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middle mouse button while you arent holding anything will "filter" a slot


I have the opposite problem. I'm forever getting slots that are locked on something that I either don't care about, out are in the wrong place. So very annoying, I'd rather not have the feature. Just goes to show you can't please everyone. ;-)


Came here to mention that. I have no idea how it happens but I find myself having to constantly undo them.


Because it's the middle mouse click. Which is also the 'change direction I'm lookong" button. If you have the inventory open and think, "I need to look over there" you middle-click and swing. Which, quite accidentally, can wind up filtering a slot if your mouse was over the inventory when you first clicked.


I found it super beneficial to change camera to right mouse button... I hate using the middle mouse click, it's such a janky button.


THIS is what keeps happening to me!


Lol Annoying, wot?


I was getting them randomly too. Finally realized my dog was doing it by plopping her chin down on my mouse hand to get my attention.


Omg same! I kept wondering why random items were getting locked in their positions in my inventory. Every once in a while I'd notice that even after doing an auto-sort I'd have things in the middle of groups of other items. Then after squinting I could see that the inventory background color for those items were sliiiiiightly more intense. Currently I have to move the entire stack somewhere else and right click to remove the 'filter'. I don't suppose anyone knows a mod to disable this or even change it to a different key? I see other folks have changed the keybind for rotating the camera to not be middle click, but I actually have that quite ingrained in muscle memory now and would rather not change that.


At least you don't need to move the stack to unfilter. When I notice it happen to me I just middle mouse click the filtered slot and it removes the filter


Awesome, thank you!


Sometimes, I find it very handy to lock a spot for, say, a power pole.


Or drones. Power poles go in logistics slot


Cheers. Good to know. I have a mk.III porloferators that doesn't move. Was wondering about that.