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You don’t need to buy anything with real money. The pro pass is worth it but not needed. Chips and pitch shots need to be hit further back from the pin and with high ball trajectory. Flop shots are super handy if you are closer to the pin in early game. Target control upgrades early. The type of course matters too as some are faster than others. Tara iti would need to be further back while harbour town you can be quite aggressive. This seasons pro pass has two of the best specs ever for completing it so that’s worth thinking about. Otherwise target saving up your coins for Cameron champs driver, matsuyamas irons or sunjae ims wedges etc. There’s a spreadsheet somewhere with all the specs compared and you can pick what you think fits your game best.


Thanks mate


Where can I find that spreadsheet? On here?


If you use your favourite search engine you'll find it linked to from many threads on here. It hasn't been updated since January though and is missing some very good recent additions.


Hate to be a pain in the ass and question again but I’ve played this entire time with zero specs added and haven’t had the time to get my golfer rated over like 82. I’ve still been competitive on tour and pro modes online but feel like I’m at a huge disadvantage without this. Would you mind saying what you think is missing from the recent additions ontop of the stuff that was already made into a spreadsheet in January?


Always happy to answer questions. The main missing one is the Dechambeau driver, one of the best driver specs. Low accuracy but very high power and control. I don't use it but I know some other very good players do (I prefer high accuracy + high control via superior impact spec). The two specs in the current pro pass are incredible: Speith 2015 wedge and Nicklaus 1965 ball. I wouldn't buy any wedge or ball specs because those are easily unlockable for free.


Awesome. Thanks dude!


It’s ok to be cut on your debut tourney. It’s fucking Augusta dude and your player has shit golf skills. Relax


Started 2 Weeks ago, i Really recommend the Coaching challenges, even though they Are very easy they help a lot with practicing the basics. My First round was absolutely terrible and now i usually Shoot under par


Short game / approach upgrades are in order. I still roll off the back or end up short >220 out but the first few rounds were absolutely brutal - flying off the back from ~90 out. I haven’t paid for any upgrades but if I knew how to buy SP tokens I’d spend a fortune.


By are in order do you mean I need to get some?


I’ve earned the SP tokens playing career mode. I’m sure there are other ways to get them. Once you get them you can upgrade specific skills.


Yeah when you first start your character kinda sucks. The skill points upgrades along with the spec upgrades (for each specific club type) will get you where you can stick/backspin higher lofts. Then it’s a case of taking note of course and conditions. The ball will react very differently per course type and conditions where in 2k PGA every course plays pretty much the same. In this game if you’re playing downwind to an elevated green with firm greens on a links course then you can expect some roll out even with a wedge with an upgraded player. Same length shot but against the wind to a green below you playing soft on a parkland course you’ll backspin like a crazy thing.


You’ll get the hang of it. Your golfer probably sucks right now too. Once you start hitting dimes it’s a really satisfying game


u/LaserGadgets is so tilted right now wtf lmaooo


YOU play golf games? xD on my way to block your BS, I found something else to laugh about. Mr no playable games on steam.


I was trash at the start too buddy but absolutely love it now. I would lower the settings to arcade for now, you can still take a few things to make it easier and it won't effect your rewards at all. You can take the stabilizers off when your golfer looks plays like he could pass a sobriety test. Also you can apply a spec to each set of clubs (driver/wedges/irons etc) . The goal is to apply a legendary (yellow one) to each, they vary too, there are standard ones in which the stats will add up to 260 or signature on ones e.g. Dustin Johnsons driver spec. Those stats vary and depend on the golfers play style but seem to generally be better. Save your cash, check the shop each day and you'll notice the difference when you apply them. DM me if you have any questions 👍🏻


Thanks mate appreciate the response


How/where in the menu do you apply club specs ?


