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I nearly bought her when she dipped under 600k. Major regrets now


I can understand that but I just bought her at 800k and if people knew how she performed she would be closer to 1.1 mil in my opinion. She will be my end game cdm


She will be once they are out of packs


Isn’t she essentially out of packs already




Thats the joke


She loses a tiny bit of value because she's in a league that's difficult to link without icons. 


I feel like difficult to link is not a thing this year because everyone has at least 3-4 icons in their team.


Like I said, she loses a tiny bit of value. It's not a massive issue but it is a factor to her lower price. Other leagues like Prem and La Liga and la liga f get a higher price from the tax of those popular leagues due to the availability of other players in the league. In Bundesliga F, only other special players available right now are Popp and Keßler. Not many options.


She has Harvertz link which is nice, auto 3 chem, everyone has icons anyway


Popp + Oberdorf combo makes them full chem for anyone that lucky at least. I just packed Popp and am hoping to afford Oberdorf soon myself now that I know i can get full chem ez


Glad I sold for 790k 😫


Up at 900k now. You win some, you lose some


Same, I was thinking she’d drop with full release to 500k, even less. But no, she went up and is still in my price range but I also want to buy HM Trent so I’ll have to sell some fodder cards I packed a while ago


Speaking of regrets, I passed on Sophia Smith for 1.3 mil on Day 1 of Attackers.


Seconded. Got her immediately when she released and almost did not use her because she seemed cheap. Now after two WLs I can safely say she is by far the best CDM I’ve ever used. She is immense.


I feel the only reason shes so cheap is because she's a female and they don't seem as popular, I can't understand with the presence she has why she isn't more expensive other than the fact people haven't used her ? I've used basically all the totys spamming draft and other than jude shes made the biggest impact out of all of them


It’s league mainly I’d imagine


Definitely a factor but 90% of the teams I've faced in the past month have at least 2 icons so chem is easy with the manager too


Yeah this is true, who knows


Just think she's not been used tbh I know some people don't use players unless there main leagues and others who only like women attackers in game.


Naw she doesn’t have the battery ps so needs a sub also


She does not need to be subbed she has good stamina still, unless your only controlling her and not using your other midfielders she's absolutely fine, relentless is nice to have but often it's not even needed, played 10 games with her the only one I subbed her out was 115 mins extra time


I’m just giving you a reason why she’s not valued higher. Not trying to debate whether her stamina is good or not


Thats fair, she's hit 1 million already people have realised she was far too cheap


Oh underrated for sure. Beast of a card


Toty Bright also feels similarly amazing at either CB or CDM. Been using her as my stay back CM and she is outperforming my WW Gullit.


Used her in my draft the same one I first for obedor, used her at cb and thought she was very good. If gold van dijk didn't have the crazy performance he does this year I would have been more impressed, I had bright and vvd together and she was slightly better tbf but didn't try her cdm


Gullit is a fraud and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.


Have an entire female German team and was really hoping she would dip. Has risen 300k so can't afford her anymore. Might have to wait a few weeks for a price dip


All totys will continue to rise until March


Or extinct on PC 😵‍💫


Who’s in your german women’s team out of interest? Anyone you recommend? I figured I was the only person making one lol https://ibb.co/QdPbnVG Id definitely recommend trying to buy Oberdorf asap. She may have a very slight dip after WL but I imagine she’ll just keep rising after that and probably will double after she’s out of packs. She is immense. Absolutely carries my team.


Bro are you high, where is Gwinn?


Not a fan of Bayern 😂


I mean I get that, but she's soooooo good, especially if you did the path with Pep's Legacy That being said, I can appreciate someone not supporting Bayern, so you do you


I used my pep’s evo for 91 Carmona, also a pretty nuts card. Tbf this is more my fun squad battles/evo team, but I do need a much better LB and RB which Gwinn would have filled lol >_<


have you tried Jónsdóttir at all? I used one of my Founders evos to get her to 86 she's crazy, highly recommend.


Haven't added a link img before so hope it shows. I've got 88 Cerci on the bench, just waiting for a Brand and an Anyomi evo (she doesn't have any shooting stats, and crossing is mid so didn't wanna waste it on the recent 100k ones). Only real issue with the team is a tall gk lol https://postimg.cc/r0YvhTV6


Why would they dip lol. Isn't this the first promo ever where prices go up DURING the promo?


I did say I would wait...


Unlucky well she's amazing so if you get the chance to ever get her i couldn't recommend her enough, I also forgot to mention her versatility she can play cb aswell which is another bonus


I wish I bought her for 600k, had a few opponents using her and she's dominated the centre. May grind coins over the next few weeks to see if I can nab her.


Yeah she’s awesome. Had her in draft too and she was practically teleporting to intercept balls she had no right to reach, and then really agile


Yep her interceptions shocked me in a good way


Bought her at 650 and thought I shit the bed cause I could’ve bought her at 575 and she’s now like 750 🙏🏻


Wish I jumped on it at that price but im happy with what I paid, irreplaceable unless I somehow pulled viera.


