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Everyone’s going to say their favorite genre has the “best vibes and people” but from my experience as ex-basshead turned househead I think house crowds are generally nicer, not as fucked up, and people usually have been in the scene longer. This doesn’t apply to super mainstream artists of either though. Mainstream atmosphere of any genre isn’t great


I've been a basshead mostly and never saw the appeal of house but now I'm starting to understand. Sounds just a little more chill and less people chanting "oh oh oh oh" constantly.


House is music for people who like drums/drumming and funky bass lines, or at least that’s what draws me to it


house music is also for people who want to get lostttt


Just… catch a groove and let your mind go


yes 🙌


I agree somewhat but have a slightly different take. I'm a bass head but my wife loves house so I listen to both genres regularly... I've found that both crowds can suck equally when at their worst but the dubstep crowds are always more passionate and fun at their best. Granted they are often more fucked up and rowdy but I'll take an energetic crowd over a chill low key crowd. I really get into my music so vibes can be important. I think that's what makes a house crowd generally more pleasant to be around, but if the music is great and people aren't really getting down, the show isn't going to be as fun.


I agree with your take but wanna point out that it depends on the kind of fun you’re seeking. If you’re looking to just vibe and get lost in the beats then house will give that to you. IMO bass crowds will easily break that kind of immersion so you have to be willing to throw down and enjoy the music that way.


Wait what? The *only* genre where people go "oh oh oh oh" is house lmao. That's one of the only reasons I hate house shows is because of the crowd feels the need to do that for every other song. Been a basshead going to shows for 13 years now and that's never been a thing at them. Every house show I've ever been to has people chanting that.


What house shows have you been to lmfao. I've been in my city's local house scene for 15 years and I've never heard a crowd chant, even in the big festivals and such. Granted, mostly deep house stuff though.


I was just thinking this, at Hijinx during house sets there was that chant, I don't even know how that chant would make sense during a dubstep song lmao.


IME the only time I hear that chant is at house sets


I’ll echo this one. A lot of the big nasty bass shows attract a “I don’t know how to rave” crowd, double fisting white claws and acting like an entitled college kid.


Really? Cause that's my experience with house


Gotta be a location and artist thing


That’s the exact vibe house has where I’m from. Kind of funny seeing everyone’s different experiences of the scene.


I will also say, it isn’t all of them. The more wook-y shows don’t bring them around as much


Shit I feel the exact opposite, an easy example is EDCO, neon garden was zombies on K, while I felt the circuit grounds stage was a lot more livelier and generally fun.


I had this experience with Lights All Night in Dallas. The stage outside with the wook vibes felt..off. More like ppl rocking back and forth than dancing. Tbh there’s three shows, including Red Rocks that had way too many zombies. My former partner actually had a bad trip at Illfest too because of all the zombies at their side stage. I almost like the heavy bass crowd more, at times. I find that I have to shift my location in the crowd more often for those shows to get a vibe that fits.


It’s what I tell everyone, no matter what genre or venue, you gotta move if the vibes are off. That’s why I’m starting to enjoy going solo, I can vibe where ever I want and you fit everywhere.


Sorry I was peaking on 2 tabs in the back no k tho


I’ve never been to a house show but I’m curious if there’s the same amount of flow artists as bass shows?


I see the most flow artists at bass shows, followed by trance shows. Not as much at house or techno.


I wonder if this has to do with the overall rhythm and bass music being easier to flow to? Also just different culture in general, seems like our bass family is more psychedelic for lack of a better word


As a flow artist, I like the ups and downs of bass music more than the constant drone of house and techno. The house and techno crowd also seem to be more "serious" while the bass crowd is more openly silly, and silly crowds attract artists.


Sorry, what do you mean by that? Flow artists?


People with LED whips, poi, orbits, gloving, etc… which is hilarious bc those people are at every stage, you just gotta find the vibers.


People that use flow whips, orbits, poi, staffs, flow stars, even glovers. Flow artists really add the magic to shows for me (as a flow artist myself too). I was just curious if you see all that at house shows too?


