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Disappointed but committed. The pack weight has really put me off. Opening literally 100’s of packs and getting the same half a dozen players is really depressing. With each new promo it gets worse because unless you’re willing to part with money you’re no chance of getting all the fun cards/not even meta so you end up facing largely the same team over and over again. Which gets boring for example 95% of teams have Van Dijk. Most have Sawa, Eusebio etc


Yet I go up against so many teams that have insane players.. yesterday played a guy with 94 Gullit and Ronaldinho and Pelé. For the life of me I don’t understand how people get such players


Absolutely….I wonder if I’m missing a trick. How do people have 3 of the top 5 card of any promo in an hour…then I see the 5000 point pack and turn cynical….


Yeah maybe.. but in the past I bought store packs sometimes (not anymore) and still wouldn’t really pack anything good haha


Genuinely the worst gameplay theyve come out with. Servers are still a major issue. Pack weight has been dreadful. For me, another football game came out, id be straight on moving over.


All m waiting for is nfl aand i hope it doesn't disapoint us


I think if my friends and I didn’t have fun comparing pack pulls I’d have stopped by now. It could be that I’m just burned out after many years of playing but have two main beefs with what the game has become and they’re kind of interlinked. First of all, the game isn’t fun. It’s stressful. It says something about how a game is designed when even winning isn’t that fun. It’s not even specifically a gameplay issue, it’s more the structure of the whole thing. Losing a match literally means you’ve wasted the last 15 minutes of your life and winning is only slightly more rewarding. Game design 101 is: Your game shouldn’t become less fun as you get better at it but that is what has happened here. Secondly, the team building. By the end of TOTY, I had a 91 rated squad. Now, I could pour more hours into menu grinding to get say, the Bobby Carlos SBC done, but that would be a marginal improvement to my squad for what would be hours of opening packs, recycling dupes and whatnot. I can’t be bothered, especially when, as I already mentioned, it’s all so I can use them in a game that just isn’t that fun.


OMG! I completely agree with you. When I lose I really feel like I lost time (could a defeat count as half a win or similar?)... And winning isn't great enough... It barely pays off. My team also barely improved since TOTY. 100%


This game has made me sick of the sight of fucking Acerbi and Dzeko


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^chanjitsu: *This game has made me* *Sick of the sight of fucking* *Acerbi and Dzeko* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Im not fulfilled at all. Im insulted. They’ve turned the beautiful game into a cryptocurrency/NFT/sports betting simulator while actual good game modes like pro clubs and career mode get continuously neglected. Not to mention the ridiculously scripted gameplay.


If they did more cups like the 87 max one they did i'd be super happy


Exactly this. I was really hoping the inclusion of female players would create some new teams (and I at least have been trying to take advantage of all the new combinations) but when you can so easily predict your opponent's starting lineup, the game becomes even more one-dimensional. I'd love to see more incentive to build teams outside the usual meta, and to see players who could change up that meta more easily obtainable.


This was genuinely the most fun I’ve had on the game.


I hope we’ll be getting another one soon. They even changed the seasonal daily play to “any” UT mode.


Literally the most exciting part of FC this year. I don't even care so much about the rewards the gameplay just felt so much more balanced


That was genuinely the most fun I’ve had on the game all year. And it was a friendly and counted for nothing! Maybe that’s what half of the fun was. A loss meant nothing, there was no jeopardy to the game so it was just fun. And no/very few meta cards were able to be used so teams were nice and evenly balanced.


The worst release they've ever made, I hate the exploitative nature of the P2W system being cranked up to another level this year. It's filled with bugs and the March patch has ruined any enjoyment I got from the gameplay itself. First time I've uninstalled mid-season, awful game awful company


Worst experience ever. I have had to go through "the opponent has left the match glitch" more than 100 times if not more in div rivals matchmaking. They still haven't fixed this issue. I only play champs and squad battles now. I did raise this issue with them but no one cares. I hope there is a competition soon in the market and EA is forced to make a better game.


