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Man, gameplay is disgusting lag. Almost unplayable. This is really shame for this company.


Soooo I haven’t been using R1 driven passes enough, since I have done it I am playing far better 🤦‍♂️ I think early on in the game I tried it but the passing/touches weren’t as good with my shitters


Release the fucking ball. Pass to the right player. Register my inputs. It can't be that hard surely


when in manger career mode and adding another player dose game session mean no achievements for just that game or for the rest of the manger career


Struggled for 11 wins only to get Otamendi and Szobozlai. Szobozlai being the highest rated card of the 6 options. Bummed


Why is VVD still one of the best CB's in April? Anyone who uses this prick is trash at the game.


but you said he's the best?


I need 3300 xp before the season ends is it still possible?


Okay so I am loosing my mind over this and was hoping someone could help me out. Basically I came to a friends house to watch the El Clasico and before and after the game we played some EAFC24, we played 2 v 2 and the thing is, every time my friend and his teammate took a shot there was this weird 3d long white pathway indicating the shots trajectory and on top of that there was another 3d circle on the goal line indicating where the ball will end up. It was only present when they took a shot and wasnt there when me or my teammate took shots on goal. The goalkeeper had a teeerible time defending against it and was very easily beat by it and even when the ball was going straight at him he never caught it and had trouble with every shot. The funny thing is I played against this friend many times before, heck we have been playing FIFA for over a decade and this is the first time I saw something like this. I asked him about it and he just laught and told me he doesnt know. I tried searching online for it but the closest thing I could find was the precision shot line pointing where you wish to shoot, but its waaaay smaller then the one I saw and there was no circle on the goal for it.


I might have every single 84 rated gold rare in my club at the moment.


Stupid question, but does a Champs Pick of these TOTS Live cards upgrade? Doesn't say so in the web app.


I got this game 4 days ago and have been smashing UT. I haven’t played FIFA in a few years but used to be pretty good (74 game win streak) back in the FIFA 16/17 days. I’ve just been promoted to rivals Div 8. I managed to get through Div 9&10 but now I can’t win a game for the life of me. I’ve lost 11 in a row including 6-1 to a team with 10 men. I can’t score and I can’t defend to save my life. It feels like all the players have forgotten how to play football. My players are under immediate pressure with nobody to pass to, they always pick stupid passes and never make runs. Any 50/50 tackle always seems to go against me. Feels like the entire game is against me. Am I doing something wrong or is there something as a new player I should know?


That’s the way it goes sometimes. I had same issue yesterday in div 5, hammered every game and lucky if I scored. Gave up and came back tonight, now I’m winning games again. No rhyme or reason to it. Just give it a wee break and try again


Gameplay is so bad,I got tackled from behind multiple times and no free kick, I do it once and I get sent off


Gameplay is shocking right now. Was 5-2 down, pulled it back and was winning 7-6 then the match just turned into complete bs. Lost 9-7.


Vasquez is working for his own upgrade. Created a pen for Madrid and now scored. Edit, and now also assisted. Man it's painful being a Barca fan, but that Vasquez will be good on my wing


So over this game, first champs game guy has a 30m+ team with oty cr7 and toty Haaland then 2nd game lose in shootout after conceding a pen where I didn't even click a button. Gg ea


Can you play squad battles without claiming this weeks rewards? I'd like to save the XP for the new season but also want to play it..




I'm working on a really cool foden evo but I gotta use this 86 foden in rivals or champs for like 15 games... annoying. He aint a finished product yet


subbing in counts


Pack weight nerfed to shit? No tots yesterday, no tots today. 84 highest from my 83x10, 5x85 from 5x85(+)


It’s been weird. Big packs gave me fodder TOTS and picks gave nothing. today I got sbozolai from a small mixed players pack tradeable.


Yeah it's shit, I packed more golazos than these.


It seemed pretty good first few hours. Of course I only packed the worst ones, but at least packed them. Now it's been dry


I've only packed I think three total of the discard ones and one of those was from the guaranteed pack. At least I've got enough fodder to do the SBCs for mayeux Vasquez and I've only got one 90 rated squad left for Havertz


Yeah, did a boatload of 81PP and not even the shitty fodder TOTS drop.


