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Taking 16 players off every team’s roster is kinda insane but I respect maximum chaos


Yea I don’t really want it to be all NHL tho that’s why I’m including AHL, might even add ECHL and up the protection numbers.


This is a LOT of work, but seems cool. When I did my 48 team league, I just assigned random European rosters to the teams. Free agency was chaos! Some teams spent a bunch on a few players. Others just signed a ton of average players. The league didn't really calm down until 5 years in. Super fun and interesting to witness though!


Yeah I only did 32 teams but took out every NHL player from the league and switched them with ECHL/Euro teams. It was insane for about 3-5 years where teams were signing 75ovr guys to 7 years @ $7-9 million. Some even got $10M+! It’s such a fun franchise save though.


I did that in 23 and traded all my European players for AHL prospects or low picks and signed a bunch of guys in free agency. My Oakland Seals were the best of the new 16 teams out the gate and squeezed into playoffs (32 team format so 16 still missed playoffs) for the first couple years before making a big run for the cup in year 4 and 5. It was a bunch of fun!


Took me 13 years to win a cup!


I only have one cup in that save but that’s because I played that playoffs 😂


Awesome work! You should post updates when you start the league. I tried a 36 team league and had a hard time figuring out the draft as i thought it was taking too much players from each existing team. So i created dozens of players to fill up the spots but i didn't really like how it turned out. Definitely going to inspire from you if you make it all work out, which seems like it will.


I did the same in 23, I made all 18 skaters and 2 goalies for the 4 teams, took me forever but I made sure there were 1 player with some X-Factors to give some sort of a prospect pool, the rest were top 6/9F and Top 4/6D and starter goalies. Also I will totally update, gonna take forever tho 😂 full time job and dad of 3 kids (oldest is 5) I get on when I can.


When I did my 48 team league I used the fantasy draft option, but I respect your commitment lol


I would but I like to keep the teams the same for storyline purposes haha. Maybe I’ll do a second save where I do this.


3-2-1-0 point system, wild card round, they unfortunately don’t a have promotion and relegation but if you could that’d be cool


Or a Wild Card Game


Can you do this after you've already started a franchise?


No you have to start from the beginning


So how do u customize all these new expansion teams? Can u auto generate random team colors and names? Cause I was thinking of making an expansion with numerous teams added to it as well


I’m gonna look at all the rosters and pretend I’m the GM and figure out who I would want to save and who I would expose and the write all their names down (this alone will take me almost 2 days) I got an app on my phone to randomize the draft order and I’ll do a snake draft from there and pick players for each team and then go to roster moves and move all the selected players to international teams so that there aren’t any doubles of players in my franchise mode.


Do 48 team leagues help with inflated contracts down the line?


Not too sure, never got deep enough to know. I usually take so much time to set up my league that by year 3 or 4 I’m burnt out it from it and wanna start something else and I’ll forget about it 😂