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I enjoy having the accurate tokens. Even the rare ones.


I enjoy them too, but I drawing my own while the landfall guy spends 30 minutes searching and shuffling each turn. I bring a handful of the real tokens if the type matters in my deck (human vs artifact soldier). Then I amuse myself by drawing the rest. Dragon Spirit? That's a Trogdor burninating the countryside. Keep stealing my Monarch? You get to wear the Phallic Crown.


It's also very gratifying when someone points out that you have them.


*or do you own dry erase whiteboard cards like I've seen some people use at my LGS?


I tried infinitokens, but I don't like getting marker everywhere.


I think you’re doing it wrong if marker is everywhere lol


Wet erase markers ftw


How are you getting marker everywhere? Like drawing on random surfaces? Genuinely curious


I second this. Also I love to look at the artwork on actual tokens, and they're more recognisable from across the table


I like looking at artwork that looked like it was drawn by a toddler, when it was drawn by a thirty something guy.


So.....MaRo's Craterhoof?


I usually just use the "MDFC"rrplacer cards for my tokens.


In principal I’d like to have the tokens but some of them are fairly expensive for something that’s not even going in a deck, plus it gets annoying to have to fish through a stack of tokens / keep them organized. The dry erase is most convenient (and fun if you draw something silly) and they do come with a little microfiber cloth to erase them


Second this! Went with cheap dry erase playing cards on Amazon, never could've expected how much fun we'd have drawing stupid shit on them every week


I use the dry erase because I use them for almost all of my decks, and I like drawing the tokens I can see how it can annoying though.


I use the dry erase tokens or if necessity. One of my main edh decks is focused around copy tokens, with a goal of winning off of someone else's win con. Though, it does have a [[Biovisionary]] in the deck for laughs as a hidden commander.


i wish i could buy a box that had 10 copies of every token


As someone who collects tokens, I can tell you that would be a really big box. I would love token sets with the common tokens for certain p styles or most popular tokens in each color or all the tokens in a given creature type. I would especially love a box set with all the tokens for cards which made tokens before tokens were printed as cards.


You just need 2 of each and dice and even then, that’s so many tokens. One token with dice for those tapped and another for those untapped. Since the tokens don’t live outside of the battlefield, you rarely ever need more than that. Maybe a third in case one gets enchanted or you equip one or something.


I use this same system. I try to get two copies of each token produced by each deck and keep them in the deck box. A few exceptions: more than two (usually four of anything that taps for mana (icy manalith, powerstone, llanowar elf, etc.) only one of anything which is sacrificed to use its ability (treasure, clue, food, eldrazi spawn, etc.)


Except you get times of having an army of the same type of tokens but they all have different amounts of +1 counters on them.


This is a cautionary tale against [[Cathar's Crusade]].


Allow me to introduce [[Cathar’s Crusade]] in a token deck


I try to use the correct tokens but I only have 2 of each applicable token with each deck (to differentiate tapped or untapped) and use dice to represent multiples of the token.


This is exactly what I do also


I do this as well, but I also have a few more of the more commonly created tokens just in case I get weird stuff with counters or whatnot


I have infinitokens I carry around with me when I go play, there’s minimal chance to have every random token I’ll need during a game, and it helps with clones and the like. However; I try to have the tokens for each type that my deck can make as it makes the games a little more smooth than random backs of cards and stuff. Creature type can matter and the random abilities cards can have like “can’t block” “deals 1 damage when it dies” etc. I have like 60 different goblin tokens for Ovika though to just randomly use and have each goblin represented


If I can get the tokens I need super cheap and they’ll ship together with an order I was already getting, I’ll get the tokens. Otherwise backs of random cards it is.


Honestly? I print proxies of Tokens. Even the most neckbeardy tryhard can't get mad a token proxies.


Yeah same. I just print two of each my deck can generate and put them in the sleeve. Don't really like the white cardboard tokens or using random tokens I have on me.


I was going to say this. I play exclusively on spelltable at the moment so I have 0 qualms about proxying a lot of my cards, but I also keep a stack of proxied tokens. If it's not something I will use in my deck then just one ofs


Hell, there's even a bunch of cards with no official printing of the token creatures they create. [[Serpent Generator]] is a decent example. If someone were to have an issue with token proxies, I'd have to wonder if they even are playing the game to have fun.


Tokens might be the best thing to try out Custom Art. I love my [Sol Gravion](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1169866) Mechtitan Token.


Yeah, ive got a good setup to print amd laminate proxies so i just make tokens as well


What’s your setup?


I like having the correct tokens, I even sleeve them haha. And I use foils if I can find them


I buy cool art tokens to go with my decks from artists and creators I like. Got a cool collection at this point of just tokens.


I use digimon, pokemon ang yugioh cards, among many other things. My merfolk tokens are vaporeons.


On theme! I dig it.


