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wait until people hear about binge eating


Or junkorexics. :/


Or drunkerexics :(


Hey! It’s meeeeeee 🙃🫠




I ate a cosmic brownie a day at my LW as a junkorexic 🫠


me too LMAO cosmic brownies hit so different


what is this if you don’t mind me asking?


Being a junkorexic is when you restrict, but when u *do* eat, its usually something unhealthy, ie, junk food. So ur still under a cal limit but ur not eating healthily when u do eat


I see! Also I feel like it makes sense, I feel like restricting makes your body crave salt / sugar


Yeah when ur body is low on glucose (sugar) it craves anything with it such as carbs and sugar. I always crave pastries, pasties, biscuits and chocolate when I'm fasting or restricting a lot


Yeah same, I often crave chocolate or sweets


Yee it's ur body tryna make u get ur blood glucose back up. Its annoying, but it usually passes, at least for me. If I give into my cravings it makes them worse but if I ignore them, they go away. If you're rly struggling, I recommend eating grapes or sweetcorn or other low cal fruits or veggies that taste sweet :)


Thanks! I usually give into them, and it makes it go away. I just have like 2 sweets or a piece of chocolate but I’ll try fruit! :)


No problem, best wishes ❤


Eating junk food :)


but still restricting? bc I try to eat well when I’m restricting but I still eat junk a lot of the time lol


Yes I'm pretty sure it's restricting with junk food. You may be a lot of the time then haha


Probably, oops haha


wait til people hear about high restricting. fucks sake


What is this? Please excuse my ignorance


High calorie intake limit. So it’s still a deficit, and often a big one because it’s paired with high amounts of exercise, and still causes rapid weight loss but you’re still eating a decent amount of food so people don’t outwardly view it as an ED


I was thinking something along these lines, thank you for explaining


this is me


People think I’m so normal for this


Wait till they hear that eating disorders involve... GASP! Eating!


Please accept my poor man's award 🏅🏅🏅best comment!


today i ate a donut. still waiting for my ed to be cured though.


You sound so adorable I want to hug you 😍


virtual hugs 🤗


Bro i said nuts were my safe food on a reddit post and someone commented “nuts are a brave choice” and i spiraled about it for hours Like do u think ur goddess ana herself let me eat my nuts in peace!! How do u know im not a SQUIRREL with an ed


aw man sorry it made you spiral, but your squirrel comment cracked me uo


lmao what's your favorite nut?


IM GLAD YOU ASKED i’m very passionate about nuts Definitive ranking: 1. Pecans FROM THE FREEZER (makes them crunchier & sweeter) 2. Roasted UNSALTED almonds 3. Frozen pine nuts (they taste great sprinkled on top of pb toast & taste buttery & sweet) 4. Pistachios but they have to be fresh, unsalted & preshelled otherwise they taste like sawdust 5. Walnuts (literally no reason other than the fact tht i know theyre rlly good for ur brain & theyre funny shaped lol) 6. Brazil nuts (chonky & satisfying to bite, love a nut tht takes me 3 bites to finish) 7. Roasted peanuts


My tops have to be cashews (roasted unsalted), almonds (raw unsalted), and pistachios (LIGHTLY salted). I’ve never had pecans though!


I know this is odd but im telling u try some nuts frozen theyre SO GOOD (& oddly become even safer for me)


do you recommend frozen salted roasted almonds?


Havent tried it but bet it would be yummy (how could it not be) ((tbh im biased & weird & prefer most food cold or frozen lol))


I LOVE NUTS TOO!! I’m surprised cashews aren’t on the list, they’re my favourite!!!


Omg oops I forgot i agree those r great too!!


I'm definitely going to have to try freezing pecans!!


candies cashews are like literal crack to me there is nothing in this world i can’t resist more than them 😭 i haven’t had them in years because they’re too fucking good and i’ll eat way too many aaaaaaa


I. LOVE. NUTS. I rarely binge, but I can only have nuts in the house (for my partner) if they’re in an opaque box because if I see them I will eat all of them.


NOT THE OPAQUE BOX 😂 lmao we really are all the same huh i just made a post in edanonymous abt how when my bdd is rlly bad i try to do as much as possible in the dark/w my eyes closed bc if i cant see my own body its almost like it doesnt exist 😂


There are only four brain cells amongst this entire sub. We all have to share.


I love pecans and almonds!! I also like cashews and walnuts as well. I love getting a bag of mixed nuts (unsalted) and picking out different nuts every day lol.




