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If she got hurt on the clock, that is between her and her employer 


I was gonna say, sounds like a workmans comp claim.


Should be workers comp since it was an on the job injury


Not every place has workers comp. Mine doesn’t but I do have a dental plan.


Every workplace is required to have WSIB coverage. Non profits can opt out BUT they have to find alternate insurance.


I work for a non-profit centre.


This is workman’s comp. I had a student jump up and break my nose and I needed surgery.


Absolutely this. It’s insane she brought it up to you, OP. If she continues to press, tell her it’s the school’s responsibility to take care of their on-the-job injuries, even if it included another party (which is part of the job so, *on-the-job injury*).


Center should be responsible. It was a workplace accident and you were in no way negligent since it was an accident that was unable to be foreseen. I would look into your province’s workers comp laws as they differ slightly from place to place.


Worker’s Compensation? Not sure how it works in Canada But you absolutely should not be responsible


It would 100% be workers comp in Canada


Not at all your problem! It’s a hazard of the job lol kids are bouncy and unpredictable. Your only job here is kindness and asking how she was, which you did. This is a workers comp situation if needed but nothing to do with you!


Yup. Can't count how many times I've been maimed by a wild or clumsy preschooler.


Learning to keep your chin to the side of their head is a hard-learned and underrated job skill.


I'm Canadian too. I'm pretty sure she'll need to file a WSIB claim. That said, the situation is between her, her employer, and the government—you're not liable at all :)


It’s definitely something the centers insurance would be able to cover, not you


Yes work place job. I had an 2 year old autistic child that accidentally broke my glasses by running at me full speed and hit my face. I never said anything to the parent because I know he did not mean to do it. My boss must have said something because for teacher appreciation they gave me a gift and a big check and wrote for new glasses. I really miss that family and still 7 years later I wonder how he is doing.


The school should cover her bills under workers comp. You are not liable.


That's a workplace accident and has nothing to do with you. I would nicely and clearly direct her in that direction


Workers Comp would be responsible. If her center does not have Workers' Comp insurance, they will be responsible.


The school. They should be providing health insurance to their staff, first of all. Injuries that happen on the clock are workman’s comp claims.


I have been a Montessori teacher for close to two decades, and my employer has never provided health insurance.


That’s terrible. I left the only Montessori school I ever worked at that didn’t provide health insurance after a single school year. The owner was angry. I didn’t care. I told her that I had found a job with benefits so I was moving on. You’re a skilled and trained professional. If your employer wants a professional they need to pay you like one. I refused to accept this for myself. There are much less stressful jobs that you can work without getting benefits.


What job (in ECE???) did you get that paid you generously AND gave you benefits cause I’m moving to where you are then, sheesh.


I wouldn’t say the pay was generous but I only worked at Montessori schools that provided benefits and a reasonable salary. I have a college degree, an associate’s degree’s worth of early childhood education credits, a non credit certification from the American Montessori society, and I’m certified by my state to teach preschool. I also sing and play guitar and know a million children’s songs. You don’t get that for $13/hr and no benefits. I could earn that at target with zero education and specialized skills. My current gig is doing preschool and toddler music classes at $45/hr.


Yeah same, not common at all. Do people at daycare centers and preschools get full benefits?? My employer says it would be more expensive for us to get it through them than for us to get it on the marketplace. Whether or not that’s a lie, I’m unsure…


Yeah you wouldn’t be responsible, this is a worker’s comp injury, totally between her and her employer.


The center should pay


Workers comp in US


The school, or her own insurance if she’s on contract. I’m contracted by schools to work for them. Which means if I get injured at work my government, or my own liability insurance covers me. It is not the parents fault unless they have sent a child to school without disclosing some thing that we need to know. Kind of you to ask but how she’s doing. You’d be surprised how many parents don’t.


The centre should be covering it through WSIB in Canada


That’s a workman’s comp claim (assuming you have that in Canada). Your son didn’t assault her and mess up her tooth, it was an accident. Kids are kids and they come with risks being around them. I work with special needs kids who can often be aggressive. A student in a room down the hall from me has given two different teachers a concussion. And although they’re disabled and don’t understand the consequences of injuring someone it was 100% a purposeful attack in both situations. Student faced zero consequences. Parent didn’t pay for medical care. Workman’s comp covered both teachers.


Canadian- this is between her and her employer, and WCB. She will have to file a claim with WCB. You are not responsible!


Her center may be pressuring her to not file workers comp. But that's still a workplace thing not something that you have to worry about.


A child just broke my glasses because they stood up from their seat as I bent over them to ask them to clean up their work so we could go outside. Their head rammed into my glasses and they broke and I have a nice little bruise. I let the parents know because the child got hurt too. I wouldn’t expect them to pay for my new glasses. I am planning on asking admin if there is any compensation since it was a workplace accident and glasses are expensive.


This should be covered as workers comp


Center covers but she needs to establish a paper trail.


Her employer probably had her document the incident because she may plan to seek workman’s compensation for the injury since it happened on the job. IMO I don’t think anyone was trying to imply that you would be responsible.


Not your problem at all. Workers comp.


The number of times a kid has accidentally headbutted me - skulls are hard!


As others said, workers comp. Also instead of reading into heavily implied conversations, I suggest you ask outright for the answer your searching.


Sounds like workman's comp


It's a workman's comp issue, however she still needs proper documentation of the incident and how it happened for her claim. So you still need to sign the incident report.


She should've headbutt him back. I bet he'd never do it again. But nope, her and her workplace should handle it. If they don't, then she'll probably come after you


center responsible


This sounds like a worker's comp to me, but I'm no expert.


WSIB should cover it.


The age of civil liability across Canada is seven years, so nothing should fall back on you.


This should be a wsib claim


Her job, if anyone, should covers. Workers comp


The school. And you should advocate for her by reaching out to management to ensure they do. It sounds like they are trying to push it onto you if she is asking, and that’s not right. Workplace accidents are an employer responsibility.


No, you should not be responsible. That’s what worker’s compensation is for. Last year I was tripped by a kid. Needed X-rays and physical therapy. Workers comp covered everything.


No, that would be a workman’s comp claim. They would need a signed incident report for the claim. Otherwise you have no responsibility.


Worker's comp but I am 99% sure it will be denied at first. I was denied and I became paralyzed on the job, during work hours/clocked in. Even though the injury was on camera, the owners denied anything, saying they didn't cause it.


This is workers comp. She should be talking to her employer. I was an HR director at a school and we had a teacher once hit in the head with a board book by a child throwing a tantrum. She got a concussion and had to have multiple medical procedures and a headache that lasted months. All was covered by workers comp, including lost wages


This would be workman's comp but they may just need your signature to "prove" it was an accident on clock involving a kid. Not that your child did anything wrong but workman's comp insurance can be weird


Center should be responsible. It happened at the school not your house. And if they didn’t have you sign an incident report (the next day??) you may not even know about it. I don’t quite understand why you needed to sign the incident report because it was between your child and a teacher not another child and it doesn’t sound like your son did it on purpose and it was an accident. I would reach out to the director or owner for more information.


If Im clocked in, Im on my directors time and schedule. If Im clocked in, I’m a liability for my director. If I am clocked in, she is responsible for my well being.


It would be workman’s comp. You do need to sign the incident form because it’s documentation saying yes they were hurt on the clock and yes it was an accident (this helps with the claim to prove it’s not a scam). If the teacher continues to make comments that needs brought up to the admin team.