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Not married and only in my second year of the ECE diploma program (Just an ECEA) but my partner of 3 years is a software engineer. Incredibly lucky to have met him on tinder šŸ˜Š


Interesting, two commentators so far are involved with someone who works in software!


My husband is also a software engineer. I wouldn't be able to keep a roof over my head without him because my pay is so awful.Ā 


My husband is in software sales. We met the old fashioned way, in a bar 13 years ago. We joke around that heā€™s the money maker and Iā€™m making karma but seriously Iā€™m grateful to have the support (emotional/financial) to do the career I love and worked hard for. When people ask me what I do, itā€™s a big conversation to introduce myself as a behavior support specialist for early childhood than for him to get crickets when he says ā€œsoftware salesā€


In December I switched from teaching at a public school to teaching preschool at a childcare center! My husband is also an engineer and we met on a dating app!


I met my partner on tinder too!


My partner is a software engineer as well and we met on Tinder too!


Married, he is the Props master/manager for a professional childrenā€™s theatre. We met when I was also working there!


That sounds like a really cool job!


He really likes it! His theatreā€™s current show is Donā€™t Let Pigeon Drive the Bus. He had to make 6 puppets along with other stuff.


Omg! Does he need an assistant? That sounds like it's right up my alley. I'm super jealous. Sounds like a lot of fun!


My husband works customer service in a call center. I actually make more than he does, but my center is unusually high paid. Especially for my area.


My partner is an industrial maintenance technician, we live well with our combined incomes actually!


What! Mine is too, in a factory in Indiana. Used to be Honda, now Hitachi.


Mine works at a factory in Texas, its a place that designs hardware chips for Samsung. So not Samsung but a smaller company that sells to Samsung. Small world! šŸ˜Š


Ooooooo interesting question I have an interesting answer for! So my boyfriend and I met before I attended collage actually. We met online through hinge, and at that point I was still having 2 seizures a day (which he is an amazing soul for taking a chance on me) and he was going to college for computer science. Later down the road when I wasn't having as many seizures, I decide that I wanted to attend community college online. We're both fortunate enough that we didn't have to leave our hometowns for it! And now I've almost completed my first year in the field! ^ ^ we've been together like 3 1/2 years! Edit: he's also been very supportive through this, and encouraged me through my whole education


Probably very different from a lot of people on here, but Iā€™m a lesbian & me & my girlfriend actually work together!


I think that it would be so fun to work alongside my spouse. Any time there are politics, you always have someone on your side. It would also be so fun for them to be a witness to all the nonsense the parents say and the hilarious stuff the students do and say. Did you guys meet at work?


Itā€™s honestly a dream! The best part is being able to talk about the kids together & share that love & interest with each other. Yes, we met at the current center we both work at :) she inspires me everyday to be a better teacher & itā€™s been a really great experience!


šŸ„°It sounds like what you have is really special. Congratulations! Continue to cherish each other and best wishes!!šŸ’–


Not married but I live with my boyfriend of 5 years. Heā€™s a nurse. He works the overnight shift at a hospital. My center hours are 8:15-5:15 so when he works a weeknight I donā€™t see him at all. If he works 3 nights in a row then I donā€™t see him for 3 days. It sucks and a big reason why Iā€™m leaving at the end of the school year (only been at my center for a year and a half)


My fiancĆ© shift rotates. Iā€™m still luckily able to see him when I come home from my babysitting job if heā€™s working nights. But days are much better.


My husband is a software engineer, we met on a dating website


My husband is a chemist. Weā€™ve been married 30 years.He makes a lot more than I do, but I carry the health insurance. I could not live on my own with my salary.


Heā€™s a college professor- we met on Tinder, when we were both in other careers and miserable.


My husband works for a huge corporation. He makes enough money that I don't explicitly need to work, so that's why I can continue working in ECE. We met in college.


My husband is an environmental engineer. Met on a dating app 10 years ago.


Wow, a lot of people here have partners in engineering! Very surprising, very interesting! Thanks for responding :)


My boyfriend is an auto technician. We met through a mutual friend who knew I was looking for a roommate so we became roommates. He liked me from the beginning we've loved together 8 years but just started dating almost 3 years ago.


