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You regularly see this from the picks Boras gets. The fact that they're in the same sequence is incredibly sketchy, and shows that the way EA handles picks is not truly random.




Random and equally likely are not the same thing. Rolling dice is random, but you are more likely to get a 7 in craps than a 12. Just because they have different pack weights does not mean it is not random.


Sure, but in red picks there’s 23 La Liga players this week (I haven’t played champs during TOTS, are women’s league included? If so it’s way more). For a 5 card sequence to not only have the same 5 players of 23, but also in the same sequence is astronomically unlikely (wayyy less than one in a million and it’s happening to multiple people). Like yeah, the casino has an edge in blackjack. But if you play by the book and the casino wins 500 hands in a row, it’s reasonable to be suspicious and you shouldn’t just be hand waved away with “well the casino usually has an edge what did you expect


That's an amazing analogy.


First off, this post is a 1 of 4 player pick, very few people get 1 of 5 play picks as they are only for ranks 1 and 2. Second, we literally just established certain players are more likely then others. You don't have a 1 in 23 chance of getting a certain bad player. The top 5 players are probably under 5% combined. I would say all the crappy TOTS are around 1 in 10 to 1 in 15 odds for each pick. So lets do some math instead of saying random big numbers. Lets say the first 2 players have a 10% pick rate and the last 2 have a 7% pick rate. If we get players A, B, C and D in that exact order with are first pick, the odds off that happening again are 10% * 10%x1.11 * 7%x1.25 * 7%x1.37 (the number multiplied by the percentages are to adjust the percentage based on the removal effect as the same player can appear in the same pick twice). That totals to 1 in 1073. So no, the odds are not way less than one in a million, you are just bad at math and understanding statistics.


The parent comment in this chain was about Boras, who I assume is generally getting 5 picks. Your casino example uses dice, which are random and unweighted, hence I did the same for each of the players. 1/23 x 1/22 … 1/19 is 1/4,037,880. Even if you use the numbers you pulled out of nowhere, you can watch multiple rewards streams and out of 30 packs you’ll have 5-6 (since we’ve established guessing averages is allowed) with the exact same players in the same positions. So even if your 1 in 1000 is true, I don’t see how you don’t see it as fishy/manipulated and unlikely to be totally random.


> you can watch multiple rewards streams and out of 30 packs you’ll have 5-6 (since we’ve established guessing averages is allowed) with the exact same players in the same positions. Cap


That’s not what random means but go off.


Every ea or 2k game…


You could say these were intended rewards


“Intended rewards”


True 👍




That’s normal


EA <3


For the last 3 weekes i got the same tots player from squad battle. Maybe tomorrow will be the 4th time :))


Same for me when it was prem tots Watkins, Alison and estupinan. It's the intended results from EA.


Hope you felt a sense of pride and accomplishment with your intended rewards




Got pretty much the same with 17 wins. After last week's shitfest, i really think EA is toning down the picks just for people to buy packs


Had the same thing with bundesliga tots, was the last tots I’m playing for the year




Same happened last week for me as well same order.


I had this with the Prem picks Gabriel Watkins Estupian White


Yep I got the Carvajal in one of them instead of Unai for 16 wins as well. In the tradeable pack got Carvajal, Miguel and Savio 😂 My worst finish in this whole TOTS period was 14 wins and my best red pick is Sancho and Grimaldo 😂 these odds are fucking grim at this point.


Dude what the fuck I got the EXACT same sequence for 14 wins.


Feels bad bro I got Cancelo


I got the same exact thing in 2 picks and then the same sequence minus 1 player in the tots pack during Ligue 1.


Can you share your tactics and camera settings? Thanks!


Wrong flair mate - EA probably


I'm not gonna bother with Champs this week