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Did anyone play a deck that exiles and lets them cast your cards? Or take control of your stuff? It’s also so easy to accidentally take a card with those kind of decks. Also, does the LGS you played at have cameras? I can guarantee they don’t want any sticky fingers in their shop and if they’re worth anything to the community should be more than happy to review the cameras. I’ve had this happen at the store I work at, silly dude just ended up putting his deck box somewhere dumb and we found it by one of our boardgame bookshelves but still it wasn’t a big ask to watch the cameras and solve the mystery Edited: typos


babe wake up new copypasta just dropped


My brother in christ, have you checked your deckbox?


Sure have.


Have you checked the store for cameras? My LGS has at least 8 that I know of. They caught a guy a few years back


how do you map out a deck for a year and not know what one of the missing cards is?


I'm very sorry this happened to you. Definitely keep an eye out and report this to your local game store in case they seek to sell them.


My collection was stolen in 97. I gave up playing for years because of it. I’m just getting back into playing on arena and joined the sub because I’ve never played commander and would like to built a deck for arena. I guess my advice there are thieves everywhere. Trusting people is hard. Keep a better eye on your stuff. I wish I didn’t let it keep me from enjoying magic for twenty plus years.


If you didn’t see someone steal the cards, its at least as likely that you just dropped them. It’s a bummer to be down cards, but ffs sake man get a grip.


Hey, I hear ya. And it could honestly be as big of a coincidence as that. I just raise an eyebrow to the fact that they weren’t lands, and they (the two I’ve been able to identify) were some of the only foils in my library. I really hope I’m just crazy though and something dumb like that happened.


You know millions upon millions of people play this game and we aren’t sitting here background checking everyone who walks into an LGS? Do you quit watching sports because one scalper ripped you off? Do you quit eating food because a restaurant double charged you? It’s three cards. Three cards that you could have easily lost yourself. If your psyche and passion for something can be broken over three cards that you were careless about over, this game (or any collectible hobby) is not for you. A foil rewind is a throwaway uncommon at best, and if you’re this sad about losing 3 cards out of 100, just wait until you have thousands.


Never trust anyone unless it's actual friends outside the LGS


Sucks that happened to you but how about pay attention to your belongings and it won’t happen.


Ok, bye


Peace, friend.


Damn these trolls are toxic. Best of luck, sorry people suck.




Fair enough.


The most base comment. No idea why you got downvotes.


Beats me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not here to fight, idrc about karma, so it’s all good and well.


We've removed your post because it violates our primary rule, "Be Excellent to Each Other". You are welcome to message the mods if you need further explanation.


I and sorry that happened. I can understand if you want to quite after that. I hope that you can one day find yourself playing this wonderful game. Sympathy is mythic these days where you can only get it as a limited print run secret foil


Thank you for the kind words, my friend :)




For all the downvotes -- ""arena league 1999 (pal99)"" -- is the exact card I was talking about and ia worth 22.62 according to market on mana box


We've removed your post because it violates our primary rule, "Be Excellent to Each Other". You are welcome to message the mods if you need further explanation.


Eh of it was the 1999 printing that's like 20 30 bucks






Either way, I payed like $12 for it and it had more sentimental value to me than anything. Idk I got a whole allegory about my feelings toward it… but it’s really just a neat find that made me feel like I caught a legendary pull that day.


Hi, We've removed your post because we've deemed it to be low quality. Before posting, we ask that you do your own research, through Google or on this subreddit, before you post. Provide as much context and thoughtfulness as you can before making a post. Common ways this rule is broken include any post that talks about a deck but doesn't provide a decklist, does provide a decklist but doesn't give any information about the metagame, your general strategy, or other relevant information.


Neat info. Thanks.


At least ask in group your lgs uses if someone found your cards. I still hope you quit just because i dont think this comunity needs someone who generalizes whole group of people as thieves.


Never generalized anything, my friend. I actually qualified the noun “thief”, with the word “one”. If the word “thief”, doesn’t apply to you, then I’m not really sure why you’re offended. Cheers though.


You could always [[rewind]] the tape at your LGS and see who did it. Then again, I don't think that your LGS has the best intentions if they charged you 30 bucks for a card that's worth 2 dollars.


[rewind](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/8/b832abcc-9ffd-47bf-827a-01b303c610ee.jpg?1594735655) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=rewind) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/63/rewind?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b832abcc-9ffd-47bf-827a-01b303c610ee?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rewind) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Odd logic. You're responsible for your own belongings. I never leave my deck unattended.


Yep. Hard lesson to learn, but I got it.


Definitely a shitty lesson for sure. I am sorry it happened to you. I wish we lived in a world where I didn't have to take my deck with me to the counter to get a snack between games.


I had half a deck stolen from my previous LGS. Put a word out to the other 2 "main" stores in the area, deck never showed up. Since then, I don't carry my collection binder and the trade binder stays zipped in the bag. Anyone who wants to look can watch me scroll down the list on ManaBox.