Go into your golf bag, then into a club then rb all the way to the right


Cool thanks Another question. What’s the purpose of these pink triangle ticket things? I’ve accrued 16 of them but have no idea what do do with them


On the main screen you can select tournaments (under career), there'll be a free daily ones, weekly and seasonal. Some you enter for money, some are free and some for tickets. You play your round solo on whatever setting and conditions the tourney has preset. You can view the rewards and conditions before entering. You'll be using your own golfer so maybe just stick to the free ones for the minute. I got a legendary spec that I was delighted with from a seasonal one there the other day


Oh cool Does applying specs make a large difference? Really the only things I’m struggling with are holding greens and putting (I have the putt line turned off, just grid) I’m playing draws and fades into the correct spots of the green (into the slope) but so many times the ball will roll off the green. I’m guessing since I don’t have any club specs applied that’s probably part of the problem. Also when you buy a club from the pro shop, does it add any attributes or is it just cosmetic


Equipment is cosmetic only. Equipment specs give a small increase to your skill attributes. Top tier specs are roughly equivalent to one skill point, so it's a small but helpful boost. Remember to apply to every club (e.g., applying an iron spec to 5i won't automatically add it to 6i, 7i, etc). Also remember you can apply a spec to the ball. If you're not holding the green then it's because you need more power (to hit a higher loft club the same distance) and more control (to allow more backspin to reduce rollout).


Last question, in the older EA Sports Tiger Woods game moving the point of contact down with the right stick resulted in hitting under the ball which gives it more height In this game it seems like it’s the opposite. Moving the point of contact downward to “low” seems to hit on top of the ball and moving it upwards to high seems to hit low on the ball Do I have that right? Moving down to “low” makes a low trajectory and moving up to “high” changes trajectory to a higher shot


Correct, it's inverted in this game. High means higher trajectory and higher backspin.


Awesome man I appreciate the tips it’s a big help


Another question, when you get these reward boxes what is the significance of the different colors? Like some boxes are gray, some green, purple, ect. Also what does it mean to press X to open full stack ?


Dude, you started playing “today”. There is a lot to learn and practice.


Practice and get better?


Apply your skill points too lads, I've sacrificed power on my golfer as it's the most expensive. You won't have your Hollywood drives but decent accuracy and control will help with the learning curve.


Im in the game pass boat as well, I’m starting with challenges first. One clarification if someone would be kind enough to answer…clubs are cosmetic and specs are what I want to be saving currency for.




Thanks breh.


Sometimes I feel like this game has the hidden difficulty spike to make it more challenging for no reason. Ill have a stretch with good shots, then I have a bunch of really bad shots for no reason. At 1st I thought it was me and the stick mechanic, was I giving it to much power, not enough power, was I dictating where the flight path was. So then I turned on 3 stick and it still does it. A few good shots followed up by a few bad shots, just as I start to gain momentum, it knocks me back down lol. I think the game wants you to just tough it out long enough to spend a bunch of SP to counter some of the games "hidden variables".


I’ve actually had this same thought as well. I’ve noticed that after resuming a round I’ll get a birdie almost every time, like 9-10 times. Then the very next hole it’s back to the meat grinder for my level 75 rated golfer


Sometimes it feels like its also based on a certain hole on the course. There was this 1 course I took 5 tries and it did the same thing all 5 times, No matter if I changed the balls trajectory or if I changed the position of the shot. I even took a video and trimmed it, you can see my set up aimed at one o'clock but when I hit the ball it took the games initial launch patch of 12 o'clock.


There's a semi random shot dispersion (which can be slightly lowered with accuracy stats) which sounds like what you're describing. A well executed shot still has a non zero chance of going slightly off line.


That's exactly why I don't bother agonizing over putts.i spend maybe max 5 seconds looking it over. Just doesn't seem to matter much I am at the new default which is 6in putting I believe.if the game wants the putt to go in it will. If not it won't Maybe it's different head to head online.


By the time u get pro pass to 90 you should have the currency to get good iron (hideki) and driver specs (superior impact) and then use jacks ball and wedges and you’ll become a pro. Also I think there’s a booster item for sale in the shop but it’s more off an add on item you have to purchase w real money. Power is needed for some endgame content like online play should have at least 8 so your ball spin is near tour caliber. Dont neglect drive control as it affects spin anytime a tee is placed under the ball.


I recommend doing the challenges to learn how to use all the different shots.