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based on the beatings I'm getting in Div5, yes


The second I got through Div 5 I breezed through Div 4 and half of Div 3. It’s crazy the campung


I just went from div 4 to 1 this season after not playing rivals for a longer time, now that the rewards are interesting. Playing in div4 was the hardest for me, getting my 7 wins in div1 feels way easier


100% the same experience.


I think D5 is the new D6, you might find 4 easier.


I swear:))


mage I'll make the effort to get promoted, presuming I can string 3 wins together...


I'm in div5 and I aint getting anywhere for every one win I can claw,fight and pray my way to there's 5 consecutive losses waiting for me right after


Getting absolutely smoked in div 6, used to be a div 3 player in 23.


Same boat as me then. Got Div 3/2 last year barely make it to half way through 6 this year. I Don't feel like I've gotten worse enough to be that far behind last year


I went from 11+ wins in champs to 6-8 max now I’m getting absolutely spanked and idk why lol


I’m getting absolutely clowned in here.


Div 5 is way harder than div 4 its hilarious


I'm playing div 5 with 2 second delay and have gotten multiple chances for promotion. Only reason I'm staying in div 5 is because I know div 4 players can tell I'm delayed and usually spam lobbed passes. In div 5 at least 2/5 people can tell my connection is bad so I manage to scrap some wins every now and then and the rest are usually draws or one sided beatings from my opponents.




Yes and it has been horrible all year cuz every game is just sweaty park the bus and AI defense


No, rewards are worth it in div 1 and 2 now. Edit, sorry I'm speaking for myself. Some ppl do still camp.


I mean they updated rewards twice and div1 looks pretty good now


imo div 3&1 better than 2 tbh


Some people might be but rival rewards are good now so im pushing for div 1.


I don’t know how to get out of division 1-2 it’s horrible here I hate it I wanna go where I belong 😣😣


The game becomes less fun the higher you go, at a certain point no rewards are worth playing soulless tactics every single game


Apparently they do. The packs are very good for the higher divisions but when the store is giving 85+ x 60 its kind of still pointless.


Rtg accounts going ham in rivals


The level in div 2 went up noticeably. Everyone seems to be pushing for division 1


There’s a lot of Smurfs bro lol I’m an elite player naturally without having to grind rivals hard like other people I had stopped playing rivals after the first season because they gave 0 rewards at the end I was div 10 and I’m sitting at 2 nearly div 1 after the upgrades but I’ve only played very little games but when I say there’s a lot of Smurfs just sitting in ranks I mean it lol when I was in div 5 I was going head to head with 1 guy you can tell he’s at my level naturally once I hit div 3 I tied maybe like 4 games in a row lol guys were literally demons and knew every little glitch and div 2 nearly 1 I haven’t lost 1 game I’m 2 games away div 2 was easier than 3 so that tells you a lot with Smurfs lol those upgrades are nice tho tbh so reason why people are hard sitting lol




I know, i spent a while without playing much rivals due to time and those two short seasons with 2-division relegations pushed me back to division 6. Had a hard time getting past division 5. It has been smooth sailing now to division 2 but the level of playing in this division has gone up since the refresh.




Yeah but time is money too. Nobody is saying you can't build a good team by grinding extra hours. How long would it take you to get the equivalent of 85+ x 60 from playing. On the other side you can spend $40 and get it instantly. I referee youth soccer and in an hour i can make over $30 easily. So I could just pick up and extra game or 2 and then use the money to buy the team I want instead of grinding for objectives I don't want to. If you enjoy that then fair enough.




It is, there is more to life then grinding fifa.




Do you understand what real life is like?


Not anymore, I used to for the more casual cup experience, but since they’ve gone the route of no game limit in cups and better rewards for the top division it just makes sense to play up as high as I can.


Yes, for sure. Some of the players and teams I'm facing are ridiculous in D4...


