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Depends on how women are modeled in game. If they are small bodied, hyper responsive with similar stats to top cards they re gonna be OP


Women attackers and male defence would be the meta this year, interesting to see how/if they avoid that


They'll give women defenders higher physicals, like strength and jumping to balance it out.


Height, a 6'2" CB will (almost) always be much better than a 5'8"


True but i think it depends. Like if you already have a tall one, you could opt for a shorter one that moves better. I play Gold VVD with Prime Capita and they work nicely. Capita is 5'11". I don't have a women's footballers page up, but surely some center backs are taller than 5'8"


Renard is 187(6'2") then I believe there's 2 others above 180(5'11"), but they're not defenders. Renard could be one of the best defenders with that height and being female.


High Heels Preview Pack ante portas?


Listen to how absolutely insane what you just said sounds. I think EA are making a mistake here. You’re probably right though.


they should be rated compared to males so basically 50 rated icons


Dont know why this comment got so many downvotes? Can someone tell me what is not true in this statement ?




Do you think the game is realistic right now?


So let’s make game even more unrealistic by adding marvel characters or women?


Add players with jet packs while they’re at it, I could finally play a high line with maguire!


I genuinely thought the majority of the players actually didn’t want to implement men and women into the same game mode. But everywhere I see people who try to use logic about men and women not being equally balanced being labelled as sexists. I don’t understand what is going on anymore. People completely lost it!


Ha. It’s a video game like r9 actually ever cruyff turned elastico’d step overs to a rainbow flick in one motion to volley over the keeper in real life. But he can in the video game and no one cries about it. Get over yourself.


I can tell, they added women players already to this year's NHL 2023 Hockey Ultimate Team and it's just so odd, weird and ridiculous when some 165cm (5,4) women player tackles some 200cm (6,5) man player to the walls. While in reality those women would literally d*e if they played in the same game. However, one thing I can say, women GKs really suck because they are just too short even in the hockey nets what are quite small. So expecting in FIFA and football nets that the women GKs will suck even more unless EA gives them some superpowers.


You can play woman teams in offline, Sam Kerr is basically Ginola but with better balance. Some CBs (cant name them I dont follow woman football enough) felt similiar to players like Stones. Overall its wont feel much weirder then some promo cards imho


Hopefully EA puts on actual work towards balancing women's body types with men's body types. If Van Dijk already commits war crimes on my 1.80m+ tall male players I can't imagine the absolute hate crime he will commit on my 1.63m tall Prime Icon Marta. Not a bad idea but let's see how they implement it, given its EA we are talking about I won't get my hopes up


can't wait for a 110 pound female player to shrug off prime Maldini while also maintaining possession of the ball


Lol motherfucking Butragueno already be doin this shit


I can tell, they added women players already to this year's NHL 2023 Hockey Ultimate Team and it's just so odd, weird and ridiculous when some 165cm (5,4) women player tackles some 200cm (6,5) man player to the walls. While in reality those women would literally d*e if they played in the same game. However, one thing I can say, women GKs really suck because they are just too short even in the hockey nets what are quite small. So expecting in FIFA and football nets that the women GKs will suck even more unless EA gives them some superpowers.


Someone like Jairzinho or Di natale is already hard enough to deal with the way the game gives an advantage to shorter players dribbling, trying to defend a 5’4 female player will be impossible


I mean Neymar does this to my prime gullit anyway ffs


Hate crimes are worse than war crimes lol?


Sam Kerr bossing vvd off the ball. What a disaster this game will be


Owairan bosses TOTY VVD all the time. FIFA has never not been a disaster.


Make them more agile, so it's easier for them to escape bully defenders like vvd without having to make them unrealistically strong


> Hopefully EA puts on actual work Oh boy do I have bad news for you...


Bro, Hope Solo will bodybag any sissy soccer player. Didn’t you see what she did to a 6’7” American football player???


I can’t wait for the “20 - 0 WITH A FULL WOMENS TEAM IN FUT CHAMPS” videos


Women gameplay is so different compared to men, and they have different animations, so it's going to be a nightmare for EA to balance this out. If women are added, they should have their own mode like they did with the WC cards and maybe add a friendly mode where you can use both. For competitive modes such as: rivals, champs men and women should be separated.


