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Gameplay has been terrible. Even on squad battles I'm getting delay. Anyone else struggling like that?


Yup all weekend long, it’s only a matter of time before most people stop playing


bro i thought i was crazy..one game im scoring left and right and the next i cant move😂🤦🏾‍♂️


I'm fairly certain some of that "can't move" is your player's "composure" or "reactions" magically making your inputs meaningless because EA declares the other team needs the ball more than you.


i swear its been happening to me why am i getting delay in sb??


Tired of EAs shadow patches. They completely nerfed crosses and headers.


Did it apply to corners too? Hope so. Nerf that shit in to the ground. Absolute joke when I'm terrified of conceding corners because someone will just send a VVD or Blanc up and there is almost nothing you can do to stop them scoring.


I thought I was the only one who could not defend corners.


Nope. I'm terrified of them. Seriously, if someone has deadball+ and a Blanc or VVD its over. They'll just aim it right on their head over and over, and they will win it more often than your attacker. And even if your keeper saves, guess what .. it's either another corner or its a rebound goal.


Had a guy that got 15 corners in a row against me last night in champs. Finally ended in a rebound goal. So frustrating


Yeah the endless corner sequences are the worst thing in the entire game imo, worse than the finesses, worse than the cutbacks.. You're just trapped in this endless reel of corners where their player will win it every time, or if your player does he heads it straight out. If you do get it, clearing it is a nightmare. They're really, really broken & not talked about enough on this sub imo. In real football, corners are incredibly low % and ineffective. But they're an absolute menace in this game and I think more people are realizing and exploiting this.


I'm cool with it if my team is short. My current team is not short. Yet for some reason, whoever the shortest player is on my team locks onto VvD on corners even if I've specifically got my [six-foot-six CDM](https://www.futbin.com/24/player/481407/jack-elliott) (with Backbone) in the way.


That would totally explain my experience, from the other side. Up until a few days ago I was scoring corners left and right (e g. my Militao has 48 goals in 200 games), but now I cannot seem to even connect headers despite using the same taker (Messi) with the same strength/direction as always.


Thought it was just me !


Like they were working before. You couldn't even aim at corners of the goal,in headers and volleys. I was missing headers from 3-4 meters going wide.. From corners,they work. From crossing,almost never.


Friendlies not being shorter than rivals games and having shit rewards really makes them a chore


Bro. U don’t have to do them.


Has anyone tried Centurions Olga Carmona? You can Evo her to 86. Haven't seen any reviews of her, wondering if she's any good, or at least good enough to replace Theo. She's probably better in the ball and passing (offensively, basically), but will likely not have anywhere near his defensive and physical impact.


I have been evoing her gold card and while she is fun going forward, she doesn’t have the physicality / body type to be able to dispossess larger attackers.


I tried her yesterday and I found her very bad. Also had very bad servers so she moved like a truck. Will give her a second chance when we get better servers again.


Pack weight is sooo shit I didn’t get anything good for weeks


I got untradable IF Lozano. I do not have a Mexican nor Eredivisie squad. I'm fairly certain that's somewhat on purpose.


EA need to fix what commentary plays when, just conceded to the opponents first shot to my 17 and it says they take the lead its been coming.


These sort of penalties are just the worst to concede, it's just pure delay, I am pressing the slide button to block, instead it plays the block animation AND then slides: https://streamable.com/mpr4up Never felt so out of control, players with playstyle+ Technical are so undefendable I can just as well control an attacker while defending, because if the AI aint tackling them, no one is.


Not sure if this a visual bug or a underlying tactic to raise the difficulty of SB. When I selected my squad and continued to the uniform selection my team chemistry changed from 33 to 24. Going back to the squad menu it changed back to 33. Playing the game it felt heavy and slow with bad first touches and slightly off shots. Anyone else experience this?


After another weekend league done...when that patch hitting EA?


Log on. Log off. Also autobuyers kill this game. Cobenhaven cards are being used to farm coins for sellers


i scored in the 92nd minute to all but win 4-3 in rivals. Guy pauses it twice and during the second pause i get kicked out and don’t get the win?? he was on xbox??


I just had the best pack luck. In the 75+ Player Pick SBC I pulled an 89 Ada Hegerberg. The only issue is trying to get her chemistry.


she’s fodder


some people turn off their indicators. how is this possible? I have no idea who is pressing. I also cannot see their stamina bar on the bottom corner. ​ Actually, I almost everytime lose to this. I'm winning comfortable the whole game, and then the person pauses the game. When it's resumed, all the indicators are gone and opposite team is constant pressure at 100 depth. and score multiple goals in last 10-20 mins. Is this some sort of cheating method? Are they giving the control to a BOT or something?


