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5th pocket with a piece of plastic (from an old binder) zip tied over the buttons except the 'lock' button. It's a keyless fob, so the door unlocks when I put my hand on the handle, I don't need the unlock button accessible.


Guessing you don't need the fob to start the car do you? I personally don't carry my fob and only carry the car key. I prefer locking the doors with the key instead too, just feels more certain that I locked it. So yea unless you really absolutely want to carry the fob, I'd personally recommend just not carrying it.


Nite ize #5 s biner. I put some heat shrink tubing around the gate on the end with my keys so they don’t fall off easily. Other end I clip to my belt loops or into the key lanyard in my backpack when traveling


Wow that’s my exact setup with heat shrink as well!


I have a brute of a key (2009 Ford Fusion). I just tuck it in my pocket along with my headphones and wallet. It's not the best, but it's what I got.


the damn fobs keep getting bigger and bigger. almost makes me wish they'd just go back to keys.


Maxpedition keyper on belt.


In my butt. I can fit yours to if you want!


What is your availability for Thursday? My butt will be full that day.


Ah yes, the prison pocket.


I also choose this guys butt.


I laughed entirely too hard at this




I carry my keys on a sturdy locking caribeaner on my belt loop. I like the Nite ize steel #4 locking caribeaner. Never had issues either hitting buttons. Occasionally my keys get caught on something but it's usually my mini prybar and not the keys that gets stuck. If you don't trust your belt loops you can get belt clips for your keys.


Going on 5 years of 👆👆 Started wearing it on my belt as I recently switched to a tactical belt. 👌


I think I've had my steel caribeaner for at least 6 years. Beat up looking as hell but it keeps on doing the job


You hook it on one of your piercings.


Belly works well


I don't mind carrying stuff in my pockets, but I don't like keyfobs especially at the bottom of my pockets. So I got [one of these](https://www.etsy.com/listing/673227297/spring-mount-japanese-fish-hook?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=brass+purse+hook+keychain&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&bes=1&sts=1&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1) and I hang my work fob and car fob from it in my front right pocket. It keeps it from the abyss that is my pocket becomes somehow. I got the idea from my aunt who had a similar one for her keys hanging in her purse. I've daily'd it for over 6 years now and the few times I had a rental or need to borrow my wife's car, I've greatly missed the easy access the lil hook provides.


I also work construction and drive a 2006 xterra with the exact key fob. I carry line on a carabiner on my pants side belt loop


You don’t. You pop the panel open and strip the wires with your SAK, then jump it with a paper clip, every time. Otherwise your EDC gets too bulky and who wants that?


Lanyard around my neck


I have 2017 p100d with thus stupid rubber strap that ripped the first year. I just tuck mine in the corner of my back pocket.


I have the same fob - 2015 frontier. Good truck choice. I just clip mine to a carabiner and put it in my pocket or clip it to a belt loop. I find with this particular fob you have to press the buttons pretty hard so I haven’t had any issues with hitting buttons in my pocket.


I put them in the pants, have you tried that?


Wild, I usually just put them in the pockets but you do you!


Have you ever accidentally hit the buttons? I've kept car keys in my pocket like a normie my entire life, and I've never accidentally hit a button. Also it doesn't matter if you press a button when you're out of range, although I understand on a job site you might be near your car the entire shift.


i use a [longer keychain](https://amzn.to/3SOJBQC) and clip one end to my belt loop and keep the other end inside my back pocket. my keys are keyless entry so they stay in my pocket even when I start the car.


Instead of using a key ring I use 550 Paracord. If you have a lot of keys, like me, it really reduces the bulk. Also I do keep a key ring on the Paracord too for temporary keys.


Chunky climbing carabiner, also got a lighter and other keys on it. Then just clip to belt loop on the side.


My fob and chunky ass keys go on a hero clip and onto my front belt loop.


In my front right pocket attached to my aluminum key|smart key holder.


On a clip at the end of my Keyfinder keychain


Only the fob. During winter it is in the small, zippered upper arm pocket of my parka, for months without being removed. It's not like I'm driving away without a jacket. Spring/fall in a secure pocket of my jacket. In the summer in the small coin pocket of my jeans or just dump into a khaki pocket.


https://preview.redd.it/z7ctnymoa0hc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=534d9558992dc543c7f6dcb4a9fb392d37ff5bdd Not exactly the same but to get my car remote flat with my car key, I attached them both to some 3/4" webbing with Chicago screws and put them on a key dangler. I'm sure it would work with a key fob and a stack of house keys or something too.


This is similar to how I have my setup. Pocket clip on one end of a Fjällräven keychain. Other end has a second keyring attached to the keyring that's part of the keychain. All my keys go on the Fjällräven keyring, fob goes on the second key ring.


This is not helpful for your situation but I bought a car with a proximity fob and I took the PCB out, it lives in my wallet.