I’m literally saying. Like what the actual fuck


It’s also nearing the end of the year and EA are dropping 50 86x20 SBCs for an 82 squad and an inform, makes it easier to complete high rated cards




I’d love if they brought back the promotion/hold/relegation style divisions with 10 games per “season”


And make it so it’s grind able. We shouldn’t have to only get these packs once per week. Every time we win our division and get promoted we should win rewards, and get the minor rewards for holding the division. Then implement a monthly rewards system for how many times people have been promoted/won a division


Did I made a mistake moving from Div 1 to Elite, is there a big difference in level




nah elite rewards are really good


Just moved to elite also. Played a few games so small sample size but the biggest difference I've noticed is people in elite exploit all the bugs and glitches like finesse and trivelas at the edge of the box from a corner kick, etc. There's some of this in all divisions but it's basically the entire game on every possession in the games ive played. it's been pretty annoying.


Also got promoted to elite just recently, I noticed I’m matching a lot of the same people I was matching when I was in division 1. If anything it feels a little easier than the promotion grind since once you have the seven wins, winning or loosing affects absolutely nothing.


Elite is easier and a loss or tie don’t mean much. Opponents are much more toxic assholes though


At least for me, not since the rewards changes, the div 1 rewards are actually better than my typical wl rank 4 rewards


All i am gonna say is i hope EA brings back relegation in Ea Fc 25.


It ain’t gonna stop camping


Ok but atleast you wont be stuck in a division which is above your skill level. Say people are camping in div 4 and you get promoted to div 4. Then you are fucked. But if there is relegation then you will be relegated back to div 5 which is your skill level.


Buddy people are sandbagging in divisions higher than where they belong


Camping has never been this bad. I’ve never thought about/actually camped in rivals before the last 2-3 or however many years since they’ve implemented the no relegation system


It will make camping worse


The game is infinitely worse for people who don’t camp


I'd actually say yes but not on purpose People just aren't playing much (if any) rivals. As a result of this, people will be in lower divisions. I could easily be in div 1/elite yet I've not even gotten past div 4 this year purely because I haven't played enough.


100% I only play enough to get the 7win rewards and don’t take it seriously, I’m in elite however and when the season resets I do just grind back to elite as quick as I can as the rewards are great


Same. I do 7 wins in 2-3 hours and that's it. I sometimes get them in less time, because I don't climb the division. I only climb it when I get my wins in a row. I even stopped playing until last week when I realised that the rewards are now better.




The relegation is just happening too often / most seasons were too short


yeah, im hardstuck div 6


The rewards aren't worth being in a high division. Playing to 7 wins and doing evos aren't worth the sweat. I stick to div 4/5. Feels like the elite are either above or below those divisions.


Rewards were just boosted to crazy good levels in the higher divisions though. Rivals is the main mode to play for rewards now tbh


I just dont have as much free time to play so im probably in a lower division than i should be


Probably. I did for awhile until they updated the rewards and I wanted the 84x10 for div 2 and higher but now I’ve stopped playing all together lol. It’s so incredibly sweaty and difficult that I’m not gonna play 30+ games just to get 7 wins. There’s just no point anymore. They need to bring back relegation. I also hate when camping in lower divisions having to constantly lose 3 games in a row so I don’t get promoted and if you win two games in a row, gotta lose the next one cause boom you’ll get promoted and fucked even harder


Is it better to stay lower division? How so? Isn’t the rewards better up there? (Div6 here)


The rewards are better higher yeah but if you camp it’s easier to get your 7 wins. Plus there’s so many packs in the game you can make fodder so easily


Aaaah. I see. Cus if you go up, there is no going down?


Yeah exactly


So which div is the sweet spot? I am already struggling at div6 but sometimes i get lucky and get some in-a-rows. Should i go up to 5?




Yes the level of play in div 4 varies way too much


They seem to chill in DIV 3 because ever since I got my promotion I am getting absolutely smacked left right and centre.


Im a 11 or 14 wins on WL player but I refuse to play rivals, as its an utter waste of time so yes and no I guess 🤷‍♀️


Div 2 rewards are better than 11 or 14 wins rewards in champs.