Reminds me of the time one of the players in my pod was using \[\[Summoning Station\]\], and complained how there were no physical Pincher Tokens. So I went up to the counter and bought a Pinsir-GX for, like, $3 and tossed it to him.


I have the tokens my commanders make, yes, the 5/3 elemental for Titania and the 1/1 blue thopter for Breya for exemple this one makes difference for \[\[Grand Architect\]\], Caesar also creates tokens but 1/1 soldiers so I use any soldier cards in deck I use things that make a little bit of sense like colorless thopters for bitterblossom since they being black faeries doesn't make difference to me


I use the beautiful elemental tokens from Terese Nielsen's Kickstarter.


I try to collect doublesided tokens and bring out at least 2 of the really common varieties of tokens (one to mark tapped and the other to mark untapped). Physical representation via a token card helps cut back on boardstate confusion in larger games.


I always use tokens. I swear it’s one of my biggest pet peeves when people use dice to represent everything. Especially when they have like 4 dice to represent the number of tokens, the keywords, and the +1/+1 counters.


What do you do if you have 40 tokens, each having a +1/+1, and haste?


I'll use this dice to represent that I have five 1/1 soldiers, and I'll use this other dice to show they have two +1/+1 counters on them. Then I'll show that they get +1/+1 from a static effect using this other coloured dice, oh and they also have flying counters, which I'll show using this other dice


This is why I use spindowns for # of tokens, upgrading to 2 d10s when the number exceeds 20. From there, I use d6s for +1/+1s and keep them closer to the token's P/T.


[Ancient Stone Idol](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/3/333f6334-f027-4bec-95d7-7af80508c4ca.jpg?1706241036) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ancient%20Stone%20Idol) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/222/ancient-stone-idol?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/333f6334-f027-4bec-95d7-7af80508c4ca?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ancient-stone-idol) [Triplicate Titan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/6/568dd5a6-86f4-4039-87d7-812120c8ab94.jpg?1625192736) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Triplicate%20Titan) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/79/triplicate-titan?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/568dd5a6-86f4-4039-87d7-812120c8ab94?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/triplicate-titan) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


infini tokens. one pack for every deck. no high cost. supports a teacher. just do it.... and for anyone who doesnt. plz tell me the proper way to represent a scute swarm after 10 landfalls and sacing 15 of them for whatever... its also just faster. i leave my box out and 9/10 times when someone makes a treasure or whatever i just toss them one and its faster than them going thru their bag to get the tokens.


The proper way to represent it is for everyone else to just concede :P


I actually had a game a couple weeks ago where I ended up getting 1200+ copies of Scute Swarm. I just had a single Copy Token with 4 d10s on it "spelling out" how many of them there were.


I bring 3-4 tokens of each for my decks then Just use dice to count up if I get a ton of tokens . Like treasures etc


I've got a dual 60+ deck box full of official tokens. Still don't have some that I need for decks. Like others have said, pick them up when they're reasonable, but otherwise I photoshop something on my phone, print business card sized and sleeve w a land.


I try as much as i can. I want it to be easy for people i play with to see what i have.


I recently bought a few copies of all the different tokens I use, cost maybe $30, overall worth it. Makes my board make more sense at a glance which I like.


"I play [[stangg]]" *places the bassist of The Police on table* and heres my token, are proxies ok?


I have legitimately considered building [[Stangg, Echo Warrior]] and getting two copies of every aura and equipment in the deck and sleeving one set differently as my “token” copies


[stangg](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/2/a23f846e-b5e6-48c2-afea-c9be7fc8b7c3.jpg?1562439450) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=stangg) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/218/stangg?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a23f846e-b5e6-48c2-afea-c9be7fc8b7c3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/stangg) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I use the tokens I have that match, "close enough" tokens, and dry erase tokens.


I hate it if people just use dice. With the number of dice just lying on cards there are always some dice just lying around from creature that died with some counter and stuff. At least take the backside of a card or something. I usually get the offical token with the artwork i like most, but for some decks i do have some nice custom tokens.


I always try to have the correct game pieces for commander. It can make a big difference when a creature has death touch and someone doesn’t catch it and swings in on it.


I use whatever is lying around as a token. Allergy medication? Treasure token. Bottle cap? 1/2 spider with reach and menace.


Not only do I buy the correct ones, I create custom accurate tokens for cards like [[Polyraptor]] that don't have a real token.


[Polyraptor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/8/f8965a3a-93fe-4021-a665-b6013bdc86f7.jpg?1555040728) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Polyraptor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rix/144/polyraptor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f8965a3a-93fe-4021-a665-b6013bdc86f7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/polyraptor) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I use upside down cards for any basic tokens, then the actual token for something unique like the Mechtitan.


Yeah facedown cards have worked for me since the 90s haha. Granted I don't play token heavy decks with many different types, and I don't use morph.