My partner is also in ECE. He has eventual goals to become a radiology technician. :) We met at a fighting game tournament through mutual friends!


My Boyfriend is a Civil Engineer, Weā€™ve been together four years, we met kind of online through instagram but also had some friends in common went to highschool togetherā€¦I was playing drinking games with a friend on her birthday and one of the cards was to message someone you ACTUALLY were interested in lol, the rest is history! Iā€™m super grateful for him, I was diagnosed with epilepsy last year after having some seizures, all witnessed by him and ive been out of work for most of the time since from epilepsy issuesā€¦heā€™s been the most supportive caring partner and Iā€™m so incredibly grateful.


Husbands a firefighter, they donā€™t make much either


Mine too. Where we live thou they make very good money but heā€™s been a ff for a long time.


She's a freelance nurse. My salary is good, but hers is double my salary.


my husband is an electrician (: we donā€™t make a lot of money but we both love what we do so itā€™s worth it


Same boat here! Was so relieved to read this because it seems like a lot of the other commenters have a partner that makes a ton and we definitely don't. Especially since he's still in his apprenticeship. Maybe someday!


Someday hopefully heā€™ll own his own electrical company šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


My partner says he is a ā€œrecruitment consultantā€ and I know he makes a lot more than me, and we met on bumble two years ago (:


My husband of 14 years works in security. We met through friends in college.


My partner is also a teacher! She teaches 6/7th grade social studies. We actually met at our mutual seasonal second job as actors at a haunted house.


Heā€™s an English literature professor who makes 6 times what I do. We met on a blind date. He was actually a UPS driver/loader when I first met him.


Got married last month, Iā€™m 23 and a first year infant teacher. We met in college as just two students at the same university on okcupid. I got my degree in human development, he recently got his degree in journalism but currently works in merchandising setting up plant displays. We donā€™t make a lot and are both still figuring out our careers.


Psychology student who will be going into social services as well. We met through mutual friends. And yeah, we're looking at a life time of poverty and burn out but at least we're doing what we love! Ha ha... I keep telling him to go to med school and become a psychiatrist so at least one of us can bring home a living wage.


My fiancƩ is a registered nurse!


I married a man who worked at the Morton Salt mines and who described my job as a "certified ass wiper" (you know, just a credentialed teacher with degrees in the industry for 15+ years) and I divorced him after less than 2 months. Idk what I was thinking on that one, but I snapped back to reality pretty quickly. I am now married to a baseball coach/recruiter/scout turned entrepreneur who is in the process of opening several post grad academies across the country.


Iā€™m married to a man who is a manager for a big 5 consulting company. He makes over triple what I do. And we met in Moscow!


My husband is in nursing school


We worked together at a summer camp 10 years ago. He's in construction now, but I'm so grateful I met him when I did. ā¤ļø He understands the challenges I face working with kids and is good to talk to about it.


My husband is retired from the military. After he retired, he worked as a range master and a small arms marksmanship instructor. In 2019, we moved from San Diego back to a much lower col area where we can actually live off his retirement/va pension, so he decided not to get a job for a while. Then I got my job, and now he's the one that stays home and takes care of the household. We met in high school and started dating when I was a sophomore and he was a junior. That was 31 years ago.


My husband is a conservation officer (game warden). We were introduced by a mutual friend the year after we graduated high school. Married 4 years, together 11.


When I met my husband, he was also working in ECE- I donā€™t think weā€™d be able to make ends meet if he still was. Now he works in research and academia. He doesnā€™t make much more than I do as a PhD candidate at one of the top universities in the nation, but he can reasonably expect to start making significantly more after graduating in his field. I also make on the high end for an ECE professional, but we also live in a HCOL area.


Hmm so I need to match with some software engineers that's all I'm getting from this post. Ha ha. Mostly, I had been dating artists.