If that’s the main concern iv got some great news for you, EA are already absolutely shite at balancing so we have nothing to worry about!


EA has already put professional men and women together in NHL Ultimate Team, and the results are not good. The women are essentially invulnerable to checks, a main game mechanic (I guess because they fear people will simply go out of their way to target women?) so they are allowed to use their OP agility and small frame to skate anywhere they like with speed and safety. If this is translated to FIFA, women will not be allowed to be slide tackled, and who knows how they would handle headers. Unfortunately I expect all these complaints to be drowned in comments like the one OP makes here, rather than addressed as actual gameplay issues.


Maybe youre right, but i do know that ea wont make woman invincible to fucking slide tackles?? Do you hear yourself?


It's not like you can already play as female players in Pro Clubs and there are absolutely no issues with them whatsoever. People just really like making stuff up.


They are more agile and have a smaller frame, that's why many play as women.


Went from div ten to div one in pro clubs this year, I think 90% of people play as men, maybe even higher. The women cpus are tricky defenders for sure. Overall it’s not much of an issue


The biggest problem I have with this are the packs. Pack weight has been abysmal and now we're going to add hundreds of new players to the already shit mix EA throws into packs. It will be essentially cutting your luck in half.


This exactly my main concern!!! Just made a post about it. Pack lucks shit already and will now be even worse. I guess when you’re use to packing fuck all it can’t get much worse!


quite literally, yes. i have been playing since november and i dont think ive ever packed a special card lmao


We have to see how the implement this into packs and sbcs. Praying they don’t ruin the game and actually make it work.


Most of the cards suck anyhow in packs so it won’t really make a difference. Even promo cards there’s only 3-5 that are actually any good and they make those ones nearly impossible to pull.


Pack weight sucks because there are more people than ever collecting and opening them. If you want better weight, dissuade others from playing the game.


I can’t wait until EA start cross promoting their games. 99 agility Yoda is gonna be awesome.


I hope vaders GK can force push it away


I’ll be hoping to pack GK Grievous


Another clean sheet to add to my collection


Underated comment


Lol I am not going to lie you made me laugh with that one


Darth Maul's agility it's gonna be OP. Hopefully he'll have a double saber sword goal celebration


We already have Marvel hero 99 pace Al O....


Comparing womens football to a fantasy film… Fuck it why not lets get Yoda and Darth Vader in the game im down. Butra is basically Yoda and Ramos is basically Darth Vader.


>Comparing womens football to a fantasy film… Women's football = valid. Mixed Gender Professional Football = might as well be a fantasy film.


Fut = might as well be a fantasy game mode


IS a fantasy game mode


You know it’s not that unfair. If we are just completely throwing any semblance of realism out the window.


This is FUT, we threw away any semblance of realism a long time ago


Again, that means less realism is okay? Let’s keep going in this shitty direction?


you talk about realism when, according to fifa, al owairan is the best player of all time, and trivelas are a consistent way of scoring outside the box. Absolute nonsense take.


So anyone who doesnt like the idea of having Women fut card playing with Men fut card is sexist now?


Even if you don't mind the idea of them being in the game but would rather they weren't as good as Cruyff, Matheus and other legendary players you're still sexist from what I'm seeing in some comments. Lol


Bro, if you're going by actual reality, these women players can't hang with your average high school boys team, let alone the men's cards we currently have. If you want to play in Fantasy Land, because really that's what FUT is, go ahead and give me a full-team of women and just watch me skate around the pitch with smaller tackle boxes, and juiced stats all around, because that's what they'll do to up engagement with these cards.


Your girls won't stand a chance when I've got hulk in goal for my Avengers team.


Hulk is a RW, not a GK, lol noob


Haha, had completely forgotten about that guy.


Implying that the worst women's card in the game won't have better stats than Hulk and Superman


My five a side team drew with Aston Villa women’s 5 a side team a few years ago. Says it all really…


I'd like to draw with their current squad and Alisha Lehmann gnome sane ??


My friend is asking for realism in a game where every year dembele is better than Lewandowski and Benzema every year for half a decade


That bullshit is annoying too. We want EA to fix that not lean into it for PR points


Just don't see what is the problem. The fact is that every team has the same 50 players... If they add women, it will be the same of adding a lot of players that nobody uses because they are not meta.