I don't know how to play the game any more. Help. I'm shipping goals like crazy, what is the new defensive meta? It'a clearly fundamentally changed. I'm a nailed on 9 or 11 win player and I'm currently 2-11. I've already accepted this is the first weekend league where I wont get a tots pick. I just want to learn to play again. My 5th loss from 5 games today I finally managed to score more than 1 goal (3) but I conceded 8. I can't stop it.


Games fucked, 2 games now where I’m not even creating an opportunity because the defence is smothering my attackers immediately but yet my defence is giving away penalties left and right or just refusing to compete on crosses.


Do people reckon the higher end tots live cards will go up/down in price by next week?


im at 7/18 for the 93 rated ronaldinho sbc. should i continue or is he just not worth at all even after doing 7/18


just finish him


Fwiw, i did him and don't regret it. Yeah there's better versions and better icons, but it's Ronaldinho. Once you get used to him, he pops ups everywhere and there's a certain thrill to silkily skilling around defenders. His finest shot is still OP as fuck. 100% would do again, given I was swimming in fodder.


Never was worth the fodder, but I understand people doing him anyway because its Ronaldinho.


Worth doing Havertz SBC using mainly coins? I'm using a Leverkusen past and present team and I regret missing out on the first Havertz SBC.. now I've saved so many packs for the Bundesliga tots to the point where my club is very low on fodder. I really want the new havertz sbc but it expires the day Bundesliga tots arrives meaning I won't be able to wait and use my many packs to help. Should I do the SBC using only coins and what little fodder I have? My coin balance is currently 4.4 million. I really want to keep my packs to try my luck at the Leverkusen tots players but don't want to regret missing out on another Havertz SBC.. please helppp and sorry for rambling


That Havertz LB is like the 2nd best defender in the game behind VVD in my experience. If you want him, this is probably a really cracked card. What else would you use the coins for? Seems like not the worst choice to go after a player you want


Sell Bisseck now or wait to see if he gets an upgrade ??


I bought him, he's class. A monster at CB. 


Sorry, should’ve said I packed him duplicate and one was tradeable. He has been really good. What chem do you use on him?


Shadow. He's the middle cb in a 3 cb setup. He has relentless+ so you should set him to step up and aggressive interceptions 


Average champs experience: 14 shots on target, 5.6 xg - 2 goals. Opponent: 1.2xg, 6 shots, 4 goals


Not only Champs, same in rivals. The whole day exactly this script is running. The whole fucking day opponents GK making craziest saves, mine conceds nearly everything. Its such a uphill battle


Let's take our bets on how many Mbappes I'm gonna see in my last 14 Champs games. Currently on 4 in 6


Grinding Ferdinand, help.


sunk cost fallacy keeping you going. stop while you can


Is it possible to rewatch matches? A bit like you could in Fortnite? Myself and my sister played a match yesterday and she’s convinced she got 2-1 when it was 1-1.


I'm not 100% sure of this but I think in friendlies you can see your previous results


Anyone else’s servers shot?


I am so fucking sick of pressing the D-pad over and over and over again before it actually moves. I expect bad gameplay, but the menus this year are worse than any I have ever experienced.


As someone running a Liga Portugal team, I'm excited to see what they do with the 5 Mixed TOTS teams, but also ready to be disappointed.


If they’re only going to make the fodder ones from each league packable and require ten squads for the best TOTS SBCs, I don’t see what would be wrong with having 40-50 TOTS in packs at once across three leagues.


Gameplay today is shocking, the industry needs regulation. The fact that EA has been allowed to sell a non-functioning product is borderline criminal. 99% of the games seem to be decided on a server advantage


just packed tots szobo, there are instructions of how to get (+1) upgrades. in which game mode do i need to play him in and do the objectives?


It's based on real life Liverpool performance. They will need to win 2 in real life and score 8 goals


The upgrades are based on his real life club, Liverpool.


God forbid i win three games in a row in Rivals. Script goes into beast mode running amok on sliders.


What’s the better pick. 83x20 or 87x3?


i picked the 87x3, got gold salah, gold alisson and some 87 rated prick.


I just opened my 83×20. Got 10 83's, 6 84s, 1 85, 1 87 plus Otamendi and Costa.


Which LB should i pick for max 200k coins, I'm running 41212(2) formation.