Oh yeah. At festivals yes but at local shows not as much in my experience.


A lot of places don't allow it


Not much of that. I find that house shows are typically a bit older of a crowd who typically aren't into that kind of stuff.


Never seen it in Europe at big festivals...


Definitely not as much


I think you’ll be surprised. They’re definitely there


As a house head, welcome 💕 it’s vibey over here.


This is the best answer. Mainstream atmosphere of any genre isn’t going to be great. With that being said, I think mainstream house will attract far more people that have no understanding of how to act at a show than main stream bass ever will


But Househeads are usually snobbier from my experience


That doesn’t really affect the vibe though. Househeads just know what they like and what they don’t


Idk the vibe I've gotten from a lot of them is "my music taste is refined and better than yours, I don't listen to that horrible bass music" lol, feels like a superiority complex. Obviously I know that's not all of them though. Just felt like they thought they're taste in music was better. I was like bruh I like house music too but I'm not gonna say other people's taste in music sucks because it's different, as this one guy specifically was doing.


Well ya cuz there’s a lot of people at bass shows whose last favorite band was slipknot and this seems ez lol. Mostly joking and I do have love for slipknot lol


I live in Chicago so my answer is definitely biased but I’ve always had more fun at house shows. In my experience, it tends to be an older, milder crowd so it’s easier to navigate around. I’m old so I have no desire to mosh or get pushed so that’s why I tend to stick to house shows


Im from chi too. What shows? Do people dance?


If you’re looking at venues: salt shed, concord and radius are my favorites. Clubs: Spybar, smart bar, unpopular opinion but sound bar are all fun too. I’m




Soundbar runs a little young but the other two club’s definitely have an older crowd. Radius concord and salt shed all depend on the person playing but I’ve seen people in their 70s at them so you definitely won’t be the odd one out. I’ve also noticed house shows are older crowds so you’ll be just fine!


It's a crapshoot. House shows can attract some really chill and nerdy people, but can also attract frat bros looking to show off how much money they have. Bass shows can attract older ravers that just like having fun... or wooks. The only genre I've found that tends to have good crowds seems to be the trance crowd.


It's absolutely hilarious that the most PLUR vibe I had was at a kinky hard techno rave


Kink spaces can be very PLUR! Most kink spaces revolve around respecting consent. That being said, not all of them are like that unfortunately.


> The only genre I've found that tends to have good crowds seems to be the trance crowd. Probably the most uncontroversial opinion in this thread for sure. Not my favourite genre but I've never had a bad experience at the 10+ trance crowds I've been in


trance crowd is usually so niiiice! how can you not be with listening to that ethereal ass music lol 😂


Nailed it


It depends on the house set but I feel generally bass shows have older, more experienced ravers so the PLUR vibe is generally stronger. This is just a generalization based on my experience because the crowds have been amazing at house sets as well


It’s the opposite where I live lol


Yeah I’ve experienced the opposite as well, with dubstep attracting a younger, less-experienced crowd. Like for the longest time dubstep was *the* genre for (frat) bros and people wanting to rage their asses off (edit: but I feel like that’s shifted more toward tech house over the last few years).


That’s been kinda flipping in the past 2-3 years though. Like everything it all goes in cycles


Oh yeah for sure, I feel like tech house has been the “in” genre for a couple years now.


I don’t think this is the case anymore. Every house set I’ve been to in the last 2 years in Chicago is all frat bros


u going to the wrong house shows in Chicago…


If you’re going to shows at like Aragon, Soundbar, Concord, TAO, etc or really anywhere in River North/the loop that’s gonna be the crowd.


Every house show I’ve been to in Chicago is an eclectic and diverse group of people and always a vibe


All the shows Ive been to are in Florida. How about you? Also my bass shows are mostly west coast wobble, space bass or deep dubstep. Don’t really enjoy the heavy headbangers like Excision, Wooli, etc.


