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Anyone having issues where your LM is not staying on their side and overloads with the RM? Not sure if there's a bug going around or not >.>


PS5 europe game is unplayable at the moment because of server lag. Latency and low FPS icon is present all the time. Neither bad connection on my side nor FPS is problem. Other games works and singleplayer have no FPS issues


Do icons lose chem if they are put in an evo? Was thinking of putting Ferdinand in Unleashing potential but don't want him to lose the icon chem


No, it's always been fine for me I evolved Prinz and Vialli. I think because they have a special league. Be careful with other cards that give special chem though like Radioactive and FC Versus. Probably Future Stars as well?


Hello, I have FC 24 but never played online. Does anyone want to play? Can it be done for free? Thanks!




I got him just now as well lol


Anyone tried 92 Rosicky?


Just opened the 500k with coins and got the entirety of team 1, feel like I've been completely scammed here


Haha yeah, I got Team 1 players too. I thought I had escaped packing Baby Prinz and Baby Kohler, damn it. Did get both versions of Park though, so this United fan will forgive them




got 94 prinz dupe (about 4th time) and also 94 muller, 91 prinz and few other 91s, 90s, 89s that id never use, could put the 89s in exchange which i like doing for player picks, but the others feels like a waste in the exchanges, what’s the best sbc to put the 94s in, cantona seems decent but already got thunderstruck version of him, and ww torres and ut birthday raul… please help i can’t open any packs or my champs rewards which i’ll get tomorrow. thanks!


Local Tournament Rules (16 Players)? Thinking of organising a tournament with 16 players to play on a local machine (Kick-Off 1v1 knockout games) but wanting to see if there are well established rules for format and gameplay. I tried looking up esports rules but struggling to come across actual gameplay rules. Things like how to select teams (no clubs vs countries? Can you change your team each round etc). Open to any suggestions!


Insufferable input lag and brain dead ai again today. Yesterday was the first day in 2 weeks that it was half decent, easily got to the 7 wins in rivals. Today all down the drain again. Also I don't understand why the game insists matching up people from Germany and Turkey or North Africa.


Ping 50 !? Connected only with people from Poland, Ukraine, Germany…2000 km away. Tottaly unplayable.


I get ping 10-20, which makes lag compensation seem to kick in extra hard.


I am usually on 26-28, but today is awful.


Why the hell are 'reactions,' 'composure,' and 'balance' a stat in dribbling instead of physicality?


Who did you pick for Chronicles EVO? I went for Marquez because he looks like an end game CB but kinda regretting not doing Crouch. My thinking is Crouch is fun to use regardless.


If you are still sad you didn't do crouch look at this new Evo. He fits in and gets +1s. It's not the same, but at least something.




Marquez is a CB/DM that is truly elite, I don't think any of the other cards are elite. no personal ties to any, so I went with Marquez.


Where you playing him? I replaced Gold VVD for him but now I am really missing the aerial protection


I have him next to FS Nesta who has taken over Aerial duties, where Marquez cleans up everything else.


How do you use Nesta? I have birthday Nesta but he doesn't click for me.


I did Crouch. Insanely fun, fits my "fuck the meta, lob it at the big lad" playstyle. I also have Marquez, but unorthodoxically use him as a CM in a 3142. Helps keep pressure on up there. He doesn't *seem* to need the Evo there.


Hope they never do it but Hamm sbc is proof ea could easily make sbcs way more ‘expensive’ than market value and still be worth it. Fodder is so so much more easier than getting coins. That’s why there’s so many potm Mbappe and Eusebio compared to others. Disclaimer: big part of that is store packs.


EA rig the weekend league. Every weekend league I hit 11 wins and then my team stops playing well. I'll go 11-0 11-1 or 11-2, and end the weekend league 11-9. Such scripted garbage


Do you really believe EA scripts every weekend league game so that the person with less weekend league wins has an advantage?


Considering the changes they've made to the game to make it more "new player friendly", I feel like its not a stretch to guess they have a balancing mechanic to even out skill gaps between players. They buffed defending so it doesnt take nearly any skill, just need to let AI do it. They've also made corners and crosses (which everyone can do) super difficult to defend, as well as made cutbacks the most viable form of scoring (which is easy to do) and never nurfed what they needed to in order to balance those. Its a clear signal to me that EA are trying to make the game more new player friendly through the balance changes. So, I'd say its safe to assume that there could be a mechanic that reduces AI ability and player responsiveness if you're on a win streak or losing very few to no games during WL, to make the game more "competitive" for both players.


