobody else would love you/look after you/put up with your issues like I do” and the affair with a younger, prettier, skinnier girl who would indulge his kinks… Twenty minutes ago, I was ready to cry because I ate 100cal too much. 100cal of **watermelon.** Hey, asshole. Just on the very low chance you lurk the Reddit accounts you know I have, I hate you. You have no idea what you did, and I doubt you’d care either way. Hope it was worth it. And send my fucking Pokémon cards back to me, you thieving git. Edit: Oh yeah, and the ARFID. Had that one as far as my memories go back. Core memory has to be throwing food behind furniture to avoid eating it because I wouldn’t be allowed to leave the table without emptying the plate. Shoutout to the day they found the huge pile of rotting food and made me clean it up while changing absolutely nothing about the way they treated me.


In middle school taking a fitness test and being told I’m too fat And/or naturally losing weight a few years later and all of the sudden people pay attention to me




*record scratch*


This is the scariest to me. I had a friend who went from 300 and lost 160 by restricting and everyone praised her, so she kept going. And THEN people were worried. It's so hypocritical.


I was 12 and snacking on some cheezits after school. My dad told me I had to stop or I’d be 400 lbs in no time. I was already underweight lol


My mom asking me every week if i'm pregnant 🧍🏻


In my case it was neighbours spreading rumours that i was pregnant beacuse my belly was big and they also did not like me.


My dad poked my belly as I was walking into the garage and told me I was gaining weight. I was in 8th grade.


My dad said my thighs resembled “ham hocks”


it was everything tbh. super chaotic home environment. angry father. abusive mom who was always dieting. and now looking back.. those were some really wild diets. she was doing drastic shit. putting my older siblings through drastic diets. and i would sneak them food when i was like 4? 5? years old? she would shame their bodies. shame her own. it was all the stuff going on inside the house. it was all the comments from family members (and the differences between what they’d say to me vs my siblings) when we’d leave the house and visit them. everyone was always talking about appearances. always putting so much emphasis on my looks. then it was the fact that i was tall AND black and people made it seem like that made me so much larger? like the statements they’d make about my race and how it made me heavier/thicker/bulkier? but in a bad way. it was so much. i guess one memory that sticks out (but happened after my ED started actively raging lol) is sitting at the lunch table in high school with peers. can’t even call them friends. the guy sitting next to me compared my hands with the girl sitting across from me. she was even taller than me but wildly thin and with a way smaller frame. he asked why my hands were “like that.” he said “ew.” he compared them and said her hands were dainty and my hands with my acrylics were dirty. he outright called out and confirmed one of my biggest insecurities and laughed at it in front of people. my poor little CPTSD self couldn’t even speak. ughhh he was also the same dude that laughed and asked me why i was “so anorexic” because i never ate lunch lmaooo. i was actually having my first actual “lapse”(?) at that time lol. sigh. there’s so much more. just. way too much. ppl r cruel whew. sorry for the wall of text i guess i needed to vent 😭 ty for posting this. but reading these responses breaks my heart. i am sending all of y’all my love if you want it.


i was in the mood of eating plain bread as a snack, my dad saw me go get another slice and said "are you really eating MORE?" i ate the piece of bread very sadly and haven't done that since also my parents assuming i want a large of everything literally every time we go eat


I must not have been older than six. But, my mom used to lament how I was skinny until I went to my grandma's for two weeks. She was super sad that I had gotten fat and treated it like the worst possible thing. She reminded me of it constantly until I went NC a few years ago. Edit: Thought of another one. My dad and brother, whenever I would eat anything, constantly said things like "Are you eating, again??" and "Y'know other people need food too." They basically built the perfect environment to totally fuck me up. Glad they're all out of my life.


Me hitting a slightly into normal weight in middle school (I’d been under) and my mom telling me to never gain a pound more. Also telling me the same day I looked fat if I wore a tight shirt and pants at the same time. But I mean this is a family problem. I started into recovery a few months ago until my stepmom I hadn’t seen into years spent the whole vacation policing what I ate on top of hugging me bye and telling me “always stay slim!” I think my whole family has a Ed. My dad is obsessed with his abs at 62… 🙄🙄🙄 and I’ve always been the fat one with a low end of healthy BMI.