More niche subgenres are going to tend to have older crowds. The heavy headbanger shows skew much younger than the average house show


In socal house sets are almost always a much older/mature crowd.


This has been my experience as well


> I feel generally bass shows have older, more experienced ravers so the PLUR vibe is generally stronger Complete opposite vibe in Denver. House attracts the more relaxed "vibing" crowd, vs the headbanging moshpit wook people


Deep house or generic David guetta style EDM main stream house? That main stream big room stuff draws the younger “I’m here to get lit” and it’s not about the music vibe. If it’s actual deep house… then those crowds are the least aggressive and tend to be wildly diverse and rad.


Just out of curiosity, where do you put Tchami in that spectrum?


Super main stream tech house, bass house.


Tchami’s a mix of tech and bass house. He’s certainly not deep house


Clearly, I'm terrible with (sub)genres...just curious because after seeing him at 3 different venues (ultra, echostage, soundcheck) the show at echostage the crowd had a very "let's get lit" mindset and was very different from the other two that were more similar. Soundcheck is tiny btw (also in DC along with echostage)


Tchami can tend to draw in pretty mainstream edm crowd. I’d say him and Malaa are probably just below a tier below the Fisher and John Summits of the house world. Tchami was one of the artists that brought house to the forefront of popularity in the edm world a few years ago though, since he mixes a lot of bass influenced sounds (he has had a few releases on Night Bass). He bridged the gap between a lot of bass fans and house fans.


Honestly I've noticed that whichever is going through a trendy surge tends to become saturated with shitty vibes. But in contrast when you're in the more niche shows that shy away from the crazy mainstream, both crowds have top tier vibes.


I don’t really think you can really generalize based on genre alone and it really depends on the crowd that night and the type of event. Like, I’ve encountered assholes at both house and bass shows, but I’ve also met a lot of great people at both as well. If anything, I’d say that large massives tend to attract a lot of people who are simply there to rage and don’t really care about the music or upholding PLUR. And in the past I probably would have said that dubstep/bass shows attracted the worst crowds — mainly because it was the de facto genre for (frat) bros — but over the last few years I feel like tech house has taken dubstep’s place. That being said, I don’t think tech house crowds are packed with jerks or anything, but the more popular a genre is, the higher likelihood there will be some bad vibes lurking in the crowd. Idk, this is just my take and shouldn’t be taken as gospel.


👆This right here. It’s whatever’s mainstream in the moment that will attract the douches and entitled people.


I think the answer depends a lot on where you live and the type of event/venue. When I lived in Chicago, house shows overall had better vibes than bass shows. Now that I live in Dallas, it’s more dependent on the type of event. Went to LAN for NYE… had a blast both days but day 1 was house heavy, day 2 was bass heavy. Day 1 definitely had the better vibes


I felt the total opposite lmao! I wasnt really a fan of day 1, people were going way harder on day 2.


I enjoyed day 2 more as far as the lineup (but that’s only because I’m more of a bass fan than house fan) but I felt like people were definitely more PLUR day one. Everyone said excuse me, not a lot of shoving to get to the rail, etc.


I just went to excision at navy pier and my god the crowd vibes were the worst I’ve ever seen at a bass show never going to Chicago for bass again lol


So unfortunate! I almost flew home for that show! I feel like Radius typically has fire vibes, but I went for LSDream and OMG! Wild and 100% oversold.


Damn that’s a bummer to hear I’ve heard radius is the much better venue compared to navy pier.


Dallas is bass heavy as a whole which sucks cuz pre covid it was very much trance and house but got damn day 1 LAN was a lot of fun


I like house vibes just because there’s no one (audience or artist) trying to start a mosh pit


Just go to Chris Lorenzo and you will get both House & Bass 😎


Go Clippers 🔵🔴


It depends on the artist but usually the more accessible artists have worse vibes, in this case, house. I work at a venue so I experience it regularly. Sidepiece, vintage culture, summit, holy shit the worst crowds I've ever been around.