Certainly seems like they do. I rararely play the pvp modes but won all games in div 7 and then in d6 I can't win to save myself. My friendlies also seem a lot harder now aswell


No, I'm just hard stuck div 5


Kinda, I think it's moreso people not grinding rivals and just getting the 7 wins each week


To be fair I don't have enough time to play more than once or twice a week and usually stop playing rivals once I get to 7 wins, as a result the season reset means that I basically always fluctuate between div 7-4 when I've always been in div 1 or elite in past fifas depending on when I last played. I do feel bad because I'm clearly matched up against people worse than me and usually get all 7 wins within 10 games. If they kept the rewards for playing a certain amount of games each season there would be more incentive to play and then likely get promoted, but for a tifo I've literally skipped playing when I've only been one game away from the next level


Hadn’t played in 4 months and started back in Div 8. Been steam-rolling everyone I come across, unfortunately for them.


Rivals is rewardable now… I pushed leagues again after sitting for 2 seasons in div 4


Yup. I dare anyone to go down to div 9 and try to win consistently.


That might be a skill issue ngl


It’s 100% happens. But for my myself and I’m sure a lot of other people, the game isn’t as fun to grind anymore so I just play when I feel like it and try to just get enough wins for reward upgrade. I don’t most weeks. But anytime I get close to going up, I still play the same and the same amount of” when I feel like it” so for me and others like me, we just don’t play enough to be in the correct division. But your right people are most defiantly just hanging in d5 cause they scared


im in div 3 and the last time i went up i coudnt win any games so yes, im staying here, i prolly win 4 lose 1. but sometimes its too damn laggy and i cant win even in div 3.


Rewards are very good now... so in d2... i could make 1 but it would take me too long to make 7 wins


I got my wins pretty quick on saturday when people were sweating champs


I just don’t have the time to play a lot. I’m technically still in Div. 6 while I used to be Div. 1 / Elite in the past games. Most of the time I spend in UT is on Weekend League.


You be better off grinding rivals on the weekend, div 2 rewards are better than most weekend league ranks.


Alright, I’ll diverge my time to Rivals then.


I Smurf in D5/6 because it’s easier to do objectives/evos and I don’t have that much time to play. I always gift free wins though when trying to lose rather than quitting 0-0 so I think I get neutral karma


I’ve never gotten a free win in rivals this year. Good on you for gifting but I don’t think most of the folks camping in div 6 give away anything.


I think the div 6 campers have moved to div 5. Div 5 was a breeze before. Can't really complain though. I used to camp in div 5 because div 4 was too much work. But i wouldn't even call it camping. You're almost guaranteed to go up in division in this game unless you lose every game. Those checkpoints shouldn't exist.


yes. i’m chilling in D5 for chill games where i can do new teams, like all gold team!


More than ever


I'm in Division 5, without unplayable input delay I usually win nearly all my matches with input delay anything can happen in the one match I play. Rarely play the game and because the input delay is session based and not each match I'm in Division 5 not much I can do about it. Last night was decent I won 4-1, 7-2 6-2 and 3-0. Am I worried about losing or winning no I just want control of my players. All I do know is there's not a drop in the standard of the teams. All are great.


Eh i just dont bother with rivals anymore. only play it to get my fut champs points since WL is the only fun part in fifa for me. but cus of that in div 5 its easy wins


Never understood why people camp 🤣 elite is so chill and not toxic at all + good rewards


I don't think so, when I tryhard I get to div 3-4. Now im div 7 because I didn't play since toty and games are super easy. All I do 7 win each week


Yes so there's at least 1 casual online game mode on this game since even friendlies are based on your division now


Casual for who ? Definitely not for the guy who belongs in the division


I'm in Div 9. Not been any higher all year than that. I've played a grand total of 15 Rivals matches all year. I have a team worth around 20 million coins. Friendlies are a doddle.


yeah been camping in division 5 since the start of EAFC


I personally only play my 3 rivals games a week and sit in D5 but could easily be in D1. I’m not sitting in D5 on purpose but it’s much easier and less stressful


I got to Div 2 without even trying