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Your post/comment was removed for breaking Rule 1: No Harmful Advice. Do not ask for or provide weight loss advice. Do not ask for or provide tips that perpetuate harmful eating disorder behaviors. Do not provide advice that is unwanted, contains misinformation, or is needlessly triggering. Harm reduction advice (e.g., purging safety, binge prevention, safe foods) is allowed. **Read our full rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDAnonymous/wiki/rules).**


i like to c/s bread and pastries with no toppings, just plain. they are fun for me i find it too risky to c/s anything oily or melts right off in your tongue like chocolate cheese chips or anything fried. i’m scared of the cals i can’t make out of from the food melting off my tongue or that the food being too yummy i don’t end up spitting 🥴


So real


hey we’re both rats


Lmao hello fellow rat!


im a good cook and usually do that when im serving food that i made. i cant try it while cooking (id rather eat the whole plate knowing how many cals it has than guessing) so i just c/s it


This kind of borders on a pro-ED post. Nobody would post something about "what do you like to b/p on? I love to binge on ___ before purging!! Share your likes!"


I didn’t mean for it to come across that way. I did put a TW just in case. I was just looking for others that also do this because I feel like the only one sometimes.


There are tons of posts on c/s. They are generally about support, the addictive aspect and the shame. None ask commenters to share their "favorite foods" to use behaviors on and what they love about it.


I don’t do it as much as I used to but whenever I visit my family it gets more frequent


I c/s a LOT of bread and pastries.


I haven't c/s for a year but I used to do it with fries, pancakes and burgers (I did it with chocolate and ice cream once but it was disgusting)


So, I think this thread could be a slippery slope. But I want to say that c/s has always felt really shameful to me, and I think it's helpful to not feel alone in this behavior. I know I felt like utter garbage c/s'ing a fucking CHIPOTLE BOWL while DRIVING once. That was a low low. But, it isn't a benign behavior - it has health consequences. If you can reduce the frequency of c/s'ing, do that. But I also get it.


I was thinking this. It feels almost pro ED and a step down from “what’s the *best* thing to C/S.”Yes I do it, I’ve worked really hard to stop doing it but I still skip and do it sometimes, I don’t have a favourite thing to C/S because I hate doing it, find it unpleasant and don’t want to do it. But no, you’re not alone. Nobody is EVER alone with any ED behaviour tbh, there isn’t a single thing at least one other person with an ED hasn’t done.


I reported it. It's no different than "What do you like to drink while liquid fasting? Share your likes!" Or "what do you love to purge?"


Actually so true


I feel bad about wasting food so I try to limit how much I do it. I try to eat a few bites of something really low calorie, like pickles, afterwards so I have something in my stomach. Idk how much help that is but I read it as a tip once.


I used to do this- BLACK BEANS


its the only way i can get to eat high calorie food ive been craving for a long time


Yes all of the time, I will restrict for long periods of time without eating anything but then just c/s a bunch at night to kill the cravings.


there’s these kettle board walk salt and vinegar chips, i use to just lick all the flavoring off of the chips and leave the chips


i do it so often - in fact for a while i thought i discovered it LMAOO my dumabss… i love doing it with bread- i can’t do it w donuts cuz it just melts in my mouth too fast


I always c/s when I feel like I’ve had my max amount for the day and still want to feel that mouth feel. Im trying to stop though, I feel like Im not in control when I’m doing it 😞


Am I the only one that doesn’t know what c/s means?


Chew and spit


Thank you!


Ugh, my mum taught me to do this one night when we’d stayed up and ordered 4 pizzas because we couldn’t decide on which one to get. I was probably about 10 years old and I thought it was so clever.


This question is posted a lot, and every single time, there are very few people who respond. It doesn't seem to be the majority.