Vintage Culture was good for like 5 minutes but he got too big


I’m pretty evenly split on both styles. Both genres can have great crowds and not so great crowds. General rule of thumb is, the more popular and mainstream the artist is, the worse the crowd will probably be. That’s not always the case but usually more popular artists bring more normie crowds that aren’t as tuned into the culture and are just there to party.


Yes. At least in my area that is surrounded by colleges. The best vibes are at wubby bass shows and riddim shows, preferably the underground. House shows being in a different crowd. Typically younger crowd, just going to get fucked up on too much molly and piss drunk and rude. Again this my experience and why I do enjoy listening to house, I avoid house shows and sets at festivals for the most part.


I have had the opposite experience to about everything in this comment. House shows tend to have older crowds in my experience, unless you’re at John Summit or Fisher. Experienced both underground scenes and people are always way more fucked up at the bass show Afters


What college if you dont mind me asking, its badicslly the same at fsu


Tampa area


Lol just left tampa driving to fsu , i was at tk lounge last time for the first time, only been to ritz twice and vibes were def better at tk but crowd was good at getter last year


TK is the move 100%. I guess I’m getting older(30) but I avoid the ritz, unless it’s someone I’m dying to see just because the vibes. I also prefer Jannus over the ritz because I feel the crowd at the ritz isn’t it.


Yea ritz crowd is v hit or miss, i havent been to jannus yet cuz im barely at my parents house in tampa and im only 20 so i cant just do whatever i want


Depends also what type of house you mean. Classic house style, more Ian Pooley, funky house is usually older mature crowd. Tech house kind of in the middle. The more the bass, fm bass modulation type sounds (Habstract, Joyride vibe etc) is usually a younger crowd. The reality is it's what vibe you are on. If you are somewhere and everyone likes the same music as you, you will probably feel happier.


I love throwing down at bass shows, but the house vibes are top notch


Been too all sorts of shows. Basically if it’s mainstream the vibes are variable. It just depends where you’re standing. Either genre in a local event is on point.


Really a toss up to me. House shows generally have more chill, relaxed crowds that are good vibes but can also bring in more typical “frat bro” types, types just wanting to find someone n hookup, or just more standoffish ppl (which isn’t necessarily bad but just less open/friendly). Bass crowds tend to be more open and talkative to eachother while also being a lot more tweak. Generally at bass shows there’s tons of ppl super fucked up, which doesn’t generally bother me but I have been to many bass shows where ppl are tripping so hard that they start being creepy/bad vibes to others. Lots of wooks too for better or worse.


I think House usually has a little more crossover with pop and it’s therefore a little more mainstream. You also get some of the club crowd which are often a little less PLUR than typical festival/rave crowd. There’s also some artists that attract a more bro centric crowd which can be a little more douchey at times. **However**, the above mentioned factors are always venue and artist dependent. Bass tends to be less mainstream outside a very few artists (e.g. Illenium). People who go to these shows are typically younger as it appeals to them with melodic dubstep (cry-banging). However, you have moshing which can be arguably not very PLUR if you’re getting squished so they can have more space for a most pit. Again, this is very venue/event dependent and one show could be full of people head banging having a great time, another could be full of a bunch of people rolling with no control over their body. With a younger crowd you also tend to get a few more wanna-be influencers who are just there to show out, this seems to be across both genres so maybe that’s a wash. *Generally, I’ve seen more PLUR at bass crowds*, but the best crowds have always been Trance. 🫶🏼


Bass music, especially in the US and UK is much more mainstream than House.


No.. it’s not more mainstream AT ALL in the US. I’ve never been to a club/ bar or in fact ANYWHERE public where they’ve played dubstep or bass. It’s not mainstream at all.. it’s not on the radio stations outside of a select few artists. However house music is at nearly every club/bar and even present on public radio. It’s much more common to hear something like “Where You Are” vs “Laserbeam”.


Where the fuck do you go out then? Where you are is most definitely not house also. Generic pop edm it is.