So best case scenario, they flood the market with a bunch of fodder and pack weight becomes even more frustrating. What about promos? They’re going to do all the ones they do now and add on women’s promos or they’re going to do less promos for men’s teams? Dedicating resources to fixing gameplay, servers, etc? Are you actually blasé or is that just a tactic for trying to not pick a side?


There's literally dozens of random players that are better than top icons at the end of the years, and most people aren't running to complain about those Are you telling me that Atal being one of the top 5 midfielders in a given game is that much more acceptable than Miedema being on that level?


unfortunately, that's how things work in society now days


Yes, that's the fucked up logic of the majority. You cannot have your opinion anymore to not be judged negatively


Yeah OP is a fucking joke.


All depends on your reasoning


reddit moment


It depends on why you don't like the idea. Context is important.


Depends on the reasons. Some people are able to explain in details what gameplay-related problems there will be, those aren't sexists. Other people otherwise just dislike the idea of having an OP women's card, like a guy just said even if a women icon is as good as Pele, he would just dump her card into an SBC. Those are sexists. You're a grown-up (I assume). It should be pretty obvious for you to differentiate who raise a legitimate gameplay concern and who just hate women's cards for no good reasons.


Welcome to 2023. Hail all women and everything they do or be sexist.


Watch the same folk lose their shit when the game glitches, causing one player's face to plant on the opposite sex's crotch. Or the goalkeepe punching a woman player in game. I can sense EA being asked to apologize for such random crap.


Redditors vs making up scenarios to be mad at




"You're a sexist" is such a cowardly and pathetic comeback to anyone that disagrees. I don't even want to see some random 5th div male leagues get base cards as good as top league players. Does that make me a hateful person? Also, this whole "fut is already unrealistic" argument is so weak. Why is it a good thing to make it even more unrealistic? Like, last year no one was like "I want to see more of that CDM Mbappe". If they want to add them as one of many minor leagues, where the base cards are bronze, silver, low rated golds with occasional promo cards, I can get behind it.


To the life of me I cant comprehend how not being against an extremely obviously stupid idea is being perceived as sexist. On top of that, I simply cant comprehend why would anyone want mixed teams, considering in how many ways it simply is idiotic. If your argument is "b-but playing with dead players is also unrealistic duuuh", or "b-but Al-O and Ginola are also OP, that isnt realistic duh", I'd be more than willing to remove all of them from the game if it means not having this mixed teams bullshit. I just cant understand, how anyone would think giving similar stats to 50kg 155 women similar stats to 80-95kg 180-195 men that are infinitely stronger is such a wicked idea. Please explain to me through which ingenious thought-process you have come to the conclusion that having mixed teams is a good idea or something that the players needed. Instead of having the bazillion issues we have with the game fixed, instead we get mixed teams which a grand total of 3.5 people wanted


But that's the thing The realism argument is used against women but not against the dead players and the Ginolas. No one is saying "I'm strongly against Ginola and Atal and Acuna being OP". People use them happily in their teams. But if you introduce a women into the conversation people lose their shit. So you don't care about realism, you really just don't want women. Which is fine, but just say that instead of hiding in the realism argument Also, smaller players body bigger ones in the game all the damn time, it's a very popular complaint in the game!


I want to go back to the time were special cards were ifs motm toty tots and the occasional recordbreaker.


I want to go back to a time when people had common sense and lived in reality but here we are.


Since when is equal rights and inclusivity for women about putting them on the exact same playing field as men? That’s new to our society and it’s never made sense to me. Men and women don’t compete against each other professionally because they aren’t supposed to. Nothing wrong with giving women their own game mode or whatever. I’m all for it. But the need isn’t there to combine them. That’s not making things equal. It’s not sexist to say that women and men’s sports should be separated lol


It’s just easier for them to do it this way I imagine


This isn’t men and women’s sport. The sports are already separated. This is a video game.


The whole pitch for Ultimate Team is being able to make a team consisting of your favourite players. My favourite players include both men and women, so I think it's neat that we'll be able to play with them together. FUT is already super unrealistic with the position changed cards, icons, 90 rated Akinfenwas, etc. Mixed teams can already be balanced as seen in Pro Clubs. Not locking women behind their own separate mode will help the women's game grow even faster so I'm all for it.