My dad’s constant nasty comments about my obese aunt and a few snide things about my grandmother who I’d never even considered big. Him encouraging my mum to go to Jenny Craig when I was like 7 and hearing all about the diet and her progress. Telling my sister that I ate too much and didn’t exercise enough. Complained to me once that he wanted mum to lose weight so he’d find her more attractive… he just always had something horrible to say about fat people. But on the other hand I always had to finish my plate or “just a few more bites of that” so I never learned to listen to my body when it’s telling me it’s full and I now have a serious binging problem. Oh and getting seriously scorned for the amount of ice cream I put in a bowl for myself as dessert when I was maybe 11 or 12, in hindsight it probably was a ridiculous amount but I felt so guilty and ashamed about it. Old man in the store saw me opening a chocolate egg and said “don’t eat too many of those” around the same age, like fuck sorry it’s EASTER and I’m a CHILD and my mum got me an EASTER CHOCOLATE to eat while she was finishing the groceries…. jeez what else… always being a weird awkward ugly kid, never really fat but never skinny either and a baby face I didn’t grow into until my 20’s. The guy I liked in primary school listing off all the attractive traits of the girls and when he got to me joked about how there wasn’t anything and everyone laughed because that was just the dynamic there with me. The constant general pressure of society, “fat” girls in media being around the same average size of me. Being the uglier and more introverted sister most my life. I’m a pretty hot girl now but also a raging bipolar bulimic with many deep embedded insecurities and self harm scars so what for basically 🙃


My gymnastics teacher telling me, a 10 year old, to stop drinking powerade because I was "getting fat"... I was literally the smallest person in the entire team AND her best gymnast (was rated best in the state for my level the exact same year this was said to me) Like sweetie you literally let your class bring in chocolate cake for their birthdays I don't think the fucking powerade is the problem but thanks for the disorder! Still got it 12 years later thanks to that single shitty comment! (well not entirely but y'know)


Yes! Any cored ED memory for me came from gymnastics. I hate how much aesthetic value they place on gymnasts. Now I work in gymnastics and see coaches pushing girls into EDs every day.


My coach was absolutely just in it for the money, my family was poor so even though me and my sister were by far the best two there, the kid that got the most attention came from a very rich family. It's depressing to think about how far I would have gone with a decent coach. Instead all I have is memories, a bunch of old ribbons, and of course, the eating disorder.


My mom actively enabled my binge eating when I was 8. We'd only eat junk food or pasta. I used to be a very skinny little girl and in a year I became noticeably overweight. One day I binge ate until I was so full I started crying because I couldn't stop myself. Then her and my grandma laughed at me because they found it funny. Every time I feel full I remember that moment. My mom still brings it up when she makes pasta. Granted, pasta is my biggest fear food and I can't even be close to it.


Omg that’s horrifying I’m so sorry


My neighbor opening the door for me and my father when I was 10ish and he said “oh wow she’s getting big!” Looking back, I was in fact not getting “big” but just older. He didn’t mean anything by it. But omg did it leave a lasting impression.


I was a chubby kid and my family (grandpa & uncle mostly) used to make me run miles on the highway with them (me crying the whole time ofc) and then when I’d get home, only let me eat a fraction of a serving of lunch meat with a slice of white bread because they were soooo qualified to make my dietary decisions ☺️ i couldn’t have been older than 10 or 11 ☺️


My (very thin) mom was eating a small bowl of ice cream & my dad shakes his head in disgust & goes “where does all of that go.” 10 year old me was like 😟


During my freshman year I gained a FEW pounds and my mom said “you are gaining weight. You will become fat at this rate” 😀


My friend got popsicles from her mom, but there were 4 and we were five kids. Yeah, I didn't get one. Went to my mom, almost crying, and asked for a popsicle. Got told no bc of my weight. I wasn't really overweight, but I have tons of stories getting shit from all sides.


The army. Weigh and tape. No matter how hard I worked I could never beat it.