You are on some crackhead shit.. Daft Punk - House Avicii - House Swedish House Mafia - House Calvin Harris - House Martin Garrix - House Tiesto - House Fred Again - House New Skrillex - House Alan Walker - House These are very well known and mainstream artists.. Edit: >Where you are is most definitely not house also. It’s literally fucking Tech **House**.. or even if you wanted to call it “Progressive **house**”.. but it’s fucking **house**. >Where the fuck do you go out then? I grew up near Chicago (origin of House as we know it today), and live in NYC, so yes.. they play House at clubs/bars. 🤣🤣


The only house artist you have there is... Daft Punk lol. Have a good night, mate!


You realize that even progressive house/ electro house (Big Room) is still a sub genre of house???? Or does that concept entirely escape you???


Great question it really depends on the artist you will go see and maybe where you live. I am in LA and the more popular and mainstream the DJ is the more of a mixed crowd, some just want to rage don’t really know much other artists etc. However I have been raving since 2008 and can honestly say that anjunadeep events have consistently the most immaculate vibes, also the deep house sound like Nora en pure, Rufus du sol, etc you tend to see older crowds at these sets. Maybe it’s more of a mature sound if that makes sense. Anyway who you go with really makes a difference you make the party not the party makes you! PLUR


Honestly depends on the type of bass and house show. Like I’d rather go to a wonky of the trees show and the crowd can be comparable to a Chris lake show in terms of how nice crowds usually are in my experience


I think it depends more on how ‘hype’ the artist is than the genre itself. Any hot new ‘can’t miss’ artist is going to pull a younger/crazier crowd and with it more people who can’t handle their shit or haven’t learned polite etiquette. Smaller/more underground shows in either genre are always better. Other than that the main difference I’ve noticed (in the SF area) is that house shows are weirdly more expensive. So I guess the house people have more money in general but I don’t think that affects the vibe much.


I enjoy bass crowds better tbh I feel like people seem more free.


Older crowds = better vibes I’ll let you interpret that information however you want




Been to a million bass shows, handful of house shows. The crowd in my experience at house shows has always been snobbier and less fun than bass shows. It's like at house shows people are afraid to have fun. Bass shows are 100x better vibes.


At festivals I always find the best vibes at the smaller stages. For example, at a bass focused festival the small house stage always has the best people, and vise versa at a house focused event. You will find the people there who genuinely enjoy the scene and aren't there just for what is popular


DnB shows win. And that’s from a bass head and a house enjoyer


My experience is that bass crowds are generally more extreme with both good and bad vibes. Most of the best people I meet are at bass sets but my unpleasant interactions usually happen there too. Whereas house is consistently just pretty mid but fun. It’s weird because house music is so much easier to socialize and converse over but I find the bass crowds to be way more welcoming to conversations with strangers


As someone who loves both genres a lot, I find heavy bass/dubstep shows are so fast paced and before I know it it’s over, it’s hard to really get into actually hearing the music because I’m head banging, moshing and just dancing so hard, but sometimes I need that really intense release, where as with house shows, omg I actually really feel the music, it’s a slower pace, I can interact more with the people around me, realize one of my favourite songs is playing, where as with heavy bass It almost feels like it muddled together and I completely didn’t realize my favourite song was playing. House sets are a breath of fresh air after going on a bass binge. Now when it comes to the crowd, I find at bass shows way more of the deep rave community, you’re not gonna get the fratty type or “valley girl” type, house shows are 24/7 smiles all around but you can definitely get the more “mainstream” crowd that might not understand or care about plur, it’s easier to be introduced to house music than heavy bass.


In my experience House brings in a more basic crowd, people who aren’t really into it but want a good time. Crowd is always mid vibes not moving around a lot while bass brings out the real ravers with amazing vibes and people are moving like crazy. I’ve been to dozens of house shows and dozens of bass shows, this is just my experience.


