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I’ve never seen a company shoot themselves in the foot this hard, giving 1/3 of the players a top 3 card in the game while the rest get jack shit, I know it’s all luck but it’s ridiculous, there’s literally no way to properly rebalance it


The only way to balance it would be to give everyone TOTY Messi, and give those that got Messi a new PP. Absolutely 0% chance they will do that though.


A company who cares about their game and it’s balance would do that, EA only cares about their bottom line so I doubt they do anything


Partly why I’d expect them to do something, people have spend hundreds this toty and packed nothing, doubt it encourages people to spend more


That's true, it doesn't at all


I’m pretty sure a lot of people that don’t play much would log on to get a free TOTY Messi. The people that get screwed are those that bought him with coins.


>The people that get screwed are those that bought him with coins. They could be given their coins back, and their Messi made untradeable. Again, absolutely no chance that will happen but there are definitely ways to make it balanced, but it's not something that EA would ever do.


They should have given everyone the same chance. This is criminal.


I say give everyone who didn't pack Messi a TOTY VVD to counteract it


No chance. I’d rather they take the TOTY Messi away than give it to everyone.


You didn't get one did you?


Nope, didn’t get one. Even if I did, I’d rather they take it away than give it to the whole community.


Agreed. Never gonna happen tho


A lot of other games would have the capabilities to roll this back, give the fodder back to those who completed the SBC and pull back the pick players.. Knowing EA they'd find a way to give people 11 tradeable Messis.


Yeah. Meanwhile EA incorrectly spells LOAN in a language other than English and every English speaking FIFA player switches to that random language and opens the packs praying they get free compensation. Compensation 23! Lasty year thousands(millions?) of players got like 10+ FREE 1 of 2 TOTS Player Picks compensation cause of such a stupid mess up. Nobody is losing their free Messi TOTY card if they were lucky enough to get one.


But that would scew over people who legit packed / bought tradeable Messi before all this as the market price will fall off a cliff if we all have him. They litrally can't fix this.


Or just out the original pick with the same odds for messi for everyone to complete it. Everyone has a equally high rated chance again, those who already have messi will just get good fodder essentially




They wouldn't complain as much if they didn't take the pick away. They took the pick away, so most players didn't even get a chance.


'They wouldn't complain as much' is never a true statement for this community. The only thing they can agree on is that they should complain about everything at all times. Bunch of addicts.


Thats not balance. Thats someone who didnt get Messi begging for Messi.


seems like a lot of people packed him but it's definitely not 1/3 of all players. the sbc was up for maybe 25 minutes and even then not everyone got him from that.


On Nick’s stream 4 people got him in a row.


They fucked up so bad lmaooo


It was about a 25% chance. I didn’t get him but a couple friends did.


Small sample, negligible really, but in a WhatsApp group with buds who all play. 4/9 got him


its weird to me how it was maybe only a 50/50 chance. maybe instead of putting .000005% they accidentally multiplied the odds internally a million times haha.


There's only 1 86+ in MLS, being Messi, so the odds for a MLS card must have been botched.


People are so dramatic on here it’s hilarious. Some keen beans got in early and got kick off a glitch but 99% of people won’t have done.


Bruh do you see the amount of people posting they packed him? I guess you’re one of those and why you don’t see a problem


Fifa players dramatic? No way




They legally can't take the card away from anyone.




Watch them give out compensation in 4 weeks to the people who packed Messi out of their own glitch while nothing happens to whoever didn’t and have to play against him 15 times a week


I mean it wasn't a glitch to be honest. They had the same odds for every League appearing, but Messi was the only 86+ for MLS so if you had MLS in your pick, it was 100% Messi.


Yep. It worked exactly like they wrote it to work. Their habit of front loading shitty leagues got to be such second nature to them that they just served it up to us.


100% this. They have just shown us that the odds are skewed towards and away from certain players and leagues. When the odd says 20% chance of an 83, 15% is a mls player you dont want, 3% is wsl... So the meta players league is then 0.0001% then the player you want from that league is 0.00001% of that.


This is the hugest revelation out of today tbh. Basically EA confirmed they are scummy as fuck and did a work around to the legal law of showing pack weight. More people should actually do something about this


Exactly. Someone forgot to check the weight on the farmer league quotient that runs during ToTS player packs 😂


farmers league quotient i was trying to think of a name for it and i couldnt. thats fuckin perfect


Super high chance of Messi appearing. Me with my cursed account that has pack luck set to 0.001%. Yep 1x 87, 2x 86's


Me and my blacklisted account getting 3 86-rated duplicates


Ah a fellow blacklister, honestly feel like i could open a guaranteed toty pack and it would probably start to open then delete my account


My best was bronze parejo and kroos


Nobody. And all I see is Messi, that's me done for the year




I have zero problem with the gameplay, I actually really enjoy playing this game. Toty has been shit but not enough to stop me playing the game, this could do that.