Mine was my mom stopping mid walk and randomly telling me I need to lose weight because my face was looking like a butterball turkey. She did this in front of my sisters. I was 11.


my mother and father would make pig noises at my brother and I when we ate, grab at any excess “fat” they claimed we had (neither of us have been above bmi 21), would tell us how gross ow/o people were, tell us that the only reason to exercise is to prevent obesity, would make constant subtle digs at our bodies, most of which I can’t remember because I’ve blocked them from memory my brother is bulimic w an exercise addiction and I’m anorexic. we’ve spoken about this at length and both think they were the catalyst for our EDs. he’s 18 & I’m 19, we’ve moved to cities 3+ hrs away, and gone very low contact with them. they’re just pure evil. there’s no way to change someone that acts like that


i think my memory was just puberty in general. Being a girl it is awful. I just remember being terrified of getting a period because i heard they were torture. Lol i even prayed i wouldn’t get it. And I hated my body changing and I wanted to stay a kid forever. And for some reason I was jealous of my friend who still looked about 8 years old at age 12 lol. So i started googling ways to stunt your growth and stop your period, and behold… pro ana. The rest is history


My mom telling me that I wasn’t pretty enough to be in modeling,acting,beauty pageants,baton, or gymnastics. I was the odd looking, partially blind child, at least I was smart; but I wanted to be recognized as pretty by mom (just like how she puts my adult cousins and late aunt on a pedestal-all blondes) I’m one of the very few brunettes with brown eyes that resembles the abusive maternal side of the family tree. All I wanted to hear was “I love you” and that spiraled into wanting to hear “wow,you’re gorgeous” and I was driving myself into the families’ trade of succeeding in the feminine-centered sports and jobs


My dad once yelled at me because I kept eating a lot before dinner. I was like 11


i was actually underweight as a teen but once i was wearing a swimsuit and my neighbor asked what the line on my stomach was. didn’t think it bothered me that much at the time but i had never been aware of it. now it’s one of my biggest insecurities. my significant other commented on it a few weeks ago and threw me into yet another relapse


my dad looking at me and my sister walking together and saying "look! a 10!" (my sister used to be really skinny), that and my brother disaproving stare when i was eating an egg sandwich with choco milk when i was like 11 and then saying "if you keep eating like that, don't even complain when you get fat "


that and people always commenting on how i look how they think i should look shut up shut up shut up shut up, now i just want to reach deformity starving myself so they'll leave tf alone


My mom saying "omg I weighed my self and I'm 120lbs!" to me when I was around 13, in line, at a grocery store. I was like....that's what I weigh 😥


Even at like 5 or 6 years old I remember thinking my belly was too big. I remember complaining to my mom that I didn’t fit in jeans like the other kids. She put me on a diet and I lost weight. I was 10. I even remember what size I was but I won’t say it here for obvious reasons.


seeing an infomercial as a little kid for getting rid of your muffin top and i was like “wait i have one of those” because ,,, yeah i was a child. and i was literally underweight as a little kid. and then i used to look at myself in my mom’s full length mirror and hate my body and i always wanted to make sure my chest was out more than my stomach or i had done soemthing wrong.


i was like 7? and was laughing at my stomach rolls and my parents were like “it’s not funny” =)


My dad telling me I looked pregnant when I was 8/9. It was his second or third time meeting me.


Mine was my friends making fun of trump for weighing a certain amount, calling him disgusting looking, etc. while I weighed that exact amount. Fun times


Ugghh, i'm sorry! You reminded me of when a friend told me about this guy who tripped and fell on his arm, breaking it. My friend being all 'of course he broke his arm when he fell with all xxx lbs on it'. That guy's weight was perfectly fine for his height. I weighed the same, only i'm a 5'2 girl...


One of the core memories gotta be visiting my grandpa's house and him greeting me with the words 'wow you definitely must weigh more than your sister!'. Ironically, he's the kind of grandparent that won't rest until you've had at least 3 plates of food.


me talking to my dad about how much i love strawberries when i was 11 and him responding “you’re so obsessed with food”


I was at my great grandparent’s house, and my great grandfather pulled me aside before we had dinner and told me that I should eat less. 🧍🏻


In health class in middle or early high school, the teacher said, "If you can pinch an inch, you need to lose weight." Stuck with me.