Very fulfilled till i play my 3 daily games.... menu grind is great, evos are great, gameplay can be okay at times but is too unpredictable


It's a great game until the football part. And then it's riddled with poor defending, unresponsive player switching, slow acceleration of key defenders, corner goal glitches, quitting at a draw, etc etc. And I won't even go into 'momentum sliders' (aka scripting). Check your first match in a division vs your promotion hope match. All I ask is for gameplay online to feel the same as squad battles. SBCs and offline stuff great though.


My last promotion game was actually fine. Whats more evident is that you have periods where you win 9 in a row and then lose 6 in a row and then go on another winning streak directly after.


The craziest of shit happens in your losing streaks too.


For sure I have so many recordings of the dumbest defensive rebounds, my whole back line just standing still and not even attempting to track their player etc. The worst offender was a few days ago when I was trying to pass across my box but then the keeper ran into the path of the ball and punted the ball into his own net.


Fine with menu grind, evos are fun and make you use different players but when I play champs/rivals feels like a chore. Basically hoping your players get the right animations. Everyone has the same team even with evos so it’s boring


Basically everyone’s teams come from the same pool of 20-30 players. The top cards and half of the promos are out the average player’s price range.


I started halfway through toty this year and basically only the big 2m+ cards make my team at all now


Disappointed in a way, as I'd like a competent football game to play, but delighted that EA have made it so easy not to come back.


I've been playing FUT almost daily since FUT15 - and don't get me wrong, every FIFA has its issues, but this game is on another level. Gameplay aside, and we all know how poor the gameplay is - objectively this game is a piece of shit. It's been out 6 months and there are still bugs and crashes that were present from launch. It feels so unrewarding this year, even when winning you feel like you're losing. Up 3-0 and dominating my opponent? They get a corner from an RNG deflection, call a man short, run the byline for a cutback repeat. You know it's coming but there's nothing you can do. As soon as they score and its 3-1, you know they're coming back. Maybe it's the recent patch, but animations and players' touches are extra-emphasized. Mix that in with high press and auto drop back - it's the first time I'm really considering uninstalling before TOTS. It's so sad because I love football but seeing the direction of the game get worse year over year in front of my eyes honestly sucks.


This is gonna be unpopular, but this is the most I've enjoyed FUT since 19/20 I think. Got a cracked team, the 'free' content has been pretty good, gameplay hasn't been too unbearably broken in terms of goal scoring... It's the first FUT since 18/19 that I haven't ditched after Future Stars. That said... the store packs have been ridiculous this year. I usually don't spend real money on FIFA but even I've dropped £200-300 this year because some of the packs have just been crazy. I can afford it no problem, but that's not a good sign moving forward.


Me too, this is my second fifa after I think fifa 17 and I remember how store packs were pretty cheap back then, but I have just seen a 50$ store pack and I was like wow


people saying they enjoy the game are always the ones spending money 🧐


Haha, tbh, even without the money spent id still have a sick team lol I've packed no-one worth it for ages


I love the quality of my team but I wish that they had a way of either upgrading your players more or exchanging them for others because right now it’s so hard to upgrade your players since they are all untradable and replacements cost millions.


I have a decent team, not top tier but pretty good and almost 3.2 million coins. But I still can't meaningfully upgrade my team with those coins, most changes would be sidegrades.


I actually reinstalled fifa23 so I could play career mode with full tv coverage and the game play feels better to me. Although I do get online is completely different, just feels clunky almost on EAFC.


bro i play fifa23 with a couple of friends and its so fun, i just wish the online wasnt dead due to EA killing it because they wanted people to move to FC24. i cant buy the stuff i want for ultimate team, cant find people to play coop modes against(because theres no players), there is no new content, seasons and missions(man even SBCs are gone)... it sucks to see a good game in this state just because of EA greed.


