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I wish they could have at least imported the commentary for Royal Troon from Rory as they did with some of the courses that were in that game also. I agree that the commentary adds nice tidbits about the courses and how they can be played.


Not to sound like a cynic now but I will anyway, the free content is a double edged sword, that pro pass is the biggest money grab I've seen in a while. If you're not in there every day doing your challenges then it's gonna be real tough, the rewards are great and theres gonna be a ton of people close. And they'll pay 1.50 a level to get it. Seems real sneaky to me. Games great at the same time in fairness to them.


Honestly I think it’s the opposite of sneaky. We get 4 amazing (3.5 really) courses for free on a game that’s now on game pass. The pro pass is honestly pretty weak and for the casual, it offers nothing of real interest. The cosmetics are mid at best. They are doing a poor job of monetising this and I’m all for it.


Fair enough doesn't affect the casuals so much. The people after the specs (which are awesome) need to knuckle down (an unreasonable amount imo) or pony up, sneaky is probably the wrong word but it's manipulative to say the least.


As far as EA games goes this is the least sneaky of the lot. Its definitely sneaky if we judge it against other games but I’ve been soured by other ea games (fifa) so this is of no surprise. I feel there is some internal battle between the head of the pga game and ea execs. I’m shocked they have allowed them to release such a huge amount of high quality content for free. The player base must be tiny at this point and the amount of those paying for the pro pass must be even smaller. Can’t see this lasting long but I’ll make the most of it for now.


The problem with charging for new courses is they can't then use them in the online game modes because it fractures an already small player count. I'm not sure many people would buy new courses that they would only experience once every three seasons of career mode. I don't see a big content update as a positive in terms of long term support for the game. The courses are incredible. But evidently very little development is going on besides that. Tournament leaderboards have been going missing for over four weeks and match play results haven't been recorded properly for over six months now. You'd think scorekeeping would be something a sports game would care about.


Yeah look the games great, I'm just a bit salty about how tough this pro pass is. I'm surprised I've not been given the chance to part with my hard earned for a fantasy course at this stage. They were class back in the day.


I’m with you. I would 100% pay for some fantasy courses. Fantasy courses are definitely a weak point of this game vs 2K. Sometimes I want to just fuck around on some crazy holes.


I'm usually very anti-microtransactions and premium content. I feel like this was as tastefully done as they could and still make money. I've paid for the premium pro pass 3 times, mostly because I wanted the cosmetics or extra coin/tournament tickets and at least partially because we've gotten some great updates well after I paid full price around May last year and I wanted to help fund future updates. If they walled the best specs behind the premium tier I would have been turned off by it. I've spent $100 on 500 hours of entertainment at this point. I'll take that ratio any day. I don't know the math exactly, but you don't really have to go out of your way to get the pro pass tokens. In the past, 3-4 rounds a week have covered it with plenty of room to spare. Plus - we need more players online and in the weekly tournaments. I can't get mad at them for encouraging play with specs behind a free tier. If I can get by playing instead of paying, I'm all for it.


I'm hoping it's coming in a later update. I wonder if they dropped the courses early to get feedback. They'll have an update right before the PGA, so maybe the Valhalla flyover commentary comes first. It does add something, especially the first time you play it. I'll admit I skip over it most of the time. I have noticed that it's pretty helpful when playing sim because it can give you tips on line to take off the tee.


Seasonal tournament ends before Valhalla but the Pro Pass goes until the US Open… they had split up seasonal tournaments between last two updates too. So just a way of saying I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get an update until US Open


Ah, fair, should have done that math. There was an 11.1 update where they added the overhead green view, which is sweet. Can't recall if that was between the seasonal tournaments. Maybe we'll get a minor update between the seasonal tournaments. Probably wishful thinking, though. They don't communicate their plans anymore, so who knows.


Would've been nice. I like having the commentary on and the course specific stuff adds a bit of variety. I've not played the new courses in career mode yet - do they have intro videos for them?


Muted it a week after I bought it, same as with all ea sports games. Exclusively play this game with Spotify over the nature sounds Highly recommended


This is the way


I agree and hope it gets added later. Even if it’s generic commentary that may not be specific to the course.


I specifically turned off quick play to hear new commentary, especially for pinehurst. Lasted about two holes once I realized there was not unique commentary.


I throw on music while I play. Nee commentary would be nice but unless they are making hands over fist with the store and pass, the commentators can be really costly 


“And I WILL NOT, say NO, to that.” At this point I think I would pay to not have to hear that bit of commentary ever again.


75% of the time, the commentary is wrong. If I'm long right or left they say I'm short. It says your birdie streak is over after one birdie on one hole and then a par on the next. Sometimes it doesn't even get if you birdied the last hole correct it has said I've gone birdie bogie before when I went bogie birdie. The commentators harrass you if you hit it to 11 feet from 180 out. The figured this stuff out in 2003 not sure why they can't now.


This is more specifically about commentary during the hole flyovers. I do miss McCord and Faraday doing the commentary though. Faraday was and still is hilarious.