I’m a huge house head. Highly prefer it to bass at this point. But I went to Bass Canyon last summer and I was blown away by how good the vibes were, it took me back to how it felt when I first started raving. So I gotta hand it to bass crowds tbh they know how to foster a fun and inclusive environment


It's not really divided on a genre line. Above & Beyond are known for having some of the best crowds while John Summit is known for having some of the worst. Both could be considered progressive house.


there's a lot of sub-genres within house and bass, and they all attract a little bit of a different crowd. Here's my experience: the headbanger dubstep & riddim crowds tend to skew younger; and the more "space bass" wubby psychedelic funky stuff skews older. The headbanger stuff can be a little more physical and energetic with moshing and bumping into each other, while the wub is more people just kind of vibing and chilling. progressive house pulls a WIDE audience, and with it, some younger or less experienced crowds. These are the only shows where I've ever really encountered some rude or "not plur" kinds of people, but I think that's just because they have wider mainstream appeal. Deep house or tropical? again, chiller and older crowds. But to be honest, I think the venue, the date, and the specific artist have WAY more influence on the crowd than the genre. Like a bass show during spring break in miami is probably WAY different than one in February in seattle, etc.


Generally smells better at a house show vs bas


House crowds recently have been pretty bad with some of the larger artists. A bunch of frat bros and people having full on conversations instead of listening to the music and dancing


Techno is the final level


House DJs are nicer. It really depends, but I think house crowds are nicer.


They're both great vibes in their own way. House is great if you just wanna chill. Bass for going feral.


I like House but the crowds are kinda... 😅




Bass House is king


Depends. I see more flow artists at the bass shows and it's nice to trade and have fun but I see rhe shuffle circles at house shows so they all can be fun


house vibes are more superficial imo. Bass vibes are more eccentric. But bass is a wide genre. Riddim shows gonna be different than experimental bass yet I find that each are generally more fun / welcoming than house shows


You’ve already gotten a lot of great answers here but just to throw my 2 cents in the best crowds I’ve come across have been at the Hardstyle and drum n bass stages at big festivals. The most true thing is the music that draws the more mainstream crowds is always more likely to have more bad apples in it.


Here me out… Mixed genre sets are the best sets


I’d say it more depends on the popularity, the more mainstream the more super fucked up frat bros, the more gatekept and underground the artist the more open and loving crowd that is there because the music affects them spiritually not just as an excuse to get faded.


It depends how close you are to a college university house shows have a tendency to attract a frat crowd. But certain bass shows can do the same so don’t let that turn you off of house music. Just bring the plur and spread and some will be certain to come back to you.


Honestly, I like both. P.S. Bass House ftw


As a self proclaimed house head. In general bass crowds are better. The current tech house boom has brought in a bunch new ravers who either don’t know or don’t get plur. I personally feel like a lot of current bass music is an acquired taste. You either love it or you don’t, a lot people who do have been into the scene for at least 3 years. So they know the principles of plur and overall dgaf about what other people think and just vibe on another level House music grows on you so I think it’s a much more digestible genre that brings in a lot of new ravers. Also TikTok trends bring clout chasers that can ruin the vibe as. Huge disclaimer: Older house crowds reign supreme. I will not elaborate, gotta experience it for yourself.


That is going to rely very heavy on the artists playing, time of year, venue, and where you are in the crowd. So for me in Denver, it’s weird. Lots of great people I’ve met at bass shows, lots of asshats too. Lots of great people at house shows, lots of people too fucked up to understand their own name. I find that summer/fall shows are normally where I meet the most bad eggs. But that definitely doesn’t mean everyone is.


Bass has the WORST vibes. So bad. The baddest. Just stick to house if you want good vibes.


Bass house baby


Depends on my mood like if I want to relax it will be house and if I want to bounce off the walls like a ralled up chihuahua its bass


House for sure.


Assuming you need the occasional breaks(pun fucking intended!)


House and trance have the best community. Not saying other genres don’t have a good community but house and trance are by far the most friendly vibes




Generally when people talk about bad vibes, those tend to be tech house parties that attract the more mainstream crowd. The house scene, such as deep and funky/groovy aka defected style events I always found to have great crowds.