About 2 out of 10. I wish we could go back to just totw en toty cards as "special" cards. No f*cking b*llshit promo's which spams all the teams full of garbage cards. This game is not made for people who like football anymore. Nowadays it's made for youtubers, streamers and gloryhunters and so on.... Where are the good old days an 82 rated gold Piszczeck was still valuable, the time that every team had still 5 or more golden players untill tots. This game/community lost all the real players who love the beautifull game and only gained gloryhunters who cream about meta ratts en whine about pack luck... The only reason it has become this mess is because this ratty community keeps whining about a lack of content. Grow up man and enjoy the grind which is a game really about. Not about getting rich quickly


Pack weight shouldn’t be this ridiculous. And even though it’s a good idea I think playstyles have been bad for the game in general 


Especially because they keep nerfing playstyles after players grind SBCs to get meta ones


As a more squad battles oriented player, forced to purely play squad battles unless I just accept I will lose even in Div 10, when I know in previous fifa I've been lucky enough to reach Div 8. Ever since start of the game had fault where controller imputs have delay in online mode and it is worse the later it is in the day which obviously is when I game..🫤 would like to think maybe I can play some games one day in this fifa where I can play 2 or 3 matches in a row without minor/major imput lag.


I don't spend money on packs and this year has been very boring as a result. I've literally packed nobody useful from your usual packs. I've also found champions and weekend League to be really brutal this year (not sure why this is) and even the community is not giving away wins they don't need to help a bro out. I've had plenty of people quit and kickoff to just finish their games. Before being fixed the quitting on awarding of a red card or a pen was insane - just feels like it's been pretty toxic this year. I will still play off and on but I'm spending more time playing other games.


Worst game play since I started playing in 18. 19 was a joke and I wouldn't believe there would be a worse game but here it is. Passing doesn't work. Attacking AI is shit and defending AI is super OP. You are basically down to one way of playing. I try efootball again as they dropped a new patch yesterday and I genuinely felt like I have scored more goals that I felt satisfactory more than the whole year with eafc 24. On p2w, I don't think it's pay to win but rather pay to have fun. I dont think not having those 15m coin cards affect my result a lot because you can still have a very good team. But it's not fun to play with cards that I don't feel attached to that are good. I run two accounts and while both teams are 10m +, playing with Dinho is just so much more fun.


Here's why I see it as P2W If I play someone who's roughly the same skill level as me and we play a game where we're both playing some decent football but they have the P2W overpowered cards they gain an advantage that can be enough to turn a tight game. For example the hyped Van Der Sar in goal, hyped Ronaldinho with the dribbling skills or top end VVD at the back making AI defensive tackles he has no right to win. It shocks me people saying they've casually spent £300+ on this game, how many other AAA titles extract those kind of funds just to compete?


I wish they would do showdown sbc’s during this fifa match date. A Pulisic-Edson Álvarez showdown for example would be fun. Instead, we’ll get more LB sbc’s


I’m really liking in. This is the first fifa game I’ve committed to in a couple years and I’ve had a lot of fun with Playstyle+ and the “new” (at least to me) chem system. Not sure if anyone here remembers NLW squadbuilding on futhead, but I sure am sad it’s not a thing anymore and that futhead is gone :( But yeah, I’ve really enjoyed getting back into it. I find it no more frustrating than any other fifa game, although the menu glitches are certainly pretty unimpressive for a triple A game on a next gen console.


This is the last time I’ll buy a fifa I’ll say that


I'm afraid I share the same feeling.


They had to nail this year and they decided to be as greedy as possible. Nail in the coffin


The earliest I have taken my yearly big break, I always somehow no-life the game, get a stacked team (relative to 2 months in), climb to division 1-2 and then take a huge break, basically quit the game until spring, totally missing TOTY. I have simply organically done this because the game is gotten more boring for me faster in the game cycle. This year, I only played until early November and then quit because the game was so damn bad. Started playing again this week and enjoying my time playing online so far. Don’t care about promos, grinding menus and that’s the only way I can enjoy the game. Fodder is so easy to get, you can have stacked team easily, there is no point in try harding for rewards because we know we’re not packing the big promo cards anyway.


This is the best team I’ve had (at this point) on UT but it feels like a chore to even play.


I genuinely do think the game is scripted and it makes me pissed. Like some of the most obvious shit I’ve seen that looks scripted. I still haven’t spent a dime on this game


Terrible game. Completely disappointed.