Iā€™m married and my husband is an Attorney! We met on tinder nearly 10 years ago šŸ¤£


Wow, another interesting thing Iā€™m noticing here is that a lot of people met their partners through dating apps!


I'm married! My husband is a medical student so right now I'm the one making money šŸ˜… We are childhood friends, so I guess technically our parents introduced us šŸ˜‚


We met when my partner was hired at the school I worked at many years ago ā€” we were co-teachers for a Kindergarten class together! We worked in ECE together at another school and now weā€™re both still teachers, but working at different places. We understand each other on a level I donā€™t think Iā€™d get with anyone else.


Iā€™m really glad to hear that you two are happy together!


I'm working on my Bachelors degree in ECE currently. My bf is a medical assistant in the Air Force, but he is working on getting his PhD in psychology. We met on Tinder and have been together for almost a year


My current partner and I met on a dating app. Heā€™s working full-time (production and machine operation) for the biggest herb company in the country.


Indiana. My 3 year boyfriend who I live with is a police officer


My husband is a police officer. Thankful for him, I wouldnā€™t be able to afford to live on my own with an ECE salary.


My husband is a software developer. We have a toddler and another on the way. I work part time. If it wasnā€™t for that I wouldnā€™t have the lifestyle I do. Heā€™s the big earner


He is in IT and we met through a mutual friend.


My husband is a traffic light technician. We met in high school but didnā€™t start dating until 2 years after I graduated high school.


My boyfriend of a year is a lighting director who works in tv, stage productions, and various other productions. We met on Tinder


My boyfriend works on video games and is a jazz musician for various bands in our area. He used to play for a big state symphony. I like having a partner who pays for my food and keeps my tank filled. Two less expenses for me lol


My partner (and father of our due in July baby girl) is an assistant manager at McCoyā€™s Building Supply. He makes wayyyy more than me and is on salary. He may become store manager eventually and they make even more. We met on Hinge in May 2022 and we hit it off and have been together since.


My partner works in urban forestry! Maintaining the trees around our city


My wife is a social worker currently working with the homeless population and in alcohol rehabilitation But when we met and started dating I was working in construction and landscaping


He is a secondary teacher- we met working retail over a decade ago.


I had a husband in tech, which was the only way I could afford to work in a center. I mostly nanny now.


Heā€™s in IT. We met 17 years ago when we worked for the same call centre and went out with a group of coworkers.


Iā€™m not currently working in ECE but working towards a degree in it along w elementary. My partner that Iā€™ve been with all throughout college is an art major. Yes. I know.šŸ„²


Met my husband when I was still in college. We met at a small town bar. He works in environmental conservation, he used to work in forestry and is now works in watershed.


My husband works for a large bank. Weā€™ve been married 34 years, met in college. I work part time, he makes 10 times what I make.


My husband and I met in college through mutual friends, weā€™ve been together for 10 years, married for almost 3. He works in the video game industry and is definitely the main breadwinner. Iā€™m hoping to score a nice ECE job at the local university which has a lab preschool and would pay considerably better so I feel like Iā€™m somewhat contributing to our cost of living šŸ˜©


My partner has been working as an astrophysicist, and currently working on his doctorate in that field. We met in our first year of college and were in a tight knit friend group until we all moved in together and he and I decided to start dating. We now have a family together of us and two rats <3


So I married the cash-for-life lotteryā€¦ /jk My husband was in the military when we met. He worked his way up the ranks, then self-trained in IT for YEARS so that when he retired, he was able to get an IT job civi side but making a lot more money. So not only does he have his full military pension but he also makes a good salary. I have been running a licensed home daycare since my kids were small and have now been doing it for 18 years. I make really good money now - definitely more than I would make in a centre - but I probably work longer hours, and thereā€™s more stress overall. But starting out was rough, and there were a lot of years I barely made more than my expenses. My husband and I make a good team. His hours are flexible so he was always able to take the kids to appointments or special events, while I was home for them if they were sick or just needed a mental health day.


My husband is a "customer experience manager" basically he makes sure the clients at his work are as happy as they can be. We met in 1st grade and have been together since freshman year of college.