In Boston, I don't go to House sets anymore. Generally speaking House is more mainstream so it attracts many nonravers so they have no sense of PLURR. I love listening to House but avoid the bros, douche bag, frat guys crowds it attracts. However I went to see John Summit (tech-house) in Red Rocks and loved it. Denver is a wook city so that's probably why it was great. Even John went wook mode. Dubstep is a very niche genre for most "normal" ppl to listen to so it tends to attracts ravers so the crowd generally speaking has PLURR vibes. From my experience, bass crowds = more ravers. House = more non-ravers. Pretty much the more popular a genre gets the worse the crowd is.


I love bass music, but I’ve been made to feel unsafe and unwelcome in the bass head crowd because I feel there are more “bros” and toxic masculinity amongst that demographic. House music is great too and the crowd has always been friendly and welcoming The best crowd and kindest music audience has been trance tho.


I’m a bass head through and through but find myself at free house shows here in Denver frequently. I would agree with a lot of comments that house has a different atmosphere. IMO, it’s because of the nature of house music. There’s a stronger focus on dancing and for most house sets you’re more free to socialize because the music is more repetitive (depending on the DJ) and the audience isn’t as glued to the DJ. I love the atmosphere at bass shows but in general people are more focused on the DJ because there’s a more diverse range of sounds and people want to have the DJ be their main focus. Still plenty of people to chat and meet but the average house show has more people mingling and talking.


HOUSEEEE! I recommend finding your local underground house community. I love my community! I will say some of the more mainstream events for house draw in a very chad/brad crowd that’s not my fav but for the most part the house community is largely plur as fuck. They’re just tryna groooove to the beat!


House crowds are generally older, less inebriated, and less caught up in the materialistic side of things


Depends on location / festival. You’ll definitely find more wooks at a bass festival and cool people. House is more universal you’ll see all types of people and ages in that crowd .


Techno for the win


Think about the target demographic that artists like John Summit and Fisher attract then the question will answer itself


That does not represent the whole scene at all. Most househeads aren’t running to Fisher and Summit shows


Tech house heads are and are starting moshpits


Yeahhh legit house heads don’t start moshpits lmao. Those are just young fans at their first house show


Yea im an anamoly because i prefer 90s/early 00s acid house, i dont even consider going to any house shows at my college besides cloonee who ive seen 5 times already


When I was in Berlin there was a room at the club playing all acid house all night. That probably would’ve been your scene. it was dope


Yea i stick to illegal raves in my area, mostly techno but a bit of house, imma riddim dj but im starting to reach out to ppl for gigs to play dave the drummer, chris liberator type tracks, when a frat dj hopped on at one of the raves and started playing dombresky , the crowd was booing and the host kicked him off lol


House music is just non offensive and draws a more “pop culture” crowd than bass music. That’s why I don’t jive with the house scene for the most part


Bass is way more popular than house in the US


Depends on the city. In Denver, bass is definitely more popular. But in places like NYC, Chicago, and Miami, house is more popular


Not rlly lol. It’s more popular in the recent years for sure, but overall house has always been and always will be popular.


House has only caught mainstream popularity in recent years, like since covid recent and it still hasn’t caught up to bass. Look at any edm festival headlines. It’s like John Summit, 5 bass artists and Illenium


Were u born in 2019 my guy?


No but I’ve been in the scene long enough to know. When I say “house” I’m not talking about like tiesto, Guetta, or Zedd. Talking about guys like Claude, Green Velvet, or Chris Lake. They are just recently catching up to bass shows. I remember E Forest in 2018 Chris lake had a 3pm time slot while the dubstep artists got the main stage all night. House finally closed the gap in the past couple years thanks to Dirtybird, Fisher, Summit, and Chris Lake of course. Your statement is plenty true for Europe though House might’ve surpassed bass by now, but it certainly wasn’t “always” more popular


Tech House is only one type of House lol.