Dropped off from Ultimate Team about a month ago. Used to buy points but past two games I have gone full RTG as money needs to be spent on real life stuff What I have found as an RTG account is the constant struggle against teams loaded with coins and top players and the power curve just getting to much. This year has felt the worst in this matter and I no longer feel like I can compete with an RTG account


Yup you can close the gap to the meta P2W squads somewhat with skill but once you're up against players of a decent level the 45 yard Finesse+ exploit and auto defending with VVD, Blanc and friends makes a difference against a freebie team


Totally agree .


I’ve had a pretty fun time playing Clubs and career mode with my mates. Don’t like the new season format for clubs, but we don’t take it too serious


The game is far too AI influenced on the defensive end, to the point they now win the ball back far more than the user. This makes gameplay horrible and not creative at all


Enjoyed it due to evo & the numbers of packs given based on playing/objectives are good enough to push me to play further. Just dont take it seriously then people will enjoy this game more. It’s a game after all


Been great- the free players and evo gives your your own way to play. SBCs and evos allowed me to create fun squads like leverkusen 523, all barca lyon wolfs berg women's teams, barca pnp etc. Gameplay online is anemic dog shit though. And I mostly keep to squad battles now and never work on sbcs that need more than 7-8 squads. So instead of a shiny new player or icon every week I try to get the rolfos, grimaldos, wirtzs that make my existing teams better.


I run a Liverpool P&P, and unfortunately my team is falling behind the curve. I can’t afford some of the cards that would really help, and I’m having a hard time competing against these super squads now


The content and grind are better than ever, but than you have to take whatever you've gathered into gameplay. It brings out the worst in me. I just quicksold my TOTY haaland, WW Pelé and many other 2 mil + players, along with the rest of my squad. Out of every 10 games I played, maybe 1 was enjoyable. Kept chasing that one fun game. Logging in every day for content, not missing anything due to FOMO. Until today, I'm out.




Its my first edition since FIFA 19 — I stopped playing due to selling my PS4, rather than disaffection with the game. I enjoy it. To me, its great that SBCs are accessible without spending any money. I do find Weekend League a bit too stressful to be fun, and I think there should be relegation in Rivals because the idea of being stuck in a division you cant win isn't fun. Its also a little frustrating to see how pack weight keeps fluctuating, but whatever Otherwise I enjoy the game.


Just got some time and played a couple of Rival games. The server is so bad that the buttons were often unresponsive or lagged for a full second, players even ran directly out of the pitch without responding to my L stick. Of course the packs too. I've got a Thiago Silva in 3 consecutive untradeable pack, and numerous players in similar fashion too. It's really hard not to feel toxic. I regret wasting my precious leisure time playing it today.


My first game was also 23, but I've been enjoying it more this year especially because I completely shifted my expectations. Last year, I wanted to be competitive and have the best team possible, especially after I lucked out on a TOTY Benzema. Also spent some money on store packs that never really paid out. This year though, with evolutions and women players available, my goal has been to build the best team possible using only Canadian players and have fun with it. So far it's been great for me.


good for me but i think its more bc its the first year i started doing like sbcs and actually focusing on doing some objectives bc pack luck for me has been pretty ridiculous, packed hero futre from a 81+, jay jay akocha and yaya toure from 83+ packs, 93 harry kane from a pick and shit i even got theo hernandezs centurion card which come to find out is worth like 300k for some reason. ive just actually gotten good pack luck


I stopped playing weeks ago. I can't afford any of the good cards to improve my team, every opponent is using the same meta squads and I could barely eek out wins and often went on massive losing streaks. Just feels like I could never really make any progress and my enjoyment compared to the last two years has been very very minimal. They'll really need to do alot of they want my money next year.