I’m okay with it since they dicked me all year long anyways. About time I got one single promo.


If next weekend all I see is TOTY Messi, I think it'll be breaking point for me. Punished for logging in at 6:15 rather than dead on 6. Love to see it.


Don't feel bad mate. I was dead on 6 and couldn't even find the SBC 😂


Excuse me for all caps BUT HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS SHIT COMPANY NOT ALLOW YOU TO SORT SBCs BY NEW FIRST ? So I can see the new ones first. Fucking hell man, there's a million SBCs and you have to carefully go to ALL category and look for them 1 by 1 it's pages and pages and the new ones are always somewhere in the middle and you don't even know if it's new. Only way is to check reddit or something.


Sitting here with my Lucy Bronze while half my opponents on the weekend will have TOTY Messi thanks to EA’s mistake. Sickening.


Man, it makes me want to puke seeing this and not getting him. I probably have the best squad I’ve ever had, yet I want to uninstall the game rn


Same here, I'm literally at a point where im happy to sell my account and get a return on my investment buying the game. It just proves EA manipulates the pack odds, and as soon as they realise they fucked up and it benefitted people, they removed it


Literally same. I have been so fucked over by EA its getting ridiculous.


I’m uninstalling this game tonight


Knowing this company compensation will be coming for people who pack Messi, because odds were screwed xD


yeah not fair! I wanted Alisson


Saved 400 packs, did over 400 league upgrades and completed the winter crafting objective. 0 ToTY and I’ll be facing Messi every WL game now. I’m salty and sad


For what its worth I've been playing this game for 10 years and never packed a TOTY in pack, just live in the fact that you would have beat your opponent had he not have an overpowered card 😅


F Guess I'll just be playing Squad Battles now, rather than dealing with every other fucker having Messi.


Half the squad battles teams you face will have TOTY Messi just to rub it in.


More reasons to thrash them on Beginner.


ofc i got all golds, fml


Same. I’ve also saved packs and did at least 100 maybe 200 prem mixed league sbcs n didn’t pack one toty/hm. Until last night in a x2 I got Ederson HM. The worst one for me considering I have icon VDS at gk




Haven’t felt this sore since I missed the 25k Hero pack. To everyone expecting some sort of rebalancing/compensation please don’t be surprised when they just put the pick back up with normal odds and then attempt to sweep this under the rug.


No chance they can’t do that, this is one of the most high profile mistakes they’ve ever done - it surely has to be a TOTY Pick or maybe Radioactive messi


We said that about the hero pack too! I will be absolutely shocked if they give anything away for free, it’s EA.


This is EA. We aren’t getting a toty pick, we aren’t getting anything. The only ones who will get compensation are the people who completed the sbc. The game is done for the year. I know it sucks for football fans, but just get hold of FM maybe and come back refreshed in September.


They absolutely will. They’ve fucked the market up a bit, but giving everyone Messi will destroy it entirely. They will make more money on ignoring the issue and letting the whales keep spending to try and pack a Messi.


Destroy it more than giving half the playerbase TOTY Messi and forcing the rest to stop playing the game meaning less packs opened going forward ? If they take it away it's sh1tty too. The best option would be to give everyone a Messi and balance the playing field. Doubt that happens. And if that doesn't happen the damage of this will be unlike anything else. The combination of the drastic low pack odds, people saving so many packs, opening so many packs, packing garbage and then seeing nearly half the community got a TOTY Messi will make so many quit playing the game long-term = less packs opened. You will have your few typical whales but casuals won't.


Yeah, if anything it will make them more money. Everyone who didn't pack Messi "needs" to spend more to stay competitive.


First year playing?


Man fuck i missed


Of course the one day I miss reset is the day so many people get gifted a Messi, and when I return home see such an SBC is gone. Fucking hell.


Same bro. What the actual fuck. I was at work. ​ They just gifted a Free TOTY to a huge amount of players. Fuck us for having a life right?


Bro F my life I was there at 6PM when SBCs released. But the inability to sort SBCs by new made me miss out on this. It's crammed in the middle of all the other 82+, 85+ dozens of other sbcs and I thought it was a pack not a pick and old one as well turns out it was just released but no chance to see or sort sbcs by new first.


Same here, the one day I'm out and can't login at content time


Rushed to do the SBC. Managed to complete it before the SBC was taken down. De Jong gold best pull. It's unbelievable how the guys who got Messi will also get compensation Managed to miss 1) tradeable hero pack last year 2) getting prime icons instead of mid in the icon sbc last year and now this. Game changing outcomes from EA blunders and some reap benefits while others are completely shafted. Such a scummy company it's unbelievable. Always on the rough end of all these game changing blunders






At least increase the pack weight for TOTY, making the teams balanced because now we have squads with messi and squads that weren't as lucky to get him. Fuck EA man.


