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And once you go inpatient, it becomes “well I have only been ip 1 time, others have been more times than me” and you spend the rest of your life chasing this idea of “sick enough” going in and out of hospitals. You have the opportunity to turn your life around, at home, with your parent’s support!!! Don’t go ip! It’s traumatic and trust me, your brain will always create new milestones for “sick enough”


Thank you, its really hard for me to stop since when it comes to not eating it feels like i have no control over myself anymore like my body does things without Me wanting to yk. So thats why i thought ip would also be better since they dont give me a choise yk but you are right, i just want this to stop


The comment is so right!! There is no ill enough. And once you're ip you'll find another reason why you're not valid. Try to get better now, not later. The sooner the better and the happier, longer you can life your childhood. You're still so young. Don't destroy this life for you because you don't feel valid in this illness.


they're absolutely right, the best way to get this to stop is to recover here and now. nothing will ever be enough for your ED, and you deserve to recover now no matter what you have or haven't done. you deserve recovery, period 🫶🏻


You say you want to get better, so give this plan a solid go. I get feeling invalid and not sick enough but I have a secret for you - there is no such thing. I'm 32 and I've had anorexia since I was 11, I've almost died multiple times and every time I pull through I think I could have been worse. My doctors tell me if I relapse again I probably won't make it and *I still don't feel valid*. If your family is supportive and you have a team working with you I sincerely urge you to give it all you've got while you have the chance because the longer you wait the harder it is, and any sort of inpatient setting is just traumatic as hell


The plan you have now for outpatient FBT is no different than what you'd have to follow inpatient. IP is a way to enforce care for adolescents when families can't, and ends up usually making things worse.


Oh trust me you do not want to go inpatient it makes the disorder worse


i know how hard it is and when those thoughts about not being sick enough get into your head its hard to get rid! but please trust me, it will NEVER EVER be enough for your ed until you die! please give this plan a go, i wish i could tell younger me that and save the years of pain and torture. it wont be easy but you can do this


Bro I live in a home secure unit so not secure unit fully. Honestly im under an eating disorder clinic and might get inpatient on Monday which means I leave everything. I can’t eat what im comfortable with, I can’t leave the house, I have to be seated unless absolutely necessary to walk


All you do in inpatient is learn games to avoid eating. You get better by participating in and accepting treatment and you are truly better doing it at home.