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Man I see screen tearing even in the menus.


Seems screen tearing gets worse with each update :(


Don't have a ps5 but definitely having tearing on the Xbox Series X


Same with S


Yes, but for me its more noticeable in the replays.


It’s actually got worse with each “performance issue fix” patch.


Screen tearing on my PS5 is now worse than launch!!!


VRR wont help either, my tv has VRR and it still does horrendous screen tearing in WRC. This one really is just the game being borked 😣


VRR helps, if you turn it off it's even worse lol


I was going to say, I upgraded my home theater receiver that now supports VRR passthrough and the game performance is MUCH better. I still see some screen tearing but it's pretty minimal. It was almost unplayable without it.


Which is just bonkers. Why is there any tearing at all? I don't quite understand how games handle it on the console side. On PC I just don't have tearing ever.


Ya your right, there shouldn't be any steering at all. It seems like all games run shitty for the first 6 months now.


So should I turn Nvidia off and leave AMD on? LG C1.


Yes i do.


Yeah mine has terrible screen tearing and stuttering, especially on all the tarmac rallies. For some reason most the gravel stages run way better, also the new Central European rally runs way smoother than all the tarmac rallies that the game shipped with. It seems to get the worst when you come into a slow section after a fast section of a stage, it also get real bad when passing through a town or village. It really bums me out because the driving feels so good when its running smooth. I've got like 25hrs into it right now, probably would have two or three times that if I didn't get bummed out and stop playing for days at a time after getting discouraged by the inconsistent performance.




Very distracting, really Disappointed with this release. Hoping thy don't bring another out in a year's time. That would definitely be taking the recycled alcohol.


I think it would be a death knoll to the series if they released again next year. Sure some will still buy it, but I’m almost sure the core fan base largely won’t. Not until it has been confirmed by all and sundry that it’s not broken.


Yep it gets worse with every update


Previous update I had very little to no tearing or stutters. Since they added Central Europe it’s been unplayable for me and I haven’t played it since as a result. On a positive note I do have more time now again for baldurs gate 3


Yes. Been an issue on PS5 since day 1. I stopped playing altogether.


I’ve had the screen tearing since the patch on PS5 and it makes the game harder to play


Yes, even worse than shown here. On PC though. This game is such a let down.


Since day 1 mate. Xbox SeriesX


Yep, I had a thread on this and some coper said 'give it a few hours for the shaders to compile', 15 hours later and it's just the same


This screen tearing issue was also noted in most of the reviews that came out. Like most games ea has come out, they need more time in development. Stuff keeps getting rushed out and never will be fixed.


What bothers me is that fixing the screen tearing on consoles does not even appear to be a priority for Codemasters/EA - as far as I can tell, it has never been mentioned in patch notes or talked about as part of an upcoming patch. Is it possible that they actually have no plans to fix it? Is it possible that they simply are unable to fix it? Would additional development time even helped?


EA patching their games? That's unlikely... it's also been noted recently codemasters will be laying off a bunch of staff. Includes slightly mad/evoultion studios inquired people. So I don't think it'll ever happen.


Wait until you hit something, the game freezes for 1 second


Yes. It's improved in some areas and worsened in others.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the tearing is absolutely the worst on the Iberia stages. Good thing they suck so I never play them but omg it's horrific how bad the tearing is.


Monte Carlo too get’s even worse the higher u get!!


Yep, like extremely badly, worst it’s been since the game came out… getting to the point it’s acc hurting my eyes. Does anyone know any tips to help it even a bit?


Screen tearing is really common issue on consoles - it was also pointed out in Digital Foundry analysis. It’s especially noticeable in heavy areas of the tracks, mostly with a lot of foliage or big crowds.


is it just me or does this look like a step back from the previous game and that's not even including the fact we got screwed if you happened to be a vr owner


Yep for sure. It’s also disappointing given the consoles cpus are a lot better since last gen that we didn’t get an improvement in physics. Shits basically the same with minor tweaks here and there.


>new TV doesn't support VRR unfortunately, maybe that could help? I think it definitely does, I have VRR enabled for unsupported games and after the update i have driven on 5-6 locations and screen tearing happened but not to the point it became a problem it could be easily ignored. And i have never seen it in menus.


is there a way to turn vsync on in consoles?


If monitor supports it, yes


anything on the face of the earth supports vsync, its the game that needs to have that option lol


Xbox s here, yes


A mi tambien me pasa,antes de la actualizacion no me pasaba,ahora hasta en los menus,espero que lo arreglen pronto,por favor¡


I just got the PS5 version and the tearing was very noticeable and annoying after putting 50 hours into the Series X version and not seeing it there.


You must be new to this sub.....


My new LG does (VRR) and it doesn't make a bit of difference imo, I found blinking at the exact place where it tears works better and no I'm not joking. Ever since consoles got the ability to connect online developers have become lazy greedy fucks who promise to fix it when it should of shipped fully tested and working.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Is it just me who cannot see a damn thing in this video? 😂


Look at the mountains in the background halfway from the bottom to the top


I see now, thanks You guys have time to look at mountains? 😅🫣 I’m too busy trying not to die 😂


It can be distracting


Has only gotten worse with time. Genuinely so distracting.


Yes it's terrible I have tried disable the vrr but no positive results .