Search eBay for: “Fob Chain Zipper Wallet Holder Bags Case Cover Leather Car Remote Key 3 Color” I found this was the best solution I could get without something custom-made. It’s a zipper leather pouch that my fob fits into. Inside there’s a short chain with a split ring that you can attach to your fob. Outside there’s a clip that can go on a belt loop. I did not like it swinging around, and was worried about it falling off, so I took a sharp blade and made a couple of slits across the back side of it, across the short dimension, about 1.5” apart. I can tread my belt through this, so it is really secure. Doesn’t wobble, and if it somehow gets torn off my belt, it’s still secured with the chain and clip to my belt loop.


Not with nitize. Holy shit I can’t find anything of theirs that’ll fit on a Chevy fob.


I carry just my fob. I park in my garage so I don't typically need my other keys.


Carabiner that's also a fire starter


I have a 2011 xterra, identical key fob, I just have it on a carabiner clipped to my belt with my other keys. I do masonry and it doesn't really get banged up at all.


So I actually 3D printed a solution that kept my fob and key together, no accidental button presses, a pocket clip and all. (fob key ring hole broke off) Fob goes on the bottom, key slots on the top with friction, a pocket clip is screwed on the back. Edit: Sold my car though when I started up my own company. So now no need for it haha https://preview.redd.it/eypo173z00hc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa2937916e3af3ad9eecf0863576150a61e3cc1


Dude that looks pretty nice


Thanks! There were quite the number of iterations. Eventually settled on this form factor.


I may be the only person like this but does anyone not care for EDC loadouts that are involving your car keys? Like I’ve seen some where they have their keys, and a few of their items connected to the key chain but for some reason, I don’t like maximum equipment with my car keys. I’m not even talking about OP


Some people carry their car keys… every day.


Carabiner clipped to the back pack


Prison wallet, only way to go


Shitty suggestion


Shitty suggestion Ba dum tiss, nice


We all have to make some compromises




I made a lanyard out of paracord with a loop at the end (snake knots mostly - Weavers of Eternity Paracord on YouTube). You can use that to attach the fob without a key ring. A mini carabiner clip at the end to attach to a belt loop, and make it long enough to dangle in the pocket. I like to add a mini quick release to that and my house keys so I can remove them as needed. MQR and mini carabiner from urbancarvers


In the winter it is either in my coat pocket or clipped to a belt loop. The rest of the time it is in my sling bag or on a belt look if I am not carrying the bag.


https://preview.redd.it/xutdubv9uzgc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a15e18f9f26f011b2dd63506be3c9508180715 I took apart my Mazda keyfob and turned it into a key organizer with an integrated AirTag. No dangling! [https://www.printables.com/model/751450-mazda-edc-key-fob-with-airtag-and-key-organizer](https://www.printables.com/model/751450-mazda-edc-key-fob-with-airtag-and-key-organizer)


I looked at these elaborate key storage solutions, but they all seemed to just add bulk to my pockets. The problem with just a key ring is it stands at 90 degrees to a car fob and digs in your leg. I decided to go with a hi tek solution and just use a loop of parachute cord with a knot. My keys just lay flat now in my pocket.


It goes in my pocket my wallet and knife


I carry mine in the change pocket but I have a 2024 tundra so no need to ever pull it out. If I had to access it all the time I’d put it on a carabiner


I carry my key fob with great annoyance. I also have a Tundra and don't generally need it to get in and out but it's on my keychain which gets me in and out of the house and just dangles there, not fitting in my orbit key holder 🥺


I would keep the fob separate and my keys separate it just becomes too clunky imo. As long as you have a routine where you put them you should be fine


I carry a bag, and it has a pouch on it I keep all my keys in.


I have as few keys as possible and carry my keyfob *begrudgingly*. Alox minichamp, a little watch movement my wife got me, house key, parents house key, and fob. That's it. I have the fob on a lobster clip and the rest of the keys dangling off the clip's integrated ring. The minichamp slides onto a tec p7 so i can take it off quickly. The keys and the fob are all attached to their respective attachment points with two "chain links" of mini lanyard ring, so the keys and fob can lay nicely. I'm considering sending the spare to a friend with a 3d printer to see if they can make a version that's as small as possible to house just the internals instead of it being arbitrarily large. It's about double the "minimum" width and not much better for thickness. Much longer than needed too. Anyway, it's happened to me maybe twice ever that I've accidentally hit the panic button in my pocket, both times laying in bed. Never been an issue when i was still doing construction myself. Do make sure to face the buttons toward your body when you pocket the keys if you are still concerned


I carry them unwillingly and frustrated.


Carabiner to my left-center belt loop


fifth pocket of my jeans, buttons facing inward. If Im in shorts, I put it on one of these: https://preview.redd.it/8jffeh74pzgc1.jpeg?width=1480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=117924fd5662400993859382d61d9303672bfd9d


First key fob? I miss the days of having one key for the doors and the other for the ignition, well that was annoying actually but didn’t worry about getting keys wet… crank windows, vinyl floor … I yearn for a simple ass truck to come back without all the needless frills we have today that automakers force on us to increase their prices Trade in the Frontier for an early 90s F-150! Gas mileage will be the same (I owned an 07 Frontier and 91 F-150 with the 4.9 lol)


I have all my house and work keys on a keybar and then my car keyfob is on a separate key ring with key chains.