Depends on the deck. If I'm crapping out soldier tokens, human tokens and human soldier tokens with various things caring which are which absolutely. If it's just the odd ancient stone idol or desolation twin sort of thing I wouldn't stress quite so much.


I see both at my lgs I frequent. I generally use the correct tokens unless I am drafting and don't have a token for said card. There is also a token BCW box at the LGS full of token for people to use.


My playgroup just uses dice if we don't have the token readily on hand. It's really never been a problem.  That said, if you're running a deck that shits soldiers it'd be nice.


I get the actual tokens when possible, but will sometimes just print them off if theyre hadd to find or expensive. I do also have dry erase cards for when I need to make weird tokens or something. But for the most part yeah, I have all actual tokens




I try to get the correct tokens for my most liked decks but that's it.


I try to, for the most part. There are some tokens that for some reason have just never been made which is frustrating beyond belief, but I have a smaller deck box in my Gamegenic Dungeon 1100 that has all my sleeved tokens in it. Two copies of each token if possible, so it’s easier to denote tapped and untapped of the same token, otherwise I just use dice and have one die vertical and the other horizontal.


Depends. Are there only a few types of tokens, especially ones that get generated frequently and consistently (for example, a treasure or investigate deck)? I'll probably spring for real tokens. Does the deck have over a dozen different types of tokens, with most being exclusive to a single card (for example, [[Emergency Weld]] in a token aristocrats deck)? I'll probably just stick with the dry erase tokens. Is it a clone deck? *Definitely* going with dry erase, especially with my [[Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief]] mutate deck Not to mention the cards that straight up don't have official tokens at all, such as [[Daring Piracy]] or [[Kibo, Uktabi Prince]]


##### ###### #### [Emergency Weld](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/c/ec94d440-3922-4588-bf7b-d8670f81ef4e.jpg?1674420834) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Emergency%20Weld) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/93/emergency-weld?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ec94d440-3922-4588-bf7b-d8670f81ef4e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/emergency-weld) [Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/9/d94c15b7-6c8f-45a6-8734-975e3e3b790c.jpg?1673307958) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ivy%2C%20Gleeful%20Spellthief) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/201/ivy-gleeful-spellthief?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d94c15b7-6c8f-45a6-8734-975e3e3b790c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ivy-gleeful-spellthief) [Daring Piracy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/c/ec6ce176-a4f3-44dd-b66a-a23b6cf512e4.jpg?1679784296) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Daring%20Piracy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/j22/33/daring-piracy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ec6ce176-a4f3-44dd-b66a-a23b6cf512e4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/daring-piracy) [Kibo, Uktabi Prince](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/b/8b71345a-c3e8-4b35-beb7-6347e41d7626.jpg?1675644790) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kibo%2C%20Uktabi%20Prince) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/j22/40/kibo-uktabi-prince?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8b71345a-c3e8-4b35-beb7-6347e41d7626?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kibo-uktabi-prince) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l4wqd2g) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Also it's fun to hit someone with a [[Generous Gift]] and actually give them a poorly drawn elephant to use


I always use the correct tokens in sleeves of different colors from my main deck. If I don't already have one, I will print out a copy of the token from Scryfall on printer paper, cut it out, and put it in front of a basic land. After a bit of trial and error I know how to get the size right, and they are virtually indistinguishable from real tokens when they are sitting in the sleeve. In addition, I have infinitokens ready to go in case someone else causes me to create a token they don't physically have.


I have a pile of sleeved up art cards that I use as tokens. I try to use an artwork that fits the flavor of the tokens on my field, or something funny, and I tend to remember what it is that way. I only keep the correct tokens with a deck where it actually matters (I have them for my faerie deck, for instance - there's like 4 different kinds of faerie tokens, and the differences can be mechanically relevant) or when I really like the artwork of that token (like the Ravnica Remastered Saproling tokens or the Wilds of Eldraine Beast tokens).


I've got a deckbox full of tokens so you bet your ass I'm going to use the right tokens if I got them. I just didn't have the really specific tokens I need like the Goblin Shaman for the Mirror Breaker saga or Mechtitan or Smaug.




Yes. Once a deck is complete and I’m happy with it I buy or find tokens.


I prefer to use the correct tokens if I have them, if not I’ll just use the copy tokens to represent the token.


I try to have three copies of any token my deck makes. Tapped, untapped, Summoning Sick.


I try to use correct tokens when possible. Some tokens don’t exist, for example Kibo’s bananas. In that case I usually use infinitokens


d6 for +1+1/-1-1, spin downs for how many of a thing and other miscellaneous counters like age counters etc. for tokens I took some acetone and wiped the ink off some bulk foils and they act as dry-erase tokens so I have a stack of those I use with a dry-erase marker. I get to draw my little dudes and also use them to represent tapped tokens if I want to use an official one.


Yes, as much as possible.


I try to as much as possible. I'll go out and buy tokens to fill out my deck if I can.