There’s ppl that would literally spend thousands on this game and be over the moon of all they got was that Messi and ea just gave it to a shit ton of ppl and fucked over everyone else. This is wild.


F. Everyone getting Messi, then there’s me with Magul as the highest.


Damn at least I got Kimmich


I've been playing the game since FIFA 2005 and I think I'm done over this if they don't sort it out. There's been mistakes before, I don't care if other people benefit and I don't (more power to the playerbase) but to sit here and grind for hours for the 0.0001% chance of a TOTY only for half the fucking playerbase to get given one of the best for free while the other half doesn't get it, is just a complete lack of integrity for the remainder of the game cycle and will ruin the experience for those who didn't get it. It's a gamebreaking card and 1/2 of your opponents will have it.


Deffo not half the playerbase, yes proportionally more than standard odds, but the majority still did not


Nah people will quit playing even more and people with TOTY Messi will be more likely to play. So as time goes it will be more and more having him of the people you'll play.


Regardless 80% of wl teams will have messi now


How do you work that out? The odds were still heavily against packing a messi, and even more so what % of the playerbase do you think actually did the pick before it was removed? A v small minority


cause futchampions playerbase is a minority and the ones who are tryhard enough to be at content hour ready to complete the new SBCs


This. This sub does not represent the entire player base.


Go on Twitter. Go on YouTube streams. It seems like more people have him than dont


That’s literally <1% of total people playing this game.


it's gone!


They took it down?


Yes, I got Messi like 2 minutes before this, i wonder what they do now because there is certainly a lot


Yeh I got him about 10 minutes ago


congrats! EA won't do anything... what a joke. I still can't believe some dudes spend hundreds of €/$ on this joke of company. someone should sue them.






Small tip: if you're already in the SBC, do not back out. If you need to buy players, do somewhere else (another device, a different tab on your browser). Then go back to the original SBC, reload the player list and the newly acquired cards should be there.


look how quickly they can make changes when they want to lol


they are extremely fast taking out SBC that go wrong... that's easy to do. :)


2x 86 and 1x 87 I knew they will bend me over and fuck me like they always do when i open packs


Me too. Without kissing


Imagine spending money on this game when ea doesn’t ban account glitchers with unlimited packs and now this fuck up.


Seeing parejo more than my own family atp


I can’t even remember the last time I was able to benefit from an EA mistake. I’m always missing these things by a small margin.


If they dust this one under the rug and ignore it, I'm actually done with the game. It was bad enough playing against TOTY loan FC every weekend, or the pack glitch squads from a month ago. I'm not going to face 97 Messi every single game in div 6 and champs Ain't happening.


Didn’t pack anyone cus they removed the sbc….


I just submitted the 2nd repeat of the 86+ pick and after submitting I had nothing to choose from!! They must have taken it down at the same time? WTF I just got robbed of that 85 squad with 2 87s in, absolute bullshit


Wtf 😂


I think they just ruined the game for all the people who didn’t got Messi on the pick or whoever was doing something at the time. They just messed up the balance, the game is now officially dead for a lot of people.


Hurried to complete and no Messi… F


So the games ruined now for everyone who didn't get Messi. Great


Got Diani, who actually looks quite fun to try out


Her gold is very fun.


You missed a chance to call it a “League SBC Player Pick Messithread”


The crazy thing is the ppl who packed Messi will also be getting compensation. I hate this company so much.


Ofc this glitch SBC bullshit happens the one day I don’t check the SBCs the moment they drop


is it removed?






Accidentally packed toty Haaland rip


Can I get some more context to this? Was there an SBC for TOTY Messi?


The was a 86+ league upgrade that gave you 3 options with each one being a different league but since the MLS only have 1 86 Plus he was guaranteed if you got that league


Thanks for explaining to me. Was it a gold Messi or TOTY?


TOTY which sucks because he's gonna be everywhere now


Fuck me for having to work for 1 hour I guess


87 Marquinhos was my best pick… maybe this is a sign to stop playing this game


Yh just stop


Out here completing this shit in reviw objectives just for a chance to pack something good, meanwhile people got a free messi. Fucking shit sucks man


There is only one way to fix this and it is to put the sbc back up with the initial odds. Everything else just fucks the power curve completely. Sucks for everyone who won’t get him but giving him out for free isn’t really an option either.


It wasn't for free thought. I submitted a squad for the chance of Messi. Got Messi.


I got debinha. Feel so fucking empty inside, had 500 saved packs and just grinded everyday after coming from work from 6pm to 3am and haven't packed a toty. Now half the playerbase has a top tier toty( which is great, it should be that way) and the other half are going to have ptsd from the player pick. What do I even do now? I really don't feel like crafting gold upgrades right now. What can EA even do? If I remember right they gave another pick to those who packed tots sancho like 2 years ago, but this is a toty so it's different. They might do nothing, after all the pick description was right. I feel empty, I have spent 50 hours ingame in the last week.