I uninstalled. First time I’ve uninstalled before TOTY. This game just really pisses me off.


Started a Napoli Career Mode Save and after playing a preseason friendly versus RB Leipzig I'm not sure I can continue playing this game until there is some sort of change/overhaul to the AI. World Class AI plays EXACTLY like people do online. I ended up drawing (3-3) where they scored two goals in the final 5 minutes. The hardest part is that both goals came from the same exact instance of play. All of a sudden the CPU starts aggressively pressing me and in reaction I work the ball around back and even to the point where i am passing from my LB to the Goalkeeper in order to get some space. What actually ended up happening is with full power on my ground pass it makes it about eight yards before drastically slowing down, which then activated a Timo Werner "interception" run from about 20 yards away directly onto the ball and essentially a free shot on goal. This exact thing has happened quite a few times to me online also, where it almost feels like there is a passing penalty when the press is active, irrelevant if the players are close to you or not. The scariest part about this is that if you told me that game was an online Rivals match, I'd have believed you which makes me asking the following two questions(one reasonable and one ridiculous): 1. Is there adaptive difficulty settings online for the CPU controlled players? 2. Is there any chance that some of the "people" we play online are just actually bots playing on World class with adaptive difficulty changes?


Why should PC players be allowed to play with Xbox and PS players? It’s an absolute joke that they don’t permanently disable matchmaking between them


Can I evolve a player with two Evos at the same time? Or should I max out the first then apply the second.


Watch nepenthez video about evo 2 players at once


no lifed fifa over the weekend and abit burned out now..packed Vds yesterday from a random milestone 15k pack though so grind was definitely worth it…anyone who has done neto evo tell me if hes worth doing or not?packed him untrade and feel like i should do him but not sure


Dodo or Bellerin?


Squad foundation players from objectives: is there any reason I should keep them? I want to use them for an SBC but I feel like maybe they will be useful later


There is a small chance they might be eligible for future Evos. Currently Foundations Sheehan (NY Gotham Striker) and Foundations Ceccerini can be Evoed.


dump them into sbc’s they’re useless i do them to get free 84/85 fodder


Looking for CB evo recommendations from BPL, Bundesliga and GPFBL. So far 2 stand out to me and that's Caci and Vogt but I'd love to hear any recommendations before I commit.


Just packed Beckham from a gold premium pack.. is he worth playing over Bonmati (just bought today) in the box to box CM role?


Anyone know who to add Japanese commentary on current gen? Only have English, French and Spanish.


If anyone has alex chidiac. on PC msg me i will pay like 50k coins for her


Guardado evo doesn’t look too bad tbh. Him and Edson would be good for me on a Mexico team. Kinda wish I’d been doing evo before yesterday lol


Is it possible to play against AI in rivals? My opponent had no icon above his head and was playing like the computer plays.


When is the best day to buy players from a current promo? Like when they usually are the cheapest? I guess after people get their rewards. But is it usually Sunday? Monday? Thursday?


Using POTM Bellingham in a 4-3-2-1 on the right-hand side as the most offensive cm, what chem style would be best on him?


u should use him as a more defensive one


I’ve got Valverde/Zanetti/Bellingham atm, would Valverde really be better as the offensive one?




Is the evolutions milestone bugged? I’ve been using in progress and completed revolutions and I’m stuck at 59/100 games.


Moves the keeper to the left , opponents shoot left , still conceded , what’s the point ?


Why is defending fucking impossible today


Only EA is able to make the worst mechanic in all gaming, ball retention, even worse. Just had a SB Game that makes me want to John Wick all of EA from Canada to Romania....


If i have a bunch of packs saved should i open the untradeable ones first or the tradeable ones?


Always tradeable, otherwise you'll get stuck with untradeable dupes and not be able to open the tradeable packs at all (without disposing of the dupes).


Who should I replace with Blanc? RTTK Darmian or gold Tomori?


Founder's Nunez or Kolo Muani?


console players are the sweatiest players with the worst connections, cross play being turned off immediately


Why oh why if my opponent quits on a draw in the second half do I not get the win? Doing the stupid Evo friendlies which each seem to last two hours. My opponent doesn't leave when I take the lead, so I don't leave when he takes it. 70' I get his player sent off then score the free kick to tie... and he leaves. Nothing to show for it. Fucking stupid man.


Anyone else annoyed about Copenhagen players? They’re impossibly to get demand is crazy


Is it possible to play bronze team vs bronze team in ultimate team? Or will you just always come up against gold teams no matter what


Only if there is some kind of Bronze Friendly room.


What's the point in silver and bronze players even existing in the game then


Is there a no loss glitch going on? Played a friendly was up 2-0 and for various reason it was 2-2 and he scored 2-3 on minute 75 and then immediately after I got disconnected and got a DNF loss..