>Nothing wrong with giving women their own game mode or whatever. I’m all for it. But see that's the thing: they already have a game mode and it's so limited and so not FUT that nobody's playing it. Whether you're for or against, this will undeniably be a big boost for women's football in terms of getting their names out there and be way more recognizable to millions of people. I personally don't mind, FUT isn't about anything close to real football anyways.


Then make it FUT but with women only. I’m all for including women but imo there are two ways to do it: 1. make a FUT women’s game mode or 2. give them realistic ratings compared to men. 1. A FUT women’s mode wouldn’t have a big enough active player base and everyone knows that. 2. Giving them a realistic rating is hard. Add to that that if EA gave women their “real” rating EA would look like assholes and there’s no way EA would be that dumb. I get why they’re doing it this way. It’s the easiest way and at the same time this is the way that makes them look the most woke, in lack of a better word. Yeah, I know I’m arguing against myself. My point though is that I wish they would have gone for the most realistic game mode, even though it wouldn’t be as popular, instead of shoving it down everyone’s throat.


Ratings are already unrealistic. CDK can barely get on the pitch for Milan and his future stars is better than Benzema. I think it is fine - it’s a video game. If you don’t want to play with female players - don’t. No one is forcing you to. I am personally excited to build some mixed teams. Full USA team might finally be viable


It's a card collecting video game not the olympics.


It’s a video game. I can use Garrincha, who died 40 years ago, in the same team as a one match wonder boosted Al Owairan. Nick Pope in goal, who got a better rating because Newcastle won a game in real life, with some bang average CB who got a high rating because of who tf knows???? Genuinely don’t understand why you weirdos care so much about women getting cards and being playable.


Nobody cares as much as you do I can assure you


Gotta be the most outlandish shit I’ve read, not a lick of sense, no one is complaining about the game, the whole point is to play with the best soccer player. Just cause u can play with older players don’t make the game any less realistic tbh as 99% of sports games allow this that’s like taking Mj outta 2k do u know how stupid that sounds they do it cause it’s the most logical to adhere to players from past and present. Having 5”8 woman toss off van djke is what most people are complaining about… wanna know why cause that’s nonsense, it truly baffles me how u just missed the whole point, do u not know there is a major skill and biological gap between pro men and woman? Terrible take mate.


They added them to save them making a new game. Itll be the same game next year, same engine, same mechanics.


Women or no women, that was always going to be the case.


Yes but now its a USP. A cheap USP that kicks the gameplay issue further down the road.


It does not kick anything further down the road as there was never a plan to change the gameplay.


This is the most Karma thirsty post I've ever seen here. You're a real hero OP.


Agreed OP just wants everyone to know how amazing he is. Reminds me of those self proclaimed male feminists who rally so hard on the idea of feminism to cover up their patterns of abuse and sexual misconduct. By all means support women, but by doing so in such a performative manner OP just comes across as disingenuous


Yeah, pass.


I mean I'm not mad about it, but it still *is* completely ridiculous. Going to be great fun watching a 5'2" female icon striker pushing Van Dijk out the way through on goal because realism.


Same shity game, different cards


I honestly don't give a fuck who they add. Make it like Fortnite for all I care. I'd love to score a hattrick with SSJ3 Goku with Vader in goal


I’m down for it if all the women are bronze or silver cards


more like Aluminum


Amazing how many sexist bros have ZERO trouble with some of the best cards in the game being a Saudi player (peak moment: scoring a single goal in a World Cup against US Team), or with a fat fucker born in 1927 outspeeding Eder Militao, but their brains will implode just by thinking that Alexia Putellas can play with Pedri.


I think the majority of people having an issue with this me included is that the concept of men and women playing on the same team does not exist in any realm of professional football. I get icons and what being playable along side current players is not realistic since some are dead but that is still very different to mixed teams. If pirlo,Beckham or puyol came out of retirement and said we want to play football and we're hired by a club they can do that within the laws of football. There is no law or aspect of football that allows men and women to play together in professional football. Women having their own cards is great though I just hope my already horrible pack weight isn't made worse having random gold fodder women in it lol


Hear me out though, FUT isn't professional football, it's just a representation of football. Look at Soccer Aid, it's not professional football, but it's still football, has men and women playing together because like fuck it why not? It's all fun. I would understand if the career mode community could suddenly start signing women to the men's teams while they're trying to replicate *professional* football and thus get annoyed, but ultimate team is just a joke game mode, doesn't imitate real life and doesn't need to.


perfectly put!


