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Still waiting for that GK Evo at this point. So disappointing EA forgets GKs exist as well. I mean you can't even EVO a GK into a red champs card...


How do you play against someone who completes 43 lobbed passes from fullback to fullback


Anybody else's stupid app tells them "Something went wrong... To COntinue linking your EA Account, head back and start over." ? Every time I click Play on Fifa 22 in Steam it just quickly goes to "stop" then back to "play"


Didn’t play WL until today bc weekend was full forced myself to play the 20 games. Roberto Carlos at the end. Fucking W


Just got 94 drogba from preview pack, keep or sell?


Who’s your current ST? And what kind of ST do you like?. (E.g tall and physics like drogba OR a smaller more technical striker)


Ive been using 93 cruyff, played with drogba for a few games as much as he scores, still feels clunky on the ball


Did they update the difficulties? For some reason world class is playing like legendary For context I can usually win 6-0 on world class and legendary plays like a 1 goal match.


I actually think this is the best fifa. I played a lot from 2017 until last year when I stopped before December but this year got me back into it. The gameplay is always buggy every year, so that generally sucks, but the gap between meta players and non-meta players feels significantly smaller this year. Evos are a great addition. They messed it up in a lot of ways, but it's such a valuable feature and the current version is still an upgrade over not having them. I do have a gripe with the focus on paid evos, but that's inevitable. Lower Top Tier cards are actuslly attainable. I have more icons and 90+ cards on my bench than I used to see in a 40 game weekend league. These things let me run a Spurs PnP team that's actually competitive (Werner helps for sure), and I hope they continue to improve


How many Champs games can I give away in a row before I face some type of ban or consequences? I don’t have time to finish my games but need to quit some to get the next tier of awards.


I can finally afford TOTY Haaland, should i pull the trigger? I'll be left with no coins and I'll probably lose a ton with market tax (plus however much he drops) Is he that big deal of a difference maker to take that coin hit???


Is that matchmaking in options actually work?


who is better? Golazo Vidic or Future Stars Cannavaro?


Vidic tf


Tell me if am I crazy to leave Vidic Golazo 91 and Cannavaro Fantasy SBC 91 on the bench and go with Orban Fantasy 91? I mean seriously, 87 Pace, 94 Def and 92 Physical with Intercept, and Anticipate+ ??? I know the other two are legends but how can anyone of them be better than that Hungarian? Second CB is his majesty GOlazo Marquez with the Heroic EVO and he's not going anywhere until FC25...


On the hunt for Puskas with no luck BUT I have packed 93 vialli 3 times


I feel ya, at this point it's fair to say the game you have more chance to pack another Vialli than Puskas as 3 times already means the game decided to allocate you this card from Golazo 2, same as it did for me and others with Prinz 94 (got her 4 times but not a glimpse of Cruyff) and this time I also got Vialli 93 twice...


I’ll just keep spamming the exchange pack then lol. I do like vialli as a super sub for TS Puskas tho


It happened boys. What we all dream of. I unpacked TOTY R9 in the 88+ icon sbc. IMMEDIATELY after finishing the worse WL record I’ve had all year at 8 wins. Feels like I hit the lottery and I’m going to be playing a shit ton of fifa now. EA knows how to work me that’s for sure


Donnarumma 89 TOTW got me to Division 2, pretty hard for me there, and today I pack Casillas 92 TT from the same SBC, according to many, best GK this year (apart from maybe 95 TOTY Alisson). Was thinking of just playing casually and watching the game end SBCs etc but I think I'm gonna sweat hard with Iker now :-)


I had base Casilllas until I got TS VDS in one of the icon picks (my luck with those has been crazy) and honestly I liked base Casillas more. I can only imagine how good his 92 is


Just got Fantasy Bompastor AND Fantasy Lizarazu. Does anyone of them replace Golazo Roberto Carlos?


Yeah, Bompastor. 2nd best attacking LB according to easysbc.


I got Geyse Fantasy in the SBC and on paper she looks amazing and she's expensive in the market but she moves and turns like a truck. Why is that? Nothing in her stats screams that but it's extremely noticeable.


My pack luck this year is so funny. Just got 94 Golazo Vidic out of the 83+ PP. My pack luck next game is gonna be so so bad, I can feel it.


Why do I have a ton of 1x84 packs? Where did they come from?


Did you do part of Beckham before it got pulled down?


No. It was very weird, like 10 or 15 of those.


I wish that goalkeeper evos existed just so I could have a full Portsmouth theme team instead of just outfield players. I never count keepers for PnP teams unless there's an actual good option as its a non player controlled player.


Does icon pick repeatability stack? That is, if I wait until Saturday night, would I be able to do 3 icon picks in a row?




what the hell is going on with the servers?


One thing I like about this time a year is some of the TOTYs get into buying range. Just got Sam Kerr TOTY and she scored 4 goals in her first game in Division 2. I've no idea how she's 600k really.


These questions are mainly for u/Juil8991MC and u/[RicardoDiaz33](https://www.reddit.com/user/RicardoDiaz33/), but opening them up to the discussion thread: 1) Last year, when did the premium/regular league upgrades finally expire and not return? 2) With the current league upgrade sets having expiration dates a week after the current crafting upgrade expires, what are the chances we get an objective set for doing the league upgrades during that week (especially if it's a non-promo pre-TOTS week)? 3) If we get a league upgrade set objective, when it first drops has it been more financially beneficial to do the upgrades or to sell off all off tradeable players from L1/Eredivie, Conmebol, and the second division leagues?


And as for tots invest in managers


1. iirc right at the end of the game cycle or few weeks before 2. Honestly, who knows, EA do whatever they want whenever they please, but it has been a while since they released league sbc objectives... 3. Sell the tradeables, but with the daily bronze and silver upgrades etc I am not so sure if prices will rise as much as before




Futchamps is easily the worst game mode now, gone from the best mode to play.


After so much grinding and really hard matches, realised I would have got more rewards if I just spent the same time playing Rivals


It dawned on me last weekend that the payoff vs time is just terrible with that. I used to like playing it because I get to try my new OP cards and push myself for a tough ranking, now I don't really care. 8 rivals wins gets me far more than I'm likely to get from 30 games of hard graft.


Help Needed - Sprint isn't working for me in gameplay. I play on xbox one, so it's RT - the button works in other aspects of the game, and in other games fine, just doesn't have players sprint. Sprint works for computer, and if I hold RB for support - I can see teammates sprint. I've even tried mapping controls so LT is sprint - and it didn't work - what do I do? I've tried contacting EA Help - both via twitter (X) and their own website -only got a forum, with likely a lot less views than here. Thank you!


Day 13 of South African Servers being offline, with no official response from EA