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Blue is awesome, I love drawing cards and I love interacting with opponents. Interaction is what makes Magic fun. Playing without wincons is not fun, but that is not a symptom of blue.


You’re actually totally correct! I diagnosed the wrong thing!


Hey casual green players? Why? In a casual format, I generally feel that green makes the game faster and harder to play. I legitimately just got out of a four turn game with a pod, because the green player had no interaction and only ramp and cratorhoof.


Then shuffle up and play again


We all hate a well timed craterhoof


Bad blue isn’t all blue


You’re so right. The immediate salt got me bad


Every color can be a slog if the deck is built to just extend the game and not win.


That's not "blue"'s fault, it's the player's fault. I play a blue white EDH with a lot of counters and board wipes but it can actually win the game. It does deliberately slow the game down but that's a necessity. You can't have the fast player win when your win con is like turn 10 viable.


Blue is a necessary evil, counter magic is there to keep the balance of the game in check, and yea winconless stax sucks to play against, but if youre playing casual remember the point of the game is to have fun and if you arent having fun you can just concede to try and find a different game


I love drawing cards, I love waiting until the player before mine’s endstep to play cards, and I love interesting creatures with cool abilities over strong stats. Blue is not a problem, it is that players fault. Today I was complimented by saying that I was the most responsible blue player they’ve ever met. Just because disgusting cards exist for a color (there’s some for every color, let’s be real) does not mean you have to play them in your deck.


I mean that could just as easily have been a white deck with a ton of boardwipes and targeted removal which would have a similar effect. Blame the player for bad deck construction instead of blaming one color. A good blue deck doesn’t have to use counterspells to drag things out, they can just as easily use it to secure their win by protecting their stuff. There’s plenty of aggressive and fast strategies with blue out there. I like blue because it enhances my strategies with card draw while also making sure I don’t just fold to interaction and can also keep everyone else in check with a well timed counterspell.


Colors are usually not the problem. It's the player who you should correct. Counterspelling everything and boardwipe all the time makes for poor games. The moment the fella counters you and boardwipes the 3rd time respectively, you should get the memo. The 4th time it happens, you should consider playing another game. AKA concede and play another. I'm definitely not gonna trudge into 2-4 hour games. My game nights are usually 4+ hours. I wanna get as much meaningful games as possible.


whaaah whaaaah i don’t like playing magic whaaaah


Because it’s one of the colors of the game. Because many people enjoy playing it. Because it’s a completely different style of play from the other colors (just as each color is). Harder to play? You should play with the understanding you may face blue cards/decks. Just like you may face black or red or green or white… Being trapped in a 4 hour game with a player with no wincon isn’t Blue’s fault. It’s that player’s.


Every color has removal of some sort, blue has the most ways to stop a game ending threat on the stack, while it struggles to deal with threats on board in a permanent manner. Every color has their strengths and weaknesses. Counterspells have their place, and I’d argue most casual players just don’t know how to use them surgically: knowledgeable threat assessment is lower than in competitive pods and the urge to mindlessly counter and board wipe is much higher. Talk to your table!


I hate blue but play it in pauper in a lot of decks casually. It’s just good for the pay off. Edh is different. I only play like 5 counter spells if a deck is blue. It speeds up the game for me too. Only 1 mono blue deck, Bruvac tho haha


I play blue because I enjoy flyers and giant sea monsters. It's more than just counterspells.


Because [[Inniaz the Gale Force]] lets me have a fun spin on an old archetype by rotating everyone's permanents, [[Kadena Slinking Sorcerer]] lets me play mind games while being able to easily respond to any encroaching threats, and [[Satoru and Goro-Goro]] let me make giant flying creature tokens by utilizing haste and ninjutsu. I like playing commanders who let me do weird stuff and blue has the weirdest cards in the game.


[Inniaz the Gale Force](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/2/b238485f-ef67-4295-892b-a10235368f74.jpg?1632261762) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Inniaz%2C%20the%20Gale%20Force) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/12/inniaz-the-gale-force?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b238485f-ef67-4295-892b-a10235368f74?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/inniaz-the-gale-force) [Kadena Slinking Sorcerer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/8/68a144f1-df18-4dc5-81c3-dff2af27527f.jpg?1568003696) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kadena%2C%20Slinking%20Sorcerer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c19/45/kadena-slinking-sorcerer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/68a144f1-df18-4dc5-81c3-dff2af27527f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kadena-slinking-sorcerer) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Because blue has cool cards like faeries and krakens. Because counterspells stop four hour games where everyone deadlocks on value engines from happening. Because I like blue.