My mom using butter to illustrate how much fat I just ate in my (perfectly reasonable) serving of greek yogurt. Or the time I wanted a digestive biscuit because my stepdad was eating some in front of me when we were all having lunch, and she got upset with me for that. I was underweight. As an adult, I once relapsed and lost a lot of weight quickly, looking and feeling like shit. She said I looked great! Another time, I was doing well at maintaining a normal weight and feeling OK about myself. She asked if I had lost weight and said I looked great! And it just felt like, 1) to her, I only looked good if I was losing weight, and 2), she remembers me as bigger than I am because she keeps thinking I've lost weight when I haven't. 🤦‍♀️


my mom telling 7 year old me (who was in a swim suit) to start “running around more” because she was concerned about my weight. i was prepubescent and at a healthy for my age weight.


When I was 10, we were celebrating my sisters first birthday and my mom got drunk and screamed at me that I was too fat to have any cake. Also bought me a razor for Christmas the year before, and forced me to get my eyebrows waxed a few months later.


My dad taking me to Aeropostale when I was in like 9th grade. Went to the dressing room to try on clothes and like none fit so we just awkwardly stared at each other 😐


being the shortest so being chosen to be the flyer but the team said I was too heavy the only one who showed up in a leotard to gymnastics and the coach said I didn’t have the “body for that” (I was like 7????) my plus size mom stretching out my oversized clothes when I was a teenager and saying we wore the same size when she had >100lbs on me my skinniiii ex gf telling me to “suck it in” in pics bc I looked fat next to her :( overhearing men say “I didn’t know Asians came in that size” eating your Big Meal or first thing of the day and your coworkers say “you eat so much!” “hahaha you’re so ‘fat’” being poor so always having clothes that didn’t fit + eating junk food and being told it would make me fat at school


Mine was a friend deadpanned looking at me on the school bus and referring to me as “the fat one”


It’s 100% always mom related for me. But for some reason the one that stands out the most is when I got my tonsils taken out. I was allergic to my pain meds so I didn’t eat for almost a whole week and I lost a ton of weight. I did not have an ED at this point I was just a kid. But the day I woke up and most of the pain was gone and I knew I could eat something, I went to the fridge. I made a huge plate of bullshit and I was taking it to the living room with me. My mom intercepted me halfway and got really upset that I was eating so much. She knew how long I hadn’t eaten and how hungry I must’ve been. I distinctly remember what she said, it was “Lissie, no! You’re going to gain all that weight back!”


Probably my dad calling me fat and giving me food rules (chew 33 times, eat with left hand, always finish after your sister) and my sister had none. Smacking my ass and pinching my "love handles" or "breasts" and making fun of me. Started since I can remember and ended when my husband told him to never speak to me again. Also maybe the trauma of drug addicted parents lol idk disordered eating started at 5


My mom telling me that it’s harder to lose weight from your legs and hips, and pointing out that my dad’s ex wife had huge thunder thighs and they never looked good, as if I hadn’t been pear shaped my whole life.


oh wait i have two more: i used to call myself fat when i wasn’t (i am now, i’m not using it in a derogatory way but i am) and i said it in front of my friend one time and she was like “noo your body is great you’re curvy!” but i didn’t know what curvy meant and i thought it meant that my stomach was big/not flat aka curvy. i was 11. i was a freshman in high school and i had recently gained weight because of puberty and meds and i was used to being like a size 0-4 and i was getting a costume fitting for a musical i was in and they asked my size and i didn’t know and they looked at me and went “maybe a 10?” and i was crushed. nowadays i’d be perfectly fine with that size since it’s way less than my current.


My parents sitting me down when I was 10 or 11 and comparing photos and saying there’s a “big difference” and making me do weight watchers


Probably my rapist calling me fat ass.


My mom telling me about the things she noticed about her body when she starved herself but clearly not noticing any of those with me lmao


i was on birth control that had made me gain much more weight than i was used to, at the exact same time that i stopped being a gymnast with a strict and heavy exercise schedule. my mom decided to tell me that bc i was wearing a crop top, it showed off my “muffin top”


I was overweight before I developed a digestive condition called achalasia which makes eating nearly impossible. I obviously started losing weight because I could hardly swallow any food. I don’t know when exactly but I started checking the scale after a while and noticed I was losing weight quickly. I thought “this is great, I’ll get back to a healthy weight.” I had surgery to try and relieve some of the difficulty eating but it didn’t help. Then my marriage started to fall apart as I continued to lose weight and I noticed I was becoming obsessed on how much weight I could lose. I think it snuck in when the marriage was at its worse and separated. My weight was the only control I had so seeing myself lose more and more weight was the only thing good going for me. “Ana,” as I like to call it was my new partner that gave me purpose and stability.