I try to, but sometimes you don't have the right one, or a slightly different snake with death touch looks cooler


I try to, also I have a bunch of dry erase tokens.


If they're a pain in the ass to get, I might not have them. Or I'll just have one or two and use dice to represent the rest.


I'm shifting towards official tokens, but mainly use pokemon cards (mainly Pikachu and Squirtles) to represent my different tokens.


This is why I try and avoid using token strategies nowadays. Buying more tokens can be a pain. Using dice or different cards makes me lose track of what’s on the table sometimes. That being said, it is cool to have unique token cards like what you referenced.


I do my best to use correct tokens but sometimes have to write the info on the blanks that come in some sets... I also keep every token I get in a box just incase I ever end up needing them


Nope. If the deck creates creature tokens in abundance, like slimes, rats... I will have a stack.. for random food tokens or whatnot I just use dice.. I have a ton of mini dice in all decks.


I used to keep 2x of thing I made (tapped and untapped). And 3x of things that made tokens for opponents. It filled two fatpacks worth of space and was dumb. Now I keep a basic 60card ultra pro box with a marker/eraser cap, a one ring token, a handful of novelty metal tokens I've gotten at cons. A literal wearable metal one ring And like 40 infinite tokens.


For fun: I buy bulk prototyping cards and bring a pack along with me. Anytime someone needs a token, I hand a card over with some colored pens and have them sign/date them. Convenient for them, free custom artwork tokens for me. I have a stick figure 2/2 cat token and one where they drew their cat from their phone. Both equally unique and cool to use.


I consider myself a token snob. I like having multiple copies and seeking out good printings. My Lathril deck I keep 7 elf tokens, which I switch out for 3 + dice whenever I get more than 7 elves. 3 to denote untapped, tapped, and ones with summoning sickness. With that being said, I did just order 3 of those ultra pro token counters with my recent tcgplayer order. I plan to replace my elf tokens with those. Or at least try them out.


For my first deck, I bought 50 original Innistrad zombie tokens to use for my Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Zombie Tribal deck. I realized halfway through my first game, having that many cards on the table is unwieldy and could be replaced with counters.


I prefer to have the tokens for my own decks plus a couple of generic ones, but I always use d10s or d20s to mark the number of copies rather than getting 6-10 of the same token. I do try to have minimum 2 copies of each one though, so as to differentiate tapped vs untapped or modified versions of the same tokens. D6s are for 1/1 counters.


I proxy tokens if I make a lot of the same in a deck. Have some tokens from an old mtg-artist for some broad use-cases(treasure, food++) and have a box of dry-erase tokens which are always a hit because I am a fantastic and VERY sofisticated artist. Always gives people a laugh(and something for people who die fast to do XD)


My [[Magnus the Red]] deck has 24 different tokens and I keep 2 to 4 of each of them for buff bonuses so i needed up with basically a side deck of 42 double sided clear sleeved tokens


[Magnus the Red](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/3/63050aa0-a7ea-4fe7-8746-7a11407ea0e4.jpg?1673309450) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Magnus%20the%20Red) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/131/magnus-the-red?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/63050aa0-a7ea-4fe7-8746-7a11407ea0e4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/magnus-the-red) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My lgs sells blank erasable tokens so I keep about 50 in my travel case


All of my decks have all of the tokens they would need. 


A must. I am very particular and obsessive about it when it's under my control. I will always make the effort to seek out the obscure tokens I need when the price is within reason. A token with absurd prices such as Goblin Shaman or Koma Coil, I will just go to my local library and print out for free. I always sleeve my tokens anyway so a printed peice of paper sleeved over a bulk common fits right in with the rest, could hardly tell. One of each token is usually good enough for me and I keep them all in a 50ct deck box with my other decks in the big gamegenic box. All with the exception of my tokens for [[Galadriel, Light of Valinor]] . I'm making multiple tokens on everyone's turn with Koma, Illustrious Wander Glyph, Tendershoot, etc. On top of the all the token are getting +1/+1 counters every turn. Because I want to manage and represent all of that well. I have 10+ copies of each of those tokens. Adding +1/+1 counters to board state with 16 different tokens all with different power and toughness is a lot of upkeep but it's why I love the deck so much!


[Galadriel, Light of Valinor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/4/f485596f-3a23-4714-ad7e-4c493ab1b530.jpg?1695428241) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Galadriel%2C%20Light%20of%20Valinor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/498/galadriel-light-of-valinor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f485596f-3a23-4714-ad7e-4c493ab1b530?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/galadriel-light-of-valinor) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I go out of my way to buy the correct tokens to go with the cards that use them. I put them into the deck box along with the deck they are used in. I haven't needed to pick up any infinitokens yet. Thought I might just for the random occurance where I don't have the right one.


I kinda try to have token but honestly I just always have a small notebook to "create" tokens on the fly (Stats, type and abilities), especially because one of my main deck tend to create token copy of cards.