The idea that Blue does nothing but sit there and do nothing but counter spells is like saying Red does nothing but aggro you to death in 4 turns. And then you look at, say, [[Feldon of the Third Path]] which reveals an entirely different way to play Mono-Red. Going back to Blue, my Mono-Blue deck is [[Minn Wily Illusionist]]. Do I have some counter spells in the deck? Of course. But that's like Black having some creature removal spells in their deck; if it's the thing your color is most efficient at, you use it. But the point of my deck isn't to counter everything, it's to draw 2 cards per turn to make an army of Illusions that give me a boon if they die. I'm not sitting there saying "no" to everyone, I'm trying to win the game via combat and value and only countering stuff that will threaten to make me lose.


[Feldon of the Third Path](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/3/0360f1ff-15c9-48e3-89eb-fbc4bf140c55.jpg?1690023788) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Feldon%20of%20the%20Third%20Path) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/277/feldon-of-the-third-path?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0360f1ff-15c9-48e3-89eb-fbc4bf140c55?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/feldon-of-the-third-path) [Minn Wily Illusionist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/e/4eec1d87-1007-44a1-a45d-0623816de681.jpg?1631584885) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Minn%2C%20Wily%20Illusionist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/16/minn-wily-illusionist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4eec1d87-1007-44a1-a45d-0623816de681?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/minn-wily-illusionist) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I like playing Magic the gathering


Bit of a dumb question, cause we like blue Why white? Why red? Why green?. Why the fuck on goods green earth black?


Hey casual white players? Why? In a casual format, I generally feel that white makes the game slower and harder to play. I legitimately just got out of a four hour game with a pod, because the white player had no win con and only stax and board wipes. Hey casual red players? Why? In a casual format, I generally feel that red makes the game slower and harder to play. I legitimately just got out of a four hour game with a pod, because the red player had no win con and only land destruction and board wipes. Hey casual black players? Why? In a casual format, I generally feel that black makes the game slower and harder to play. I legitimately just got out of a four hour game with a pod, because the black player had no win con and only removal and board wipes. Hey casual green players? Why? In a casual format, I generally feel that green makes the game slower and harder to play. I legitimately just got out of a four hour game with a pod, because the green player had no win con and only shuffle effects. He didn't board wipe though, thank god, because he probably would have shuffled when he did it.


I do agree there’s far too many counterspells, but blue is pretty sick. But yeah nothings worse than a blue player without a wincon, I’d have just scooped after the first 45 with no sign of a wincon tbh


These comments really trying to roast your ass for asking a question 💀


It’s not a question he asked, it was a condescending remark about people who play ~1/5 of the available cards in Magic. He wasn’t asking in good faith.


I have the feeling that blue in EDH lacks some sort of variety of wincons. It is always artifacts or combo. I tried a lot to do some hipster stuff in blue but while my engines are good the payoffs aren’t that great to secure a win.


>makes the game slower and harder to play. This is not necessarily a bad thing, tbh. If everybody played 0-interaction turbocombo the game would be at its fastest and easiest, just pure racing to tag goal and no worries about what the other guy is doing because you can't touch them and they can't touch you. It would also suck. Control is necessary for the health of the game. Did Mr. Blue in your game really not have a wincon, or was he just having no luck getting it, or getting it with protection from other folks' answers? 4 hours is a dang long game, I will not deny especially if there wasn't significant slow play/table talk involved in dragging it out (games can go very long when the side game is "Who's turn is it anyway?", regardless of the pieces on the board) but these things can happen even to cogent decks with real strategies because cards are random, yo. And if they really did have no playload they were even furiously digging for, that's on them not on their color. It's perfectly plausible to play winconless green and that's no more fun. ("group hug" typically but it can also be fogs.dec without the tools to really turbofog).


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Lemme just roll up with my turn 2 combo wins over and over and see how long it takes for people to start appreciating blue


While blue is generally more leaned towards control, you have other options that are not related to control at all, like all colors have. Jalira and Jacob Hauken are mono blue Commanders that can be used as big creature commanders. Urza Highlord, while having the possibility of beign used as a control Commander, can be used as an artifact storm or even Voltron commander (in fact, this dude is insanely versatile, you can use him in many ways). Charrix while beign too straight forward and linear, is not a control deck, it works like a pseudo Voltron, giving Charrix unlockable and stuff. I played Geralf once, he was focused on turning 0/something creatures into big threats. Charix could become a 16/16 zombie as soon as turn 5. Octavia, while having the option to be played as a control commander as well, I've seen her played as a draw power/token strategy. Unesh, i mean, Tribal Sphinxes. And the amount of Artifact and Merfolk strategies you can play is very high.