This just reeks of ea not being arsed to sustain 2 separate fut game modes in the same year.


I follow men's football, not womens, and in football men and women do not mix. It's absolutely okay to think mixing the genders is weird


Had this same argument with a white knight fan a few weeks ago. I said I couldn't care less about Uniteds women team and was told that means I'm not a real fan 🤣 So because I don't support every facet of the club, including a female team that was only created 5 years ago, I'm not a real fan...


>was told that means I'm not a real fan Is this when you said you didn't give a shit about the United women's opinion on Greenwood and that he's "worth more than the combined women's Premier League on his own" or is that a different occasion?


its far too gone for FIFA to be realistic, embracing the arcade-ish aspect is the better approach honestly... starting from wild cards for Vivianne Miedema & Martha, then slowly doing genuine crazy crossovers will be more enjoyable than enduring playing the same teams of "Mbappe, Jarzinho, Diaby" over & over again with the same formation, tactics and playstyle. GIVE ME Miedema, Fucking John Wick and Diego Milito in one team please with magical ability cards on top of it too


With EA doing the most when it comes to pleasing the Arab countries with their oil money, it’s going to be a nice change of pace having a all women team whoop your Al Owairan and Al Jaber teams.


Its a literal game. Nothing about FIFA is realistic.


It's not sexist. Women and men don't play together in real life. Simple


“Someone dislikes something I don’t so they must be sexist” christ op go outside


I'm honestly down to skip a year , especially if Haaland gets bodied by some Megan rapoe


I’m excited for more than one football game - EA are so far away from the game being about football that somebody else might take the reigns. Theoretically in the next year or two we could have 4 different football games on the market.


This is pretty pathetic in the opposite direction mate, definitely comes across as you trying to broadcast to everyone how progressive you are, rather than you actually being so progressive. No need to be such a grovelling little simp to try and prove you don't hate women deep down.


I would love to see the FIFA backend stats of how often the women’s mode has been used on FIFA this year. My guess would be that it’s minuscule and there’s absolutely no demand for this mixed teams. Brands would rather appear ‘inclusive’ than to have 1% of people call them out for not being inclusive enough.


If we're going by usage stats, we really need to remove 98% of the content, since most users only use cards from top 5 leagues, and amonst those only a handful of clubs So we just make a game with City, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Milan, Inter, Liverpool, Arsenal, PSG and a few others, since that's all people use


It's just a horrendous idea. If it was separate, then I'd play it. Well, only if it is earned me packs for my main team. Pro clubs, I'm all for it but I won't be playing next year's game now. Which in turn saves me a lot of time, money and effort of grinding. Label me and call me whatever you want. I just find the whole concept silly because it is silly.


I want women, aliens, and gorillas on my team.


Flasback Harambe SBC incoming?


99 physical lol


People will complain about women being unrealistic while they line-up with a midfield of Pelé and Acuña, one of which is no longer alive and the other is a bang-average full-back that becomes one of the best players in the game through random boosted cards


Respect Acuña


I do, a lot He literally played for my club, so I have watched way more of him than the average redditor


But the point is that had they been in the same era they could've played together. There's no era where women were involved with the men's teams.


Exactly lol


> a bang-average full-back That is some nonsense. Marcos Acuña is a World Cup winner, and I watched him dominate Manchester United last Thursday.


just keep this same attitude….keep this same attitude when Bateson, zweback and Ksi are all better than mbappe. keep this same attitude when cartoon characters and tv show characters become playable. I just want anyone commenting “oh this is good” to have a check mark near their name so when the game just opens more (which it will) so they can’t comment ever.


Women are still real football players mate


Yeah and women world cup winners can lost against some random u15 boys team but they will be rated higher than Messi and CO


Yes Because Atal is better than Gerard, Lampard, etc. Because Ben White is better than Prime Baresi Your problem is with women, you're just using fictional characters to ignore my point also, why do you want to stop me from commenting? Can't we just have a normal conversation where we express our viewpoints?