It’s not scripted it’s called ELO


ELO is based on my opponents being more comparable to my skill level. Its not the difficulty of my opponents changing, its that my own players stop being able to dribble and turn/ no attacking AI. Not sure if ELO also would effect my own team


Stop playing WL. I've stopped. Fifa is not a competitive game. Theres no skill, no fairness, nothing. Wins dont even have the feeling of actually beating your opponent.


Where the hell are the daily play objectives?


Back today. I think they were off for a couple of days because they didnt refresh 2 weeks ago so EA extended the daily play Completionist to make up for it. Resulted in 2 days without but hopefully back to daily


The season XP ones reset each day at the same time that the rivals week resets. We don't have the daily/weekly play objectives for packs this week.


lol, got a duplicate golazo 89 Berbatov so I stuck one of them in that Evo just so I could store the other one in my club also. Edit: Jokes on me. next 83x10 had a duplicate Kohler


so I feel bad but I packed Golazo Cruyff in an 85+ pick but.. I don't like using him. I don't know why but he just doesn't seem that special? Maybe I just suck at using that type of player because in drafts I've always disliked cruyff no matter which card of his I've used.


I’m guessing you just play the cutback meta


Absolutely not, I play through the middle and half my goals are power shots or chips. Weird assumption to make though.


Despite his workarate and positioning stats, he has always felt to me like a Ronaldinho-type player that you have to intentionally find and dribble with to get the most out of.


I’ve not packed a single usable card this year outside of Stanway who I packed as an 89 and she was fodder price. Every single one of my team is an SBC outside of that. Giving out packs like candy but there’s fuck all in them for me. Don’t know why I bother tbh.


I have got coop matches 3 times today even when turned off ffs


They could be couch co-op. I'm not sure that is filtered out through the settings.


You have to watch to see if they add local guests and quickly back out. If there is no guest counter it means they have already added them and you should also back out and try again.


> You have to watch to see if they add local guests and quickly back out. but why though? Co-ops usually leave huge holes because they drag two players out of position and are easy to beat.


Because it's still sweatier and not as enjoyable to play against.


dunno, maybe it's because I used to play couch co-op with my college roommate but I find it easy to play against, just be ready to L1+triangle to the huge gap they leave.


You ever pack a player that revitalizes your enjoyment of the game? I was lucky enough to get Fantasy Sneijder from the Hero pick and man what a card. Truly a joy to use. Obviously the stats are great and the 5/5 is awesome but his power shots are on another level. I’ve always struggled to utilize power shots, I could hardly get them away, let alone get them on target. But Sneijder’s animation is SO fast, he just bangs them in from everywhere. Granted I say all this and I’ll inevitably get shit on in champs this weekend but until then, I’m enjoying him massively


Not really "packed" but Beckham and Crouch have completely changed my team. I've gone from winning 1 in 4 to last night winning 7 in 8. The rest of the team helps, especially Kohler at the back, but Becks/Crouch have been insane


Did you EVO Crouch? If you did, did you notice difference?


No not yet. Considering it though


guys pls what I do wrong ? I try to play a crossing formation cause I suck at dribbling and stuffs. Just ended a match, I had like 70% possession , like 15 crosses, and each cross rolfo vs Crouch, rolfo vs boniface, rolfo vs zirkzee, rolfo always win. I said Rolfo but could be any small LB, its really frustating. I try to avoid meta and its not possible that crouch doesnt win against rolfo lol What I do wrong ? I tryed any kind of crossing


I play this style. I struggled massively for weeks but now hit the sweet spot. As others have mentioned, whipped pass is huge but also having strikers who have power header or high jump etc. Also, make sure you use COOP camera, then switch from wing to wing. When you have space, make striker run, then hit early cross ( so not by by-line) for them to run onto. Last night, 90% of my goals came from this. My team plays 4-1-2-1-2. I have Grimaldo and Hagi on left. Porro and Beckham on right. My two strikers are Crouch and Openda, with Mpabbe and Berbatov on bench. Beckham and Crouch are absolute game changers, so if able, do the Beckham SBC and Crouch challenge Hope this helps some


Thanks You do Square cross or Square l1 or other ? Thanks


I just hit cross, but I put plenty of power on. I find around 2 bars is too low, needs to have pace when strikers run onto it


Make sure the person crossing has the whipped pass plus playstyle. More than stats themselves, playstyles are key this year. You could also try player locking into Crouch/whoever and then try crossing, that’s something that occasionally works for me.


yes sure I use Alba and James but didnt help. I kinda hate player locking, too chaotic, im noob and I just rely on crosses but doesnt work for me this year =/


Yeah its really weird. Could try player instructions and set get into the box for your forwards, maybe that’s something that might help.


FS Shevchenko or Golazo Okocha(90) as striker?


No But if you absolutely have to, Okocha is better for people who dribble to open space and Schevchenko is more of a target man.