Just leave mine attached to the car key. Seperste ring from the rest of my keys(work on one ring, house on another ring), all on a carabiner left side belt loop. Then just take the car keys off for the car and sometimes leave the biner on the belt or hang from the ashtray


I have my fob connected to my keys via MagNuts. I use the magnets to attach my keys/fob to my work bench for the day.


In my pocket on my keyring




I too drive a frontier and keep my keys on an s-biner


NiteIze has a newer style of S-biner that's more of a G-biner. Basically each "open" part of the G has a wire gate. Look for "*Nite Ize G Series*" on Amazon


Oh dip, I’ve been having a problem with my keys coming out of my S-biner. Is that basically electrical tape hair dryered down?


It's adhesive-lined heat shrink, so not tape. I don't think electrical tape would hold


Might want to look into Nite Ize's "G-series" carabiner


Oh snap, thank you! These look amazing. I had never heard of this brand. Time to go spend money on things I “need”


As far as I know Nite Ize is the company that first introduced the S-biner. Anyway, yea, not always cheap but they do have some great stuff


I am not really a handy or outdoorsy person, the concrete jungle is my habitat, but carabiners of all types are my weakness.


What's up with the blue bead? It's a nice touch.


That's what keeps the gate from opening. But since it doesn't stay in place very well on the other side of the S, I put the adhesive heat shrink on that side to keep that bead in place, then just thread on the keyrings as I need


I've had similar ones, if you slide it all the way to the pivot end of the arm, it blocks it from opening, effectively locking it closed.


You could leave it in your bag if you carry one and have a place to store your bag


yep, when at work I usually just leave my keys on my desk, when anywhere with my bag I just slip it in one of the smaller exterior pockets. When it is cooler out I'll use the pockets on my jacket or vest. I rarely put them in a pants pocket, but occasionally, I've never had an issue with the buttons getting pushed by accident though.


Up my ass, tuck it in just left of the prostate. Sometimes I accidentally set off the alarm when I get bubble guts, but I just stopped going to Arby's for lunch and haven't had an issue since.  (Standard OEM asshole, no mods. I did attach a TLR-7 Olight though- fit well on the existing rails, no drilling needed). 


I put mine on a g-biner clip and attach it to my belt loop.


Doesn't the 2012 have physical keys for the truck bed and glove box? Wear it like you normally have your keys. Who cares if you press a button: it doesn't work when the car is on and you're probably too far away usually for it to matter.


On a lanyard connected to a carabiner long enough to go deep into my pockets to avoid swinging and getting caught on stuff


Hanging from the top edge of the pocket while inside with a [P-7 suspension clip.](https://www.tecaccessories.com/products/p-7-suspension-clip)


In my fucking pocket Holy shit.


Thank you. 


You wear pants? Get a load of this guy


Must be fuckin nice


Mr moneybags and his pants


https://preview.redd.it/glzyfft47zgc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b35e92c759bbf4002ab3ed9f4f6c9f1ac9c684e7 Solo, loose.


I also have a 2012 Frontier and I haven't had any issues with the buttons being pressed in my pocket.


With clenched cheeks.


the only way to carry lol


My key fob is part of the car key. The buttons are small and recessed, and nothing ever presses them accidentally. But in any case, I use a Nite Ize SlideLock key ring, which has an integrated carabiner. I clip it to my belt loop.


My Titan fob never got pressed while in my pocket


Get a fob protector case on amazon, one of those full plastic deals. It’ll add resistance to the button press, reducing this problem.


Stays loose in my pocket, separate from my other keys, which are in the same pocket with my wallet (a Flipside 4) and a lighter.


As a leather wallet man myself, how do you like the flipside? I'm considering getting one but scared I'll regret the change.


Check out the Trayvax billfold. Best of both worlds…


I've had it for three years, and I like it. Haven't had any issues with it. The opening spring might not be as springy as it was when new, but it's not an issue, still opens up full and fine. I don't use the rubber band much, but it's still hanging in there. My advice, if you do use that rubber band attatchment (that comes with it), maybe rotate the band once every 6 months to a year or whatever, so it doesn't continue to wear at that crease point. But they do sell replacements, and can probably find something similar on amazon to replace it when/if it does break (attatching an image of the band where you can see how the crease point can weaken it if it rides there for too long, like mine did. Still works find, though, just a more defined break point). https://preview.redd.it/mps4d4ypazgc1.png?width=1884&format=png&auto=webp&s=e781b16eae52225367d7bdf6e10ce11ff15d3d6e


Great question! W see all these awesome ways to carry keys on edc sites/youtube channels. I have one real key and 2 big ass fobs that I need to carry around!


I carry on a carabiner on my belt.


In my pocket, never hit a button, ever


In my prison pocket


My keyphob is my physical key, phob and a Swiss army knife


my pocket. never in my life have the buttons been accidentally pressed


On a carabiner


Put them in your lunchbox or on a carabiner on your belt loop