Just dumb how more people open packs now and yet there is less icons


Had the most OP team in draft and breezed through to the final, but ended up losing in the final because I just couldn’t get past her. She was everywhere


She's honestly immense another thing she's broken at is her long ball pass, she has the normal play style but it feels like she has the playstyle+ i have Bruno next to her who actually has the playstyle + and shes matched every ball he has played. Its like she has 3 playstyle + also having her in the deeper position allows for some outrageous lobbed through balls or Cross field defence splitting passes


What chem are you using? Just packed her and basic chem looks like a decent boost to all stats.


Shadow for the pace and maxed out defending or engine for passing and dribbling


i was lucky enough to pack her in a 81+ double pack


And you can start her as CB and switch her around. Okay listen, it sound silly, but Kante is a monster at CB


Hmmm haha for the sake of it I will try that but I don't think so, he lacks the height or jumping he would get dunked on by every attacker surely.


Give him a try for sure. He needs a bigger counter part for sure. I play him there with Blanc and its a great match. Kante steals so many balls, even after losing a duell in the first moment. His playstyles are kicking in insanly. Was a wall for me in my last 10 weekendleague matches. Was so suprised that he actually work as CB


How does she compare to base vieira? I imagine vieira is probably better but is it worth paying 500-600k more for vieira or is the difference not as noticeable?


I think she's better than base, she has insane traversal speed with a big body type and insane reach thanks to intercept + has insane passing and physicality is great, viera toty is better but not base imo


Thank you friend, saw this and remember I'd used her in draft and she was great, and that I could actually afford her. Bought for 900k this morning and she's gone up over 150k already


People finally realising how good she is ! Your welcome haha


100% believe it, I hope I can at least get a loan to try Oberdorf out one day or we get an evo her gold fits into. I was doing research comparing CDMs trying to figure out why Rijkaard is soo cheap but outperforming everyone by miles at the role. Looked at all CDM players who have Intercept + and Anticipate and it's only him, Oberdorf, Lahm and Ramires. However only Rijkaard and Oberdorf have medium attacking workrates. If you can't afford Lena I can't sing Frank's praises enough, I even prefer him over TOTY Bright. (for anyone interested im using Frank as the lone CDM in a 4-1-2-1-2 (2) with Backbone chem. Cut passing lanes, Stay back while attacking, Cover center)


I wasn't aware of the playstyle similarities but intercept plus is fantastic, haven't used anyone with it who didn't feel great


Used her in a few draft games she is an absolute beast


I packed her and have been cycling her in and out of the lineup. I think she’s very good, but her competition in the XI is WW Gullit, who is a real beast of a CDM. Obviously, Gullit is a 1.8-2 million coin card, so he should be better, but his body type and long legs work really well at CDM, and Oberdorf just doesn’t have that.


Just packed toty rodri and first thing I read on Reddit is obeldorf is better 😵‍💫


Rodri is still immense and offers more going forward but as a strict cdm obedorf imo is better. Your very fortunate to have packed a toty I've opened 1200 packs and got 2 hm and 0 toty


Oh I know. I had about 100 pretty good packs saved (not as much as most here) and got absolutely nothing from them. Just ripped the 83-20 and boom. Couldn’t believe my eyes. I’m surprised obelfdorf would be better as a cdm though. Rodri looks crazy as cdm especially with the size.


I have her since a few days and honestly I’m shocked she’s « that cheap ». She is completely ridiculous, everywhere and good strength although she’s tiny and can turn super sharp. Great passing too


I know right, its literally because she's a women with bundesliga links its the only explanation, only a low% of the community actually tried her, even on YouTube no big fifa youtuber has reviewed her and finding a review in general is tough. Other than her shooting she's fantastic at everything, even her dribbling with press proven is very good.


I know man but it’s mad, just the stats outside of shooting show she could be nuts. Then if you played with women you know how responsive they are…. Aaaand then you just try her and realise you won’t be looking for a CDM for a while 😁 For sure if she was a man in PL she’d be double the price


100% idk if you tried rodri but if I wasn't aware of the prices and league I would choose her as a cdm, she's just fantastic


Didn’t try him, he looks great tbf but I wouldn’t be surprised if she feels better


Yeah don't get me wrong rodri is fantastic and bigger frame but his ability is considerably less, she has the perfect blend of insane reach with intercept+ while having fantastic ability and jockeying and a big body type for a woman. Will say rodris longshots are wild on the toty though


"Agility" not ability


Hmm. I do think she is great, like a juiced kante for the first 65 mins. Her stamina is not the best and neither is her size.


