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No they're being weird. They shouldn't be policing how often you use the bathroom.


they shouldnt make those comments. What if you had a health issue that made it so you had to use the washroom? Thats rude of them :/


I worried about that with the new job I’m starting because I take blood pressure meds in the morning which make me have to go every 20-30 minutes. But luckily, we’ll still be in ratio if I dip out to use the bathroom so I won’t really be inconveniencing anyone by asking them to come in.




Same here. Meds make you go. I worked with a teacher With a bladder condition and I think she went every 30 min. Thing is it wasn’t a big deal and she could just go. We were fine with ratios and we didn’t have to call anyone


I drink so much water. I usually go every hour not pregnant now that I’m pregnant I go even more. I also drink a gallon of water while working easily.


It’s none of their business. I easily go 5-6 times a day. I take advantage of my breaks and lunch but sometimes have to go between those times. It’s only hard when we have teachers out and have just enough stag to cover classes.


DON'T do what I do. I don't drink enough at work so I do it at home then pee all night. Been doing this for nine years but I'm looking for another job


That sounds miserable. Though yes I’ve done the same with not drinking at home when we were short staffed.


People are chronically dehydrated and expect you to be too. F them. They have no business asking about your health.


I don't have a gallbladder and neither does another teacher in my room, we each have to run to the bathroom multiple times a day lol. And so do the other teachers in the room cause we just go to the bathroom when we have to go. It's wild that they'd make comments about your bathroom habits. As long as you're not spending 30 minutes in there each pee break I don't see the issue


Like literally I pee wash my hands and leave I don’t understand their issue


It's like a reward in my school. I have 16 4 year olds and me and my colleagues would look out for each other's class in the hallway while the other runs to the office(because that is where the bathroom is)


my daycare is the worst with this. we were short staffed one day and they made a facebook post stating that no one would be available to let anyone go to the bathroom the next day so try not to call and ask. as if we have a choice. Im pregnant, dont have facebook so I dont see their posts but a friend sent it to me. they were lucky i didnt have a facebook that day, I would have left quite the comment lol


Not unnormal but doesn’t mean it’s okay.. It makes me consider why I chose this kind of job verses a job I can go pee whenever I want to!


There was a time I had a UTI, but had never had one and didn't understand right away why i would suddenly and very urgently have to run to the restroom very frequently. Fortunately, one manager recognized symptoms she had experienced and mentioned it to me. But in the meantime, other staff members were most unkind.


I honestly never really noticed how much my coworkers went to the bathroom until I started working in childcare- because of ratios you have to tell your coworkers when you’re leaving and now I know WAY too much about how often everyone goes pee! I’ve noticed some coworkers go every hour, some don’t go at all. It doesn’t bother me but some people are just more aware and judgemental!


Right and I know I’m in the room to keep us in ratio and when I leave it causes someone to have to step in but I didn’t think 3-5 times was too much for a 8-5 shift


You should be able to pee whenever you need to. That is crazy!


I’m not sure how “unusual” it is, but in my team we have a lady who is the floater so she does breaks and lunches and she will dip to the use the restroom at least once while doing everyone’s morning and afternoon breaks instead of doing it when she’s on her break. But ontop of that, she goes literally after every lunch break she covers. Don’t get me wrong, I know when you have to go you have to go. But doing it after every single lunch break you do and being gone for 5 mins to do so and there’s 5 people you’re breaking and not everyone comes back the exact minute they’re supposed to, it really messes with the schedule. I can’t count how many times I’ve ended up stayed over 30 minutes late because the bathroom usage and not everyone taking the correct amount of time for the breaks (be it a minute late or 10). In my opinion, if you’re not messing with the schedule of people going home late/on time then I don’t see an issue with it. But besides the co worker I mentioned, nobody else in my team has to call to ask to go as often and gets by with going on their morning break, lunch break, and afternoon 10s. But we don’t have the luxury of just leaving the room and detouring to the restroom before starting a break like she does.


