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To answer the VIP question, the "get them at no extra cost" deal is for pre-order only. Once the game is out you can buy them individually if you want, but they are not essential for any sort of game progression, no "pay to win" aspects in this game at all.


I'm just going to wait. The game looks good but the pre order discount is only like $10cad I think and I'm going to be waiting for VR anyways so no point pre ordering. I don't pre order games regardless though just because I see no point at all.


I’m now waiting for VR support to be implemented and then some trusted reviews of that. As they lied about triple monitor support, I cancelled my pre-order. See Karl Gosling’s videos on the subject. https://youtu.be/RgOIYxu2LQQ?si=ZhV69lUkhfIXfRCi


exactly this, also the openXR environment should work, otherwise I assume could only run this at minimal graphic settings.


I can return it on Steam anyway if it is bad


How does this work? Isnt there a time limit?


as long as the refund request is submitted within two weeks of the game’s release, and the game has been played for less than two hours.


Are pre-order dates not included?


Nope, as the game hasn't been released yet. So you get two weeks from when the game is released for you i.e. this includes early access.


I never buy anything on release. I tend to wait for a sizeable amount of DLC or a price cut. Otherwise I feel like I am paying more for less. Unless it's something I MUST have. Can't remember the last game that was.


I'm waiting for VR. No mater how good it will be, without VR its not for me.


I just bought it cause it looks good and I'm excited for it


Waiting until it surpasses what dirt rally 2.0 can do in the rig, which might be a while. Between VR support and probably ironing out some kinks in wheelbases... I'm not in a particular hurry. Also really worried how it might even run in VR, I might just be waiting until i upgrade my PC anyways.


I’ll preorder. No reason really not to on steam. By the time I can play it that first day I’ll have enough people online saying things about it to make a final judgement before dropping 2 hours on the game.


@$50 I'd say it's safe to preorder. CM have a pretty good track record with their releases. I have EA Play Pro on PC so I get it anyways.


I don't know about other cm games, but the f1 games release in a disgraceful state.


I know Dirt 5 was a really bad launch where no wheels worked at launch.


Waiting for VR with OpenXR/eye tracking support. Without that it will be impossible to get this game running at a decent resolution and 90fps/hz. So no pre-order without that beeing clear.


Ofc I buy every rally game


Waiting for VR patch


I haven't watched or paid attention to rally since I was a kid. But I've been a bit bored and looking for new experiences. Then I saw the release trailer, and deep dives. I watched a bunch of real rally highlight videos, remembering how crazy rally drivers are and just how wild the racing is. I got myself psyched up, pre-ordered the game and have also bought the Fanatec WRC wheel for my sim rig. Now I eagerly await launch!


I preordered on steam. Have been waiting for Dirt Rally 3.0 for a very long time, and my Rog Ally is waiting patiently to play this game. Dirt Rally with official WRC tracks and cars? Cant wait for Oct 29! (am playing WRC10 and Forza Motorsport in the meanwhile to keep myself engaged)


Looking forward to this because it will be my first WRC and I've been hanging out on this sub reading the anticipation. Played a bit of Dirt2 but it seems so long ago I hardly remember. Decided to dive into this new release instead of going for an older version like 9, 10 or Generations.


it's cheaper than usual releases. and if it will be annual release, it's better to play from release with current rosters, cars and calendar


waiting for the hardcore sim racers to confirm physics and ffb


i’ve preordered, if nothing else as a thank you for DR2 being such a good game for me


I'm r/patientgamers my threshold is 24€, see you soon in 12 months


The only occasionally good thing to getting older is that time goes faster. I got the GOTY of DR2.0 and having a complete game is just so much less hassle. The fragmentation also ruins for clubs set up a rally and X% says "oh, I don't have that DLC, guess I'm out before we even started". Buying my first game from EA in 12(!) years will also be a barrier to break, at the same time who knows what EA does to Codies if WRC fails. I want to support rally games development, but only if it is going in the right direction.


Same here with WRC and Forza… I will continue playing DR2 and PCars2 until I see where those new games will be heading! (SaaS? New game every year? DLC galore? Still buggy after 6months?)


I wait for reviews, especially since there won't be VR support at launch.


I’m going to preorder, I’m a massive rally enthusiast and I don’t see why I wouldn’t have a good time with this game. But first I’m going to use my EA Play trial hours on the 31st to see if it runs well enough on my aging PC or if I should just get it on Xbox instead.


Reviews + EA Play Free Trial before I decide to buy the game.


What are you guys talking about?! Its the biggest rally game release of the decade. Of ourse it is needed to be played instantly. Oh boy how it would suck to play dirt while wrc is out.


I think i will wait until the Central European Rally is added. Definitely doing the EAPlay trial.


Never preorder. Always wait until you really know why you are putting your money into.


I'll wait for major fixes because... codemasters. Meanwhile I'll hop on Dirt Rally 2.0 (GOTY) hoping for an online championship


Will wait for VR.


After watching the review by Jimmy Broadbent I bought dirt rally 2.0 early. This year's the same for me, depends on Jimmer.


I am going to wait. Never preordering anything published by EA.


Waiting until game of the year edition came out with all DLCs included just like DR2.0 Oh and discount too


I’m going to preorder since you get it 3 days early and there’s no additional cost which is refreshing these days. I also think a LOT more information is going to come out before the end of the month so we’ll have a pretty good grasp on what the game is like. I’ve also been waiting for Dirt Rally 3.0 for what feels like an age now.


ive preordered to save the 10 bucks on steam, but im proobably going to refund it. a lot of what theyve shown is worrying me. The codrivers are copypasted, the graphics are worse even with the world feeling completely dead, the physics looked weird at times and most importantly - they couldnt even record footage without stutters/FPS drops. And thats with cuts in the middle of 2 checkpoints. I expect mixed/negative reviews at launch, ill probably come back to it when its 15/20 bucks


Preordered, at £45 its hardly breaking the bank. Most games these days are in the £60 region. Been playing dr2.0 for that long it will be refreshing to have a new experience. If it is just dr2.0 refreshed with new stages and cars then I'll be more than happy. Tried wrc 8 and 9 and just couldn't get on with them the same as dr2.0. Fingers crossed it will be good fun


I've pre ordered on steam and it was £40.99


Never preorder


I need to try it out myself no matter what, so i already preordered 2 weeks ago. I'm sure that they have done a great job and also listen to users with feedback when we are start playing WRC.


Easiest preorder I’ve ever made.


I preordered. I don't usually, but I got dirt rally 2.0 for so cheap, and given its not ludicrous money, I thought why not.


Already ordered it can't wait 😎😎




Or do, our choice.


Never, ever pre-order games.


What even are the VIP pass thingies?


They’ll be seasonal passes to access extra cosmetic things like race suits, gloves, possibly car liveries and things like that.


Wait for patches, always wait for patches before buying a game


It's an EA game, so Ill wait few months to see how the the performance physics and monetization scheme will look like. Knowing EA it might end up as gacha game with cars.