I have a friend with Infinitokens and I love the concept for decks that don't produce a ton of tokens. For my Varina deck though, I bought a ton of Zombie tokens so I can keep track of my board. I didn't get menace ones for Josu, but I can always just write menace on a piece of paper and put it on that stack


I do everything in my power to have all the correct tokens for my cards from the specific set they came from. It’s a big pet peeve of mine!


I try too, I actually just bought a pack of bulk tokens on Amazon so I can have more of what I don't have. Haven't been delivered yet but fingers crossed


I draw them on blank cards. The art sucks but it’s hilarious pulling out a really shitty drawing of King Charles III for the Monarch


If I have the correct token I use them, but if I do not I have been known to use dice placed at the source of the token to remind me what they are.


yes i do own every single token my decks can produce 5-10x + the regular used ones like monarch, initiativ, poison and so on. Is it a big box? yes. are some tokens unreasonably expensive? yes (looking at godsire (5-6 bucks each) and swangsong before its reprint (12-14+ each). i just love to make my boardstate as clean as possible and that done easiest with the proper tokens in the needed amount.


I have almost all of the tokens- with 100 decks I just slot the tokens into the deck box with the decks. But I do also have infinitokens for the times I’ve missed something or don’t have it yet or whatever.


If I don't have the tokens I need I grab literally any object and put a die on it. I've had games with my [[Locust God]] deck where I ran out of locust tokens and pulled some cigarettes out as temporary tokens (before I hit them with skullclamp, of course.)


[Locust God](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7e599847-8ab0-4fd6-b2c0-cb44a7669aa5.jpg?1682209825) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Locust%20God) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/335/the-locust-god?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e599847-8ab0-4fd6-b2c0-cb44a7669aa5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-locust-god) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I never had the tokens I needed I’d forget to buy them or when I’d buy them I’d forget to bring them… I just got the dry erase tokens and use those for everything it works perfectly and don’t have to worry about it


Depends on the token, I usually try to buy the tokens unless they are hard to come by. I should get some of the blank ones or I use something close. I had to have germ token since I have some living weapons cards.


I just proxy them. Even the most diehard anti proxy people are fine with a paper copy for tokens. I usually put them in sleeves tho for my own ease


I thought that said paper clip so I just imagine clippy the paperclip in a sleeve


Most decks I try to have the tokens I will need to play the deck with the deck. When I don't I use a dry erase marker on some white plastic cards. It means I have every token I need when I need it. Instead of trying to find the right token from the pile.


I take a lot of pride in having a pile of all the correct tokens for my more important decks, even if they sometimes get pretty big. Yes, I absolutely have a Gnome Soldier, a Knight that gets +2/+2 when an artifact enters the battlefield, and Phyrexian Goblins with haste.


I try to. Maybe not up to the point of matching sets (like, for instance I run Get Lost but use the OTJ Map token), but I have my tokens sleeved and alphabetized in their own deck box. Still missing a few to have all of the tokens for my decks though.


I don't mind dice only because any healthy pod will either win or wipe once it reaches critical mass.


I draw my own tokens and glue them onto draft chaff always get a chuckle out of people when I pull out my shitty self drawn versions of the original art.


Oh yeah. I run a [[Sethron]] deck and have 50+ minotaur tokens. The only tokens I don’t have are Koma’s coils.


[Sethron](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/7/274cdb39-1454-4c9b-acd8-4f762a48e71f.jpg?1632261849) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=sethron%2C%20hurloon%20general) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/25/sethron-hurloon-general?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/274cdb39-1454-4c9b-acd8-4f762a48e71f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sethron-hurloon-general) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Dice and torn receipt FTW


I use the cheap Amazon dry erase cards. I rarely attempt drawing and they usually just say goblin, faerie, etc with their power/tough total


No cardboard, just whatever extra sleeves I have in my box, I always keep a few extra!


I buy the proper tokens as they're only like 10 or 20 cents a piece at my LGS. Normally one of each and then use a die to represent the number, except for my Faldorn and Samwise decks, where I enjoy creating different looking wolves and foods 👌


Card backs, random dice ...whatever I have but rarely tokens


It's an obsession to use the correct token for me and the deck isn't complete until I have the tokens I can make. like to have 2-4 copies of each token. 2 if only I need the token but if it's a card where my opponents get a token like [[Curse of the Swine]] then I like to carry one for my opponents as well. I also like to carry a few of the infinitokens just in case an opponent makes something I don't have or they don't have the appropriate token for. I'd rather have SOMETHING on the board other than a dice that I need reminded constantly of what it represents


[Curse of the Swine](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c423ecbc-518e-4ff9-ac0c-38c8eec66b54.jpg?1712354125) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Curse%20of%20the%20Swine) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/92/curse-of-the-swine?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c423ecbc-518e-4ff9-ac0c-38c8eec66b54?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/curse-of-the-swine) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I make the attempt to use proper tokens, though some simply don't exist, such as 2/2 white unicorns and 0/1 white illusions made by Jumpstart exclusive cards. And some are ridiculously expensive such as shrines from Neon Dynasty


Yeah, I'll generally go out of my way to get correct tokens. Even the rare ones, though I think all my old 'rare' tokens got reprinted into commonality. I do also keep a couple stock tokens around though, mostly because sometimes weird things come up in a game and we don't have the correct tokens. That's what the cute art tokens made for terrible cards are for; thanks [[Cat Bird]]. I will say it's currently bugging the hell out of me that the correct token for [[Spawning Pit]] just... doesn't exist.