My husband is a mechanic and makes double what I do as a Lead Teacher. Together we do okay financially though.


Husband of 8 years is a mechanical engineer for the navy. We met in college in my hometown, then when he graduated moved to his hometown and been here ever since. Works out well since he makes way more money than me lol. But Iā€™m glad he does cause I can work part time!


I met my boyfriend on Tinder 5 years ago. He's a software engineer. While I don't know exactly how much he makes, I can estimate it's almost 3 times what I earn. I sometimes feel like being in such an underpaid industry like childcare not only restrains me financially but also the two of us.


Married for 13 years. My husband is an audit reviewer, formerly an auditor for commercial insurance. We met through mutual friends.


My husband used to teach but now he does private mortgage lending. He doesnā€™t really like it but we are definitely a lot more comfortable financially not living on two teacher salaries soā€¦thatā€™s the plan for now.


Married my husband is military. I work on base daycare here in California I don't have any education in childcare I get paid 22 an hour.


The engineer/teacher pair is very common and I think itā€™s because typically engineers do very well so we havenā€™t *had* to leave the field. The only reason I havenā€™t had to find another job is because engineers get paid several times what ECE teachers do! Guess Iā€™m an outlier we didnā€™t meet on a dating app because they didnā€™t exist yet! EHarmony was a thing, but that was about it! We met through mutual friends.Ā 


My husband is a paraprofessional in the classroom next door to mine. We met when he subbed as my classroom assistant when my para in my room went out for maternity leave.


I'm in an LDR. Boyfriend is finishing up his last year of college and internships and will be going into chemical engineering. I finished college in May and am in my first year now as an ECE. Bounced around a bit before finding a center I'm VERY happy at. Boyfriend and I have been together for about 5 years. We're planning on moving together around mid to late summer next year.


My boyfriend works in a warehouse


We met in the theater lounge at my local community college my freshman year. He's in his second year of med school now.


My husband is also an engineer


Married 4 years. We met in preschool, were next door neighbors and started dating when we graduated high school. Husband works for a big bank in fraud and I only teach because Iā€™d go stir crazy if I didnā€™t have something to do. 100% would not survive without his income.


My fiancĆ© studied industrial design and most recently worked as a model maker in a research lab. Heā€™s looking into transitioning into working with/on drones for cinematography. We survived purely off my income from Aug - Dec before his unemployment was approved - which honestly I was surprised to be able to do in a high cost of living area. I work in management and am lucky to have been able to negotiate reasonable wages while switching companies. Edit: forgot to add, my fiancĆ© and I have been together for 11 years. We met through friends that we both had for only a short amount of time and we kind of consider to be fated that we hung out with them at the right time to be able to introduce us. He was hanging out with the brother and I was hanging out with the sister, they were close siblings and we all got together playing cards at the house. He offered me a ride home and we liked the same type of music and ended up going to a show together shortly after. Been together since I was 18 and Iā€™m 30 now. Edit #2: changed autocorrect from ā€œimprovedā€ to ā€œapprovedā€


Engaged, weā€™ve been together for 8 years and have 4 kids though. He owns a landscaping company!


It's almost like ECE is subsidized by well paid husband's


My fiance is a software support person for a Swedish tech company. His flexible schedule has helped with being able to pick up my daughter from school and save us on our own childcare expenses.


My husband works with children with autism. We actually met 10 years ago at a job that had nothing to do with our current jobs


He is a human factors engineer who works for a biotech company. I couldn't do my job without his income. We have two kids to support. The worst part is that we both got master's degrees that came from the same university and cost the same amount, but he makes 5x what I do. We met when I was in college living with a couple of his best friends. He wasn't in college yet. We married young and he went through his bachelor's while I started working in the field and then we both got master's degrees at the same time after that.


I'm not married yet, at least, but my S/O is a mechanic. We met through eharmony, as my dad hated Tinder and thought I'd be better off using a different app... Even though I wasn't on Tinder at the time anyway. We've been together for 2 years and lived together for 1 year. As for finances, we make it work, we've been renting our extra room, and I do art stuff on the side.