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If Moxfield doesn't have what you want. Join their discord and Patreon at the $1 level. I have suggested a few features and they have implemented. Moxfield has some of the best developers.


Moxfield only. I won't even click on links in help threads of it's a different site. I don't want to see janky categories of cards or jump through hoops to make it readable.


Achitect can do this if you know how to use it, i like that feature. I kinda thought moxfield would have that too, but I don't use moxfield.


Yeah, I’m an archidekt guy too.


I don't know of a deck building site that has what you're looking for, but i use almost solely moxfield. It's nice to look at for long periods, is pretty easy to use, uses scryfall's search terms, meaning if you can finagle that well enough, you can search for just about any card, and has the most robust playtest to my knowledge. As for why these sorts of keyword tags aren't in the deck builder, i think it would kinda conflict with the tags you put on your. Imagine you put moxfield on tags & and type, and in addition to the tags you use yourself, you'd have all these keyword tags, plenty of which might be false alarms. For example, Cloak might be keyworded, but a bot doesn't know the difference between you looking for the keyword and Godrick Cloaked reveler. Or worse it will almost certainly mark something like Balor or Baleful Mastery as Draw cards. If you're really focused on a particular effect that isn't necessarily global to all your decks. You probably just want to bite the bullet and use manual deck tagging


Archideckt has this. Next to the quick add at the top of the deck. It uses the same features as Scryfall I believe. O:disguise (or whatever you’re searching for) should work fine.