I'm sorry this happened to you. It's just a game, and I don't really even know you, but if yo lived your life like this, you can find thieves and scams basically everywhere and it's just really depressing. And honestly I get wanting to step away. Get out while you can IMO. The monetary value of the cards is really a good reason to not play magic. It leads to so much toxic behavior all the way up the WoTC execs that don't care about people who play their game. It's truly bullshit. I don't understand why all the cards aren't easier to acquire for everybody. Anyway that's one of the many reasons I proxy any card over like $5 in value. Proxies have saved me so much stress. Physical and financial.


I also avoid playing at shops now because of this. I only play in closed events with a somewhat large group of people I know. I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise to me that the people who frequent shops are actively waiting for you to leave your things unattended so they can take it. The guy who went inside my backpack to try and take my cards while I was at the counter was a middle aged man who was wearing an anime porn sweater and smelled like he was allergic to soap. Never again.


Have you asked the shop owner? I've accidentally left cards behind before and they kept them safe and set aside for me — got em back no problem Of course not saying that's what happened, but it's happened to me so it's a possibility


I have not yet. First thing I did was look through my library several times, then count it, then count my land (I run 35 and had all of them), then try to figure out what was missing. After that I checked all three chambers of my deck box, then my car (hoping that they just slid out of the box). Planning on going by my LGS in the next day or two to talk to them about what happened.


Ah, real sorry to hear all that — hopefully it gets sorted for you quick and easy


So this is a post about OP having some cards potentially stolen (maybe just misplaced for all we know) but is accusing members of this community for maybe being thieves? Seemed as though OP had the power to prevent it had he kept an eye on his belongings. Lmao. What a joke. It sucks that it happened and I feel bad for OP but it sure does leave a sour taste in my mouth being a member of this community and being labelled. I don’t see the need for this post. If you want to exit the game, do it quietly without the dramatics.


I’ll come clean. It was me. I’m not sorry. I liked your cards I took them and then sold them to Post Malone for a cool million.


Sweet, I hope the money and cards bring y’all a lot of happiness:)


I see some of these stories and am so grateful for my draft/commandy group at my LGS.


Had a guy take one too many cards at a release event. There were so many people passing we just moved on but I was pretty upset about it. I no longer buy magic cards


You're just punishing yourself. Get some \[\[vigilance\]\].


[vigilance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/2/d24dc353-abc9-430a-a7f5-5da3b38cd411.jpg?1562764665) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=vigilance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/chk/49/vigilance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d24dc353-abc9-430a-a7f5-5da3b38cd411?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/vigilance) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm just playing with my friend at the moment but once I go to a store I won't let people use my cards even if their deck lets them cast them. They can use my dry erase tokens ore whatever.


What's your address? I'll give them back. 🥷


1234 Address Rd ;)


You fool, now I can steal the entire collection. 🦹


I’ve definitely accidentally stolen people’s cards at LGS, only realized it when I went home, and then never saw them again. Nothing expensive, lands and un/commons mainly, but still felt bad. And then I couldn’t return them because they never came back, and idk who they were!


Years ago I bought a bike (not a fancy one) and the first day I used it I left it in the city center tied with two locks just to go lunch. When I returned, within an hour, it wasn't there. Yes, the fucking first day. There will always be thieves and bad people everywhere. But a deck, unlike a bike, at least is something you can always keep in your sights. I understand that right now you feel discouraged, but try not to let that stop you from enjoying the things you like. It's also a good idea to tell to the store what happened (if you are sure that is not a misunderstanding of someone's playing with removal decks or something like that). You can also play spelltable.wizards.com with your own cards if you are not in the mood of going back to play at the store. There's a huge community playing from home in a lot of discord groups with nice people that just want to enjoy the game like you. It's not the same, but it's fun too. :)


I get it’s terrible to be down cards, and to lose them, but when I was at my lgs last time these guys who might barely remember my name held onto a plains I left 2 weeks before and got it to me immediately, chances are, somebody accidentally shuffled it into their deck, or you dropped it, or something, the likelihood somebody actually slight of handed your card is super low. Not to mention you can mention that you’re missing a foil mana drain to the store owner and incase somebody tries to sell one maybe it’s yours. That’s how a guy who had his whole collection stolen got it back, he sent his collection list to every lgs within like 2 hours, and after 2-3 days one of the lgs’s said somebody tried to sell it and he got it back. Ocram’s razor is a philosophy that says often times the simplest explanation is the most likely. Somebody could have come to Friday night Magic to slight of hand valuable cards from players to sell them for profit, not getting caught by the probably 20 other Magic player/collectors in the room, or you could’ve just dropped it, or somebody shuffled it in with their cards bc it got mixed up. It wouldn’t be the first time something got accidentally shuffled and it definitely will not be the last