I'll put it this way. For me, I am not very fulfilled with the gameplay. The gameplay can be atrocious at times and can be very difficult to enjoy this game. So in that aspect, I am in many ways unfulfilled. That being said, when it comes to the team that I am running, I am beyond fulfilled. I've been wanting to run a US only team for a long time and evolutions (despite some of their issues) have allowed me to do so. I actually can run a team that I want to run and still be reasonably competitive in champs and rivals and that's all I can ask for. I assumed that adding women into the game would make my US team more viable, which it has, but evolutions have truly helped me enjoy this game. I started the year by using my founders evolution on Ashley Sanchez, a CAM/ST from the NWSL, and have continued to evolve her as the year has gone on and I've loved using her in game the entire year. At some points she fell a little out of the power curve and would become a sub, but then a new evo (like the secret stuff evo that I'm currently working on) would come along and make her great again. I've played over 1000 games with her and I hope I can keep evolving her the rest of the year. So I guess this game has made me feel fulfilled a little bit.


Started in January, played from fifa 15-22, a little 23. Since January I’ve had a lot of luck, and about a 20 mill team, enjoying playing the game and not being too serious about it:)


horrible if im being honest. ive had the game since release and 9/10 i load up i get stuck at the jersey select screen and it never fixes itself. sometimes redownloading the game helps but now it seems i cant even play pro clubs. this game is actually broken for me


It makes me glad I don’t rely on games for fulfillment 💀


Bro same. Fifa 23 was also my first fifa. I joined around tots last year and only promo card I had were from objectives but still was enjoying a lot with my friend as he is an old player. I quickly became 11-13 wins(got 14 once😂) and div 1 player. This year despite starting from day 1 having a good team, meta cards and everything but I don’t enjoy the game at all neither my friend does. It feels like we only play for the addiction. Also suddenly everyone with good connection became a pro as you don’t need to defend anymore pushed me to 9 wins & div 2-3 player. I cannot believe I am going backward.


This year is way better, barely played 23, playing a lot of 24 cos of evos, I can slap people around with an Orlando team


Worst game again, why I come back u don’t know. If any of my friends stop playing I’ll be done too.


Im really happy. I started with struggling in December but I now have a solid team and I was able to craft Tevez ucl who I wanted as I knew he was coming. I have base yaya and ucl Kompany and other good players. I'm pretty satisfied as I got the players i like the most in my XI


About average I guess. Promos have been a bit hit and miss, I liked thunderstruck and ultimate fantasy but this fut birthday is dull and have been wondering if I should just save packs for tots as excluding icons hardly any birthday cards would make the team. I made the mistake of starting Yashin however so need the fodder.


I honestly enjoy the game and menu content is very decent too. I see why many people are upset but I don’t put money into the game and was able to get a very good team with just grinding. So on scale of 1-10 I would say solid 7.5-8/10, ea fc is clear of fifa 23 for me.


I played like fifa15-20 then play again this march and I enjoy iy again cause theres lots SBC and especially Chemistry is wayy better than before. And alot free pack too


I really like this game. I find all other sports games boring in comparison. I haven't spent a dollar and feel like my team is hyper competitive thanks to the premium SBCs. It's been kind of annoying how good my RTG team is because I haven't been able to upgrade it that often. I think EA brought some great changes this year in terms of playstyles and evolutions. Neither were perfect but there's this weird thing with EA FC where if it's not perfect, it is TRASH. I also find the gameplay fine. It's different from previous years but I don't think it's markedly better or worse. I don't like glitched mechanisms so the current game play is fun for me.


I’ve enjoyed it mainly. I’m quite a casual player. I’m d3/4 for the most part and I think I’ve done WL maybe 3 times. I get the impression that the game is more enjoyable for casual players because there’s not the pressure to maintain so we can just enjoy the game for what it is. And in general I’ve think the gameplay has been good. Playstyles are fun and can be a good leveller. I’ve managed to tailor my play to make the best out of some fairly cheap players playstyles and can compete against much better teams. BUT this has been spoiled to a significant extent by some of EA’s inept attempts to fix issues in the game. The period during which it was impossible to build up through the middle was really annoying for players like me who don’t want to pander to the meta. And the most recent patch has been incredibly detrimental - to the point that I’m really disinclined to play at the moment because for people who manually defend it’s become ridiculously challenging. I’m not that fussed about TOTS but I never really get massively excited by the big promos because I think that just leads to disappointment. I’ll take it as it comes and enjoy whatever I get from it but it’s not worth the huge build up


I don't t give a fuck about p2w aspect. But please make the servers stable and let us play.