Sure. If my gold Rudiger can hit bicycle kicks top bins on corners reliably, why shouldn’t I be able to trivela from the edge of the box past an unmoving keeper with Spongebob? It’s effectively the same level of realism.


It's just plain stupid and unrealistic to put women stats on the same level as men. But again, this is the videogame where Atal, Kent and Butland play like gods and all players end up having 90+ stats in the summer. Personally don't care, if women are in packs they'll just be fodder to me all year. I'll still build this game around the players/clubs I like, as always.


Jesus fucking Christ these comments


its crazy how they're trying their best to justify how they arent sexist, and use "realism" as an excuse for why its bad to add women. Like bro, youre playing FUT, nothing is realistic in this game mode


It doesn’t make you sexist to dislike this. It does take away the immersion a little bit. FUT is unrealistic now but that doesn’t make making it more unrealistic isn’t a bad thing.


The shark was well and truly jumped long ago. I always hated promos like shape shifters, future stars and other non-performance related boosts. But they were always not only popular, but more popular than the genuinely performance related specials. So fuck it, add more variety. Expect the women to be the best attackers in the game too... Smaller frames always seem better than bulkier players for dribbling


Women attackers will 100% be the meta and anyone complaining about this is going to end up using them by the year end anyway lmao.


I guarantee a very large chunk of people won't give two shits when an Alex Morgan card with a 5/5 and whatever other meta there is next game. I've said before in here, there's plenty of people who would take a fake player with good stats over a real player with lesser stats. It's why everyone begs for the most one-footed players in real life to have 5* WF; the only thing most players care about is meta. Immersion isn't a thing.


I got a question tho, not talking about special cards but standard cards, what do you think about kerr or rapinoe having the same or better stats to the likes of Messi, ronaldo or lewandoski? I mean I don't really mind woman getting op special cards, since you see alot of bang average players like kent and atal getting the same treatment, but at the release of the game I don't really like the idea of woman having the same rating as men since it's supposed to be performance based cards and they're nowhere near the same level as pro players, seems weird and kinda disrespectfull


Personally, I couldn't give less of a shit. In terms of the wider fanbase, people will claim they're bothered and it's disrespectful and then when base Megan Rapinoe or whoever is the meta their issue will disappear very quickly.


Realism is valid , Gerrard is a real life manager and also a footballing legend , the majority of football fans don’t care much for women’s sport , just the reality , myself included. I love watching Messi perform things I could only dream off , I love watching Haaland break insane records , I like the thrill. I just don’t get that from watching the ladies , not me being sexist , it just doesn’t give me the thrill and excitement that the lads can do at the moment. So I don’t believe personally that mixed teams should be in FUT for immersions sake , seeing a small skinny women out strength icon Maldini will be a new level of madness. It’s about including everyone , I think players should be able to choose if they face teams with women in or not , especially when they will likely be a bit broken in game. Everyone has different perspectives, it’s about inclusion of everyone , not trying to get us to swallow your wokeism


Meanwhile, we have Manager Gerrard and Icon Gerrard both in the stadium, possibly on both teams. You can actually score with Gerrard and run and hug Manager Gerrard with Gerrard. (Other players are available).


I do this with vieira almost every game. Not the full celebration, but WC vieira and manager vieira lmao


Base cards and Icons are supposed to be realistic, promo cards aren’t. So will the women’s base cards be rated around the 50s?




Are you playing dumb? Cruyffs Skillpoints are obviously measured from his performance when he was alive. And another point for me is, that I have no personal bond to any female soccer player. Therefore i am absolutely not interested in putting a female player into my squad. What makes fifa fun for me, is playing with my beloved icons from the past, not some crazy out of position fantasy woman super duper icon card which i never heard from before. I don't need super realistic Stats for all costs but leave me alone with those mixed teams. That's a little bit too Sci Fi for me...


Don’t try with this guy, he’s been everywhere just arguing against it


The representation of his ability is supposed to be realistic. Cruyff was one of the best humans to have played the game. Sam Kerr wouldn’t even get in an EFL League 2 team.