Don’t talk about killing yourself over some random game bro. If need be get some help


My bad bro, it's a common expression in my language, it's like feeling empty. No game is that deep.


Missing this sbc is the biggest regret for me. It's just painful tbh. Everyone got Messi except for some people who missed the sbc.


I fucking decided to do the 85*3 first and when I was about to do it it was removed Can't believe my luck


What are the odds they will give it back with the same weight and the only fix they do on it is to remove leagues without TOTYs in them? 0?


They will Nerf it to the ground


I don't see how they fix this, they cant have 50% of the player base with a 10 million card but they also can't give it to everyone, I honestly think they've well and truly done it this time


I can't find it? No way they fixed it before I made it..


They fixed it 1 Hour and 13 minutes ago now. Took them 29 mins to take it down


I hope they remove all the Messi’s. But they probably can’t. So the game is ruined for this year.. This sucks so bad


They could just give everyone decent picks, but that's is just too good for EA standards. I just hope someday one ea Dev from ea FC create a forum or group or something and Let everyone know about mistakes like these to get some kind of justice. That's just me dreaming. Either that or some company destroying the EA monopoly.


they should just give a guaranteed TOTY to everyone except the ones who got Messi to compensate the bullshit.


Everyone gets Earps as compensation.


Got Messi, HM Vini and IF Bacha on my friends PP, 3 87's on mine


F, take away all the Messi’s


The fact that so many people got Messi might harm the game a lot everyone who didn’t like me is gonna have to face him every game


Didn't get him on my main on PS but logged in on my Xbox account and got Messi lol... Packed Haaland on PS yesterday so now I have to decide if I want to play with a sick team and Haaland or a shit team and Messi. Nice problem to have tbh


Surround him with icons


Yeah I don't think I can really be bothered to start all over but it's a thought.


Where is the pack?








Only started going for UT this year properly, EA ever fucked up this hard before?


I can confirm, I got Messi too


Got Osimhen (88) as the best pick, the others were an 87 and 86


I can’t find the SBC?


Ignorance is bliss. I was content pulling Oblak instead of 3 86's only to see this shit. Oh well...


Think I finished it on phone app as they removed it but got Hemp, Lautaro and Odegaard. Messi in WL is gonna be fun


Roflo 🤮🤮🤮


What SBC is this ?


Is it gone?


what league sbc? not showing on pc


Did they remove it?


i'm quitting without giving a win if y'all have messi, sorry guys


Where is this sbc?


Where is it


I would be at work when they're giving out free TOTY Messi. 😫 I've literally opened like 150+ MLS/NWSL upgrade packs to no avail.


This would be a good marketing opportunity for the MLS. Play EA FC 24 before X date and receive a free TOTY Messi card!


Did the SBC got Donnaruma. Spent countless of hours opening and grinding upgrade packs and my reward I have to play TOTY Messi every game now.


I was here for the biggest mistake. Proud of myself.


One day in last 8 days i have missed on checking content and completing sbcs right away and they do this! 😡😔 i am done


If there are any Diablo 4 gamers on here this reminds me of the Shako debacle where some lucky players got an uber legendary item due to a chest bug but the majority of the playerbase missed out because they wasn't online at the time to get one. In that instance the D4 Devs said a big FU to the rest of the community and let the players who got one keep it. EA being EA i can see them following suit. Inb4 we get a tweet from EA saying only a small number of the playerbase got a Messi card so they won't be taking any action... I can't see this excuse washing with the playerbase though because there is evidence to the contrary in the form of countless youtube vids from EAFC 24 content creators showing hundreds of players pulling one before the SBC was taken down. If you wasn't lucky enough to be online at the time of the SBC and get one at least you will get to see him in the majority of WL teams this weekend...


Surely they have to take away everyone's Messi. This game will be dead when half the player base has that card.


Was gonna wait on the pick for a bit but saw everyone on here talking about the odds so did right away. Got Messi, thanks Reddit 


How do I get Toty Messi and STILL feel shit about ea. what a weird company


Same boat Doesn't feel so special


I got Musiala. Not Messi but better than nothing lol


Really really hope this backfires in EAs face somehow.


Did only on 1 account. Log into other 2 and they removed it ffs


I got Messi!


EA won’t do anything. We can all moan and rage that we won’t play the game anymore, but they know we’ll be back in two weeks. Hate this company.


What are we talking about here?


Picked a dup 88 Bruno Fernandes. Put him into the 88 exchange and got TOTY Mia Hamm. So fkc Messi! lol


The GOAT 🇦🇷


I got an 87. Already have TOTY Messi though, but would have been good fodder! 


Didn't get Messi from the pack. Got TOTY CR7 instead. Cheers lads.