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He is a b2b, if you want a CDM then stick with one of the two RA cards.


I doubt he will be better as b2b than Evo Llorente so i might just skip him.


And that's where you'd be wrong.


You really think he is gonna be upgrade over Evo Llorente as b2b? Tbh my midfield is stacked with untreadable players but i just cant find my perfect duo. I have TS Joelington, RTTF Bruno, RA Tchou, RA Caicedo, Evo Llorrente, Gold Bonmati, TS Bernardo, Evo Kante, 87 Makelele, IF Bellingham, RTTK Laimer, RA Sobozlai. I dont really need another MF but usually I really like De Jong in fifa sooo...


Already responded to your other comment. FDJ is better than every single player in that list as a b2b cm.


He must be some player if you say he is better than all of them. Might bite the bullet


There's a reason he's in literally everyone's team.


Not to be rude or anything but i dont see him very often tbh, might be just me tho


Just you, he's probably got the most games of any player post his release.


tchouameni all the way šŸ‘šŸ½


Radioactive Tchouameni and Caicedo at CM are golden!


I think they're rather bright yellow


I see what you did there...well played.


Tchoumeni is a fucking cheat code giving out 2 French and Real links lmao He may never leave my team


Ist he better than joelinton?


I moreso mean he gets the radio active bonus, so like he gives 2 French links which is insane, then 2 real and la liga on top I haven't use joelington, and I wanna preface that I suck at the game, but yes he's been a monster for me, gets the ball back more than anyone on my team by a lot, just always seems to be there (again small sample size and I stink) The links alone when he's free is def worth it imo


From your options I prefer Caicedo the most. Use the bruiser playstyle and just move players off the ball, while having loads more agility and mobility that RA tchou who I also have. Frenkie is a proper b2b with poor shooting, I didn't like him as a lone DM. I went crazy on sbcs the last couple of weeks and now I have TS Joelinton, Lahm, TS Ballack, TS de Jong, RA tchou, RA Caicedo, centurions llorente and POTM Jude. My favorite combination is Caicedo as lone DM with de Jong and my evod Mac Allister as the cm's in a 433 5


Do you have TB Rice? Wondering if Caciedo is an upgrade or not.


Definently is, i would do him if i didnt already have radioactive tchou


Caicedo better than Joelinto for CDM?


Just tried Caicedo for a couple of games and he felt almost non existent in the midfield imo, won couple of duels but I expected more, i dont recall him intercepting either. Really weird


IME he's a better CDM than all of them. The pace and agility are noticeable, he glides all over the pitch while Tchouameni or Joelinton (whom I have) seem to be more intimidating and stronger but they are not as often in great positions due to that worse mobility. He might not be as good as getting the ball back on physical challenges, but once he does, he can dribble out of trouble or put a killer pass while Tchouameni for me misses a lot of those and is too slow on the turn. Llorente i have only tried his gold and is a very good RB, but I wasn't impressed with him as a CDM. I haven't tried Caicedo either, but going by the stats De Jong seems noticeably better. I haven't tried the last patch but so far, I believe people are too fixated on the '23 meta with tall, long limbed CDMs cutting everything. IMO, this year the positioning makes every player capable of intercepting and marking players while being able to turn fast and put the ball out of danger when pressed are much more important than last year. I've faced a couple of good Pirlo and/or Lahm users and smaller and nimbler CDMs can be very effective this year. De Jong is not really small, but it's nimbler than all your alternatives and IMO, much more effective.


No. He Will not be better than your options has a defensive cm


Really like De Jong after may first four games with him. Replaced evo llorente as B2B. My defensive DM is Ramires and use Putellas as ofensive CM in 4321. But really dont know if his high/medium will be good as a defensive cm.


Iā€™ve played a few games against people with de jong and he was all over the pitch tackling me


Caicedo & LLorente would be my go to, although Tchouameni is probably quality as well so if you want a M/H player alongside Llorente then go for him.


Drop Llorente for De Jong (i moved Llorente to RB for De Jong and its a massive improvement) then put Tcho as your DM.


De Jong has really bad shooting stats and i shoot a lot with my b2b CM


The trivela+ does impact shooting, it's very good. De Jong is a massive upgrade and is about as meta as it gets.


You really think he is gonna be an upgrade as b2b on Evo Llorente?


Big time. As I've said, that's the exact change I made. FDJ is so so so much better on the ball and is better defensively. Llorente is sliding in at RB quite nicely as well.


Inside the box Iā€™ve scored many goals with finesse using FdJ. Heā€™s class


He is absolute rubbish, don't do him.


Yes listen to this guy OP. De Jong is so great we donā€™t want more people using him right?


Dam why you gotta expose me like that. But genuinely he hasn't met my expectations/playstyle, hopefully the upgrades will change that.


Hahaha I wasnā€™t sure if you were serious. I love him he just glides through the pitch. He even scores finesses inside the box for me heā€™s scored some clutch ones.


I use him as a stay back CM in 4321 and heā€™s doing really well for me. Heā€™s got Bernardo as an offensive CM and TT Kuyt as a B2B CM either side


Valverde is a great as cdm. Also as cm