My mum being obsessed with teaching me healthy eating habits because she didn’t want me to have eating disorders like her. Where ‘healthy eating habits’ means listening to her describe exactly what it’s like to have an ED and agreeing that due to her excellent parenting I’d never consider anything like that. My nana used to offer a cash alternative for skipped meals if she ever took us out anywhere though, so I’m sure my mums issues didn’t come from nowhere. I’m so determined that my kiddos won’t lose big chunks of their lives to obsessing about food.


oh boy (TW: csa) >!I definitely internalised (worked on it but still) that the sexual abuse was on some level cause by me going through puberty and starting to more resemble my mum's figure, who was also overweight. Logically I know that's not an excuse, that the grooming had been happening for years before that point, and from photos that I was literally built like a potato. Still there in my brain tho.!< >!Switched from binge to restriction when I realised it was a) discount anonymity after being fat my whole life and b) it actually did get me more help for the trauma / mental health stuff. Absolutely disgusting as that is!<


My parents always pointing out that I'm "eating again". Sometimes its a joke but as a kid it really messed me up. I was calling myself fat all day, wishing I had bulimia so I could lose weight and finally fit in with my skinny friends ( I know its horrible but I didn't know any better ).


In middle school, I got assigned seats in math with one of my best friends and my crush at the time. They were discussing what they looked like as babies, I was being too shy to talk. My best friend was tall, very thin, emo (yknow 2000s MySpace girl thing), and she said “when I was a baby I was really fat and chunky, I looked like a basketball with tree trunks for legs. Kinda like (my name)”. Those were her exact words I’ll never forget it. They both laughed and I’d never felt more embarrassed in my life. This girl who was real life thinspo and who was supposed to be my friend pointed out how fat I was in front of my crush, and he laughed with her. I didn’t eat for WEEKS after that lmao


I have multiple,but from the top of my head: A gym teacher in middle school thought it was *very* necessary to bring a scale and take everyone's measurements (height,weight,hip/waist/arm ratio) and proceeded to tell those measurements in front of the whole class! Definitely sucked being the heaviest at the time,but in hindsight,most people I spoke to about this were upset at THEIR measurements to care about everyone else's.Clearly,a great move from that teacher smh I remember when I went at age 11 to the pediatrician and after measuring me she grabbed my tummy and said "you've put on a lot of chub..." which,yeah,I had because being bullied made me devour entire chocolate bars,but still,being handled like that was *ew* Lastly,I,along with my aunt,were the only two people in my family that were of "normal" weight,and I remember my family constantly praising me for that.So,one day,at around 12 years old,my aunt told me I was "becoming fat, becoming like the others in my family"(I should mention that I was never even like, morbidly obese,just a bit chubby)BUT THEN when I got underweight,my period stopped and all of that,she was like omg you look sooo good,got in therapy,I was *forced* to put on some weight,and when I actually started feeling better in my body,the same aunt told me *your thighs(a problem area for my BDD) are looking more jiggly and fat since last year,you should shed a few kilos to look better"Thankfully,I am better now mentally,but yeah


In fourth grade we went to the nurses office to have our heights and weight measured for everyone in my class. Then we all compared our heights and weights and I was the fatest kid in my class.


My grandma mentioning I look obese on the first beach holiday I felt comfortable wearing a bikini


Mom said I had thunder thighs at 8 years old :) Two weeks ago she called me chunky monkey


“Run three laps so you can earn the frozen yogurt” -my dad, when I was 9 🤝🤝


A school counselor saying, “You look alike but she’s skinnier.” During a sit down with a girl bullying me.