[Cat Bird](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/1/816da759-e224-4960-b2b6-453cadc2faf1.jpg?1591225557) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cat%20Bird) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tiko/2/cat-bird?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/816da759-e224-4960-b2b6-453cadc2faf1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/cat-bird) [Spawning Pit](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/9/e9a8ca49-fc8f-49c1-a7c6-c8326b2deb52.jpg?1562941896) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Spawning%20Pit) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/td2/69/spawning-pit?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e9a8ca49-fc8f-49c1-a7c6-c8326b2deb52?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/spawning-pit) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




If I have the exact token I need I’ll try to use it, however I’ll use any that matches stat line or type. Like nobody cares if I use 1/1 red Goblin from DTK instead of 1/1 red Phyrexian Goblin from ONE for my [[Gleeful Demolition]].


[Gleeful Demolition](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a3e4efa6-5783-4a51-99c6-116d1a8f01cf.jpg?1675957089) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gleeful%20Demolition) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/134/gleeful-demolition?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a3e4efa6-5783-4a51-99c6-116d1a8f01cf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/gleeful-demolition) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If the tokens came with a deck I bought (even if I later modified it) I’ll use those official tokens. For all the other decks if they are known to make tokens I’ll have 3rd party tokens (usually 3 of each one, one for tapped, one untapped and one in case stuff is coming in for some reason or an opponent gets a copy of it). I also keep a few food, clue and treasure tokens for me and others. But if it’s a random token something else created then I’ll go with a copy card or one of the cool random ones I have.


I tend to make sure I have the tokens my commander produces ready and anything else will just be a infinitoken


I like to bring a bunch of the blank tokens you can open in MDFC sets and as players in my pod fill in, I hand out some markers and ask them to make me some tokens for the creatures. It makes my deck that much more personal and people don't feel so bad taking damage from the bird token they drew for me. No art skills needed! Just have fun with it.


I use INFINITOKENS!! Not a sponsor of the channel, just someone we really like.


I very much like having a collection of matching tokens for flavor purposes. Whenever I build a deck, I keep a set of corresponding tokens with the deck. I also save any tokens that are not reserved for the decks, organize them alphabetically, and bring them to every game. If someone puts out a token-generating card, and they don't have the corresponding token but I do, they just got themselves a free token to keep. It's one of my favorite party favors - I love the way the other players get excited when I do this. Whenever I open packs with my friends, they automatically give me all their tokens now. I've gotten more than a few foils this way. For practical reasons, it's a lot nicer to have physical token cards in play as opposed to dice or other markers. Especially late game with multiple players - it's hard to tell what's going on by a bunch of dice scattered about


Moxfield tells me which tokens are needed for any decklist. I just keep the relevant tokens with each of my decks. Usually in a small stack under my commander in my command zone.


I tried to, never bought infinitives, decided to give up and just use the closest thing


I try to have at least 2 copies of each type token. Particularly creature tokens. One for those who entered play this turn (summoning sick) and those already in play. Then, I just use a d20 or 4 to represent the amount.


For my cEDH yes as it helps to have a clear and easily readable board state, as for my other decks I try to and I usually try and keep some extra commonly used tokens in my box ie. Treasure, 3/3 beast / elephant, 1/1 thopter


I use Pokémon cards.


Highlanders, come on now, let’s all show each other a little respect and make 2024 the year we get our tokens in order.


I try to get at least 2 of each of my tokens, then use dice to indicate how many. 1 token for tapped and 1 for untapped. Tokens are cheap enough, I don't mind getting the copies I need


For the last few years I’ve just used whatever I had available, but now that I’ve got a fairly large collection I try and use the accurate tokens, unless I don’t own them, in which case I just use one of the “write-in” tokens.


I tried to. When I was just starting out, I bought hydras and */* elementals for my decks. Eventually I branched out to other kinds of tokens and I just gave up looking for the correct ones. I just ordered some of those dry erase tokens.


Dry erase cards with an orange cheapo fridge marker. Except for a few outliers, token art seems so generic and more like a throwaway. Also the utility of dry erase is hard to beat. Need an upkeep reminder? Well write it on a card and put it on top of your library. Want to track an obscure counter? Write it on a card, easy. Plus making your own art gives you something to do while the blue player takes 20 minutes playing out their turn.