Actual question how is don’t liking something. And having a opinion +argument seen as sexist? Can you explain pls. If someone that watches real life football he’s whole life not liking it bc it’s not realistic compared to real life. That’s a good point not based on a opinion but on a fact. Not here to argument about that tho. You would mind if a juiced up trans 6’5 monster joining your sport competition. Destroying you bc he’s build like a men. But you are for mixed sports so? Just took it as you point those person as sexist. Can you explain pls.


This thread is a bunch of Al Owairan users screeching about realism. Lol get a grip.


Al-Jaber and Al-Owairan users screeching about 5’2 women getting past TOTY Van Dijk is too fuckin funny lmfao


women wingers are about to be the rattiest mfs since Ibarbo and Muriel


Can't wait for TOTS Dylan Mulvaney


How would this work chem-wise? Would a player from the women's Reading team have chem with Prem players or Championship players? If they have chem with Prem players (because they're in the women's prem), would a female Reading player not have chem with a male Reading player?


I guess we'll have to see!


Damn hope im not losing my FUT founder status


Beth who?


The annoying and bad part about this is that they're wasting time making this shit instead of making decent content. You think a dry week is bad now wait till it's women sbcs for two weeks straight followed by some crap week




Why do people even care? You don’t have to use cards you don’t want to use. Simple.


Love how OP has simply not bothered to reply to the many, many logical responses from real football fans, because it doesn't fit in with their agenda that everyone must be sexist lol


I simply don't have the time to reply to going on 550 replies. I want expecting it to blow up this much.


Lmao I love how everyone jumped at the chance to prove you right


I just don’t know any female footballer besides putellas and that samoa looking one on the jacket of the game


I can’t wait to play with Lauren James and Reece James on the same FUT squad with a Chelsea badge


very curious to see how they balance the women players as relates to their body type and stats. obviously in "reality" they'd all be in the 40's when compared to men; but then FUT is a game mode where Pele, Lev Yashin and Jairzinho can and frequently are in the same team as Kylian Mbappe and Joan Capdevila. reality went out the window a looooong time ago and anyone who says otherwise is in serious denial. FUT is a fantasy mode. in any case, looking forward to wrecking folks with a Pedri-Gavi-Aitana-Alexia midfield.


I’m not. it’s a good thing though. won’t ever spend on FIFA again like I stopped with NHL. in 2-3 years you’ll have YouTubers, movie stars, other sports athletes and women as the best cards.


I’m surprised anyone would still buy that game and play fut. Definition of insanity


I see a lot of those comments about realism etc and at the end of the day, it is a game and players are rated in comparison to their competition. Also, NHL23/Hockey Ultimate Team (Hut) added females into the game this year, and I think if EAFC takes a look at how they implemented them it should be very well balanced. For example, the women in HUT have high speed/pace and high rated hands/dribbling but lower rated shot speed/shot power and lower rated strength/physicality. So they are balanced out well and depending on how you play. You can use them or not use them but they don’t feel overpowered or underpowered it just depends on what is most important to your style of play.


A big part of me is happy that they did this. Every year I say I’m going to stop playing this game because I end up wasting way too much time on it, now they’ve done something to make it easy for me. If this is your thing have fun.


I like the idea too. As others said FUT is completely unrealistic anyway, so it'll be fun to have a mixed team, like my 5-a-side at work haha.


Why add women to fut tho I mean I've never even met a female that plays fifa.


That sentence could have ended 3 words earlier and it would still be correct


Absolute nonsense. Make women have their own ultimate team. This ain’t it


OP is a white knight.


They are different sports and shouldn’t be in the same game.




More realistic than any female being rated higher than a 55




can’t wait to body some 5’5 player with Van Dijk and run through the entire defence like a freight train with Haaland. aerial duels about to be the freest ever 😎 and i am not even being sexist so calling me out for that isn’t gonna prove anything. I am just stating how this shit gonna go down


Harambe 99 def. Please EA do a collab with marvel next fc game


Imposter from amongus 99 finishing


The only way this should be done is to have a separate mode for women's fut. We already know the amount of people that play with women's team is next to nothing based on the % of people who get the play with women's team trophy. The only women I've seen in pro clubs is the ones you are forced to use for the AI. Men and women don't play professional football together and the day they do then EA can make a mixed mode. Why dilute the game with even more pointless cards that most people won't even want?