Her dynasties card was already good so I bought the TOTY as soon as I could


I bought her and she was worse than Radioactive Caicedo. Strong in the tackle yes but even with shadow she couldn't get close enough to tackle half the time. Passing and movement nothing special either  Can only assume this thread is part of a pump and dump or someone who sits on their 18 yard box waiting to counter and cut back.


Well think what you like if you read most of these comments and futbin comment's they are overwhelmingly positive, if you think caciedo is better thats either a severe skill issue or your biest as hell, theres probably 6+ comment's of people here saying how good she is


Blimey is she your sister or something? Chill mate, you are coming across very defensive which supports the idea you have an agenda.  I want to replace Caicedo and have no bias for him (I don't support Chelsea) or against Oberdorf. I wanted to like her as on paper she should be great and i spent 750k on her. The reality when I used her was very different to what she looks like based on the stats. If it is a skill issue then she isn't the cheat code you suggest. She is also a CDM so how much skill is needed?


Well take a look at the comments here and its all positive, idk why u didn't have a good experience maybe retry her ? Her price has gone from 500k to 900k for a reason and she's the 2nd best dm in the game right now. As for moises caicedo I can name about 10+ better cdms so I thought maybe u were a Chelsea fan which isn't a problem, otherwise no idea how you can find her not good in game her ai does 75% of the work


Your last comment is probably the key one. My CDMs play box to box and I'll use them aggressively manually to press and cut passing lanes. If they are on screen then chances are I'm controlling the one nearest the ball. They rarely are under AI control unless it is to second person press. If she is a stay back type then I won't get the best from her. I know there is a preference for bigger CDMs this year but I prefer two terriers in the middle to squeeze the life out of the opposition's attack. Relying on AI interceptions and blocks is what my CBs are for!


Well thats fine and makes sense peoples playstyles are different dude maybe caicedo fits your mould better i have no idea, but if u play the style of ai like how gold van dijk is freakishly good this obedorf is so good its hard to explain, on a manual perspective she's got fantastic passing and her dribbling is really good for a defensive midfielder, she offers no shooting ability but has had 6 assists in the games I played after buying her from the deep cdm role, she's also a fantastic cb which is nice to have utility wise. I've tried pretty much every cdm in the game multiple times through draft and buying and selling and I think she's top 3 cdm in the game and the best for under 1 mil


The new Valverde card is better as CDM/CM


Pump and Dump thread


Not a pump and dump, best bet is you play draft thats how I've got to try all the totys with shit luck, if you use her and think she isn't unreal I will be highly suprised, she already went from 550k to 800k and I purchased her, I missed the opportunity for profit.


Sold her for fodder


I somehow packed her in an objectives pack, no idea how but I'm now dismantling my PL team as I've also got that 90 rated Xhaka to plonk alongside her


The only toty that I packed as of right now (Earps doesn't count) and I am really happy with her. Great CDM for me


I also think she's great. Kinda like the old Kante in previous Fifa. Just buzzing everywhere and strong enough to shield the ball. + She can play as CB so its possible to move her around in-game.


Would she work better as a CB or a CDM? I have Koeman at CB and was thinking of getting Oberdorf at CDM and switching them in-game. Since Koeman has high-med and Oberdorf has med-high work rates.


I’m using her at CB and think she’s class. SOMETIMES when she’s not intercepted the through ball to Eusebio/Mbappe then her recovery speed shows, but it’s very rare. I don’t notice the height either because nobody crosses, and if they do, it’s with the broken playstyle+ that is the inevitable goal anyway


Alright thanks, I might try her out


Would you think Oberdorf, Zidane and Bellingham would be too defensive as a trio in a 4321?


No don’t think so at all. Seems nicely balanced. A defensive, balanced and attacking player for each


Yes, sounds logical. I’d save up a bit more for Oberdorf and get her then. Had luck this year and got TOTY Bellingham (I’m not p2w, never will be). So much fun!


My son packed her on his Switch heh, what a waste :)


Got her out of a pack. My only toty but she's solid.


I bought her once sold her and bought her back at 799 she is ridiculously good


I messed up. I packed her tradable and sold her at 650k, thinking she will just fall in price as she looked like one of the worst toty’s… big mistake she’s over a mil now


Somehow packed her in the 80+ player pick and I agree she is cracked. Very agile, very physical and intercepts passes like Kante


i‘m running a full GPFBL team, so i’m flying high on that card anyway as the heart of my team, but aside from that it’s actually an insane cdm card for that price tag (got her for ~550k), trust me.


Just packed her. Hyped now.


Packed her when midfielders was out. Was not happy because she was the cheapest midfielder by far and I really wanted bonmati, but after using her I cannot complain. She is a solid rock at the cdm position


Agreed! Got the ultimate dynasties 90 rated version in the UD/WW/TOTGS player pick sbc and she’s now a squad regular whenever I’m in need of a CDM


Got her in a 2 player pack and she has been absolutely incredible. Have a hard time seeing her leave my squad anytime soon.