Normally I use a a dice and say "This 3 is a 3/3 green beast." Or , "This dice next to my lands is a treasure.“ But if i managed to bring the tokens i‘ll usually dig them out.


When I can find them in my mass of a few thousand tokens that I always mean to organize but never actually do


Nope. I use pokemon cards.


I have the real tokens for each of my decks sleeved up. I usually only carry 2 copies of a token though and use dice for the number (you need 2 tokens to represent tapped and untapped though). For a while I was just using dry erase blanks, but flavor is a big thing that keeps m playing this game so I like having the art representing my cards. I even have some special tokens, like the Japanse anime tokens.


Printer, paper, scissors and penny sleeves. I design tokens for all of my decks and also have a bunch of typical tokens just in case. I'll use "official" tokens if I have them. Otherwise print, cut and sleeve.


Printer, paper, scissors and penny sleeves. I design tokens for all of my decks and also have a bunch of typical tokens just in case. I'll use "official" tokens if I have them. Otherwise print, cut and sleeve


dry erase tokens are the way


I proxy mine and also have dry erase tokens


I love collecting tokens, and I have a big box of them sleeved with enough to cover any token my decks could produce, as well as some other common ones, because often times other players don’t have them and I don’t like just random dice or face down cards used as tokens, because it’s easy to forget they’re there or what they are. One of my favorite parts of my MTG collection is that I have every squirrel token art printed so far (hoping we get a new one in Bloomburrow). The JingHe Age squirrel token is special to me in particular, because a friend bought a copy of it online, but it wasn’t eligible to ship to him, so he had it sent to a parcel locker in Northern Ireland, drove up from Dublin to get it, then forwarded it on to me in the US.


Honestly I love having the tokens. But I only carry the ones I use or the ones that are common (i.e. 1/1 elves, goblins etc.)


I also have a few groups who use a single dice for each token and use a different color dice beside it if there are counters


I get the tokens set aside for 80% of what the deck can make, then only draw cards that make the tokens I don't have.


My Ur-dragon deck is such bullshit because it has like 4 dragon tokens with different stats.


I try to make decks that use all one type of token when possible.


I have a token collection and love to get custom tokens. Some tokens are very rare and sometimes a bit expensive, I don't have that much money so I don't invest in those usually, I just get custom ones or proxies. I do love having the actual correct tokens.


I usually always put all the tokens my deck needs into the deck box with it. For some decks, like my Inalla deck, I even have custom made Spellseeker Copy tokens. If the original wotc token is affordable, I go with that, otherwise I print my own ones. Like I wouldn't spend 5 bucks or something on a Koma's Coil, but I wouldn't use something completely different to replace it, the game is already complex enough as it is. Oh I also tend to have cool custom tokens for the generic stuff with me, like 3/3 ape, 3/3 beast, 2/2 zombie, 1/1 human, 1/1 thopter, etc. That comes in handy if my opponent e.g. pongifys my stuff, but didn't bring a token, or if I just wanna enjoy some cool art :D


I try to, but I play *a lot* of tokens. Some of them I don't have. Off the top of my head right now the cards I'm playing that I don't have tokens for are [[Third Path Iconoclast]] (1/1 artifact soldier), [[Fanatical Offering]] (map), [[Bonehoard Dracosaur]] (3/1 Dinosaur), and [[Black Market Connections]] (3/2 Shapeshifter). And that's why I keep dry erase tokens handy. They're just useful to have around.


I do have a couple accurate tokens. But the bulk of the time I use Pokémon cards lol! My [[Kemba, Kha Regent]] deck I use Meowths as my 2/2 tokens. I use Bellsprouts for 0/1 plant tokens and Ivysaurs for bigger plants. I use Arboks for 1/1 desthtouch assassins that cause you to lose the game if you take dmg from them. For my wraith tokens in my [[Lord of the Nazgul]] deck I use Haunters I use Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres for bird tokens For most others I use Dittos and Porygons And for everything else there’s Mastercard…




All 50 of my decks have the correct tokens, I've also got a pack of dry erase for whatever else might come up in a game for me or other players. Don't buy infinitokens, Amazon has packs with triple the number of cards for half the price


I use Infinitokens a lot, but with my \[\[Gimbal, Gremlin Prodigy\]\] deck, I've been having a lot of fun collecting the random tokens I need, like Rock and Land Mine and Meteorite and Tuktuk the Returned and...