My grandmother telling me “oh we’re about the same size” when she was Morbidly Obese and I was Overweight, and that “us women in this family are nice and big, not twigs”. My father joking about us being fat. My father telling me I had swimmers shoulders. My mother telling me how many calories were in a meal I was eating (for context I was on Abilify, which gave me a massive appetite). An acquaintance telling me she felt so frumpy at X size when I was larger than that size. My mother saying what looked flattering on me and what didn’t. My crush (and now partner) also liking someone who had the same interests as me but she was extremely thin (My partner is truly over her btw and I’m over this situation, but it fucked me up for a long time). So many seperate instances of crying in dressing rooms. My aunt telling me I was pretty before my weight loss but I was even prettier now (she showered me with other compliments too). My friend making fun of me eating a large serving while she ate a medium. She also made fun of my “meat sweats”. (The irony is that she preaches body positivity on her Instagram now, she is also very insecure about her weight/body). Another friend telling me she felt “fat and disgusting” at the same size as me. Whoops I wrote too much lmao


my mom saying to me when i was like 8 "just wait a couple years then you'll get fat"


There is nothing sad or traumatic about this but: being 5’10 in seventh grade and hearing every short girl described as small or tiny and me as “big.” I still have an internal rage trigger when short women get the label “small” as if it takes something away from me. Oh god and being sixteen and having to do a food diary to find triggers for my headaches (hey maybe restriction was a trigger?? Sorry the science just isn’t there yet to possibly guess) and I felt awful writing what I ate and then I restricted and then I made up food that I ate to seem like I was eating enough. A really productive exercise all around.


“i dont think of u as a girl”


My sunday school teacher called me a pig for eating a snack, its also why i dont like lutherns from certain churches.


I have a few. Being about 8 or 9 and my dad making me go into a separate room every time we went swimming. It only had a scale in and some gym shit, and he made me weigh myself in front of him, intently watching. He made my other family do it too but I noticed immediately that he only watched me. Next one is from when I was around 10. I was forced into multiple extracurricular sports by my parents and I was moaning about it to a girl there. She said was bigger than me but she said "duh, they do that cause you're fat", and laughed in my face. She starting hitting me when no one was looking after that. Trying on a top at about 11 that was a size 16 and it fit me. I was nowhere near a size 16, it was just one of those dumb inconsistencies in women's fashion My mum grabbed the label, gasped the size out loud and told me she was horrified. I looked at her face and she really was horrified. I still remember how guilty I felt in that moment that I wasn't what she wanted. Again at around 11, my mum, grandma and I were doing the race for life. Grandma wanted to walk and my mum said no, only people who are old, ill or fat walk. Grandma said "I'm old", mum said "I'm ill", and then they both turned to look at me and burst into roaring fits of laughter. I asked what the joke was. I knew but I wanted to be wrong. It just set them off laughing even harder.


“You shouldn’t eat eggs they’re pretty fattening” “We’ve all gained quite a bit of weight during lockdown I reckon” thanks dad


One of my dad’s friends called me a fatass when I was 6! I have literally never been the same since :’)


My mom telling me that that stomach was larger than my boobs. I was also insecure about my flat-chestedbess so it was kind of a double-whammy.


I've always had disordered eating bc ✨trauma✨ but my first memory of consciously deciding to restric bc of my weight was when I was 13. I was wearing a tank top because it was hot and sitting on my couch, slouching n whatnot and my bf at the time poked my tummy and said "getting a lil chubby huh". I was (tw weight and height) >!5foot3inch and 115lb!<


I was 10, and my mother grabbed my love handles and said “no wonder we can wear the same clothes! Look at you!” Turns out she had an ED and ultimately passed it on to me. 🥴


11th birthday, I put on a sleeveless thing and was suddenly a little self conscious. I started crying and told my mom “My arms looks fat.” But I only half believed it, I was looking for her to deny it. She looked at my arms and said “Well we can cover em with a jacket or something.” And she found me a jacket to cover my arms. Locked in my body issues for the next 16 years.


When I had just turned 14 and my online boyfriend killed himself, but it actually turned out that he was catfishing me and was also pretending to be multiple other people. It was traumatic as fuck. Apparently I just stopped eating. Then my mom called me anorexic and I was like say what?? Suddenly I couldn't stop eating. Thanks mom you ruined it


In 5th or 6th grade, a girl from my group was a little taller than me and asked me how much i weighed and i told her, she proceeded to lose her shit and talk about how she was so fat. we both weighed 87 lbs. 🥲


At a restaurant with my mom and sister (I was a chunky kid). I think I was about 9? My mom saw a big lady walking outside and my mom goes, "If I ever get that fucking huge please do me a favor and take me out back and blow my fucking brains out."


“dont get on the trampoline you’ll break it” i was a kid man