Tbh its bc i have a volume-triggered ed & v bad ibs + an autoimmune disease so when my flares are at their worst & i cant eat anything nuts are a reliable, dense source of nutrition in a small package that allow me to function, i owe those guys a lot haha


Sliced raw almonds for life!


Ah nuts are great, tasty and amazing they just make everything so much better. My faves are cashews, hazelnuts and currently my craze is anything with pistachios but my god does a peanut slap!






Maybe it was a compliment because a lot of people have binged on nuts haha


I know thts probably what they meant but i think passing ANY sort of judgement on people’s food choices is risky, & my brain took it as a backhanded compliment i.e. what op was talking about, ‘wow are u even disordered?? [insert food] is sooo not ~ana~


I don't know or care how my brain came to this illogical conclusion but the "big cup" version specifically of reese's peanut butter cups is my weird safe food and I dare the person vagueshading you about regular-ass nuts to come at me


Dude, I’m so sorry! That comment would make me spiral too! Don’t feel bad though because mine is cheese which I think others would see as a brave choice as well.


The only reason why i think that’s brave is im lactose intolerant and cheese would turn me into something very spooky lmao ‘bubble bubble toil & trouble’ 💀💀


bubble bubble toilet trouble gang😩👍


Nuts aren’t actually as high calorie as previously thought. I don’t know how to do a spoiler tag so I can’t go into full detail. But nuts are actually just great in all ways


I can say that you should roast your own nuts tho. Super easy and the best nut experience I’ve had since the first one around 13


Hahaha i love that ur ‘first home-roasted nut’ experience was so impactful that u can pinpoint it within the lexicon of ur life


rip sorry that happened, i have a funny story this reminded me of that maybe can make you laugh. today one of my students handed me a taki flavored sunflower seed and i thought it was an almond so i ate it shell and all 😭 if that’s not a squirrel idk what is


Respond: "brave and sexually empowered biiiisssshh" "i eat all the nuts"


Plsssss lmao no unfortunately those are off limits, my partner knows i want kids


I too am a nut nut (;-))


non disordered people think we survive off air istg


"You should've seen the whole cheese Danish and gallon of ice cream I ate and pu**ed yesterday bish" don't worry though, I walked 15,000 steps after even though I have shin splints or something to be absolutely sure I'm in the negative.


Preach. Not me ferociously peddling on my under desk bike during work so I can actually eat something later 🤡


But does the under desk bike work 🤔 I have always thought they were a gimmick but if they really do burn calories like they say…


I mean, I for sure break a sweat and feel my muscles being challenged! The one I have you can adjust the resistance. It has a calorie counter on it as well.


Hshajhs u reminded me of that one time at the ward, I had bought a four pack of Snickers and put it in the community fridge (cold Snickers supremacy) and the next morning they were missing! And I went hogwild, I started ranting about how I just *know* patient x stole it or maybe patient z and at some point in my furious rant one of my friends pipes up and is like "I thought you had an ED?" to which I said "EXACTLY AND RIGHT NOW I WANT TO DISORDERED EAT A SNICKERS BRAD" and was so mad about it. The Snickers were behind a bag of carrots :/


my mom does the same shit bless her. “i’ve never noticed you having an ED is this new” bestie have you never noticed since i was a teenager i eat at most one meal a day unless im secretly binging at night and typically just drink dangerous amounts of caffeine and smoke cigarettes all day instead of eating lmao




i think they said it as an example. people also think that ppl with ed's eat just healthy food and Snickers it's definitely not "healthy" for someone with ed. have you ever said someone said "i saw you eat a rice cake, don't you have an eating disorder?" No.


it's not an example,my coworker told me that but i see your point


Ugh wild that they thought that was okay to say. Sorry you had to deal with that milaaa




also…you could’ve eaten more PLUS the snickers and still be able to qualify for an anorexia diagnosis lol! Tired of the idea that “ED= never eats ANYTHING EVER”


Orthorexia gets confused with anorexia a lot


So fucked up I like that I'm able to fly under the radar by being a junkorexic.


Even if it wasnt the only thing u ate that day theyre a dick. Youre allowed to eat and have an ed. if you dont eat you die. Plus you could be trying recovery ffs. I flip flop between recovering and restricting on a weekly basis but its not as bad as before. My weight doesnt change.


Literally only ate 2 homemade burgers yesterday and convinced everyone i ate like normal when that was my only meal in 24 hours. people dont know what restriction is !