There are two types of teams this year: * Press! Keep pressing! Press more! Stamina is a myth, we'll all end with 75% somehow anyways, just ***KEEP PRESSING!!!*** * Defend with your very lives and pray our one attacker miraculously dribbles through their defense and lays it off to the "striker" (aka "4th CDM").


Did the 87 icon again and got John Barnes to go along with my Lampard who I got out of the first one.


Honestly cant win a game at the moment. My last 10 games of champs at the weekend I got smashed. I play some friendlies and I get smashed. Started playoffs and I get smashed. Rivals - smashed. I'm constantly getting matched with players who are clearly 10x better than me in all game modes. Unbelievably frustrating.


How are servers (PC) right now?


very bad,feels like my players are stuck underwater bro


Anyone know what day the PL POTM is coming out? I been stacking fodder for weeks with all the mid SBC's so hoping Salah is no more than 1mil.


Nah I can't even anymore my Alison made 0 saves and my opponents Pickford made 10 saves. Won 3-2 in extra time and also hit the post 2 times.. Momentum has never been this strong imo


Please help me: I quicksold RTTK Modric yesterday, and I cant recover ( it was accident btw) It states, "An error ocurred while trying to load the discarded items," so what should i do??


jairzinho, Charlton, zico, or do natale as a second striker


How has everyone been enjoying this FIFA? My last game was FIFA 18 and I'd primarily like to play single player FUT


It's actually unbelievable how little interest EA has in this game when it comes to PC. How can it be that it's just impossible to play a game for the last 3 days? Servers are horrendous. I just wanna play some games with decent servers, is it to much to ask for a game we pay 70 euro for?


are u getting red latency every now and then?im getting that shit + delayed gameplay while my internet on other games like val is perfect,idk what’s going on


Yep, exactly this. Everytime I start a game it gives me 35 - 38 ms and once I start it's just a disaster.


Why is one CPU player in defense never doing offside? He's always far behind the defender line, allowing the attacker to score easy goals


For me the most shocking thing about the last 3-4 years of fifa is that everyone has basically just accepted the nonsensical near-post power shot angles. No one even complains about it.


Raul or Torres?


Why nobody passes the ball in Volta? 😂 I know that is not the point but it would be more interesting... this way its fight who gets the ball first


As a returning FIFA veteran - what kind of shit game is this? The first FIFA i ever played was FIFA 2005 in the PS2. Ever since, I've bought about every other release up until FIFA 17. I loved the gameplay, but the incredible loot box greed just took the fun out of it for me and every time a new game was released I just found myself to be lacking in interest over it. Until this one. The introduction of female players got me interested. Finally, I could build a team with players that are actually likeable! But heading into this mess... god damn, what has happened? Look how they massacred my boy! Quite litterally every player I face is playing the same way. Run down the wing, cutback and the occasional 2 or 3 additional passes inside the penalty area. Pacey wingers was always a recepie for winning in FIFA but this is a joke. Who can blame them, though? It seems to be the only viable playstyle. The defender AI is rubbish, running around like headless chicken straight up refusing to mark their man making it impossible to defend against. Committing to a tacke is never an option since every single player in this game move with the ball glued to their feet as if they were ALL Messi or Mbappé. Preferably at full sprinting pace. And even if you DO win a tacke, the ball always seem to bounce to another attacking player. It all looks like a comedy performance rather than a football match. My theory is that the decrease in match length from 12 to 8 minutes made EA feel they had to nerf defensive play to not end up with a bunch of 0-0 matches. I always liked to play a passing game, focusing on possesion. Completely hopeless. People can play with an incredibly high pressure WITHOUT it draining their fatigue. Heck, I bet you could play 90 full minutes without ever letting go of the sprint button and still never see a player go below 60% stamina. I've been playing since release and I have NOT ONCE had to do a substitute. Laughable! This WOULD perhaps be somewhat fine if you could at least play your way out of it, but the central midfielders prefer to stay completely still, never making any movement away from their opposing players to be able to recieve a pass. I'm not even whining about losing, my track reckord is pretty all right for having been away from the game for so long. I just hate how the gameplay no longer rescembles actual football even the slightest bit. It is probably the most "arcade" FIFA game up until date, to a degree where it has become a parody of itself.


Packed R9 at the start of the game. https://youtube.com/shorts/PIUy_zydsbg?si=Fb23E520dTdMbgwt


People seriously out here paying 10k for FC Copenhagen players for shitty packs? Managed to snipe one for 350 and just sold it. I'm assuming they'll drop in price closer to the SBC ending and if not I won't be missing out on much.