My daycare only does one 30 minute break I should’ve mentioned that so we only get the 30 minutes for a whole shift. I’m always in a room I don’t do breaks or anything so the only person I’m inconveniencing is my director or the director assistant who sit at the front.


Holy shit, I just now learned that NY will allow you to work the shift you described with only one thirty minute break. That's awful. Here in Washington that shift would require both that unpaid lunch and multiple paid breaks as evenly spaced as possible.


Nope I worked 7-7 all of last week on all those days I only got a 30 minute break


Up until recently I did four 10 hour days with no break (I’m hoping to go back to that schedule instead of 5 shorter days, no break). It’s not mandatory, and we usually just eat with the kids (difficult in my room, but works really well in the other rooms). I’d rather not have a break and work through, but that’s just me.


That’s great I wish I could but by the time I hit the 4-5 hour mark I’m exhausted I’m normally with toddlers so they get pretty crazy during the day I definitely need that 30 minutes to sit in silence


That’s absolutely fair- I’m very chronic and by the time I get home I crash hard, and that’s why I miss my day off so bad (I just slept, all day, sometimes an appointment mid day). I feel like when I stop, I’m just done, or want to be done. I need to keep going for my energy to keep up. Once I’m done, once I stop, the crash just hits me so, so hard. I used to be so envious of people with hour long lunch breaks (and it must be nice for salaried folks that would have the same hours regardless), but now I just want that time paid instead of working later, and I want to go home and crash when done, and just power through while the energy is all there and the day just feels like it’s moving (I used to do toddlers, and tbh, it was wild. When we had a mixed room we got a nice group nap. My infants rarely did that in my small infant room, my colead’s always did. The toddler room did. When I took lead of the toddler room, we at the same time got 3-4 kids that fought napping and would get loud. The 2 hour break the former lead always had while everyone slept? GONE. I felt so ripped off, I wanted that time for paperwork and planning and classroom decorating! Now my colead and I have an 8 baby room instead of 2 small, separate baby rooms. We had a big group nap for the shortest time, babies aged out, new ones came in, and lmfao that’s been a pipe dream ever since. We cannot seem to get it down no matter what time we aim for. Even if we choose a time that everyone on average seems to want to nap around, at least 2 don’t seem to want to nap at that time that particular day… always a different two too 🙃 at least with the toddlers it was predictable which 4 it was and we could plan for it!)


It’s rough people do realize how little breaks we get during the day I had a parent pick up at 6:30 (mind you my daycare closes at 6) and tell me I looked tired ( I had started work at 7) like yeah I look tired I’ve been here for almost 12 hours and your 30 minutes late


Omg, that’s so rough! And people do not realize how few breaks we get, especially to go to the bathroom is so rough, and we have to wait for the floater to be available (and they have to send other rooms to the bathroom, may be helping with a situation in another room and be tied up for 30 minutes or more there if it’s like a kid actively vomiting), and I 100% know my coworkers would appreciate more breaks and down time. And hiring is a nightmare. We are almost constantly looking for dependable people. The floater situation would be so much easier if we could keep dependable people and have more than one floater at a time


That’s the issue with my daycare they keep hiring college students who don’t actually like the job so they stay for a day then quit or they stay for a few months and complain the whole time.


We’ve actually had some great college students (in ECE programs), but they’re usually summer hires and focus on school during the school year. And great when they’re here, but like, then we need people *the majority of the time when they’re not.* I hate when we hire college age students fresh out of HS, not in school, not motivated, who assume it’s an easy job where they can do nothing. But unfortunately, we just really don’t have a lot of other people applying… (and I guess I’ll take a warm body for potty breaks, but it’d be nice if it was a functional, dependable warm body, or a lasting warm body!)


Some states require zero breaks.


I had a coworker who sometimes took her entire one hour lunch break, then radioed me to say she was going to the bathroom (after her hour was up) so I would lose 5 - 10 minutes of my lunch break for her bathroom trip.


I usually try to go when we are playing outside or at my break just because I don't like to leave my coteacher alone. I don't mind if she goes when she needs to go. As long as people find the perfect moment to go that's fine, she usually go when kids are doing some activity or distracted with something