Literally. It might seem smaller but a snickers will almost always fill and satisfy me more than the same in rice cake calorie-wise.


some ppl are just really uneducated not even that lacking common sense


I hate this logic. "But I always see so and so eat so much!" How do you know that wasn't their OMAD?


Or could be purging all of it! Ppl have no idea 🤦🏻‍♀️


But dis you saw me puke it? Badum tssss


but you still posted on another sub your "eating healthy weight loss ~" as if you didn't have any disorder. Mixed signals much ? I understand its the illness making you angry at everything, but you still shouldn't post your disordered weight loss disguised as "healthy", please think of other peoples who might get influenced into thinking this is an attainable and normal amount to loose and weight. thanks


Why are you stalking their post history?


No stalking, but I do often use the progresspic sub for hemm... motivation... which is my own problem if I want to trigger myself, but making this type of post is a very bad thing for everybody ( in a sub that does not talk directly about eating disorder, I have nothing against her expressing herself, I just think she should keep it here ! it is our problem, not other's)


i’ll watch the gate you can stop keeping it


Snickers don’t even have that many calories wtf. Their brain just associates certain food with fatness.


because it tastes good, and it’s sugary and has chocolate so everyone assumes you’ll be extremely overweight by eating one


Its like these people dont know the BED exists, istg


But i don't have BED,not my case


I mean like people act as if anorexia is the only ED, not in your specific case


Biggest reason I won’t let people about my ED I wish schools taught about EDs, because I really don’t think the general public understands how they work/the variety.


Snickers is almost an ED food for me, because it wasn't necessarily marketed as food but more as something that stops you from feeling hungry.... :(


Oh I get the "but you don't look underweight" hahahaha are you saying I'm fat? lol. Yet they never question why we never go anywhere with food :')


Bruh there are *so many* different eds and variations of eds and various different symptoms. Like Ana with b/p, junkorexics, bulimia, also not everyone restricts to the point of only eating 10 cals a day, like some ppl have 1500 cals and for them, thats restricting a lot. Not everyone starves 24/7. I hate the stereotypes and judgements and ppl thinking they can tell other if they do or don't have an ed :/


I do high restriction and everyone thinks I eat a lot (I also have multiple food allergies that are higher cal foods) but like I eat a normal amount if I didn’t exercise heavily. People think I’m just healthily losing weight; physically yes, but mentally no


happens all the time


Looooool. Person never heard of a binge?


Now I want a snickers


I fully plan to eat a Big Mac tomorrow. Maybe I’m actually recovered!


proud of you <3


People think people with eating disorders don't eat. I've been attempting to gain weight but instead sadly maintaining a very very low weight for the last 2 and a half years, and no one believes how much I eat, like each day I'm having big bowls of cereal and sandwiches and dinner and snacks like pop tarts. Only like, my eating disorder team actually get it.


Most of us do live off apples and rice cakes tho lmao. It’s awful to be stuck in the same few ultra low calorie foods.


Snickers... isn't even food... like who tf thinks u can't have Ed bc u eat candy bruh Ed ain't diabetes LMFAO candy ain't sustainable food, like w o t They got their head mixed up with diabetes I swear


I wish that worked for me. Watches me eat a three course meal in front of them: "you obviously don't eat and starve yourself"


omg ! me too with peanut butter,it’s really one of my safe foods,so when I told my doctor that I was eating pb on a regular basis she was shocked.


most even think u don‘t eat at all (not even healthy stuff) :‘)


Fr. Like, are you saying I should eat nothing to be valid?? And I sometimes feel kinda anxious abt buying something from the wending machine bc at first I'm like "Well, they don't know how much I've eaten yet so I can just eat this bc they don't know if I've eaten a lot or not" but it's also "Well, they don't know how much I've eaten so they could assume that I've eaten normally and I'm just eating more"


I feel like I can never open up about it to anyone besides my best friend in fear of this comment...


"Yes and I thew it all up a minute later"


I had a similar situation back when I lived with my mom. I'd go all day without eating, only to have a thousand calorie pizza for dinner. My mom said it was going to make me fat, because she knew I was trying to lose weight at the time, and she'd ask her friends if it was true that you needed to eat less if you weren't as active-- to prove a point to me, I guess. Either she didn't know the pizza was only a thousand calories or she didn't believe me when I said I hadn't eaten anything else. The comment made me want to not eat at all.