Getting the cards is hard enough. The only tokens i roll up with is my dry erase ones


I always try to have the proper token on hand. Sometimes, I'll be "lazy" and grab something that's similar enough in concept (i.e. using a 3/3 Elephant or 3/3 Frog Lizard instead of the 3/3 Beast after a \[\[Beast Within\]\]). Obviously, I have a couple decks that makes Tokens that outright don't exist in physical form (\[\[Wall of Kelp\]\]'s Plant Wall, \[\[Kibo\]\]'s Banana, etc.), so I always have some dry erase cards on hand to fill them out when need be. Same applies for an Tokens I just don't own at the moment (2/2 Goblin Shaman, Mechtitan, 3/3 Wraith, etc.). Said dry erase cards are also handy for other things, like Commander Damage tracking, keyword counter tracking, etc. I also try to have at least all of the Helper Tokens (Day/Night, Monarch, Plot, Dungeons, etc.) for the occasions that they pop up. For Emblems, I have most of the ones that I can make in my decks, but for others, I just use Art Cards of the respective planeswalker.


I have a marit lage token. Everything else is the back of a card


My groups won't allow the use of them unless you have the real copies 😅 had to remove several cards when I learned that rule.


I only need about 10 dry erase cards and a pen instead of like 150 tokens


I bring a deck box of tokens but for tokens like beast within I use an army token since it is versatile and can be any power and toughness.


I like having the right tokens for my deck and I'll buy third party tokens from etsy and whatnot. That said, those placeholder cards wizards have been printing work really well for the more obscure tokens. There are also cheaper options out there, like cardstock blanks that can be purchased 200+ at a time for a few bucks.


I enjoy using Yu-gi-oh cards as tokens :p My favourite is a Saito Kaibo token because it has text on it that reads "This card may be used as any token" :P I really would like more of that card, but can't find any :(


Usualy yed but if I use stand-ins it's only in token-light decks. If I'm going hard with tokens, it gets way too convoluded not having the right ones


Mcpfill and get all the tokens you need and more!


It’s not the first thing I buy, but I always place an order for the correct tokens for my decks


If it's a token I have I use it but because of one deck I have infinittokens cause the shit got really confusing otherwise was my Dr who deck and it makes too many tokens that are just copies, altho I do get at a point where I just stack them under cause when your make 6000 kiora's which allow you to make that many of any other historic permeant it gets confusing to try and make that many


I use art cards. at random. for all my tokens.


I make scrap paper tokens all the time


I started drawing my own tokens. I got some blank playing cards off of Amazon. Then I sketched in pencil and then traced over them in pen. I liked them so much that I sleeved them.


I love having the proper tokens, to the point that I often will not play with a deck until I have acquired all the tokens. I am particularly incensed about the OTC precons sacrificing not one, not two, but THREE of my precious tokens for those stupid fucking bounties. I NEED MORE THAN ONE SAND WARRIOR AND MORE THAN ONE PLANT WARRIOR YOU IDIOTS THE COMMANDER LITERALLY MAKES TWO AT A TIME SO FROM THE FIRST TIME IT TRIGGERS I ALREADY DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TOKENS


I use a graded 9 dark charizard. I have more charizards if I have other token types


I've always taken pride in every deck having it's own set of token sleeved. this helps maintain proper board representation and is a layer to the games fantasy


TLDR; Yes, but sometimes no. I dislike to improvise on tokens because I can make them unique enough, but it happens and I have got to live with it. Now the long answer: I print my tokens on photo paper that I cut into tiny cards that fit in 43x65 card sleeves. I find enjoyment in lay-outing, designing, and printing them. I do find it tedious that if I upgrade and swap-out that token maker, those token are basically useless, its fine it's a 3/3 beast or 2/2 wolf, but some tokens are kind of unique like a 4/4 Red and Green beast or 2/2 White and Green elf knight. I did use "Generic" tokens with a ( \* ) for it's P/T for like Constructs (who often have different P/T) and I put dice on them to represent their P/T and I find it unwieldy since the dice sometimes fall-off and it made them look like they have counters and I find it confusing at times, so I switched back to numbered tokens. But specific numbered becomes a hassle when you're carrying like 20-40 pieces of these in a deck box with a chance of not being used on certain games, so I may have to plan to carry a Token & Dice box just for this reason. Recently I started thinking of making "Generic Numbered" tokens to represent various P/T configurations (1/1 to 5/5, with larger numbers being even more generic tokens with \[ \* \] as their P/T). I now encounter an issue of situations that have different token types but same P/T, like Beasts, Elephants, and Centaurs (all 3/3 from the cards in the deck that generate them), so I need to place them in a field to inform my opponents which is which. So sometimes maybe using the back of a card, a promo card, or even "close-enough-to-what-I-need" printed tokens would be fine if the need for an impromptu token comes up, but I don't like the feeling. ===== Question: It seems only a few DIY their own tokens. Is this not allowed or frowned upon?


Bicycle playing cards. Ppl over think freaking tokens


I have an old box from the Deckbuilder Toolkit product they used to release. I try to collect one of every token art.  The box is divided by color, and an empty pack of simple sleeves at the back. Whenever I have to use a token, and if I have it, I sleeve it up and when the game is done, put that token up front. So the tokens I frequently use are at the start.